Covent Garden Market

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    • Dag 3

      Mandag d. 24.12.

      24. desember 2018, England ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Vejret var fantastisk - 9 grader og solskin , og de gamle var total klar til en juledag i London. Rasmus synes dog det var helt urimeligt, at vi allerede skulle afsted kl. 10.00.
      Vi var i Covent Garden og snuse til julestemningen, og købe lidt småting. Derefter en dejlig gåtur langs Themsen til området omkring London Eye, med julehalløj og mange mennesker.
      Vi var i London Dungeon til uhygge grusomme historier, med skuespillere og skumle effekter. Det var en sjov oplevelse.
      Næste oplevelse i rækken var Shrek, som var nabo-aktiviteten. Det var knapt så sjov, og nok mest for børn.
      Inden “julemiddagen” var vi en tur på pub, til lidt hyggesnak over en øl. Det var super!
      Planet Hollywood var absolut ikke en traditionel julaften. Der var høj musik, mange mennesker og ganske middelmådige burgere. Til gengæld havde de store drinks.
      Kloken 22.00 lå de gamle i deres senge.
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    • Dag 4

      Covent Garden

      9. november 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      We didn't really mind getting a bit lost. When you're traveling, that's often when you find some of the best places, usually something that you would never have expected. We were a little disappointed that we couldn't find that restaurant. Having not eaten breakfast yet, we were getting hungry!Les mer

    • Dag 27

      Old Contiki Meets New Contiki

      27. juni 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Having a double bed and whole room to myself, complimented by a relatively early night, meant I had the best sleep I'd had this whole trip! I had agreed to meet with Charli and explore London, and I said I'd meet her at her hotel at 9. I was running late, but got there around 9.15... Charli wasn't in the lobby and had lost her phone in Paris so I was at a bit of a loss as what to do. I eventually went up to reception, and they gave me a phone to call her, and I was able to wake her up! No phone = no alarm, but she was ready in a flash and we went off in search of food and a cheap replacement phone.
      I got a warm ham, cheese and tomato croissant from Pret (sooooo tasty - I miss them so much now I'm home!), and Charli got some food and coffee from Starbucks.
      We headed for Carphone Warehouse, who apparently had cheap prepaid phones. Charli got one, set it up and we were on our way!
      We wanted to check out Notting Hill, so we jumped on the tube to Notting Hill Gate station and came out right on Portobello Road. We walked up through the Portobello Markets, checking out lots of nic-nac shops, and found a crepe stand in the middle. Delicious!
      We kept exploring, eventually finding the blue door from Notting Hill (the movie) and took a couple of photos.
      We grabbed some more coffee/hot chocolate at a cafe on the corner and decided what to do next.
      We decided to head back up Portobello Rd towards the tube station, and found a pub on the way for lunch.
      The pub was called Sun in Splendor and had the most beautiful 'pub dog' named Bruno. He looked like he was only a puppy, and was the manager's dog. He just kept walking around getting the patrons to play with him - adorable!
      We had some food and a drink and decided to head to Camden to check out the markets there.
      Back on the tube and we arrived at this vibrant little suburb. We found an Urban Outfitters (one of my favourite stores in the US) and spent some time in there before making our way through the makets.
      It's like a maze, you could really get lost in amongst the stalls. Most stalls also have similar clothes and products, so you feel like you're walking in circles. I can only imagine what it would be like on a weekend!
      We made our way out, checking out a few more stores along the main road before finding another pub, time for another drink!
      The Buck's Head had some great cocktails on the menu, so we ordered one each. We got to watch a little bit of Wimbledon, before heading back to our hotels to get ready for our night ahead.
      We'd made plans to meet up with a friend from my 2009 USA contiki, Michelle! She suggested we meet at a pub in Convent Garden, the Punch and Judy. Charli and I arrived first, then Michelle, then Charli's friend Doug met us also.
      The 4 of us had a couple of drinks on the balcony overlooking some buskers, one of whom was an Aussie (but kinda terrible...). We then went in search of food, stopping at Bella Italia for some pizza and pasta, and of course some more Aperol Spritz!
      After a few more drinks we headed for our final destination of the night, Roadhouse.
      This was a really cool bar, an American style venue with neon signs everywhere. There was a live band, and they announced they were going to have a bandaoke contest!
      The first girl that got up was ok, but Michelle, Charli and Doug thought she was amazing... So me being the complete diva I am, decided to show off...
      I got up and sang Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl, and apart from a small bit in the middle where I momentarily forgot the tune, I think I could say it was pretty good. Always fun to sing with a band!
      Fairly confident the others weren't expecting much when I went up there, so I hope I entertained!
      More performers gave it a shot, and after some deliberations, a winner and runner up were announced... And that runner up was me!! By this point Michelle had gone home as it was a Monday night and she had to work the following day, but Charli and Doug got to share my MONSTER of a cocktail with me. It was HUGE and the 3 of us couldn't finish it, enlisting the help of some other girls near by.
      We continued to dance the night away before deciding to call it a night. We attempted to catch the tube home, before realising it was closed, and decided to walk home instead... It probably only took half an hour or so... Maybe an hour!
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    • Dag 3

      Snack im Covent Garden

      13. juni 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Weiter ging es dann zu Fuß zum Covent Garden, wo wir uns noch vorm Musical ein kleines Abendessen gönnen wollten. Wir haben jeweils eine Portion Pommes im Shake Shack gegessen. Die Pommes waren super und zum Glück einfach mal günstig, muss und darf auch mal sein. Anschließend wollte Nadine unbedingt noch etwas Süßes und dabei sind wir auf einen Laden gestoßen der ein Must-Visit ist! Die Chocolaterie heißt Venchi. Nadine hat hier einen unglaublich leckeren selbst gemachten Crêpe bestellt. Für uns Crêpes-Kenner ein Merkmal, ob der Laden gut ist. Ich habe ein Eis bestellt, Geschmack Mango und Melone. Die Waffel wurde frisch in heiße Schokolade getunkt und mit Nüssen bestreut. Unglaublich lecker! Der Covent Garden ist eine super Location für bummeln, essen und Entertainment. Jeden Tag/Abend gibt es hier irgend eine Action. Egal ob Musiker, Sänger oder Künstler, irgendjemand ist immer im und um den Covent Garden. Als wir gegessen haben, hat eine Jazz Big Band musiziert, sehr professionell. Im Anschluss, kurz vorm gehen hat ein Opernsänger sehr schön gesungen. Man muss aber auch sagen, sowohl der allgemeine Trubel, als auch die Musik und das anschließende klatschen und jubeln geht einem irgendwann etwas auf die Nerven, da es schon ein sehr hoher permanenter Lärmpegel ist. Trotzdem ein tolles Erlebnis und einen Besuch wert!Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Covent Garden Market

      9. november 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      We walked over to Covent Garden Market to eat lunch, since by now it was far too late to have breakfast, and to browse around the shops but, for some reason, we couldn't find the restaurant where we wanted to eat. Most of the streets around this area are little more than twisting alleyways and none of them seem to have any street signs. I guess, if you're local, your used to it but we didn't have a clue where we were going.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      The Corridor

      9. november 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      These dark and enclosed corridors and alleyways seem very common in London but, being from New York City, it's something that we're not used to at all. This is what we passed through to get from Covent Garden Market to the street. I'm thinking that going through these dark passages at night would be a bit scary.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Empty Chairs and Empty Tables

      9. november 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      On a nice sunny day these tables would be nice to sit down, relax, and enjoy lunch or perhaps some snacks as you shop in Covent Garden Market. Today, the rain seems to be keeping everyone away. Perhaps we're just here too early. Most of the shops and food stands aren't open yet and the the whole area seems very quiet. I'm guessing that Covent Garden really gets busy with the lunch and dinner crowd. I'd like to come back some evening and see that.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Whistle-stop tour of London

      27. april 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Layover at Heathrow. Jumped on the tube. Ran around showing Mike landmarks for 2 hours, got back to the airport 3hrs before flying north. Enough time for a couple of pints to knock me out for the final flight of the journey (literally from before take-off until landing).Les mer

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