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    • Dag 14

      Overnight Bus

      6. oktober 2023, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Given that we were nursing a stiff hangover and it would be the last day with everyone together, not much really happened. In fact, nothing happened, and the photos reflect it. We played cards for honestly about 3 hours before going for an early dinner and a wander around town. To get us through the bus trip, our tour guide once again rolled a J for some of us, and we enjoyed that before getting on the bus. I made sure to get on early, to sit next to Annie and Sarah, while also securing a single seat and allowing myself some space to sleep. The only way I was going to make it through the trip was by popping a phenergen and hope that it knocked me out. I waited as long as I could to take it to see if I could fall asleep on my own. The answer was that I couldn't. By 11, I decided it was time, and it knocked me out cold. I barely woke up until our 3a.m, 30 minute stop. When we stopped here, we all boarded the bus to get back on the road, but the bus was broken down. We sat around for another 15 minutes or so before Shef took me and a few others out again for another J to survive the final part of the journey. While we were out there, we saw the bus starting to move, and a bit of panic ensued. In the end, it was just people trying to push start the bus. Although it was funny to hear about Sarah panicking inside the bus, thinking a bunch of us were about to be left behind. We eventually had to help them push start the bus and we seemed to make the difference as when we joined the bus got going and was able to finish the journey, with me sleeping most of the way home.Les mer

    • Dag 13

      Birthdays and Hikes

      5. oktober 2023, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We strategically had a pretty chilled night yesterday, given we had a busy day yesterday and were due a big night tonight. We started our day by sleeping in a bit and heading to the Goreme valley to begin a small hike. This wasn't a particularly difficult hike, but it was amazing as you strolled through the valley, passing some ancient buildings simply carved into the rock. You would be walking, and suddenly there is a huge structure, hidden in the walls of the valley, that you can walk all the way through.

      The most amazing part of this tour is the access that you can get to some incredibly ancient buildings. Instead of being blocked off, the Turkish government allows for unrestricted access. Meaning that despite having to climb multiple stories high with nothing but some small foot indentations stopping you from falling to your death, they just say, "Go ahead." I think it's great, but it is something that would not happen in Australia. The landscape was incredible, and I've never quite seen anything like it. Not only do these spires of rock erupt out of the alley, eventually creating a canyon, but these spires have also been used for thousands of years to accommodate people and their businesses. It is truly a hard thing to fathom, and it placed Capaddocia close to the top of my list in terms of surprises on my trip. I did not expect the diversity of the site that I got. Highly recommend.

      After this, however, there was little else planned, and so we simply began playing cards. Some got the Turkish bath experience or went on additional walks, but I felt like it would be good to spend it with Annie on her birthday. As such, we had some beers and chilled before heading to dinner. After dinner, the drinking really began, but so did the chaos. We had multiple bottles of wine, and played fuck the bus, a truly vicious and ruthless game that can get you incredibly drunk if luck is not on your side. But at the same time, with the gods smiling down on you, you may escape scot-free, only worsening the effect for the person who follows you. Sarah got very stuck on the bus and went through a whole deck of cards, before we allowed her to retire for the round. After this, it is safe to say that we were very drunk. We then tried to organise people to go to a rooftop bar, but Sarah and I realised that Annie had disappeared. By the time we found her, she was hiding from a very strange and very forward receptionist who was making moves on her and sending some very strange messages to her on instagram. As such, we hid for a while before we realised everyone had gone to bed. In the end, we decided we had to leave, so the Englishmen and I made sure to block her from view as we evacuated the building. We wandered the streets for quite a while, playing with a friendly stray dog and just chatting. Eventually, though, the single stray dog became about 15, and the girls started to freak out a bit, and we went home to retire for the night. Sarah and I stayed up a bit longer chatting and so didn't get to bed until about 4 am. Other than checking out, we had nothing else to do tomorrow, and I planned to make the most of it.
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    • Dag 39

      Quick Side Quest

      18. august 2023, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      On a whim and the advice of friends, I decided to fill some time with a quick jaunt to a nearby town called Avanos.

      I'm so glad I did!

      This place is beautiful, modern, alive in the present and surely a much better example of real Turkey than is the hyper-touristy town of Göreme.

      I enjoyed strolling through a supermarket, soaking my toes in the river (that has a beautiful promenade along each bank), catching a sunset view, and seeing people dressed up for Friday Night.

      All in all, a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours. I wish I felt confident in my belly's ability to eat a good meal. It looks like the food here is tasty and the menu prices are much more reasonable than in Göreme.


      I'm on the wrong bus!
      This is not great news, but not a disaster. I think I know where we are going and am confident I can grab a taxi from there to where I need to be. This'll teach me to pay closer attention while awaiting public transit... in my defense, I didnask the guy waiting next to me if this is the way to Göreme and he said yes. Then when the bus arrives the driver barely atopped and started driving while I was boarding, so I didn't have lot of time to ask questions!

      Update 2!

      I disembarked the wrong bus in a place that looked busy. Ended up charring with Cesar, from Paris about life and travel and plans and disillusion... He is facing some tough decisions and I did my best to lead him towards ways to find the answers instead of telling what I think he should do. Nice guy.

      I also chatted with a local who confirmed that we had the correct stop. Phew!

      A bit later, another local told me that while we had the right stop, we had missed the last bus. Not great.

      But! Ills (spelling?) then told me he needed to go to Göreme as well. We split a cab (crazy diver!) and got back to town without further issues. Phew!

      Cesar caught his bus too.
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    • Dag 8

      Neuer Tag neues Abenteuer

      3. oktober 2022, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem ich mich etwas mit dem Auto in den umliegenden Orten umgeschaut hatte sollte es am Nachmittag auf eine kleine Wandertour durch das angrenzende "Pigeon Valley" gehen. Den Tipp hatte ich von den Nachbarn aus Stuttgart erhalten die mittlerweile abgereist waren. Hier waren tatsächlich kaum Touristen unterwegs sodass es eine sehr angenehme Wanderung werden sollte. Mein Bein spielte gut mit und ich konnte die ganze Runde von etwas über 8km machen. Wieder in der Unterkunft angekommen hieß es dann recht zügig startklar machen für die Quadtour in den Sonnenuntergang am Abend. Hierfür sollte ich gegen 16Uhr abgeholt werden. Nahezu auf die Minute pünktlich stand dann auch der Kleinbus vor der Tür. Ohne große Umwege, alle Gäste wurden an zwei Stops eingeladen, ging es dann Richtung Basislager des Veranstalters. Hier gibt es mittlerweile gefühlt hunderte davon. Nach einem kleinen Stau in einer der engen Gassen, das passiert wohl wenn alle ihre Kunden zur gleichen Zeit abholen, waren wir doch recht schnell da. Mit Helm ausgerüstet sollte es dann auch ohne große Einweisung losgehen, Gas ist hier, Bremse ist da... Und los ging es. Die Guides waren super nett und lustig drauf. Die Tour selbst war für mich aber eher eim riesen Reinfall. Aus 2h Fahrt wurden nur 60min da dreimal Pause gemacht wurde. Bestimmte Mitfahrer aus der Gruppe waren auch nicht in der Lage die Uhrzeit zu lesen so das aus den 10/ 15min Stopps deutlich mehr wurde. Teilweise saß die komplette Gruppe schon wieder auf den Maschinen und zwei ließen auf sich warten. Selbst als die mit lauten Pfeifen darauf aufmerksam gemacht wurden das es weiter geht schlenderten sie in aller Ruhe zurück und ließen keine Möglichkeit aus noch ein Foto zu machen. Maximal unverschämt. Am letzte Stop sollte dann der Sonnenuntergang beobachtet werden können. An sich ein schöner Ort, nur fahren den alle Tourveranstalter zu gleiche Zeit an sodass sich dort schnell hunderte Leute tummelten. Auch die Strecke welche wir zwischen den Pausen zurück gelegt haben war eher unspektakulär, die hätte man auch mit einem E- Scooter fahren könnten. Enttäuscht ging es also zurück in die Unterkunft wo die dringend benötige Dusche wartet. Anschließend noch schnell in den Ort um was zu Abend zu essen und wieder zurück in die Unterkunft. Im Garten hatte sich der Betreiber mit einem seiner Mitarbeiter und einer Gästin nieder gelassen. Ich gesellte mich dazu und fand schnell heraus das benannte Gästin eine junge Frau aus Japan war. Bei einigen Wein und Bier hatte wir noch ein sehr nettes Gespräch und verabredeten uns schließlich für den nächsten Morgen um 6Uhr auf der Dachterrasse um die berühmten Heißluftballons zu beobachten.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Pasabag Valley

      9. oktober 2022, Tyrkia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Als nächstes ging es ins Pasabag Valley. Denn um das Jahr 1000 kamen Christen nach Kappadokien. Diese bauten Köster ⛪in die pyramidenförmigen Felsen 🪨. Diese kann man noch Heute besichtigen. Im Pasabag Valley, dass übersetzt Mönchstal heisst, befindet sich das kleinste Kloster der Region. Hier sieht man auch die "Fairy Chimneys". Diese pilzförmigen Steinsäulen 🍄 entstehen durch Erosion mit verschiedenen Steinarten.Les mer

    • Dag 13

      Mein erster Hamam Besuch

      11. mai, Tyrkia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Endlich habe ich mich getraut und mein erster Hamam Besuch.
      Zuerst kurz in die Sauna, danach Peeling, Massage und zum Schluss das Schaumbad.
      War nicht mein letzter Hamam Besuch 😃

    • Dag 23


      24. juli 2022, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Unglaublicher Ort, immer wieder faszinierend

    • Dag 7


      2. juni 2022, Tyrkia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Beautiful shop. Tried my hand at pottery making. Unbelievable products - pricey though!

      This is family run business. Bargain before buying.

    • Dag 8

      Traditinal Turkish pottery

      21. april 2022, Tyrkia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Pottery in Turkey is an important part of the culture and making pottery dates back to about 10,000 years ago to when the people in Turkey used pottery to start making useful things such as better and stronger vessels to store water and better and stronger pots which is still used today in certain cooking methods. One of the most popular methods is to use a clay pot with a lid filled with food to cook being placed over a fire and when the food is ready the lid be popped or smashed off to pour the stew.

      Today my Mom, Adelia, and I were kindly driven to the pottery workshop recommended by the hotel manager who drove us on his way to his house. Adelia and I were given a chance to shape some clay on their pottery wheel after a demonstration by one of the family apprentices. Then we were led to the basement to see all the masterpieces made by the pottery masters in the family. We saw 2 people painting the designs and a lot of beautiful pottery. Some of the pottery was glow in the dark. It was definitely worth checking out and we got some good pottery, including one beautiful piece by an artist we met!
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