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Allerdale District

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Allerdale District
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    • Día 25

      A Day of Scrambling

      21 de mayo de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The day started earlier than planned, with the fire alarms in the hotel going off at precisely 3am.

      Whenever we stay anywhere, the very first thing Loss does is check out the nearest fire escape and she ensures I acknowledge it also. With the Derwentwater Hotel being an older establishment, she even commented on the higher likelihood of a fire occurring in such a building as we entered it last night.

      We leaped out of bed and got ready to leave. While I stumbled around to collect a few essentials like passports, phones and IPads, Loss used these few moments for a very quick go with the hairstyler and comb (because it’s important not to look too dishevelled in the middle of a fire emergency) and just as we were opening the door to exit, the shrill noise stopped. A false alarm. As I tried to get back to sleep, the thought crossed my mind that this was our first ‘scrambling’ of the day because we were also booked to go ‘scrambling’ in the Lake District later this morning.

      When eventually we woke again at a more civilised time, Loss enquired as to what the plans were for today.
      “Memorial meeting streaming, then I thought we might try to immerse ourselves more thoroughly in the Lake District”.
      She thought this sounded ideal.

      I believed my description of the plans for today was accurate, but I had failed to show her the booking details which said we would be ‘working our way up or down a pristine mountain stream with natural rock slides, jumps into plunge pools and scrambling’. I thought it best not to overload her with too much information in one hit after last night’s truncated sleep.
      After a slight pause, I added “Probably best not to wear your pearls or your high heeled shoes today either.”

      After our streamed meeting, we got ready and headed 10 minutes out of town to the designated spot next to Stoneycroft ‘Ghyll’ (a local word for a ravine or canyon) and met Chris who was our guide and instructor for our adventure. I had been keen to ensure we had a place available for us today when working out the itinerary, so I had booked and prepaid it months ago.
      “So how many others will be in our group today, Chris?” I asked.
      “No one else - just the two of you”. Magic.
      As the wetsuits and safety gear emerged from Chris’ truck, Loss was looking for an escape route. A coffee shop? A Keswick branch of Harrods? - but there were none to be seen.
      While we got into the thickest wetsuits I’ve ever seen, I thanked him for running the activity as many tour operators would probably cancel out with so few takers.

      It was clear we were certainly going to literally get immersed in the canyon today and I enquired what the expected water temperature would be?
      “A few degrees - it’s usually about 5 or there abouts” 😳

      Once we’d donned the bib-and-brace wetsuits, jackets, thermal booties and helmets we thought we were all done. But then there were shorts and a rash-shirt to put on over the top.
      “What are these for, Chris?”
      “Ah, the shorts and tops make you slide faster down the rock chutes”. Loss would have run for safety at this time, but the thick, stiff wetsuits only permitted ‘Tin-Man’ like movements.

      Once we were all suited up, we made the 20 minute uphill trek to our starting point on the Ghyll. By this stage we were getting wet - not from the Ghyll, but from perspiration inside our arctic-rated wetsuits.

      A short descent from the track and we stepped into the water. Chris got us to take a plunge in this first pool to acclimatise us. It was surprisingly pleasant, but with 10mm of wetsuit on, we had so much buoyancy we felt like we were bobbing around in the Dead Sea. You only really noticed the very cold water temperature when you held your hands under for more than a few seconds.

      So off we went. Chris was a great guide - very professional with just the right mix of caution and adventurous spirit.
      We spent a very enjoyable 1 1/2 hours working our way down the canyon and it delivered everything they had promised, with the jumps and slides into various pools being the most exciting.

      Many people only book this first section of the Ghyll, but I had chosen the add-on abseiling section as well (which I also ‘forgot’ to tell Loss about). This entailed using ropes and climbing harnesses to abseil down waterfalls on slippery rock faces which were another level up from what we had just done.
      Loss had never abseiled before and I had only ever done it once before many years ago, so after some instruction and practice on level ground it was back into the water for our first drop. Chris stayed at the top and had us clipped in on a safety line.
      Loss negotiated this first drop really well and I followed after her. When I got about half way down I lost my footing and found myself inverted. I eased myself down headfirst the rest of the way into the pool below, much to the amusement of Chris and Loss.

      We did a total of 4 abseiling drops with some slides and jumps thrown into the mix. Eventually Stoneycroft Ghyll released us back to a climb-out section on its banks and we made our way back to the cars. The whole experienced was about 3 hours.

      By now it was mid afternoon and we felt we had earned ourselves a decent lunch so we found a little cafe near to the hotel and enjoyed a late, leisurely lunch in the afternoon sunshine. Fortunately we didn’t have any ‘wounds to lick’, (but we might be a bit stiffer in the morning than we planned especially in our arms) but spotted a family nearby with a dog who was enjoying a lick - of her ‘puppy ice-cream’. (As it turns out, the family are emigrating to Melbourne in a few weeks’ time.) I’ve included a short video of ‘Mabel’ for the kids.
      So it seems the Brit’s love affair with ice-cream extends to their K9 companions also. Google tells me its available in Australia, but we’ve never seen it.

      Tomorrow, GW, we are ‘scrambling’ for Scotland.
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    • Día 11

      Catbells and Friar's Crag hikes

      7 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      Gorgeous hikes around Lake Derwentwater! I'll admit hiking up Catbells was pretty challenging, though, with a lot of steep rock scrambling. But I successfully did not fall off the fell! You can see the fell behind the two people's heads in the photo (taken from the ferry). The ridge right along the very top following both rises is Catbells. The pic of me is with the summit marker.Leer más

    • Día 16

      Castelrigg Stone Circle

      12 de septiembre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      So sind wir dann um 15 Uhr auf unserem anvisierten Campingplatz. Nun geht es sofort zu Fuss zu unserem lieblings Steinkreis in England. Er ist mystisch, eingebettet in einer Berglandschaft, alleine auf einer Wiese mit weidenden Schafen. Vielleicht gefällt er uns auch einfach nur, weil es unser erster Steinkreis war, den wir je zu Gesicht bekommen haben.

      Vom Camping aus wandern wir bei immer schönerem Wetter rund eine halbe Stunde zum Castelrigg Stone Circle. Heute und um diese Zeit sind wir nicht die einzigen, aber es ist egal, er ist noch genau so schön wie beim ersten Mal.
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    • Día 16

      Castlerigg Farm

      12 de septiembre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Während dem Nachtessen scheint uns die Sonne ins Gesicht und wir erleben in den Bergen einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang.
      Wir holen sofort die Fahrräder aus der Garage und rasen die 3km zum Steinkreis. Diese Stimmung wollen wir doch noch auf die Fotos bannen. Aber wir kommen etwas zu spät, dafür teilen wir die ganze Gegend nur noch mit ein paar Schafen.

      Es war die richtige Entscheidung, was wir heute alles gemacht haben. Ein weiterer super schöner Tag geht zu Ende.
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    • Día 4

      Biketour Keswick

      10 de julio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute ging es endlich aufs Bike! Wetter Konditionen immer noch Top. ☀️ . . . jedoch mussten wir das Bike mehr tragen als fahren, da wir hauptsächlich Wanderwege vorgefunden haben anstelle von Biketrails. Nächstes Mal klappt es hoffentlich besser mit dem fahren 😊

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    • Día 3

      Welcome to Castlerigg Hall

      9 de julio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Endlich angekommen in Keswick, Lake District Nationalpark. Unser super schönes zu Hause für die nächsten 4 Tage. Das Wetter ist immer noch BOMBASTISCH! ....ganz untypisch, drückt uns die Daumen das es so bleibt! 🙂

      Wir freuen uns nun auf Biken und Wandern!


      PS: Niabi ist Hundemüde! Gut kann sie sich nun einwenig ausruhen.
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    • Día 5

      Goodbye Keswick

      11 de julio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nach einem schönen Tag in der Stadt Keswick und am See Derwentwater geht unser Aufenthalt hier zu ende. Morgen reisen wir ab mit grosser Vorfreude nach Schottland.

      --> Erster Stop Edinburgh.

      Cheers 🤙
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    • Día 8

      Castlerigg Stone Circle

      12 de junio, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      Castlerigg was built in the Neolithic period, roughly 4500 years ago, making it one of the oldest stone circles in Britain. It's also one of the most picturesque, as it overlooks the Thirlmere Valley with the mountains of High Seat and Helvellyn in the background. There are various theories as to why Castlerigg was constructed, but nobody knows for certain. It was mostly likely a site to mark and celebrate the winter solstice.Leer más

    • Día 21

      Liverpool - Grasmere - Glasgow

      16 de agosto de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      First up this morning we went to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. Clarke enjoyed this experience and spent lots of money. Lol

      Liverpool is a lovely city and we enjoyed looking around.

      We left Liverpool and headed for Grasmere for lunch then onto Gretna Green for a quick afternoon tea. Then we travelled another two hours to reach Glasgow. Big day today - left Liverpool at 10am and arrived Glasgow at 6pm - that’s including breaks.

      Had a quick walk up the street in Glasgow. It’s a very busy city but nice.

      Some photos from today.
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    • Día 36

      SIM-Karten Desaster

      21 de septiembre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Heute früh ging's weiter. Nachdem wir die letzten drei Tage ordentlich von den Meereswinden durchgepusten wurden, wird es Zeit wieder ein paar Kilometer zurück zu legen.

      Schade ist's schon. Gestern am Spätnachmittag sind wir mit zwei neuen Nachbarn überrascht worden. Zwei wirklich sehr sehr nette Menschen. Man merkt einfach wenn's passt🤗

      Nachdem die beiden (+ 🐶) aus Passau kommen, konnten wir wirklich alles verstehen

      (ist in Schottland nicht immer so. Dialekt im Englischen, mit Gälisch vermischt, hinterlässt manchmal ein ❓🤣).

      Wir hätten uns sicherlich noch gut miteinander unterhalten.
      Aber man sieht sich ja manchmal auch ein zweites mal im Leben (wir wünschen euch eine tolle Reise mit vielen Eindrücken und schönen Begegnungen 🙂).

      Auf dem Weg zu unserem heutigen Stellplatz, den Ingrid wieder genial gefunden hat, mussten wir noch unser Internetguthaben aufstocken.

      Karte gekauft u. angemeldet🫣. Denkste!

      Ich habe eine 3/4 Std genervt herumgedoktert und konnte das Guthaben nicht aktivieren.

      Hätte ich gleich auf meine Frau gehört wären wir deutlich schneller gewesen.
      Rein in den Laden, die Verkäuferin gefragt, Check ✔️

      Die Dame hat das ganze in 2 Minuten für uns erledigt.

      Männer halt, immer erst rumprobieren und dann entnervt aufgeben.
      Mann sollte doch öfter mal auf die Frau hören.
      Spart Zeit und Nerven (in dieser Situation auf jeden Fall😉)

      Jetzt stehen wir am Rande des Lake District National Park auf einer Anhöhe und können einen herrlichen Weitblick genieße. Die meisten Nachbarn sind Schafe 🐑.

      Das englische Pärchen hinter uns nicht!
      Die beiden haben uns mit Tipps für unsere weitere Reise an der Westküste versorgt.
      Dann haben sich die beiden in ihr Womo zurückgezogen und uns alles noch einmal aufgeschrieben.

      Ist das nicht lieb !

      Wie schön, dass es noch soviel tolle Menschen gibt.

      Heute war ein schöner Tag. Trotz SIM-Karten Desaster 🤣
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