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    • Day 439

      Lerwick, Shetland Island, Scotland, UK

      August 16, 2019 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      We've arrived in Lerwick and are about to go on the BRAS (Brewery Runs Around Scotland) and Pants Trail, where everyone wears bras and underwear (called pants in the UK) on top of their clothes. 🤣😂

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Day 53


      June 23, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Im Bauch dieses Vikingerschiffes fahren wir jetzt gemütlich nach Orkney, wo wir dann um Mitternacht ankommen. Hoffentlich ohne Schwimmflügeli und mit trockenen Füssen 😅

    • Day 4

      Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Schotland

      August 10, 2015 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We worden wakker gewiegd met geruis net of er staan mensen in de cabin, het is het echte zeegevoel, alles piept en kraakt een beetje. Een prachtige zonsopgang vóór de zon er echt is, (4,30 am, plaatselijk tijd dat is een uur vooruit) ik tracht de kleuren en het gevoel te nemen op foto en film maar dat lukt niet echt. Zelfs niet als ik mij in zeven haasten aankleed en naar het sport dek ga. Toch genieten! Later blijkt dat we op dat moment het noordelijkste vasteland van Schotland ronden en daar is er sterkere stroming.
      Om 6,30 schrik ik wakker en zie een eiland voorbijschuiven, Dirk gewekt en vliegensvlug naar boven om de aanleg in Lerwick, Shetland te zien. We komen niet tot aan de kade omdat hier te weinig aanlegplaats is en moeten met tenders naar het vasteland. De tenders worden klaargemaakt, het zijn de lifeboats waar we de evacuatie oefening deden. We zijn nu zeker dat het mechanisme werkt. Er kunnen 150 personen in, dat zal wel in geval van nood zijn.
      We gaan ontbijten in 'La Fontaine' maar Dirks Noors ontbijt lijkt wel een klein voorgerecht, mijn aparte keuze was wel voldoende: muesli, 2 bruine toasts, Philadelphia kaas, een bagel en confituur.
      We zien de tenders af en aan varen van in onze cabin, we wachten nog tot de drukte wat voorbij is alvorens aan land te gaan, het is hier inderdaad heel klein. Het is 13° en bewolkt met een beetje blauw.
      Iedereen wil blijkbaar van boord en dus schuiven we maar aan in de Ocean's bar waar we een nummer krijgen om te tenderen, het gaat goed vooruit en na een kwartiertje staan we aan de kade. Eerst langs het toeristisch infokantoor om via WiFi onze blogs door te zenden en onze Stefaan zijn blog te lezen. Wat een tegenslag voor hen, zo'n 54 u onderweg dat is balen i.p.v. Bali ;-)
      Wij bezichtigen ondertussen Lerwick, blijkbaar een typische bouwstijl van Noordelijk Schotland, de highlands liggen hier niet ver af. Gelukkig is het weer prachtig geworden en kunnen we slenteren door de straatjes, we zien een tolhuis, het stadhuis en de bibliotheek. Het fort Charlotte de eerste keer gebouwd in 1664 voor kustverdediging in de tweede Anglo-Dutch war, de Engelse-Nederlandse oorlog, zoals in die tijd regelmatig ofwel de Hollanders of de Spanjaarden een aanval deden op Engeland of met uitbreiding Schotland.
      Ik denk dat het hier goedkoop wonen is zo zonder Carefours of Delhaizes en shoppingcentra, je koopt wat je nodig hebt in de hardware store en je kleding naai of brei je zelf. Volgens mensen die hier eerder waren was Lerwick veel verbeterd, twee jaar gelden was het hier doods en stonden veel winkels leeg, nu zijn er handicraft shops en koffiehuizen die de toeristen aantrekken. Spijtig dat we geen ponden bijhebben want er waren wel mooie dingetjes te koop.
      Tegen half één hadden we het wel gezien en wandelden we terug naar de tender. We kregen zelfgebakken koekjes aangeboden en chocolademelk met anijs, niet te zwaar en lekker, dit om het wachten te verkorten. De tender vóór ons had mensen met rolstoelen en looprekjes aan boord en daarom bleven we wat langer op het water wachten, speciale positie zo onder de boeg van ons schip!
      Wegens de demagnetisatie van onze keycard hadden we problemen om in en uit te scannen dus even langs het front office om dit euvel te laten verhelpen en dan een hotdog of Mexicaanse lunch aan het zwembad waar we nog van de zon genoten tot het schip afvaarde.
      Bij de afvaart om 4pm werd er getoast met gluhwein en Heineken, geen van beiden viel op dit moment in onze smaak dus namen we maar een ijsje, toch voelde je direct dat we vaarden want het werd veel frisser, daarom gingen we binnen Uno spelen tot ik naar de spa ging voor een pedicurebeurt, Dirk ging terwijl een sigaartje roken buiten.
      Het begon zelfs stilletjes te regenen, omdat we beiden geen honger hadden bleven we in de kajuit tot de 'Piano Brothers' in de showroom hun recital gaven, spetterende muziek door twee Engelse entertainers die ook optraden op het huwelijksfeest van Kate en William. Dominic Anthony Ferris met roots in West End en Elwin Hendrijanto met roots in de film composing.
      Het uurtje vloog veel te snel voorbij!
      Daarna werden we uitgenodigd op Het huis van Oranje: Dubbel Nederlands. Nederlandse snacks en Nedelandse muziek, sommigen helemaal in het oranje. Het leek wel terug onze Hollandse rijncruise van enkele jaren geleden. Een dansje konden we doen met veel moeite want het schip slingert nogal heen en weer. Een lage drukgebied boven Schotland zorgt hiervoor. Al schommelend gaan we naar bed.
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    • Day 3

      Lerwick: Lunch Time!

      July 7, 2019 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      My pre-cruise research had suggested that an espresso bar called Fjarå would be a good place to grab a bite to eat. When this was confirmed by a Shetlander we chatted with at The Knab, we headed there for lunch. The place overlooked Da Sletts and was a local hangout rather than a touristy place ... a bonus.

      The place was hopping when we arrived shortly before the breakfast menu changed to the lunch menu.

      Mui ordered the fish-sans-chips … made with haddock. I got the Fjarå ALT … a vegetarian BLT on a toasted bagel … with avocado in lieu of bacon. I added buffalo mozzarella to the mix. We were both pleased with our selections. I ordered a beer brewed in Lerwick — Azure … which the label on the bottle described as a light, hoppy ale. Truthfully, I didn’t care for it … too hoppy for my taste. Mui had an iced coffee that he said was quite good.
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    • Day 115

      Vigra To Lerwick 265NM

      July 26, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Vigra is the island just off Allensund a low island with no particular reason to go,apart from the airport is here. After yesterday 25 kt downwind sail and try trying to moor up in nearly 30kts it was is time for Gretel to catch the plane home and for Bill to arrive. Grets had ambitions of walking to the airport from the boat which she thought would be pretty unique. But that wasn’t going to be easy as she would have to cross the run way. A nice old guy from the boat club where we had moored offered to take her in the car. Vigra has a road tunnel from Allensund a couple of miles long, under the seas which is 140 metres deep. It has a bus from town every hour without fail, The airport doesn’t do international flights. This is another in site into Norways commitment to Infrastructure.
      Rob and I had decided not to get stuck into any alcohol this evening as there was a big sail across the North Sea planned for the following day. Which would probably take about 2 days. Best not to start feeling rough and tired. Bill arrived with clutching s bottle of duty free Jack Daniels and a smile. Talked shit till 2 am drunk the JD woke up with sore head,. So much for the plan.
      280 Mile passages means we had been keeping tabs on the weather for many day before. And always there is a bit of a schedule to keep up with and Rob had to be in Lerwick to catch the ferry. For his daughter Tess’s graduation. Looked like 15kts for the first day and not a lot after that. With a risk of a lot of left over swell, which as any sailor knows isn’t that pleasant for travel. All in all not looking too bad with low risk of getting a beating out in the North Sea. We set off through the channel between Vigra and Lepsoya at about 1.30pm no real swell and a nice 15nt breeze hard on the nose. Its a trickier passage than it looks at first with plenty of off lying rocks and small channels to negotiate, all the same a good sail through. Once in open water, outer coarse to Lerwick was absolutely dead down wind. Not ideal. After a bit of faff we set up the goose wing engaged George (the auto pilot) and considered lunch options. We kept the goose wing all through the night and up to about 10 am when it became obvious the wind was gone and our old faithful engine was about to get a work out, probably for 24 hours, like Le Mans but more sleepy.we manage to talk S H one T for the day we made our way through several oil fields and a large offshore wind farm, all of which are 125 miles plus off shore. Quite a logistic need to opersate these systems in this environment. The second night eased its way in the Donk reliably chugging us forward at 5.5knots through the ever subsiding sea. 3 hour watches meant I got 2 till 5am, sun up in these parts. The sea had gone oily flat and the light was changing hues as the sun crept through the clouds. The sea birds started to return to view as we reached about 60 miles to go.
      With 20 miles to a nice little SE wind arrived about 15kts, We were sailers again. Although wet sailors this time.
      WE were surprised to sea that Lerwick had put a tall ships fanfare for our arrival. Drinking music and dancing girls. I am sure they do it for everyone.
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    • Day 65


      June 6, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Lerwick is then final destination before in the uk before a 200nm hop to Bergen and is the place where we will wait for the correct weather to go . Rob and and Nick will arrive today after and flight to Aberdeen and a ferry to Lerwick making it a thick end of 24 hours to get from Cornwall. That’s a great reminder of how far we have come. Luckily on arrival from a nice little hop round from Noss Island we rafted up with Jon and Cindy from Maine and their American J46. They had just completed 6 summers in Norway and had plenty of great advice for us. After a brief chat we were invited for cocktails and given a list of great destinations for the trip.

      NIck and Rob arrived on the overnight ferry. After a short walk to the boat, breakfast was urgent.
      Fred, Nick’s old friend who lives in Lerwick arrived for a bacon sarnie & coffee and, he had set up a full day of entertainment. First was a trip to his composite workshop, to see what he had been up to for the past 30 years. Quite a bit, it seems. From making life size Orca whales to scare seals for the salmon industry, to giant wind and heat pump powered heat stores. Today, though Fred was taking us to his family holiday home and for a picnic and fishing at his secret spot in his old Plymouth pilot. When we arrived at the west coast we hopped on the old boat, checked the oil disconnected the electrics and puttered out into the lock. A couple of miles later we arrived at the house which has no road access. What a spot, a converted Croft hidden in the landscape. Which had been converted by Fred and his architect father. We picked up the fishing hand lines and a some water. We headed to a very protected cove to see seals and arctic turns via a cave a smoking engine and bumping a rock en route after eating our lunch on the edge of the beach. The tide was dropping so next stop was the fishing hole. After lining up both headlands and a distant doctors house. The hand made fishing lines were dropped over the side to see what was there. At first we didn’t have much hope as the lures were old and rusty and we had used 2spanners and a shackle as weights. Fred said we we are nearly on the spot as the wind pushed us over the transits. Boom. Rob was in straight away Cod 1 about 3lbs in the bag. These rusty old lures still work. Down they went again boom! Robs says this ones a bit bigger 6lbs cod in the bag. Nick after raiding the tool kit for spanner’s now felt he had the right combination to fish the hole. Booms! String of mackerel. At the same time Rob was in again this time 4lb cod like fish, one more string of mackerel for nick and we were done. 40mins total of fishing and we had a feast to feed the family, Fred called his family to assist with eating the catch, who would of thought it? we were BBQing in Lerwick under what felt like the only tree on the Shetlands, that happened to be in Freds Garden. Top day and top company, a proper treat whilst travelling through, thanks to Fred, Magdalena, and their family for making it fun.

      Next stop is to plan the crossing !!.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lerwick, Lāmwic, Lervik, Горад Леруік, Λέργουικ, لرویک, Liúrabhaig, Liùrabhaig, לרוויק, LSI, Leirvík, ラーウィック, 러윅, Lervikas, Леруик, Лервик, Лервік, 勒威克

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