Nachdem wir gegen 10.30h in unserem Hotel President angekommen sind und die Koffer auf dem Zimmer waren ging es erstmal Zu Fuß auf Erkundungstour rund ums Hotel und nach einem Restaurant für denRead more
Nachdem wir gegen 10.30h in unserem Hotel President angekommen sind und die Koffer auf dem Zimmer waren ging es erstmal Zu Fuß auf Erkundungstour rund ums Hotel und nach einem Restaurant für denRead more
Gegen 18.30h ging es vorbei an einem sehr schönen Hotel dann zum Nahegelegenen Italiener um noch lecker etwas zu Essen und dann den doch sehr langen Tag ausklingen zu lassen 😜. Gegen 21h war derRead more
Today we attempted to see Stuff the British Stole. It wasn't a huge success.
Ian was feeling off. He keeps doing RATs and today he was feeling a bit dizzy. We caught the tube again, only 2 stops + 2Read more
The British Museum is a public museum dedicated to human history, art and culture located in the Bloomsbury area of London. Its permanent collection of eight million works is the largest in the world.Read more
Heute gings etwas früher los als gestern. Nach einem kurzen Frühstück gings los in Richtung British Museum. Dort kann man allerhand Artefakte aus der Menschheitsgeschichte bewundern. Die meistenRead more
As much as I'm posting, it's less than half of my photos in this place. Just to give you an idea. This one includes a piece of the beard from the sphinx. And the tea I had to get to sustain me throughRead more
Made a quick stop at the British Museum to check it out. It's free, which is really nice. So much information it is hard to take it all in for sure. Rosetta stone is larger than I expected. Made aRead more
The British Museum gigantic, and provides many journey options across time and space.
Here a short example of Béatrice and Elliott discoveries, first from the Egyptian antiquity and then eithin theRead more
Chess game sets from all over the world. Pity one cannot play with them!
There are still many pictures, but all the good things have an end. So, we'll conclude here this wonderful visit un the BritishRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Russell Square
clever shot
sassy shot
Tom should lift his leg too.