Sam Sen

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    • Day 358

      It has been a busy week in Bangkok

      December 24, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      It has been a busy week of Christmas celebrations here, so getting caught up. Over 40 kms of trail this week.

      Bangkok Monday H3 #2086
      Bangkok Harriettes #2141
      Bangkok Thursday H3 #427
      Bangkok H3 #2386
      Siam Sunday H3 #597

      All fun city trails, with about half of it in the dark. We had all sorts of treats; cookies, candy, a boat ride, and more. Always fun here in Bangkok.
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    • Day 18

      Koh Chang

      November 27, 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nach Tagen des Faulenzenz zwischen Strand, Massagen und Hotelbar haben wir in einem der offenen Taxis einen Ausflug quer über die Insel gemacht. Erste Station war ein kleiner Tempel am Wegrand, wo uns ein Tempelwächter erklärt hat, wo man wieviele Räucherstäbchen und Blumen verteilen muss, um die Götter bei Laune zu halten.Read more

    • Day 129

      Bangkok with a New Attitude

      January 19, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Bangkok! When I visited in April 2017, I disliked this city intensely, but these past two weeks have been wonderful! Such a change took place in my attitude because of my location in the Dusit District—a laid-back, luxurious, friendly, open, and welcoming place. I didn’t really see the “luxurious,” knowing that the stately homes were behind those high gates and walls. But the streets! If you pinch out the map, and examine the main road in front of the tiny lane where my apartment was located, imagine it thick with food stalls, chatty and genial people managing them, dogs, cats, and absolutely delicious smells in the air. It goes on for a kilometer—almost to the Chao Praya River, where my Express Ferry stopped at the Payap Pier. This was my stomping ground.

      My Airbnb apartment was huge and comfortable. Here is a link for a “tour” in Thai with English subtitles!

      In the photo section is a video of my fruit seller in action with a very sharp knife—I was so fearful she’d cut off her fingers, and we’d have to collect them from the sidewalk! Anyway, please see the photos and captions for more information about lovely “Khet Dusit.” My Bangkok excursions will be in the next footprint.
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    • Day 139

      Visiting Bangkok "Dorée Style"

      January 29, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I am so busy LIVING in each place I visit, that sometimes I forget what a driven traveler I used to be—how seeing as many important places as possible was. Now I am so much more relaxed. I did have two purposes in visiting Bangkok, though: 1) to see the locations of two celebrated works of Thai fiction I read (translated into English, of course) and 2) to practice my Thai in the heart of the “Central Dialect,” chosen to be standard Thai for the entire country. (There are four main dialects in the country.)

      The first novel which inspired me, “Letters from Bangkok,” by Botan (a woman) told the story of a Chinese immigrant to Thailand in the years 1900-1965, through his letters home to his mother in China. It tells how the Chinese learned to be the worker bees in their new country, married Thais, and assimilated. I’m sure the exact same story might be only slightly updated to be true today. Botan, pen name of Suba Sirisingh, is still alive today, writing, and has published more than sixty novels!

      So my first pilgrimage was to the Chinatown described in her book, a crowded, messy, stubbornly-not-to-be-gentrified part of central Bangkok. I was so overwhelmed by the busyness, the crowded narrow streets and the endless food stands, that I took not a single picture. Just go there!

      The second work was an amazing novel called “Four Reigns,” by Kukrit Pramoj. It takes its heroine through four kings of Thailand, up to the modern era, describing her life first in the Royal Court, and then in a nearby Bangkok neighborhood. Mr. Pramoj was also a politician, journalist, actor, and polymath regarding traditional Thai arts. So, I had to visit his house, which has been made a special landmark in Bangkok. It consists of five separate wooden buildings in Thai style, and are beautifully laid out. To my great surprise and intense pleasure, his younger brother actually emerged from a room, and we had a very nice conversation. He is very old indeed, but spoke perfect American English, his first language. He told me about his brother’s contact with a relative who worked in the Royal Palace, and how he was able to extricate many details of court life from her. For more information about Kukrit Pramoj, read here:

      Another excursion was to see the Museum of the Royal Barges. These elegant long-tail boats are being readied for the coronation of the new King of Thailand some time in February? March? No one seems to know. The restorers were hard at work, and I interviewed one of them. She unfortunately had great difficulty in understanding my Thai (my teacher later explained why it was unintelligible to her) but I persevered anyway. Here is a link to this 2-minute video:…

      I also met up with Kittichai (in charge of technical support for my Add1Challenge) and his lovely girlfriend for dinner at Terminal 21, a huge shopping mall near the Skytrain station of Siam. We ate sukiyaki, and they generously allowed me to stumble around in Thai for a few hours.

      Otherwise, I just walked around and had a good look at the city—sabai-sabai—so relaxed!
      Enjoy the photos...
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    • Day 2

      Smer Bangkok

      January 27, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Posledný let do Bangkoku potvrdil, že Oman Air je spoločnosť, ktorá s pompéznosťou na začiatku letu dodá jedálny lístok s ponukou 3-och hlavných jedál, aby aj pri prvom aj druhom lete mohli zahlásiť, že to, čo chceme nemajú.
      V každom prípade ananásovo-mangový koláčik posypaný pistáciou s tenkými linkami čokolády bol prekvapivým a osviežujúcim dezertom (viď. foto).

      Navyše tu s Ňaňom v kuse riešime, že nám svojvoľne pomenili sedadlá a tak pred každým letom stojíme pri pultíku a vysvetľujeme, že musíme sedieť spolu. Celkovo trošku rozporuplná letecká spoločnosť...

      Bangkok už tradične privítame veľkou návštevou WCka. Teda Tomčo každý let práska do seba, aby to hneď na nasledujúcom letisku zanechal a Bangkok nie je výnimkou.

      V túto chvíľu sme všetci úspešne vstúpili do Thajského kráľovstva a na počudovanie nám cez pol sveta došli aj všetky kufríky.

      Naša krkolomno-únavná cesta do cieľa však stále pokračuje...

      P.s. na poslednej fotke vypisovanie imigračných formulárov, kým Ňaňo okupuje jediné wecko...
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    • Day 2


      August 3, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Hüt hani de ganz namitag für mich eleige in Bangkok gha. Wo ich us mim Hotel use bin han ich en nöd so schöne ihblick becho fu dere Stadt darum bin ich zimli gli mol wieder is Hotel und dete an Pool. Jetzt warti nur no uf mini Reisegruppe wo ich am 6i Triffe.Read more

    • Day 3


      August 4, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Der erste abend mit der Gruppe verlif supper. Ich habe eine supper Gruppe aber nur 4 davon machen die ganze Reise. In meiner jetztiger Gruppe sind 5 Schwizer und diese bleiben für die nechsten 14 Tage. Wir gingen zusammen Abendesse und für die die wollten noch in den Ausgang. Es Wahr sehr erstanlich.Read more

    • Day 3


      September 6, 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Die Stadt der Gegensätze ☀️🌧
      Prunkvolle, goldene Tempel ragen zwischen zusamenfallenenden Holzhütten empor, während die Sonne scheint. Und abends, bei einem Spaziergang zwischen den futuristischen Hochhäusern neben denen scheinbar hungrige Kinder um Geld bitten, fängt es an zu schütten als ginge die Welt unter..
      Faszinierend, verrückt und wunderschön 🌃🌇
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    • Day 6

      China Town

      July 9, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Vom Hostel los gelaufen bis zum großen Palast, von da ins Wassertaxi nach China Town, dort Ewigkeiten über die Hauptgasse gelaufen, danach von nem Stand gemixten Kram gegessen, den ich nicht komplett identifizieren konnte, mit dem Wassertaxi wieder in die Gegenrichtung und nen Stopp zu weit gefahren.Read more

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    Sam Sen, สามเสน

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