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    • Dag 5

      Doch keine Kultur

      13 juli 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Eigentlich sollte jetzt ein intelligent-witziger Kulturpost stehen. Eigentlich….
      Ehrlicherweise aber haben wir heute Kultur Kultur sein lassen und liegen faul am Strand in Falmouth. Das allerdings bei schönstem Wetter. (Siehe selfi des Tages 😉)
      Dafür hier eine kleine Abhandlung über Möven.

      Der dösige Tourist (ich) rennt auf den Strand mit den Worten, oh wie schön, guck mal die Möven! Der erfahrene Norseetyp (Klaus) rennt auf den Strand mit den Worten, die blöden Mistviecher klauen alles.
      Und Zack sind die Chips (ein Muss zu jeder englischen Gelegenheit) weg.
      Und dabei haben die bösen Viecher eine bemerkenswerte Technik: eine sitzt vor die und guckt niedlich. (Ja, das können sie) und während du nichtsahnend mümmelst und die Kamera rausholst (guck mal, die Möven) kommen die andern im Sturzflug an und klauen, was sie kriegen können.
      Und das so schnell, da können Hitschkocks Vögel (diese Anfänger) noch was lernen.

      Und so sitzen wir jetzt hungrig, aber unbehelligt rum und starren aufs Wasser.

      Morgen gibt es dann mövenfreie Kultur😉
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    • Dag 17


      9 juli 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Die meisten Camper brechen früh auf. Wahrscheinlich, weil sie zum Paddeln an einen der vielen Küstenabschnitte wollen. Die Gegend ist dafür top geeignet.
      Schnell den super blauen Himmel fotografisch eingefangen, bevor der erste Guss alles erfrischt. Perfekte Zeit um die sanitären Anlagen für sich alleine zu haben.

      Der Weg führt uns heute entlang der Küste bis Falmouth und retour. Insgesamt waren es dann mal 18,3 km und das Bier danach ist meiner Meinung nach verdient.
      Falmouth ist bunt, voll und busy. Die Hauptstraße schlängelt sich zwischen den Shops und Fähnchen hindurch und darf sogar noch mit dem Auto befahren werden. Hier ist alles poppy, squeezy, shaky und was auch immer. Jetzt weiß ich wieder, warum ich die von Briten beliebten Orte auf Mallorca gemieden habe. In der Masse 🙈

      Die Dock Anlagen sind überwältigend aber leider nur von oben zu besichtigen. Es geht weiter bis Pendennis Castle. Die Strecke zieht sich lang und die Laune runter. Belohnt werden wir mit einem tollen Schmuckstück aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, welches wir zum Sonderangebot von 5£ für Beide besichtigen dürfen. Die Anlage gehört zum English Heritage und würde uns eigentlich 16£/Person kosten. Da die Location mal wieder in 45 min schließt, bekommen wir das Erlebnis zum Schnäppchenpreis. Tschakka und absolut lohnenswert. Und so herrlich leer. Entweder sind alle in der Hauptstraße oder schon mittags hier gewesen.

      Die Abendsonne scheint über die weiten Felder auf dem Rückweg und zusammen mit der leichten Brise war es ein wundervoller Wandertag.
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    • Dag 18


      30 juni 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Was gibt es zu erzählen wenn nichts passiert? Hafen Routine in Falmouth bedeutet putzen, waschen, einkaufen, duschen, Wasser bunkern, kleine Reparaturen. Diese Details deuten wir hier mal an, die laufen als Schallplatte hier, aber wen interessiert es? Gestern erkunden die Stadt, die tatsächlich ganz süß ist. Zumindest die üblichen Hafenstraßen bis zum Zentrum, die wir so gehen. Viele kleine Kneipen und Läden, viele verrückte Leute, viele Hunde.. Auch ne Demo gegen ein Prisoners Ship für Flüchtlinge, wir googlen und stellen fest, dass es die Bibbi Altona ist, die schon in Hamburg Obdachlose und später Asylbewerber beherbergt hatte. Abends sind wir im Pub The Front, leider ohne Livemusik aber volles Haus. Dass man dort sein Essen mitbringen darf und die Locals auch ihre Fish and chips Tüten mitbrachten… undenkbar bei uns. A pint of beer 🍺 kostet so etwa 5 Pfund manchmal etwas weniger oder mehr. Am Service sind 3-4 diesmal Mädels. Dafür das eigene Essen mitbringen, kostenlos tolle Livemusik hören und aus 15-20 Biersorten wählen, fair point!! Und als das leckere Atlantic IPA alle ist, war es kein Problem irgendwie mal zwei andere Sorten nur zu probieren… zack stehen zwei kleine Gläser an der Bar. Trinkgeld gibt hier irgendwie auch keiner, alles wird schnell und bargeldlos abgewickelt. Es scheint das Geschäftsmodell rein am Bierumsatz zu hängen…

      Wie wir den Abend verbringen, verraten wir dann im Video. Spoiler: wie die kleinen Jungs, die nach Abenteuern lechzen…😂🤣.

      Was sonst noch passierte? Die Wetterprognose ändert sich etwas, so dass wir morgen nach Penzance segeln wollen und dann wohl doch noch auf die Scilly-Inseln kommen werden. Heute ballert es bei Sonnenschein aber heftig…

      Ja und die Malizia hat tatsächlich die letzte Etappe im Ocean Race gewonnen. Ein wertvoller Sieg bei leichten Winden, den ihnen keiner zugetraut hatte. Es waren dann wohl unsere Anfeuerungsrufe beim Start, die das Quäntchen Glück brachten. Gaaanz sicher ..
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    • Dag 20

      Day 19 - 20 Falmouth/Newquay

      19 juni 2022, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      An dem Tag baue ich mein Zelt ab, packe alles ein und nach dem Frühstück geht es per Bus nach Falmouth. Dort hätte ich gerne übernachtet, allerdings gibt es keine passende Unterkunft. Alles ist voll, da irgendein komisches Fest stattfindet (Sea Shanty Festival). So laufe ich zwischen den Menschenmassen umher und gehe zum Hafen. Es ist unglaublich windig dort und nach einer Weile gehe ich per Bus zurück nach Newquay. Auf dem Weg fängt es an zu regnen und es bleibt regnerisch/windig die Tage. So chille ich hauptsächlich und schaue mir am Samstagabend den Film The Black Phone im Kino an. Der ist wirklich gut gelungen und macht Spaß.Meer informatie

    • Dag 12


      10 augustus 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nach dem Lizard wollte wir unserer Tochter eine Freude machen, damit sie etwas shoppen kann und fuhren nach Falmouth. Welch ein quirliger, lebendiger und bunter Ortskern. Die lange Meile war richtig einladend. Leider war auch hier der Nebel so dicht, dass wir nicht mit der Fähre auf die andere Seite sind. Letztlich haben wir noch Abend gegessen und uns dann Richtung St. Austell auf den Weg gemacht.Meer informatie

    • Dag 18

      Sunny Day in Cornwall

      12 juni 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      The tender ride into Falmouth, Cornwall took twenty minutes, but it was scenic.

      Sailboats of all shapes and sizes dot a harbor flanked with castles built by Henry the 8th, but on a day like today, such history is overshadowed by the sheer joy of the elements.

      As we reached the dock, I was delighted to see a pair of nesting swans with their goslings hunkered down in tall grass and wildflowers.

      From there, it was a short walk to the beach, where Brits and other tourists enjoyed a day at the seaside.

      Larry and I hopped an open-top bus that looped us through the town. The driver even made an unofficial stop to drop us by a side gate to Falmouth’s Victorian Cemetery. The roundtrip journey cost us a whopping $4.01.

      Cheapest shore excursion ever.
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    • Dag 18

      Falmouth Victorian Cemetery

      12 juni 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      At first glance, much of Falmouth’s Victorian Cemetery looks wild and unkempt. There is method to this madness.

      When it comes to their historic burial ground, Falmouth Town Council GETS IT. They understand that cemeteries are for the living. In fact, they even have a sign explaining the importance of this magnificent cemetery.

      It’s well worth reading, check it out:

      “The older parts of Falmouth cemetery is valued by the local community for many reasons. Consecrated in 1857 it still serves as a place of remembrance. Many visitors include it in their regular walks as a place to immerse themselves in Nature as they follow the seasonal changes. Others visit for its historic interest or to discover its wildlife.

      Since 2016 Falmouth Town Council has begun to develop a maintenance methods to address these varying needs. Other challenges faced in the management of the
      cemetery include climate change and invasive plant species. Over 50 species of solitary bees can be found in the cemetery together with 7 species of bumblebees.

      You can find one of Cornwall's rarest bees in the cemetery, the Long-horned Nomad Bee, (Nomada Mirtipes). These are Cuckoo bees and the females lay their eggs in the nests of the Big-headed mining bee, (Andrena bucephala), another species rarely found in Cornwall. Only the males have an oversized head.

      The best time to see both species is in late April and May. Like many solitary bee species once they emerge from the nest as adult bees even the lucky ones will only have a life expectancy of about eight weeks.

      Unlike honey bees who have a queen with thousands of workers, a female solitary mining bee is a single mum who both makes her nest by digging a tunnel and collects pollen and nectar for her young entirely on her own. Different species appear from Spring to Autumn, the last one to appear in the cemetery is the Ivy Bee which times its appearance to the flowering of Ivy in September.

      We live in one of the most nature depleted countries in the world, with only 53% of our biodiversity left. A study by the Natural History Museum in 2021 places us in the bottom 10% of all countries and last of all the G7 nations.

      A good example of this decline can be seen in the numbers of Small Tortoiseshell butterflies in the which have shrunk by 75% since the 1970's.

      Butterflies present a more difficult conservation challenge compared to bees, as not only do the adults rely on nectar and pollen from flowers but their caterpillars tend to be very particular as to what plants they eat.

      The caterpillars of the Small tortoiseshell feed on common nettle (Urticadioica) and small nettle (Urtica urens). With stinging nettles not being ranked very highly as a wildflower by many people this makes conservation of this butterfly a challenge.

      There are a few nettle patches in the cemetery and these together with places
      where the adults butterflies can hibernate means there is a resident population. By accepting a degree of wildness in the cemetery it provides a refuge for this beautiful butterfly and other wildlife.

      The maintenance work carried out in the cemetery places a high priority on its value as an important site to preserve local biodiversity. The timing of the grass
      cutting in the summer is usually carried out around the beginning of June.

      This coincides with the flowering of brambles that offer an alternative source of nectar and pollen. It also allows the flowering of late summer wildflowers in August and September. These together with Ivy flowers are an important food source for insects such as queen bumblebees to build their reserves before hibernation.”

      Isn’t that impressive? I think more historic burial grounds should take an approach like this, don’t you?
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    • Dag 25


      10 april 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      10/4 Falmouth, Cornwall – woke early to see the white lighthouse floating by, then we could see St Mawes across the river with its castle, and then tied up in Falmouth. All passengers had to present passports to British Immigration so we had a strict order, our group was last so all filed across the stage in front of five officers, showed our passports to one of them and got looked at closely, then had a red dot put on our ship ID card, handed passports to the crew and we were able to leave. We’ll get the passports back on Wednesday when we get back into EU territory.

      It was a free morning, hadn’t quite decided what to do but saw a lovely pirate offering a history tour at 11am so told him we’d be back, went for a short walk to the St Mawes Ferry and spent 20 minutes each way across and back St Mawes/Falmouth. It was a bit lumpy crossing the River Fal, or in fact the Carrick Roads which is the third deepest natural harbour in the world after Sydney and ??not sure of the second. Rumour has it if Scotland leaves the UK they will be looking for a new submarine base….Falmouth looks promising!

      We stayed on board due to timing but the little trip was worth it, it’s a pretty little town with white houses strung along the shore and slopes, St Mawes Castle on the headland where apparently Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn once stayed. There were three crazy people swimming, we saw them strip off, jump in and pretty quickly jump out again, one went back for a second dive then out.
      The tour with Pirate Will started at the Killigrew monument, a granite pyramid in the middle of a pretty little green park, across from what was once the home of John Killigrew then his descendants (all called John) who were initially pirates…….no, actually the more polite privateers…….who had a licence to rob and plunder from their base in rural Falmouth. Then in 1613 Sir Walter Raleigh came to visit and suggested to John K 4 ‘why don’t you build a town and set up a shipping/trade/hospitality base’ and by 1615 there were four pubs and it was on the way.

      Falmouth then in 1688 became the base for the famous Packet Boats that carried mail to and from England initially to Spain and then all around the world, lasting until 1850 when steam power took over. Mail would arrive in Falmouth and be transported by ‘fast’ coach and horses to London or wherever, to London it took about five days. We heard that the Packet captains who transported gold took 1% of the value and could earn up to 20,000 pounds per year at that time, an enormous sum, but was danger money because there were still pirates.

      Falmouth grew and grew and it was a popular place to go, Beatrix Potter visited in the late 1890’s and said that the menus were written in five languages. There were consulates for many countries and the travel/history writer Philip Marsden said in one book it was a ‘town of outsiders’. Now there’s a university so more ‘incomers’ are welcomed. In the 1930s the town was full of little narrow streets, slums in some parts and there was a big clearance which opened up the town (though it wasn’t universally popular and in some cases not necessary) and now there are houses from that era hard up against Georgian, Victorian and brand-new builds, quite a mix, with some very pretty areas especially as you get away from the original waterside village.

      We climbed up above the river, had a good view from the old cemetery – another story about when the hillside collapsed and the road was covered in old coffins and skeletons. Will lives in the converted Quaker Hall and popped into his flat to pick up his accordion, sat on the wall for a couple of minutes and gave us a tune. He did a great job on the tour, enjoyed himself, not too wordy but made history come alive. As we walked down he told us a few stories about townsfolk and what they got up to, a tale of cannibalism in a shipwreck, a captive musician………..90 minutes very well spent.

      The town main street was much busier on the way back to the ship, lots of visitors on a public holiday and every second one had a dog. SO MANY dogs, big, small, well-controlled, underfoot, shops with notices saying ‘Dogs welcome’ – I think okay outside but not inside. They were everywhere and the narrow main street was really busy. We picked up a Cornish pasty to take back, sat on our balcony and I thought of my dad. He was a champion pasty maker, never forgotten.

      In the afternoon we did a bus tour around the area, it was a squished bus, a bit hard to see a lot but it was interesting all the same, the guide was very informative and we got lots of history, stories about the places we saw and a couple of stops. There was a howling gale blowing, faces just about got sandblasted at the beach, I was taking a photo of Pete looking back at St Michael’s Mount and he just about lost THE HAT – which, as we all know, he doesn’t venture out without, and he’s got a strap to pull out in case of a high wind. Then it happened, the strap snapped, hat nearly went flying. That was close!'s…

      Anyway, back to the tour. We heard about Ralph’s Cupboard, one of many caves in the cliffs, Ralph was a giant who captured people stored them in the cave until he ate them. The tide was out so we could see people walking across the causeway to St Michael’s Mount, we’d done that in 2013 when we stayed in Penzance with Jen, it’s a beautiful little island and house. There was so much gorse on the hills, I asked if it was a noxious week like in NZ but the guide said ‘oh no, we like it, sometimes it gets burnt off but not often’. There were spring blossoms on the trees, I saw a couple of paddocks full of daffodils ready for picking, even saw a couple of calves with their mums. There were a few swimmers and surfers on the beaches, lots of craggy cliffs.

      And of course we can't forget the mining history of Cornwall, with abandoned mine chimneys and buildings across the hills and all around the countryside, hard to believe they went down more than 3000 feet in some cases, and well out under the sea. It's hard to imagine the life of miners, and how brave they were too in mostly awful conditions.

      So that was our short stay in lovely Cornwall, we’d like to go back again, there’s so much to see.

      I should say that there may be different photos on my Facebook page if you want to have a look. Thanks for reading my thoughts about our trip.
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    • Dag 12


      19 juni 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      An dem Tag wird es Zeit vom Camper-Leben Abstand zu nehmen. Daher baue ich nach dem Frühstück mein Zelt ein letztes Mal ab und packe alles in den Rucksack. Als ich ready bin höre ich Geräusche am Himmel und dann dreht doch tatsächlich ein Düsenjäger ein paar Runden über dem Ort 🙈 das würde es in Deutschland nicht geben 😜 Dann nehme ich den Bus nach Falmouth. Das ist eine der größeren Orte in Cornwall. Ich war hier auch mal kurz letztes Jahr, da war aber mega viel Trubel wegen einem Fest. Heute wollte ich die Stadt nochmal auschecken, bevor es dann nach Plymouth zurück geht. Dort angekommen gehe ich in die Innenstadt, chille am Hafen und laufe zu einem Strand. Dieses Mal ist alles wesentlich entspannter als letztes Jahr. Am Strand taucht auf einmal ein Helikopter auf und vollführt (wohl) eine Rettungsübung. Das hat vielleicht auch alles mit dem „Armed Forces Day“ zu tun, der bald stattfindet 🤔 Nachmittags steige ich dann in einen Zug nach Plymouth. Chris holt mich vom Bahnhof ab und dann gibt es auch bald Dinner. Danach schauen wir das EM Qualifikations-Spiel England vs Nordmazedonien, welches England klar mit 7:0 gewinnt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 29


      29 januari, Engeland ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      I found the pirates, but they were not in Penzance (described in one local guide as not very “piratey” at all). In Falmouth, there was a great pirate exhibit at the National Maritime Museum. Many of the most famous pirates came from southwest England or from Wales, and Falmouth harbor is the world’s third largest naturally deep harbor which made it a key spot for seafaring people of all types. And they say this is the reason the pirate accent we hear in the movies is similar to the West Country accent of Cornwall and Devon, though like so many things it’s just a Hollywood creation. Walking the plank is also fiction apparently, and just comes from the mind of Robert Louis Stevenson in Treasure Island — and then also from Hollywood. According to the exhibit, they did have parrots but not as pets. Arr!Meer informatie

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