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Top 10 Travel Destinations London
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    • Day 2–4

      London, England

      April 18 in England ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Flew out of Seattle on the 17th, arriving in London on the 18th. Two days in London but one was lost due to fatigue from the overnight flight from Seattle. Stayed in the Mitre Hotel in Greenwich. Visited the Royal Observatory. Saw a wild fox mooching food from visitors. Roger Rakestraw guided us to our hotel from Heathrow Airport and the following day guided us to the Tower of London, London Bridge, sites along the Thames, Buckingham Palace and that night we had dinner with him and his wife Di at a nice Vietnamese restaurant in Greenwich. Learned to navigate the London Underground - which was quite an adventure.Read more

    • Day 32

      Rainy London, England

      May 21 in England ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Our day trip to London from Paris on the 2 hour Eurostar under the English channel turned out to be a soggy day. But we saw a few sights and made the best of it. We just need a do over trip in the near future.Read more

    • Day 14

      James Smith & Sons Umbrellas

      August 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      It was founded by James Smith as a single shop in Foubert's Place in 1830. Further branches were established in Savile Row and New Burlington Street and the main premises is now in New Oxford Street. The shop-fittings there were constructed around 1865 and the shop still has a traditional Victorian character.Read more

    • Day 5

      Sightseeing in London

      August 29, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach 4 Fahrtagen ist heute ein Tag Pause geplant. Diesen Pausentag möchten wir für ein bisschen Sightseeing in London selbst nutzen.

      Die Entscheidung erst gaaanz in Ruhe zu Frühstücken und damit den Berufspendlern in der Bahn aus dem Weg zu gehen, ist genau die richtige Entscheidung.
      Von Wembley Park aus fahren wir mit der Jubilee Line bis zur London Bridge und gehen die letzten Meter zur Tower Bridge, die wirklich ein Hingucker ist. Dann schlendern wir am Wasser entlang zur Millennium Bridge. Ich finde sie ganz cool, aber meine Mitreisenden sind nur so semi-begeistert.
      Also fahren wir mit der Bahn zum St. James Park und lassen uns einen Mittagssnack im Café des Parks schmecken.
      Beim Buckingham Palace schauen wir natürlich auch vorbei und gehen dann nach einer kurzen Bahnfahrt vom Oxford Circle aus die Regent Street zum Picadilly Circus runter.
      Auf der Einkaufsmeile stocke ich meinen Teevorrat für Daheim wieder auf (Tee kann man einfach nicht genug haben 😄) und beenden dann den Tag ein einem kleinen urigen Pub etwas abseits des Londoner Trubels.

      In Wembley zurück entscheiden wir uns nach einigen Überlegungen in das Restaurant „wagamama“ zu gehen und sind positiv überrascht. Das Essen ist wirklich lecker (asiatische Küche).

      Jetzt freue ich mich aber auch schon auf den morgigen Fahrtag 😃
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    • Day 4

      London Town

      July 31, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      First day out in the big smoke. The tube was hot, the legs are sore…loved it. Started with a walk around the standard spots: Southbank, Parliament, Downing St, Trafalgar, Piccadilly, Horse Guards, The Mall, Westminster. Explored the Natural History Museum though with some rain and with school holidays it got very busy. The Pliosaur, and the minerals a highlight for me (H). We had our first British pint in South Ken; a Brixton Lager and one “Level Head Session IPA” an ode to St Edmund beheaded by Vikings in 869 (and miraculously re-joined to his body hence the sainthood); appreciated the design for both flavour and the pint glass. Lunch was a cash only buffet in Chinatown, a rushed choice after getting a little too hangry (H again)…we attempted to use old £ notes Mum and Dad gave us from their last trip, but was not accepted hehe. A trip to the bank will be next. Thank goodness for Issy and Livvy who navigated, had extra cash and generally were lovely tour guides!Read more

    • Day 23

      Whitehall Gardens & Corinthia Hotel

      April 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today we had a chilled morning, did some washing & relaxed! On the way back from the laundromat we found an adorable cafe in a side street called Little Pedler’s street 1 min away from the apartment ☕️

      📍 Walked down Bermondsey Street with Stephan to look at all the cool shops and restaurants. It reminded me heaps of where I used to live in Yarraville
      📍 Jumped on the Uber Boat down Thames River toward Embankment. It was fun to cruise down the river
      📍 Quick walk through Whitehall Gardens, stunning tulips and buildings around it🌷
      📍 High Tea @ Corinthia which is a 5-star hotel in the centre of London. Unfortunately Julia was sick and couldn’t join us but she insisted we go as it’s a classic “British thing” to do. It was amazing, the building and overall ambience was different to anything I’ve ever done. Super fancy! I was on the lookout for someone famous after Julia told me Johnny Depp has stayed there 🤣 There was an Australian guy playing a grand piano who came to talk to us, he was excited to see some aussies!
      📍 Walked back through Southbank & to a pub in Monument to meet Liam and Matt who are old school friends that Jacques used to play footy with back in the day and are now living in London🍺
      📍 Elite burgers for dinner @ Honest on Bermondsey Street 🍔

      Despite the bad rap it gets for its food, we are yet to have a bad meal in London!
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    • Day 2

      Day 2: Hit the Ground Running

      September 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After a long, long, long, trip we touched down at Heathrow Airport at 6.10am....a full day ahead of us before we could sleep. Luckily our Air BnB host let us know we could have an early check-in, so we arrived at our 1st home at 9am, a gorgeous old 17th Century manor type house which use to belong to Wilkie Collins - author of The Woman in White - and a good friend of Charles Dickens. 4 quick showers later, we set out to explore Hyde Park and Kensington Palace, as they were just around the corner - I am sad to report that both could have benefited from a few hours of me and my mower! We found Harrods and went in for a look...and came out again very quickly with a delicious, but expensive bread stick. We jumped on the Hop on/Hop off bus to do a 3 hr lap of the tourist sites, but hopped off at the 2nd stop to have a pint (or 2) of beer - and Matt made a friend! Hopped back on the bus, but hopped back off to find a loo (due to the beer). We found a loo - in a pub - and had another pint, before Matt and I hopped back on to finish the circuit. After successfully working out the Tube system, we arrived home and hopped into bed - a full 48hrs after we woke in Mount Rankin to begin our trip.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 4: A day of Kings.

      September 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The Tower of London was 1st up today. My favourite part was standing on the walls, touching the stones that the archers would have touched whilst defending the tower 800 years ago. My least favourite was The Crown Jewels - no photos allowed. We had lunch under a tree; egg and cress, sandwiches - so very British, and then met the Cambeys at Liverpool St Station for a train ride out to Windsor castle to visit with Charlie and Camilla...they must have forgotten we were coming because they weren't home. Not many photos from here because you weren't permitted to take any - but sooooo much history! The castle is HUGE, but strangely elegant - my favourite place so far. We walked past Queen Elizabeth's burial tomb, and stood on Henry the VIII's. The day was so hot we bought an icecream each that claimed they were made from milk from the Kings own cows, before heading into the village of Windsor for a pint at one pub and dinner and another pint at another pub. Trained it back home exhausted.Read more

    • Day 11

      Tag 11: London

      June 26 in England ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute hab ich mich in die Menschenmenge von London gestürzt. Von dem Campingplatz entfernt gibt es eine Bahnstation mit der ich problemlos in die Stadt fahren kann. Da ich mehrmals hin und her fahre werde, kaufe ich ein Tagesticket für 4 Zonen (da meine Station in der 4. Zone liegt) für stolze 16 Pfund. Angekommen im Waterloo fühle ich mich kurz vor zuhause, weil die Station in Hannover auch Waterloo heißt. Hier bin ich aber einen kurzen Fußmarsch vom London Eye und Big Ben entfernt anstatt von unsern vier Wänden.
      Obwohl es Mittwoch Vormittag ist kann man sich vor den Massen an Touristen kaum retten. Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang bin ich dann beim Buckingham Palace und dann auf dem Weg zum British Museum, welches aber eine so lange Schlange schon auf der Straße dorthin aufweist, dass ich nicht ins Museum gegangen bin. Stattdessen bin ich zum Imperial War Museum gefahren, welches zu meiner Überraschung kostenlos war. Nach dem vielen Laufen und Trubel bin ich froh wieder auf dem Campingplatz zu sein und dass es morgen weiter geht.

      Ich habe mich heute dazu entschieden, dass ich morgen von Kings Cross in London mit dem Zug nach Leeds fahre, um direkt zu den Yorkshire Dales und dann zum Lake District zu kommen. So hab ich wenigstens eine gute Aussicht bei den schlechten Straßen.
      Dafür muss ich morgen nach Zentral London mit dem Fahrrad radeln. Das wird spaßig. Aber ich bin dann hoffentlich schnell wieder mehr in der Natur.
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    • Day 2

      What day is it??!

      February 19, 2023 in England

      We made it! 24 hours flying, 30+ hours in transit. The girls were brilliant (OK, maybe not brilliant- but definitely better than it could have been!) Not a lot of sleep throughout, but we have charged through the day today and heading to bed early. Jet lag is real (Audrey calls it plane rot…)
      Lots of things ticked off on our first day. Took the tube and minded the gap. As we emerged into the sunlight with our first look at England (the industrial area around the airport) Olive declared ‘it is SO beautiful!’ 🤦🏼‍♀️
      Surprised the girls with a double decker bus tour hosted by Paddington bear. The girls LOVED it… until the motion of an old refurbished bus combined with plane rot made things a little hairy.
      We can see Big Ben from the front of our hotel, so have walked and seen some sights. Nick and I didn’t love London last time we were briefly here, but the architecture captured our hearts today (and the glorious blue sky reflected on the Thames might have helped).
      Let’s hope for sleep for all tonight!
      PS Squirrels are very cute 🐿
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    London, Лондан, Londen, ለንደን, Londres, Lunden, لندن, ܠܘܢܕܘܢ, Лондон, Горад Лондан, लंदन, লন্ডন, ལོན་ཊོན།, Londrez, Lùng-dŭng, ᎫᎴ ᏗᏍᎪᏂᎯᏱ, لەندەن, Londra, Londýn, Londin, Лондонъ, Llundain, Λονδίνο, Londono, Londri, Lontoo, Lodoni, Londro, Londain, 倫敦, Lunnainn, Londye, લંડન, Lunnin, Lùn-tûn, Lākana, לונדון, Lonn, Լոնդոն, LON, ロンドン, london, ლონდონი, ಲಂಡನ್, 런던, Loundres, Londinium, Londe, Lundra, Londoni, ລອນດອນ, لأندأن, Londonas, Londona, लण्डन, Rānana, ലണ്ടൻ, लंडन, လန်ဒန်မြို့, Лондон ош, Lûn-tun, लन्दन, Landan, ଲଣ୍ଡନ, ਲੰਡਨ, Londyn, लन्डन्, Lunnon, Londons, ලන්ඩන්, Lůndůn, இலண்டன், లండన్, ลอนดอน, Landen, لوندون, Łondra, Luân Đôn, Londn, Londar, 伦敦, לאנדאן, Lọndọnu, ILondon

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