United Kingdom
British Museum

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    • Day 10

      British Museum

      October 8 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The British Museum was up there with the list of things to go and see in London so that was where I headed today. There was quite a nice park to walk through once you left the subway. The pigeons were enjoying bathing in a fountain in the middle. I had bought myself some strawberries with chocolate thinking I couldn’t go wrong but the chocolate went hard within minutes and then you couldn’t really taste it - not quite the fondue experience I was after!

      The museum was huge and it was quite a splendid looking building. You had to go through security and have your bag checked on the way in so quite official. I was worried I wouldn’t get my snacks through as I saw a sign saying something about picking up confiscated items and food but either they didn’t notice it in my bag or didn’t care. I was a bit lost as to where to go once inside as it was so big and I didn’t have anything specific I was there for - other than the Magna Carta which I’d promised Heidi a pic of. So I wandered into the centre circle and into an amazing looking reading room. It was built in what used to be the courtyard of the museum. There was a 20 minute tour of it so I hung around for that. Apparently the dome roof is bigger than that of St Paul’s Cathedral! The bookshelves lining the walls were impressive. And it was used as a reading room by people such as Beatrix Potter, Lenin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Karl Marx etc. It was quite a pleasant place to be especially in winter where it was often warmer than their houses.

      I just wandered around the rest of the museum looking at things of interest. I found the Rosetta Stone and it was crowded as much as the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Although at least this was bigger!

      I’m very sorry Heidi but they didn’t have the Magna Carta here - it’s at the British Library 🙄 apparently they used to have it but all their old manuscripts, documents etc are now housed at the British Library.

      I headed back to the metro, stopping for lunch before jumping on the subway back home. I may have had a snooze at home 😁 and then Eli and I went out for dinner at Covent Garden since it was our last night in London. Off to Wales tomorrow!
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    • Day 26

      British Museum

      August 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Today we attempted to see Stuff the British Stole. It wasn't a huge success.

      Ian was feeling off. He keeps doing RATs and today he was feeling a bit dizzy. We caught the tube again, only 2 stops + 2 stops. We swapped lines at Liverpool Street station which is 34m underground and felt like we were descending into the bowels of the earth. The new Elizabeth line opened in 2022 and is an engineering marvel, but a bit disconcerting for the claustrophobic.

      When we got into the Museum, we were once again swamped by a ridiculous number of people. The noise was overwhelming - we should have used Jeremy's noise cancelling earphones. We couldn't see where we were going. No point taking photos. I did a quick whizz through the Islamic section while Ian found a seat, as I wanted to check out the Girih tiles.

      We decided we'd rather watch a good documentary, and made a hasty exit. At least we hadn't wasted £ on entry fees.

      On the upside, we got back to the hotel to find fresh sheets and towels 🙂
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    • Day 14

      The British Museum

      August 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The British Museum is a public museum dedicated to human history, art and culture located in the Bloomsbury area of London. Its permanent collection of eight million works is the largest in the world. It documents the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present.Read more

    • Day 5

      British Museum brief visit and Hamilton

      July 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Made a quick stop at the British Museum to check it out. It's free, which is really nice. So much information it is hard to take it all in for sure. Rosetta stone is larger than I expected. Made a last minute discussion to hit another musical that was very reasonably priced.....Hamilton! Kinda awkward to see it in London but at intermission a nice family of Brits turned to visit with us and apologized for what England did to the US. Was not at all expecting that to happen. We had a really nice talk and they loved the musical.Read more

    • Day 4

      Inside the British Museum

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The British Museum gigantic, and provides many journey options across time and space.
      Here a short example of Béatrice and Elliott discoveries, first from the Egyptian antiquity and then eithin the Greek and Roman worlds.Read more

    • Day 4

      Special content for chess players

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Chess game sets from all over the world. Pity one cannot play with them!
      There are still many pictures, but all the good things have an end. So, we'll conclude here this wonderful visit un the British museum with the hope that more and more people all over the world play chess together rather than make war against each other. I propose chess becomes an international cause !!!Read more

    • Day 3

      Visita a la city

      December 27, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Good morning London! Hoy nos levantamos antes creyendo que en el desayuno veríamos más cosas, pero no.

      Tras desayunar, hemos salido rumbo a Green Park y tras atravesarlo, hemos llegado a Buckingham Palace a eso de las 9:30. A las 11 es el cambio de guardia por lo que hemos cogido sitio y esperado una larga hora y media hasta que ha empezado. La verdad es que no merece la pena esperar tanto rato para verlo. Para entrar en calor atravesamos St James Park de nuevo hasta Westminster y allí cogimos el metro hasta la Torre de Londres. Atravesamos el puente de la torre y pasamos por el ayuntamiento y un mercadillo muy parecido al del London Eye, y comimos en un sitio llamado León, donde ponen cajas para llevar de diferentes cosas: arroz con pollo, curry, albóndigas, fideos con verduras, falafel... Muy rico. Tras comer, volvimos al metro para ir hacia el British, nuestra última etapa del día.

      En el British había una cola inmensa, pero por alguna razón a Pablo lo colaron por la entrada de los socios (seguimos sin saber por qué) así que pasamos súper rápido. Como no teníamos mucho tiempo, vimos lo que la guía indica como: No te lo puedes perder y algunas cosillas más. La gente pegada al cristal sin dejar un hueco para ver la piedra Rosetta.

      Una visita por Egipto, la Grecia Clásica, Japón, China, Corea y los pueblos aborígenes australianos y una vuelta a la tienda del museo fue nuestra visita. Con más tiempo hubiéramos podido ver más.

      Cena variada y según gustos y mientras Laura se quedaba en la cama porque se encontraba regular, Pablo, Conchi y Ana fueron al pub del hotel a tomar cerveza.

      Mañana Anden 9 3/4, Camden y lo que nos depare.
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    • Day 12

      British Museum

      May 24, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The British museum is very close to where we are staying. It's also free to visit. I thought we'd spend a couple of hours here then go visit the Tate, but there is so much to see. We ended up spending most of the day here.Read more

    • Day 27

      British Museum

      May 26, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      While Kirsten and Gail went off to tea, I went to the British Museum for a couple of hours. It is overwhelming. Such a display of, at the risk of offending my British friends, looted, confiscated, pilfered and/or stolen artifacts from around the world, mostly from British colonies or protectorates. What struck me most was the size of many of them. Huge stone monoliths that must weigh many tons. Of course there certainly artifacts that were more ethically acquired, but there really is no way to tell what is what except for those relics that have provenance displayed which makes it more clear that the acquisition was ethical, for example, many of the Roman era artifacts from England. one interesting display was a working clock from the 1600's(?)Read more

    • Day 3

      British museum

      June 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      A hétfői nap egy részét a British museumban töltöttük. Képtelenség bejárni egy alkalommal, mi kb 4 órán át bírtuk. Durva, hogy mennyi műemlék van itt kiállítva, nem tétlenkedtek a britek.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    British Museum, Britse Museum, Bryttisc Museum, المتحف البريطاني, المتحف البريطانى, Muséu Británicu, Britaniya muzeyi, Брытанскі музей, Британски музей, ব্রিটিশ মিউজিয়াম, Britanski muzej, Museu Britànic, Britské muzeum, Британи музейĕ, Yr Amgueddfa Brydeinig, Βρετανικό Μουσείο, Brita Muzeo, Museo Británico, Briti Muuseum, موزه بریتانیا, Britsk Museum, Músaem na Breataine, המוזיאון הבריטי, ब्रिटिश संग्रहालय, Բրիտանական թանգարան, Þjóðminjasafn Bretlands, 大英博物館, ბრიტანეთის მუზეუმი, 대영박물관, Museum Britannicum, Britų muziejus, Britu muzejs, Британийысе тоштер, Британски музеј, Muzium British, ဗြိတိသျှပြတိုက်, بریتانیا موزه, Tāi-eng Phok-bu̍t-koán, ਬ੍ਰਿਟਿਸ਼ ਮਿਊਜ਼ੀਅਮ, Muzeum Brytyjskie, برٹش میوزیم, د برتانيې موزيم, Museu Britânico, Muzeul Britanic, Британский музей, برٽش ميوزيم, Britské múzeum, பிரித்தானிய அருங்காட்சியகம், Осорхонаи Британия, พิพิธภัณฑ์บริติช, Британський музей, Bảo tàng Anh, Museo Britaniko, 大英博物馆, ბრიტანეთიშ მუზეუმი, בריטישער מוזיי

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