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    • Día 13

      4 May Conwy

      4 de mayo, Gales ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We woke to another grey day but no rain. We got away from the camp and headed towards Conwy in North Wales in pretty heavy traffic. It was just over an hour to Conwy where good old Mr Google tried to take us through an arch in the old town walls which I thought was too narrow and met some new friends by backing up into an intersection while the traffic parted like the Red Sea behind me. After a couple more turns I came to another arch the same as the first and it turned out that if I pulled one mirror in and closed my eyes we could fit through. We then found a suitable park for the motorhome and walked back to the castle.

      The castle was one of 4 built in North Wales by Edward I back in 1287 to station his troops and try to quell the pesky Welch rebels. It is a massive structure and was completed in 4 years. The cost of the castles almost bankrupted Edward. The castle has the original wall of over 1.3 km still intact which encompasses the beautiful town of Conwy. We walked the remains of the castle which is 5 storeys to the top of the towers. The stairs are the tightest and narrowest circular staircase you can find. Gaye did very well on them and by the time I got to the top of the tallest towers I had had the most cardio exercise in some time.

      After leaving the castle we checked out the smallest house in the UK and had a wander around the town and both bought shoes for when we are on the River Cruise. We then ordered fish n chips and returned to the motorhome to eat them. I am still enjoying them 4 hours later (not).

      We had originally planned to have 3 nights staying at a camp near Conwy and had planned 9 activities for the 3 days but the Holiday Weekend caught us out and with the nearest place we could stay on the outskirts of Liverpool it is too much to drive back and forth each day. We have been lucky enough that the camp we are staying in has had a cancellation for tomorrow night so we are able to stay on as I have been unable to find any accommodation in the Lake District for tomorrow night either.

      On the way back to Liverpool we stopped at Tescos and restocked our supplies and then went for a drive along the foreshore at Llandudno which looked lovely but was overflowing with people and not a park to be seen anywhere. We got back to our camp where there is a pop up pizza place operating tonight so it looks like the option to top up on the carbs.
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    • Día 32

      Wales & Conwy

      3 de junio de 2023, Gales ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today we travelled on Irish Ferries from Dublin to Holyhead in Wales. Holyhead is on the island of Angelsey.

      Our first stop was at the town with the longest name in world - all 58 letters of it. Check out the photos for the name and as for pronouncing it - good luck.

      We then moved on to Conwy, on the River Conwy, which features a castle built by Edward I on the River Conwy in rhe late 1200's. It is in a strategic position on the coast with walls that are 4m thick.
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    • Día 4

      King Arthur in Topform

      16 de mayo de 2023, Gales ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Auf den Spuren der Ritter der Tafelrunde fanden wir in Conwy den Felsen, in dem Merlin das Schwert Excalibur versenkt hatte. Es hielt aber nicht lange stand, den Claudius hat‘s rausgezogen 💪🏼😁

    • Día 13

      Day 13, North Wales

      30 de abril de 2022, Gales ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Today I went to Wales with some friends.
      It was great. We've seen the lovely old town of conwy and the conwy castle. We've been in Wales' biggest national park and have seen the highest mountain of the UK. To be honest, it was a hill, not a mountain. We went swimming in the lake there. Even as I am swiss, it was very, very cold. I'm almost 2 weeks in the UK now, there was no rain yet. After the national park we travelled to a minute village, there were some "black forest" vibes. It had a bridge made of stones and very much souvenir shops. I rekon it was a bit like Stein am Rhein there. Now we are driving back to Manchester, I got a cold and our tour guide is totally crazy.
      Stay tuned for more posts. I just didn't feel like writing my blogs last week. I was at a champions league semi-final, a very fancy bar etc.
      You'll hear more from me in the next days.
      And: haven't seen any penguins yet, I'm very disappointed.
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    • Día 8

      Small Improvements

      23 de octubre de 2018, Gales ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      It wasn't until I had already had a handful of "chips" and a few bits of my lava-hot food that I realized that the lamb moussaka has aubergine (eggplant) in it, which I hate, and surprisingly didn't mind. Either this restaurant is the best at making food I don't like and I should have had mushrooms too, or I was very hungry, possibly a combination. In the end though it was a highly satisfying, very filling meal. I also manage to luck out with the locals again and they were able send me on my way to the hostel, as well as recomend a nice way to drive to Cardiff. On my way over I didn't stall the car once! Upon arrival I got the perfect parking spot, a popsicle, and even a bottom bunk; obviously things are going well. It may only be 7, and I'm sure there's plenty of things to do, but I think I like my lazy way of traveling. Tonight will be about more quality time reading, and tomorrow the adventure will start all over again.

      P.S. I feel as if I'll come home with insane legs from all these stairs I've been climbing, or at the very least, the ability to climb more stairs than before.
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    • Día 23

      Conwy and Caernarfon

      20 de mayo de 2019, Reino Unido ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Up for a yummo Breakfast and then off for the day, first stop was Conwy Castle how fantastic that these are still in existance for us to look at, touch and be allowed to dream just a little about what it would have been like. We then drove to The Great Orme Head which can be got to by cable car, tram, or driving,. We opted for the cable car going up , which for me was a huge challange as I am really bad at heights, so with great fear I got on, pretty much begging Derek not to even breathe lol. Was it worth it.....yes it was , it was amazingly stunning as I hope the pics will tell. Went back down via the tram which was fun, We then went to Caernarfon Castle which is in a beautiful coastal area, another stunner of a place, a little bit more polished than the others as it is still owned by the Royal family, on our way make to our hotel we went through Snowdonia OMG it was breataking, I literally just kept oohhhing and arhhhing the entire time, it was like nothing Ihad ever seen before, back to our hotel for another yummo dinner.Leer más

    • Día 8

      North to Wales and Conwy

      6 de mayo de 2022, Gales ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Today was a travel day to Conwy in Wales. We stopped a few places along the way. We had nice weather until late afternoon when we entered Wales. Oh, we were slowed down by gypsies traveling on the road with horse driven trailers!

      Near the Wales border in Shropshire we visited Stokesay Castle. It’s a fortified manor house that was built in the late 17th century for a rich wool merchant, Lawrence of Ludlow, and it has changed very little since the 13th century. It’s unusual because it has an almost complete set of medieval buildings. The audio presentation and tour was very well done, and I even climbed the fairy tale tower! Before leaving we enjoyed a cream tea for a mid morning treat. Cream tea is a pot of tea with a scone, clotted cream and jam.

      Our scenic drive took us from the southern border of Wales all the way to the northern border with our destination being Conwy. The landscape was breathtaking. We couldn’t stop to take pictures because of the winding roads, but I don’t see how photos could capture the beauty of the bright green hills, forests, mountains, valleys, rock walls and many sheep. I wonder if there are more sheep than people in Wales! It’s a perfect time because of the number of lambs with their mamas…adorable. They say that the rain is liquid sunshine here. Conwy is a walled harbor town attached to a castle overlooking the Irish Sea.

      We’ve had great hotels, but this one has a lot of amenities which makes it a little more special in our rooms…chocolate bars, cookies, variety of hot drinks, warm towel racks, deluxe toiletries, robes, and a cute dragon on the bed! If you put him outside your door, he will protect your room! The dragon is on the Welsh flag.

      We ended the night with a group dinner in the hotel restaurant…classy place. I tried something new…lamb shank. I was hesitant, but it was actually quite good!
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    • Día 9

      Area around Conwy

      7 de mayo de 2022, Gales ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      It’s a gorgeous day here in Conwy. We headed up in the Carneddau Mountains to a working farm and met Gareth Wyn Jones and his wife, Rhian. We watched his dog, Max, demonstrate sheep herding. His family has been there for over 300 years. He has had tv appearances and was a YouTube star with Jack Whitehall’s show. He has the gift of gab and entertained us. He showed us the new litter of puppies…so cute!

      Then, we took off to Caernafon to tour the Caernarfon Castle which was part of the system of English garrison castles that Edward I built to enforce English rule over North Wales 700 years ago. The Welsh on the whole do not like the English, and our Welsh guide was pretty obvious on her wish to be free from England.

      In the afternoon we took a drive to the spectacular Snowdonia National Park and drove through some of beautiful scenery. Riding on the bus made it impossible to take pictures, so I just enjoyed it. We stopped for an strenuous uphill hike to see 2 lakes. I made it for about 20 minutes or so and returned with others to wait it out!

      We were a little tired after this fun-filled day, so Rebecca, Wendy, and I had a no fuss dinner at Parisella’s who are famous for their ice cream. We had a savory ham and cheese crepe and of course some ice cream! My new favorite is a white chocolate caramel crunch!

      Had a little scare today. Our tour guide got pinged last night on the phone and was asked to take a Covid test. Somehow someone he was in contact with tested positive. He tested negative and so did our driver. It’s always a little bit of a worry. If we would test positive we would be off the tour immediately. We’re trying to be as careful as possible.
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    • Día 21

      Entering Wales and Conwy

      8 de septiembre de 2015, Gales ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      We stopped in a little Welsh town with the longest name of any town in the world, used the restroom and had our passport stamped. Arriving in Conwy at lunch, we ate fish and chips, then toured the castle. We arrived at the Quay Hotel about 4:30 pm. I took a nap until we ate supper at 7:00 pm with Jerry and Carol from New Hampshire. After supper I set up the tripod on the terrace outside the bar to take time exposures of Conwy Castle lighted up at night.Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Conwy, Конуи, コンウィ, ಕಾನ್ವಿ, 콘위, Konvis, Конві

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