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    • Day 6


      August 11, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Beautifully situated on the banks of the River Tay, Dunkeld is a picturesque and tranquil place. From an early centre of Celtic Christianity to becoming a hub for modern folk music, this town has a rich cultural heritage.

      The Atholl Memorial Fountain (which replaced the old mercat cross) has been carefully preserved and around 20 of the surrounding pastel-coloured houses (private residences) have been restored by the Trust, some of which date back to the 17th century.

      However, this little town was not always this peaceful. Shortly after the Battle of Killiecrankie, a fierce battle raged in the streets on 21 August 1689 between the Jacobites and government soldiers. Many of the buildings were burned or destroyed, and much of the Dunkeld we see today was rebuilt in the 18th century.

      Today, visitors can enjoy a wander around or picnic in Stanley Hill Park. Climb the steps to the top of the tiered man-made hill, which was built up from the natural existing hillock around 1730 to look like a fortification from an earlier age. At one time, it had a battery of small cannons on it for firing salutes. You can also look into the depths of the ice house located on the hill’s lower slopes. The Trust removed 4.5m of infill from it in 1995, but still did not reach the bottom.
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    • Day 8

      Dunkeld, park hermitage

      September 13, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Balade dans le village de Dunkeld, dans le parc de l'Hermitage, le long de la rivière de braan et dans la forêt de Craigvinean pendant 5h. Après qu'Aurian soit resté coincé sur son caillou, Cueillette et dégustation de champignons pour certains tandis que d'autres courent vers le pub et les magasins pour s'abreuver et se nourrir.Read more

    • Day 23

      Lasst die Spiele beginnen!

      August 31, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Bestes Wetter! Welche Wettkämpfe es hier alles so gibt, versteht man nicht wirklich! Die schmeißen Baumstämme, schwere Steine und drum herum laufen sie, fahren Fahrrad und so weiter! Aber super geil hier!Read more

    • Day 19

      Waldspaziergang durch die Hermitage

      June 28, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      ..bei Dunkeld.
      Dieses Waldgebiet war im 19. Jahrhundert bei jeder Schottlandreise Pflichtprogramm. William Wordsworth, Mendelssohn und Fontane sind hier gewesen und haben den legendären Sitz und die Höhle von Ossian im Tal des Flüsschens Braan bewundert.
      Für uns war es ein romantischer Waldspaziergang, bei dem wir unter anderem ein Filmteam des National Trusts von Schottland kurzzeitig von der Arbeit abhielten und am Aussichtspunkt Tolkien Tower (offizieller Name Torryvald Folly) einen Geocache suchten und fanden.
      Zu Ossian (ein sagenhafter keltischer Barde, der an Catweazle erinnert) gibt es auch noch diesen interessanten Wikipedia-Artikel:
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    • Day 6

      The Hermitage and Braan Walk, Dunkeld

      August 11, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      This stretch of magical Perthshire forest was originally designed as a pleasure ground in the 18th century for the Dukes of Atholl.

      Douglas firs tower over the paths leading to the roaring Black Linn Falls, where the River Braan crashes down into the deep, foaming pools below. Overlooking the waterfall is the picturesque folly known as Ossian’s Hall, built in 1757 as the focal point in an extensive designed landscape. Decorated with mirrors, sliding panels and paintings, it has been refurbished to re-create the illusions of shock, surprise and amazement that were the aims of the folly’s original design. It makes a fine spot to contemplate the roaring, tumbling fallsRead more

    • Day 12

      Last day of Scotland

      June 28, 2019 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Last day we went to an old interactive museum where I nearly lost my left hand in a handwriting class. We went to a forest where a man built it to woo the ladies. Had some haggis for lunch in a nice little park overlooking a river. took a picture of 3 bridges built in 3 different centuries. Then caught the overnight bus to London.Read more

    • Day 12

      Last step, Dunkeld House

      May 24, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Es war im Jahre 1897, als der 7. Herzog beschloss, seinem Geschlecht der von und zu Sutherland’s eine neue Residenz zu erbauen, eine Meile weit flussaufwärts, das heutige Dunkeld House.
      In den Anfängen der Geschichte des Gutes pflanzten der zweite, dritte und vierte Herzog (der 4. bekannt als der Pflanzherzog) zwischen 1738 und 1830 unglaubliche 14 Millionen Lärchen und Millionen anderer Bäume, daher stammt der Name Big Tree Country. Diese Wälder bieten auch Heimat für das einheimische rote Eichhörnchen und den schottischen Kreuzschnabel, eine in Großbritannien einzigartige Vogelart.

      Hier dürfen wir ausspannen, lesen, Terrasse und Bar genießen, nichts tun, herrlich.
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    • Day 2

      Atholl Arms Hotel - DUNKELD

      July 26, 2016 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Hotel con parcheggio sul lato opposto della strada in uno spiazzo lungo il fiume, dotato di ristorante. Nonostante si presenti bene ha il grosso difetto di non avere l’ascensore e i pavimenti in legno, ricoperti dalla moquette, sono piuttosto traballanti. Fare 2 piani in questo modo è veramente poco agevole. La stanza non è nulla di che ma tutto sommato per passarci una notte va benissimo. Il ristorante dell’Hotel non è eccelso, ma a parte un paio di piccoli locali è l’unico nella zona.Read more

    • Day 28

      On the way to Dunkeld

      May 26, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Our day started at a sheep farm. Neil Ross (a shepherd) and his family work on part of a 11,000 acres estate for a laird (lord). Since the laird owns the land, the farmers are not allowed to hunt or shoot anything. However, the laird never goes out on Sunday mornings! It was such fun watching the dogs herding the sheep…quite mesmerizing. There were 4 week old puppies and a few baby lambs, too. We also learned a little about Scotland’s wool industry. The majority of sheep in Scotland are raised for meat not the wool. The wool is not the best and the market for it no longer profitable. In fact, no wool is produced in Scotland at this time.

      We shared a lunch together at Rowan Tree and had Scotch broth with mutton in it. Ok, I opted for the vegetarian version! We also had wee lesson on how to make scones. They were delicious, and we were given the recipe.

      Funny story with the next stop at Killiecrankie. Donald McBane, a Scottish government soldier, was running away from the Jacobites after a battle in 1689. He turned back and saw a lot of kilt-dressed Jacobites chasing him. Kilts are 8 yards of material and most of the men tripped on their kilts and ended up running naked. Poor Donald McBane was so afraid that he made a spectacular jump 18 ft across the gorge of the River Garry to freedom to escape.

      A quick stop at Pitlochry where we did a little shopping and an ice cream cone. Then off to Dunkeld for the next two nights. It’s a charming village on River Tay with a cathedral in ruins that was built from 1260 to 1501. The village had been destroyed in 1689 in a battle between the Jacobites and government troops. Most of the original village was rebuilt in the 18th century.
      We are staying at the beautiful Dunkeld House Hotel which is a former hunting lodge for the Duke of Atholl and was built in 1900. It’s like stepping back in time. We were greeted with a dram of sherry or whisky. Rebecca and I took a riverside walk and admired the beauty of the grounds and hotel. Dinner here was exceptional tonight.

      Oh, our evening ended with Gillie, a delightful woman who has been playing the bagpipes for 50 years.
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    • Day 29

      Dunkeld and Aberfeldy

      May 27, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Sad news today…April and her mom, Susan, have left the tour after testing positive this morning. We’re down to 14 with 3 days left on the tour.

      We took a quiet woodland walk to the Black Linn Falls in Dunkeld. Redwoods and sequoyas have been introduced here and are doing great. First time seeing either of them. Probably my favorite activity today.

      Then, we were off to Kenmore to visit the Scottish Crannog Centre this morning. Crannogs are circular houses on stilts and there is evidence of them back to 500 years before Christ. During the time of the Iron Age people lived on little round islands. Scientists have found evidence of 18 crannogs on Loch Tay. The tour at the center took us back in time as guides dressed in prehistoric clothes showed us life during the Iron Age. Very interesting tour, but the replica crannog had burned down recently.

      Interesting thing about Kenmore. There is a castle there that George Clooney has purchased and plans to turn into an luxury hotel for the rich. There’s a golf course next to it, too. He has also bought all the buildings except for 1 private building in the town of Kenmore. The residents aren’t very happy because their way of life is being destroyed. The community center is closed and so is the post office.

      Our last visit today was at Dewar’s Aberfeldy Distillery founded by John Dewar in 1898. We had a tour and a dram of Dewar’s blended whiskey and Dewar’s Aberfeldy Single Malt whiskey. If you don’t like whiskey, they suggest trying the Aberfeldy. If you don’t like it, then you will never like any whiskey. Well, I disliked both so I’ll stick with Coca-cola! Dewar’s is now owned by Bacardi, who makes rum.

      We had fine dining at the hotel again with the added treat of a wedding reception happening right outside the window. It was such fun seeing how all the guests were dressed…very classy!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Dunkeld, Dùn Chailleann, Dún Chailleann, Данкелд

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