United Kingdom
Clarence House

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    • Day 14

      Another London Day

      September 12, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tonight I’ll try writing up before going to sleep, while the day is still fresh in my mind.

      So we set off after a fairly late breakfast and took the tube to Hyde Park Corner. We can walk all this (yesterday Amr’s watch said we walked 22 kms!) but decided to save it for the later walking. So we had a very pleasant walk round St James Park, Green Park, past Buckingham Palace, looking at all the sights. Ended up in Trafalgar Square and thought we’d have a session in the National Gallery.

      This turned out to be a superb choice. For the beginning of the day I had felt annoyingly fuzzy still, but wandering through the gallery looking at the fabulous art was very soothing, and we both got a new lease of life. We efficiently worked our way through almost everything, and found it was 5.30! Without even the tired hips from museum walking! So it was perfect timing to go to nearby Leicester Square for a meal, and then back to St Martin in the Fields in Trafalgar Square for our Bach concert.

      This was divine. I don’t think I’d ever been inside the church itself. Lovely for a concert, good acoustics. It was the London Concertante who were playing, and they played 4 Bach violin (one actually violin and oboe) concertos, and they too put in a few short non Bach “interlopers”, but they were also lovely - Telemann, Corelli, Piazzola. So a lovely day altogether, and here’s hoping we will fall asleep correctly today! (I think Amr already is!). Will include a photo of the new line in London buses - they have gone sleek and curvy!!
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2 - London bei Nacht

      August 10, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Wir waren erst gegen Mitternacht wieder im Hotel, mit dem Taxi zurück, da wir einfach zu kaputt waren, aber jede Sekunde in der Stadt hat sich gelohnt 🥰❤️😊
      Abensshow, Spaziergang durch einen Teil Londons und die Bildschirme bei NachtRead more

    • Day 2

      25.000 Schritte durch London

      March 3, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute sind wir mit der Bahn zur Tower Bridge gefahren und haben von da alle Londoner Sehenswürdigkeit zu Fuß erkundet. Wir hatten sogar richtig Glück mit dem Wetter - bis auf ein bisschen Nieselregen sind wir trocken geblieben und sogar die Sonne hat sich öfter mal gezeigt.
      Von der Tower Bridge ging’s zum Tower of London und dann zur St. Paul Cathedral. Von da aus sind wir dann zum London Eye gelaufen und über die Brücke zum Parliament gelaufen. Der Big Ben war leider in Baugerüste gehüllt. Dort in der Nähe war dann auch die Westminster Abbey. Danach mussten wir uns erstmal aufwärmen und stärken: in einem gemütlichen kleinen Café gab es Tee mit Scones und Clotted Cream und Backed Tea Cake!
      Weiter ging es danach zum Buckingham Palace und zum Trafalgar Square. Dort sind wir dann in die U-Bahn gestiegen und nach Camden Town gefahren. Das ist ein sehr lustiger Stadtteil mit vielen kleinen verrückten Läden (in den mit amerikanischen Süßigkeiten mussten wir natürlich rein!). Es gibt auch den Camden Market, ein Markt der teilweise draußen und teilweise überdacht ist und auf dem es von essen über Klamotten bis hin zu Deko alles gibt.
      Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch kurz in Kings Cross ausgestiegen und zu Gleis 9 3/4 gegangen 😬
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    • Day 2

      London Sites

      June 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      We arrived at Heathrow Airport around noon and rode the tube into the city. After dropping our bags at our hotel, we joined an afternoon walking tour to explore the sites in central London. Our guide was both a history teacher and an actor, so we were entertained by fun stories along the way.Read more

    • Day 30


      April 27, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Started the day with a run around the Thames with Krissi. Nice way to see the sights and get some steps in.
      Then we took the kids to Buckingham Palace - which was very busy - and were treated to an impromptu marching band or three.
      Preparations are well underway for the coronation - we even got a photo in front of the Australian flag, which has pride of place as one of the closest Commonwealth Flags to the palace. Why that made us slightly proud I have no idea….
      Then it was off to the West End to a really nice food hall for lunch.
      Did a spot of shopping and then it was Hamilton at the Victoria Palace Theatre. Amazing - best musical I’ve ever seen. Met an Australian girl from Sydney who was our usher - she recognised the Adelaide accent and gave us some great tips about the best bathrooms in the venue!
      Came out and the weather had turned - pissing down. Had a drink in a bar and out for pizza but that’s the day done - it’s not an outdoor city when the weather turns.
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    • Day 8

      Buckingham Palace

      November 25, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      After a morning spent exploring London's iconic sights, we finally made our way to Buckingham Palace, the heart of the British monarchy. As we approached the gates, we joined thousands of other tourists, all eagerly snapping photos and marveling at the grandeur of the Palace's façade.

      Once inside, the rules were clear: no photography allowed. So the pictures of the inside are from the detailed guidebook we received. It still captures much of the interior's splendor.

      The tour began with the Grand Staircase, an awe-inspiring entrance that set the tone for the opulence to come. As I stood in the main greeting area. Imagining the footsteps of world leaders who had stood in that very spot gave me butterflies. This was a space where kings, queens, presidents, and emperors had been greeted—where history had been made.

      We wandered through the Blue, White, and Green Rooms, each as lavish as the last, adorned with ornate furniture, rich tapestries, and priceless works of art. The Picture Gallery was a feast for the eyes, showcasing masterpieces that have witnessed centuries of history. We ended up in the Grand Ballroom. Standing there, surrounded by gilded walls and sparkling chandeliers. Unfortunately, it was in the process of being set up for a function, so some of its glory was lost by the stacked chairs and tables.

      The artifacts on display, from intricate porcelain to centuries-old paintings, served as a reminder that this Palace isn’t just a home—it’s a symbol of tradition, power, and diplomacy.

      After hours of exploring, we felt both enriched and exhausted. We caught the Underground back to our temporary home. Greeting us was Luna, the chillest cat in London, who provided the perfect dose of calm after an unforgettable day.
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    • Day 14

      Buckingham Palace & Changing the Guards

      May 30, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Buckingham Palast & das Victoria Denkmal. Sehenswert & ein Muss für jeden London Besucher. Das wechseln der Garde ist ein Träumchen für jeden Monarchiefan. ACHTUNG: es lohnt sich meinst schon 1,5 Std früher da zu sein, um einen guten Sichtplatz zu ergattern.Read more

    • Day 2

      Touristuff 2

      August 21, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Weiter geht's Richtung Piccadilly Circus, unterwegs kommen wir am Pickering Place vorbei, der Ort an dem das letzte Duell in London ausgetragen wurde⚔️. Ich weiß nicht, wie es ausging. Gegessen haben wir dann im Kingly Court, einer sehr schönen historischen Fressmeile. Obwohl wir "milde" orderten, hatten wir ordentlich Tränen in den Augen 🥵, aber es war sehr lecker. Am Piccadilly Circus hatten wir das Glück🍀, eine sehr witzige Truppe anschauen zu können🕺. Mit der U-Bahn zurück bis Earls Court und jetzt müssen wir uns erstmal erholen...Read more

    • Day 1


      October 4, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      London Reise mit Papa

      TAG 1
      Nach leichten Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten erreichten wir um 21:00 Uhr das Hotel.
      Nach Check-In, wurde ein Pub besucht, verscheidene Biere/Ale probiert und anschließend wieder zurück.

      TAG 2
      Zu Fuß nach einem english breakfast ins Zentrum. Vormittag wurde der Buckingham Palace, Trafalga Square, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge... besucht.
      Mittagessen: Fish and Chips

      TAG 3
      Vormittags besuchten wir den Hyde Park und Kensington Palace. Nachmittags das Tottenham Spurs Stadium mit NFL Game (Chicago Bears vs Oakland Raiders)

      TAG 4
      Heimflug nach Wien

      Schönes Vater - Sohn Wochenende, Wetter hat ausgehalten und Essen war gut, jedoch keine sonderbar großen Überraschungen dabei. Britisches Volk wirkte leicht verschlossen und eher unter sich gekehrt. Infrastruktur sehr Gut, technisch gesehen sind sie bereits weite Schritte im Bereich Digitalisierung den Österreichern voraus.
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    • Day 6

      London (Pt 5 - Buckingham Palace)

      July 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      After Westminster we wandered up through St James Park (the lake of which was apparently constructed for a previous King Charles because he liked a paddle) towards the palace, seeing some excellent critters in the process, and then hopped on the tube east. James' apple watch buzzed three times to say the noise on the tube was so loud we were risking hearing loss! Learning how the tube network works - not a hub and spoke like so many medium-sized cities like Sydney - was super interesting.Read more

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