North Kensington

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    • Dag 40

      Full Circle

      1. juni, England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I have gone full circle and arrived back in London ready for my journey home.
      I went to the Royal Albert Hall last night hoping to catch a concert but nothing was on. It wasn’t even open to have a tour. It was also too late in the afternoon to visit any of the museums as by the time I would have got to the front of the entry queue it would be closing time. I had to settle for a walk in Hyde park in near storm conditions.
      It has been a fabulous month and thank you for coming along on my unpredictable journey. Stay tuned for my next adventure.
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    • Dag 13

      First full day in London

      11. september 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      It’s now Thursday morning, but it was too late to write up then. Having had a LONG sleep on Tuesday night, we felt ready to hit the town...but actually, I have to say that I did feel a bit fuzzy despite plenty of sleep. But we did quite a lot. After breakfast, which is included in our accommodation this time, we set off, walked through Hyde Park, saw there was a September 11 memorial, which was ignored even though it was today sept. 11. Nearby there was a butterfly biosphere...a tent with many species of butterflies in a very tropical tent, so we went in just for fun.

      Then we walked along, through Mayfair towards the British Museum where we spent a few hours looking at the fascinating things there. After we wandered the streets, such lovely buildings (mostly) and in passing picked up our tickets for Mamma Mia from the Novello theatre in Aldwych, (that is for Friday) and also for the concert tonight (Thursday) from St Martin in the Fields in Trafalgar Square.

      After more wandering we actually took the underground to Knightsbridge - getting a little wearier by then - and walked to South Kensington, lots of eateries there...had a pre dinner drink at happy hour, then a pizza and salad before walking to the Royal Albert Hall for our Proms concert. Realised we were joining quite a crowd walking in the same direction...there is a real atmosphere at the prom concerts. Found our seats and enjoyed the whole spectacle. Virtually full house, with always people standing in the middle . We thought it was a concert of Bach orchestral suites - it was, but unbeknown to us there were other very short non-Bach 21st century works interspersed....(they can never have a concert there days without something new and “enlightening” it seems!)...however, this did not detract from the Bach...just lovely. It was an orchestra from Dunedin NZ (their equivalent ACO i imagine)...

      So we walked back after the concert, and decided to have our complimentary drink in the bar at the hotel (because we are such faithful silver Accor members!) it was almost midnight when we went to bed, and of course, having been fighting sleep during the soothing Bach at the concert, we found ourselves wide awake....

      So here we are, Thursday morning, slept in till almost 9, ready for a new day!
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    • Dag 192

      Science museum

      17. november 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Here is the last few days! I saw Laura who I met at a study camp and has been travelling for 3 months for lunch! And we walked past monument :) we got a yummy stew and mash potato plate 🙌
      I slept at Fi’s and looked after Louis and then Fi took me to get Ricotta honey hotcakes from her fav cafe and they were very good.
      Then I went to the science museum and that was cool.
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    • Dag 2

      Natural History Museum London 🫶

      27. august 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Kann garnicht beschreiben wie weird es ist diese ganzen ausgestorbenen Tiere in Realgröße zu sehen. Man hat auf jeden Fall deutlich mehr Respekt vor der Natur und fragt sich wie es mit der Menschheit heute aussehen würde, wenn manche Arten noch leben würden. Übrigens auch super interessante Stücke und Infos über die menschliche Evolution, den Planeten und andere, "lebende" Tierarten ;)) Uuuund ungefähr ein Dutzend Jurassic Park - Souvenir Läden...denen ich zum Opfer gefallen bin🥹🤣🫠..Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Deuxième journée : musées

      4. januar 2023, England ⋅ 🌬 13 °C


      Aujourd'hui, j'ai exploré un autre petit coin de la ville. J'ai choisi de faire la visite de deux musées, soit le musée des sciences et le musée d'histoire naturelle. Les deux sont situés au même endroit et j'ai pris le métro pour m'y rendre! Ça s'est très bien passé!

      J'ai commencé par le musée des sciences, où j'ai passé la moitié du temps que j'avais prévu pour ma visite dans la section sur l'exploration spatiale! 😅 J'essayais de tout lire! J'ai particulièrement apprécié assister à la petite présentation de Stephen Hawking et de ses contributions scientifiques (en raison de mon attachement déjà existant pour cet homme). Après ça, j'ai rapidement fait un tour des autres expositions, surtout observé les objets. J'ai bien aimé la section des avions! C'était assez impressionnant!

      Au musée d'histoire naturelle, j'ai beaucoup aimé le fait que les expositions (les premières surtout) suivaient un ordre chronologique. Après avoir découvert la section sur les volcans et les tremblements de terre, les visiteurs accèdent à une section qui détaille différents types de roches, comment elles se forment et comment la nature les sculpte. Il y avait aussi une exposition expliquant l'évolution de l'univers depuis ses débuts et la formation d'astres, puis une autre qui regroupait les plus belles roches qu'on peut trouver sur Terre. J'ai terminé ma visite avec le Hintze Hall, où un imposant squelette, celui d'une baleine bleue, est suspendu au milieu de cette magnifique grande salle. Cette pièce grandiose m'en a donné le vertige!

      C'est ce qui complète mes activités d'aujourd'hui! J'ai beaucoup aimé le sentiment de liberté qui venait avec ma promenade en métro d'un bout de la ville à un autre. 😃

      À demain!
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    • Dag 29

      Day 6 London

      14. mai, England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we had a slow start followed by a quiet morning, after our full day yesterday. We’ve booked a full day trip tomorrow to the Cotswold villages. We weren’t far away when we had our first week at Bath, but all tours were fully booked. So even though it’s a reasonably long trip to reach there, we didn’t want to miss out. The pick up point is quite a distance away, and is at 8.15, so we decided today to do a trial run to be confident of getting there in time. Fortunately we just have to go to the nearest underground station, about a 20 minute walk away, and the line goes directly there. We’re now set to go in the morning.

      Our destination station was West Kensington, which is obviously a very upmarket area, with beautiful, gracious apartment blocks. There was also a wide variety of cuisines at the many eating places. So after we had a Turkish lunch, we wandered around the streets, and amazingly found ourselves back in front of this Italian coffee and tiramisu shop. There were eight varieties of tiramisu, but Wok and I had decided to share one, and really couldn’t go past the authentic, original variety. We were served by this lovely bright young pair. I have to say that the coffee was as good as in Italy too. And sharing was a good decision! We made a pact that maybe when we return from our day away, we’d pick up another one on our way past to have for tomorrow night’s dinner. Nothing else, just tiramisu. Mind you, it’s now 7pm and there’s no thought in either of our minds of eating again today!

      We’re really looking forward to tomorrow, and are expecting to have some lovely photos to send you tomorrow evening.
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    • Dag 2

      Walking to Hyde Park

      17. desember 2019, England ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      We elected to take the longer waking route to Hyde Park in order to take in more of the city. The downside of winter in London - it gets dark crazy early and it's wet. Still, we had fun exploring as we made our way to our first Christmas Market.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      London mit Kollegen

      13. september 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Der Dienstag war für unsere Londoner Kollegen geplant. Es war sehr schön, viele nach über 2,5 Jahren wieder zu sehen.
      Am Nachmittag sind wir zusammen in ein klassisches Englisches Pub und dann in ein noch mehr klassisches Indisches Restaurant.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      South Kensigton

      25. april 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Und dann war ich noch bei meiner damaligen Wirkungsstätte. Hotel 167 aber leider gibt es das nicht mehr. Sind jetzt Wohnungen drin. Und die Umgebung hat sich auch total verändert. Bin dann auch noch am Natural History Museum vorbei.Les mer

    • Dag 12

      A sunny day in London

      3. mai 2023, England

      Today was beautiful weather. So I decided to go to the City Centre to enjoy all the famous sights in the sun. I took the underground to Picadilly Circus and walked towards Oxford Street. I stopped at some shops and enjoyed the atmosphere, somehow it felt everyone was in a good mood. I ate lunch at Trafalgar Square, luckily it wasn‘t under construction anymore, like at the beginning of my trip. The big space was established in the 19th century and its name Trafalgar comes from a battle in the Napoleonic war off the coast of Cape Trafalgar.
      Then I went to my apartment to rest for a couple of minutes and then I walked through Kensington to the famous neighborhood of Notting Hill. Not only is it popular for its pretty and colorful houses and the famous movie Notting Hill with Julia Roberts, but it also has an amazing market, called the Portobello Market. It has very unique vintage stores and stands, cafes, and many more. And I loved it so much more than Camden Market.
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