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  • Day 125

    Tea time

    January 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    This morning started with another included breakfast and then going back to the room for a while to rest. We're feeling a bit better today but still are on the road to recovery (which is rapidly shrinking...

    We only ventured out once today, for our last afternoon tea! It was a bit of a walk away, so we got to enjoy some more of London's scenery. The cafe was near the famous Baker St from Sherlock Holmes, so we gave it a quick look on the way to our lunch/dinner.

    We went to a nice place called the Potting Shed, which while not being in an actual shed, was under street level, which was a bit novel for us!

    The afternoon tea itself was good! While their little sandwiches were a bit of a letdown, the scones, cakes, and of course, tea was really good!

    After leisurely eating, we took an equally leisurely stroll through Regent's Park before getting back to our room to continue our recovery!

    Step count: 10.9k
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  • Day 124

    Bring us a shrubbery!!

    January 5, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Today didn't go as expected. We had planned on exploring the natural history museum as we had missed it last time we were in London, but as mentioned in a previous entry we have both been feeling pretty average and Bec woke up this morning feeling (and looking) like death.

    So we enjoyed the included breakfast in the cafeteria - we're staying in yet another student uni accommodation, went to the room and relaxed until we scrounged up enough motivation and tissues to go for a little walk outside.

    We didn't go anywhere in particular, just wandered and got lost looking around this enormous city.

    After a while we got back, drank some tea while watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail and relaxed.

    We made a quick trip up the road to Boots for some medication and then proceeded to walk around the halls as it was raining to hit our step count.

    Step count: 10.1k
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  • Day 123

    Platform 9 3/4

    January 4, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    We awoke early this morning and said goodbye to Edinburgh which had been our faithful home for the past 2 weeks. We boarded a fancy train which gave us breakfast and some hot drinks on our 5 hour journey to London.

    After arriving at Kings Cross we headed across town to drop our bags at our current accommodation as we couldn't check in yet and went on a journey for lunch.

    We stumbled across a Amazon Fresh which was a grocery store linked to your Amazon account and has no checkouts, it just tracks where you are in store and what you pick-up, it was a surreal and scary experience after we left getting an email pointing out that we had been in the store for 3:41 minutes and charged for the one thing we bought.

    We stopped off at a ramen/soup shop where the server thought Bec was deaf and Phill was signing at her, whereas he was just being a bully.

    We went for a walk to get our steps up before finally checking in to our accommodation, where we rested as we're both still sporting lovely crackly coughs.

    A trip to Lidl was made for the next few nights dinners before relaxing and planning our day out tomorrow!

    Step count: 16.2k
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  • Day 7

    Windsor Castle

    December 16, 2018 in England ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    Yesterday was a big day but just awesome. The weather was forecast to deteriorate and that it did. By lunchtime it was cold, windy and raining , so that “feels like” temperature was into negative territory. That said, I layered the kids up with thermals under their clothes, giving them four layers and they all stayed warm and dry.

    We had an early lunch at Victoria station where we met our friend Pete and his son Theo and then caught two connecting trains to Windsor. Due to track work we then had to get a connecting bus for a half hour ride. Problem was the train ran a little late and the bus didn’t wait. So there was about 50 unhappy travellers standing in the freezing cold next to another bus that would not leave for another 20 mins. At least one passenger convinced the bus driver to let us get on the bus where it was warm and dry.

    Our issue was we were going to be very close to the cut off time for last entry into Windsor castle. We made it by the skin of our teeth after getting a cab to drive us up to the castle entrance. We were very wet by the time we got there, but we made it!

    The castle was so beautiful. So much more impressive than I had imagined and worth every bit of effort to get there. We did a tour through the staterooms and the went to St George’s Chapel where Prince Harry and Megan were married earlier this year. It was so much more ornate and beautiful than Westminster Abbey. Vern and I loved it!

    It was totally dark, and wet by 4pm so off to the pub for drinks and dinner. The old English pubs have so much character and are even better when beautifully decorated for Christmas. We had great food, a few drinks and wonderful company with Pete and Theo.

    An awesome day!
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  • Day 5

    Leicester Sqaure, Lego and Theatre

    December 14, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Ok so the jet lag is still a big issue for the boys but hopefully tonight will be better. This morning they were up at 1am and didn’t go back to sleep!

    This morning we set off for Leicester Square to go to the halftix office to see what was available for the theatre today. I discovered that there are no matinees on a Friday! So louise and Vern are heading out tonight to see Aladdin which was Lou’s choice. I knew the boys wouldn’t last when they were up at 1am so I will look after them.

    Vern purchased tickets online for Windsor Castle for tomorrow, only to discover you need to swap your online confirmation, for tickets at the office at victoria station. So much for buying online so you didn’t have to go to an office. So off we went to Victoria station to get out tickets and organise the train tickets as well. We had lunch in a stunning old English pub with an awesome atmosphere. I could have sat there all day but that wasn’t going to happen with the boys. Food was fantastic and chatted to a few people as well.

    It was cold today but ok whilst you were walking, it just seemed to seep into you if you stood still for too long. With no sun today, the Christmas lights were beautiful everywhere, cause the light was so low it felt light twilight, all day. I tried to take photos of the ones at Leicester Square, cause they were hanging from the tree and look magnificent, but it doesn’t show up in the photos too well.

    Louise saw some sparkly doc martins in a shop window and tried to convince me she needed them, but no I did not buy them.

    The boys absolutely loved the big LEGO store and the M & M store. Al I thought of you when I spotted the M & M Christmas onesie! Oh and Kyles, those horrible Christmas jumpers that the Americans love, are everywhere here. Stores full of them and lots of people wearing them. Saw a guy in the pub today in one with flashing Christmas lights!

    Tomorrow we are off to Windsor with our friend Pete and his son Theo.
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  • Day 5

    More photos from London

    December 14, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Here are a few more photo from London. The winter wonderland was great fun but even with a long sleeved shirt, a wool jumper, ski jacket, beanie and gloves, once the sun set that was no where near enough and we were all cold. Had great pizza for dinner then into bed. And no we do not have the jet lag conquered. Kids were all up at 1am again but i slept 13 hours and feel pretty good.

    We are off to get theatre tickets today but it maybe a matinee cause I don’t think the kids can stay up long enough at night to go!
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  • Day 5

    Off to The Camden Markets

    September 18, 2018 in England ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Today we are going to have breakfast or similar at Fait Maison, a lovely tea room we walk past every morning and evening. On the way out of the hotel Basil says he will move us to another room as the wifi issues we are having must be because of our room location (at the back of the hotel with no views). First to the Post Office which is a km past Fait Maison, we post our letter then stumble across a different Fait Maison. Meant to be, so we enter and sit at a table for two. As there was nothing on the breakfast menu that appealed and it was morning tea time somewhere in the world we ordered a cream tea. Often we share a scone but being on holidays and sparing no expense we order one each. I ask if they has raspberry jam but the waiter (Manuel from Barcelona for you Fawlty Towers fans) grunts something then says raisin. Not understanding him and he not understanding us we just nod and wait. Well a plate with two of the smallest scones arrive. As they were coming MDW said you might want to order more, they wouldn’t be a mouthful for you. MDW was right and mine was a rock not a scone. If I dropped it it would have broken the floor tiles. Some time later a replacement arrived and it wasn’t much better. We thought it was £6 for a pot of good hot tea but when I paid the bill it was £6 each even though there was only one pot. So that’s the last time we go there. Two doors down was a tea shop with much more reasonable prices and the same scones which were called “baby scones”. We want adult scones, this is because we are seniors and want grown up food. Next we will be served baby chinos.
    Off to the underground, circle line to Piccadilly then northern line to Camden Town. We love the the underground, lots of steps but it takes you everywhere. As I’m typing, MDW announces she has the Howe thumbs as her big toes. Now the Howe Thumbs are a hereditary feature that comes from MDWs mothers side of the family. It looks like you have big toes as your thumbs. When the boys and grandchildren were born it’s one of the things you look for hoping it’s not there. So far we have been fortunate but of course MDWs big toes look like Howe thumbs because that what Howe thumbs look like. Follow? 😅😅😅
    Focus, focus, focus, ah yes Camden Markets. We walk from the underground station onto the Main Street and all we see is market stalls. It is never ending. There are clothes, bags, bric-a-brac, hot food, toys, shoes, everything. Not sure how many kilometres there are around the markets but we covered about 8. MDW needed to spend a penny, well make that 40p. We didn’t have any small change so had to ‘tap and go’. We also got the chance to see a couple of canal boats go through the Camden Locks. We also had a bad coffee and disappointing hot chocolate.
    I thought we were finished with the shopping so suggested we get a coffee or frappe from the McDonalds cafe near the train station. We get there and no coffee and no chocolate frappes. So we turn around and MDW says she really liked that handbag. Which one, she had looked at so many. MDW Says she can find it so off we go through the various corridors, up and down stairs past the old stables until we found the right shop. Then after an hour of umming and arring she gets a bag she had not looked at before. Go figure! But she was happy and happy wife, happy life.
    Back to the hotel via Sainsburys so we can get a teapot but we ended up with giant size tea cups plus a couple of punnets of raspberries which are delicious.
    At the hotel we get a swipe card to our new room on the 5th floor. We have been moved to the penthouse. The room is a bit larger with a portable air conditioning unit which is very effective even if it does hum along like a jet engine. The wifi works like a charm, I must thank Basil in the morning. We think about going to Oxford Street for a bit but I’ve dozed off so our day has ended.
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  • Day 1

    Harry Potter Primark Oxford Street East

    March 30, 2018 in England ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Als Harry Potter Hardcore Fan stand natürlich auch der Primark Oxford Street East auf dem Programm, welcher in ein Hogwarts Paradies verwandelt wurde.
    Wer hat nicht schon immer davon geträumt durch die Winkelgasse zu schlendern und alles zu kaufen, was das Muggelherz begehrt. Hier wird der Traum Wirklichkeit.
    Man findet zum Beispiel Gryffindor Pyjamas, Zeitumkehrer Halsketten, Hogwarts Rucksäcke, Haushaltswaren und vieles mehr. Für nur 5 Pfund kann man sogar ein T-Shirt mit verschiedenen Harry Potter Motiven und eigenem Text bedrucken lassen.
    Und nicht vergessen nach oben zu schauen: Hogwarts Briefe hängen von der Decke!
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  • Day 4

    First day with everybody in london

    December 13, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Lou and I made it to London after a very long journey. Sydney to Singapore was a great flight in premium economy. Great food and extra space. The next sector was a bit more of a challenge in economy but we survived. Kirrily emailed the captain to advise him we were onboard, so he came down and introduced himself and offered us a visit to the flight deck upon landing, as well as some first class amenities kits and headphones. Very generous.

    After a short ride on the Heathrow express followed by a cab ride, we were at the apartment and all back together. Lou and I decided not to nap but to push on all day.

    We met up with some friends from New Zealand, Sea and Ailsa and had a great lunch just near St Paul’s Cathedral and then we caught the train to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. It is a lot like the Easter Show but with a Christmas theme. It was just beautiful, especially after the sun went down.

    Finished the day with pizza in the apartment and then early to bed. A great first day for me.
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  • Day 7

    Bonnie Gull

    June 23, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    It was good. How?

    Ashley sums it up: "I have eaten fish my whole life. My dad and father-in-law" both fish so I am used to eating freshly prepared fish. This dish just blew me away. It's so good !"

    We are pretty lucky to get a table without making a reservation. The guys that we had to share a table with aren't so luck though as we made them squish up one side of the table to make room for us.
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