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    • Day 5

      London Day 2 - Part 1

      May 1 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Glad we came to London and seen some of the famous landmarks, but as we are both not city people, it was very draining on the brain, especially navigated around people at Buckingham Palace. We did, however, conquer public transport... I may have put us onto the other Greenich train (who knew there was two🤣) so we ended up in another station 50 minutes from hotel instead of 6 minute walk but we got on the double decker bus and was only 3 minutes from hotel, so win in my eyes 😁 The Thames river cruise was lovely and relaxing. Tomorrow brings us another public transport puzzle to get us to Southampton for our next adventureRead more

    • Day 4–7

      London Day 1

      April 30 in England ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Made it to London. Flight from Canada was delayed and then stuffed like sardines in a tin can for 9 hours. No sleep on plane 😪 3 trains and a wee walk (haven't received our U.K sim yet so no google maps) we made it to our accommodation for next two nights. Had a 2 hour nap as no sleep for 24hrs then went for a walk around Greenich. Ordered what I thought was bread and dips but was toast with butter and jam🤣Read more

    • Day 193

      Uber boats

      November 18, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Scout and I went to Greenwich markets after the museum and caught the ferry back to London Bridge ! Super exciting :)
      We stopped to take a photo and heard some girls singing in the apartment balcony sideways above us and so we started dancing from the street with them with our phone flashlights and they saw us and we all were dancing on seperate levels together for a min. Very funny - we laughed the whole way over to Borough markets which I have been to so many times now and we got some mulled cider mm mmm. Love me a good mulled anything. It’s her last day here before she goes to Munich tomorrow 🥺
      And here’s another museum photo from a mirror in the kids section :)
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    • Day 193

      Maritime museum

      November 18, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Absolutely loved the first few pics - a photography exhibition in the Maritime museum :)
      Spent a few hours here and then scout came and met me and we did Morse code with lights and sound to each other in the kids area. It was actually quite hard to interpret it when you were hearing or seeing it. And we tried on the Antarctic room ancient and modern glasses. You would not be wanting to come here with the old ones let me tell ya that.Read more

    • Day 2

      London Tag 2

      October 5 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstückskaffee machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Greenwich. Dort standen das Royal Naval College, das Observatorium samt Null-Meridian und ein Tunnel unter der Themse hindurch auf dem Programm.
      Danach machten wir uns zu Fuß auf den Rückweg Richtung Central-London. Alles in allem sind wir heute mehr als 20 km zu Fuß gegangen. Vorbei an der Tower Bridge, am Tower of London, der schönen Fußgängerbrücke (bekannt aus den Harry Potter Filmen) führte unser Weg zu Fogo de Chao wo wir wieder ein perfektes brasilianisches Barbeque genossen haben.
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    • Day 14–15

      Abbey Wood

      December 26, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Hoje é para descansar e desfrutar do parking onde vamos ficar nos próximos dias - sítio bem catita, junto a uns bosques repletos de animais muito simpáticos que parecem não se importar connosco.

      Pouco depois de parquearmos, vimos logo muitos esquilos e popas… enquanto saboreamos um chá quentinho (em Inglaterra, what else?) vamos olhando lá para fora na esperança de ver raposas 🦊
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    • Day 2

      Die Star Wars Celebration 2023 ❤️

      April 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Das war wirklich ein Erlebnis! Ich glaube, dass es schon lange her ist, dass mich ein Event so begeistert und so innerlich tief glücklich gemacht wie die Celebration. Nicht nur wegen der Tatsache das es hier um Star Wars geht, sondern wegen den Menschen die ich hier getroffen habe und die mir wieder gezeigt haben, dass es um den Spaß an der Sache geht und um das Miteinander. Egal ob es ein Treffen mit Anderen im gleichen Kostüm ging, oder um Fotos mit dem nächsten coolen Clone Trooper (hier ein wirklich großes Danke an Sylvia, die heute meine Fotografin war 😘❤️), oder um einfach ein paar Minuten über dies und das zu quatschen, es hat Spaß gemacht und ein Gefühl von „hier gehöre ich hin“ mit sich gebracht! Eins ist klar, die nächste Celebration kann kommen! Möge die Macht mit uns sein! ☺️😄

      PS: Die Bilderflut sei mir verziehen 😅😅
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    • Day 10


      February 12 in England ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      First time I've been here, and it was actually neater than I expected. Pics include the Royal Naval College, Queen's House, the Cutty Sark, the Observatory, and a pic with the Prime Meridian. Also had full sun for the first time 😂Read more

    • Day 9

      Septième journée : Greenwich

      January 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Pour la dernière fois pour ce voyage, salut!

      Effectivement, dernière journée d'activités aujourd'hui. Je repars demain matin. Avant d'en venir à ça, voici ce que j'ai fait aujourd'hui!

      C'était une journée plutôt tranquille, pas trop chargée. J'ai (enfin) pris le bus pour me rendre dans le coin de Greenwich. Après ce qui m'a semblé une éternité dû à des changements de bus, je suis finalement arrivée à ce que je voulais visiter en premier, c'est-à-dire l'observatoire royal de Greenwich! Je voulais absolument y être pour 13h parce qu'à cette heure exacte, la "boule du temps" (Time Ball) tombe pour marquer ce moment de la journée. Je ne voulais pas manquer l'occasion d'assister à ça! 😂 Après ça, j'ai fait un tour des lieux pour traverser de manière officielle le méridien de Greenwich (oui oui) et pour observer les institutions des alentours (le planétarium entre autres).

      Ensuite, j'ai encore fait une balade suggérée par mon guide dans Greenwich pour observer des monuments historiques surtout. J'ai observé une vieille église anglicane du nom de St Alfege pour commencer. Ensuite, j'ai fait un tour au Greenwich Market. Je me suis arrêtée dans une chocolaterie et me suis choisi quelques chocolats et truffes à déguster : c'était très bon! 😋 J'ai passé dans le coin du Old Royal Naval College où j'ai croisé plusieurs énormes bâtisses que j'ai trouvées magnifiques! Ensuite, j'ai vu un grand bateau du nom de Cutty Sark qui a marqué le 19e siècle en étant le dernier à avoir navigué entre la Chine et l'Angleterre à l'époque.

      J'ai terminé en traversant le fleuve pour avoir une vue globale de ce que j'avais observé de plus près plus tôt à partir de la rive nord. C'était tellement beau avec l'eau! À ce moment-là, j'ai eu une forte émotion parce que je savais que c'était ce qui mettait fin à mon premier périple en Angleterre. Réaliser ça m'a rendu triste et émue de tout ce que j'ai accompli et appris avec cette expérience. Je suis vraiment fière de l'avoir fait et j'encourage sincèrement tout le monde à réaliser leurs projets, quels qu'ils soient. J'ai éprouvé tellement de satisfaction à voir mon rêve se concrétiser quand j'ai passé à l'action! Et ça a été le plus bel accomplissement de ma vie jusqu'à présent.

      Sur cette note de style discours de motivation 😂, je tiens à remercier ceux qui ont suivi mon aventure. J'ai aimé vous partager mon expérience, ça m'a fait sentir un peu moins seule. 🙂

      À la prochaine!
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    • Day 141

      London, England

      May 8 in England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Bob went to breakfast in the World Cafe.

      I continued to pack. I discovered that my duffle bag had a hole in it. I borrowed a sewing kit from Jenni and did my best to sew up the hole. We also got some duct tape from our room steward. Can any one say Clampetts? I am hoping that it holds! I will have nightmares of my belongings being slung all over the baggage claim carousel.

      I was relieved that everything fit in our luggage and most bags were under weight. My sweet husband was right AGAIN!

      We had lunch in the World Cafe with Dale and Jenni. While we were having lunch, we sailed by the newly installed flood control gates. They were testing these gates this morning which may have been the reason that we are coming into London so late

      We relaxed in the afternoon while finishing adding the last items to our luggage. We gave items away that we are leaving in the ship.

      We watched the ship dock in Greenwich. We arrived at 3:30 PM which is an hour and a half late. Shore excursions did not begin until after 4 PM. We are moored in the Thames next to a floating platform. One must disembark via the platform to an awaiting boat than to shore.

      This is the first time that we have sailed into the Thames during the day. We usually sail during the early morning which leaves a full day to explore London. Many people are upset that what is advertised as two days in London ends up being just one afternoon as most people have very early morning flights.

      We went down to the atrium to give our snorkel masks to Apple (our wonderful waitress in the Restaurant).

      We had our last aperitif before heading to the private dining room at Manfredi's. The Hollands arranged a dinner for Dale, Jenni, Jim, Janet, George, Barbara, Patty, Keifer and yourselves. It was nice to have the last diner with this group. It also minimized the amount of goodbyes we have to say.

      After dinner, we went back to our stateroom to put our luggage out. I wish that I had taken a picture of our luggage but I am fighting this cold so my brain is a bit fuzzy.

      We said goodnight for the last time aboard the Viking Neptune.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Greenwich, GRE, غرينيتش, גריניץ', グリニッジ, Grenovicum, Burgul londonez Greenwich, Гринвич

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