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    • Día 11

      Southampton / London

      18 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Der Tag fing mit einem imposanten Bild im Hafen an. Fünf Kreuzfahrer waren in Southampton (die Aurora und die Iona von P&O Cruises, die Norvegian Star von NCL, die MSC Virtuosa von MSC und die Mein Schiff 3 von TUI Cruises).
      Für uns ging es auf einen 10-Stunden-Ausflug nach London (3 Stunden hin - 4 Stunden Aufenthalt - 3 Stunden zurück). Durch wenig Verkehr und einem zügig fahrenden Fahrer hatten wir bei 2,5 Stunden Hin- und Rückfahrt tatsächlich 5 Stunden Aufenthalt - toll!
      Es wurde auch ein sehr guter Bus bereitgestellt mit viel Beinfreiheit (auch für uns großen Menschen!) und sehr bequemen Sitzen.
      London ist schon begeisternd. Wir wurden am London Eye rausgelassen und sind dann die Runde über den Big Ben, den Trafalgar Square, den Buckingham Palace, den Hyde Park, zurück auf der Rückseite des Buckingham Palace und durch das "moderne" London über die Westminster Abbey zurück zum London Eye und somit zum Bus.
      London war überall tierisch voll, die Straße zum Buckingham Palace für alle Fahrzeuge gesperrt, sodass wir mitten auf der Straße zum Palast schlendern konnten.
      Wie angekündigt war es wettertechnisch bis zum Nachmittag bedeckt bei angenehmen Temperaturen, nachmittags kam dann die Sonne raus. Also perfektes Ausflugswetter!
      Zum Schluss hatten wir noch ein wenig Zeit und haben noch Fish & Chips gegessen - der Abschluss eines perfekten Tages in der britischen Hauptstadt!
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    • Día 11

      A day out in Southampton UK

      12 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We decided to get off the ship in Southampton for a few hours. We checked out a historic Tudor home/museum/garden, walked thru the old village a bit, popped into a bookstore (because we can’t resist one) and we had a great fish and chip lunch. And we got in a nice walk on a very beautiful day.Leer más

    • Día 6–7


      2 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Took the train from London to Southampton today. It took around 1.5 hours and was lovely to see some of the countryside. Hotel is above our expectations and is gorgeous. Porter collected our bags from taxi and brought them up to our room, all very fancy. Then we were off to the Westquay shopping complex, you could get lost in there! We needed another suitcase but decided to do two carry-on cases and see how we go. Then we brought our very tired feet back to the hotel, so a nap before our dinner reservations. The couple next to us in the dinning room were having trouble with their phone when I spotted the cruise app... conversation was started and we had a lovely meal while finding out all about cruising from our new American acquaintances. She is 70 in July and honestly doesn't look a day over 50 - must be due to the 21 cruises they have done, maybe the new fountain of youth 🤷‍♀️ Tomorrow, we embark on our 12 night cruise of the British Isles.Leer más

    • Día 8

      Southampton/Isle of Wight

      11 de junio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Over the weekend, we drove to meet family in Southampton. We took a ferry to the Isle of Wight, which is a seafront of beaches with dinosaur remains, fossils and Queen Victoria’s castle. We tried the popular Victorian sponge cake, and it did not disappoint. On Sunday we attended a Church of England service with cousins and finished the day off at the New Forest National Park where we saw wild horses!Leer más

    • Día 23

      Embarking Celebrity Silhouette

      20 de octubre de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      As beautiful as the weather was yesterday, it was that crummy today … at least until late afternoon.

      We woke up to decidedly chilly temps and rain, which continued on and off throughout the day. At times it was just a barely noticeable drizzle. At other times it was a downpour … usually short in duration. Keeping fingers crossed that we’d catch a break when it was time to embark Celebrity Silhouette, we went down to the dining room for our morning meal.

      In fact, we did luck out a couple of times with the weather.

      First, there was a break in the rain when we set off to drop off our checked bags with the longshoremen at the City Cruise Terminal. To double our luck, we found an old IKEA cart at the entrance to the port … which made managing our bags on the sidewalk that was in less than good condition much easier.

      We had no desire to board the ship … it was only 10:30a and we planned to walk into town for some gelato before embarking Silhouette. But we wondered if we might be able to check-in while the terminal was still quiet. So we headed there next.

      No problem … even though our check-in slot was between 1:00-1:30p. No one blinked an eye. They just directed us inside with instructions to have our passports and express passes handy. No lines anywhere … just a few passengers lallygagging here and there. Formalities took maybe 5 minutes and we were done. We would realize later just how lucky we were to have managed check-in so quickly.

      Leaving the terminal, we walked out into ever-increasing rain. No can do on the walk into town for gelato. We had arranged for a late check out at noon at the Holiday Inn and left our carry-on bags there, so we returned to relax in our room for a while. A smart move, as it turns out. No sooner were we under cover that the rain really started to come down … the downpour lasting about an hour this time.

      Another lucky break in the rain just as we decided to return to the terminal to embark the ship shortly after noon allowed us to walk to the City Cruise Terminal without getting wet. In fact, the clouds seemed to be moving out … the sun breaking through with patches of blue in the sky. Excellent!

      Seeing the lines snaking around the waiting area inside the terminal — passengers queued up at least four deep, waiting their turn to check-in — made us appreciate our quick check-in this morning all the more. Since we’d completed the formalities already, we were allowed to skip the line with just a quick scan of our express passes and continue straight to the gangway.

      The rest of our embarkation day story will be in the next footprint …
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    • Día 21

      We’re Negative!

      18 de octubre de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      To embark the ship on Thursday, we need to not only have proof of our COVID-19 vaccines in hand, but also PCR or antigen test results showing that we are in good health.

      Once we were settled into the room, we took out the e-Med testing kits we had purchased earlier this year. Using the free wi-fi provided by the hotel, we connected with testing proctors who gave us step by step instructions and watched as we followed through. Fifteen minutes later, we had what we wanted … a “single pink line” negative result for each of us!

      We’re now all set for embarkation day. But first … a bit of relaxing tonight … and a bit of sightseeing tomorrow.
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    • Día 4

      Southampton und die Titanic

      9 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Natürlich lassen wir uns es nicht nehmen das Titanic Museum, Teil des Stadtmuseums zu besuchen. Auch wenn die Geschichte 1000x bekannt ist, sind die Exponate, Portraits, Interviews schon beeindruckend. Leider sind wir so langsam mit viel Schauen und Lesen, dass wir um 17 Uhr hinausgeschmissen werden müssen. 😁😁😁
      Das Museum ist im ehemaligen Court untergebracht und die Dokumentation der Interrogation wird eben in diesem Gerichtssaal gezeigt. Wirklich gut gemacht die Ausstellung.
      Total angetan bin ich von den Automaten die auch ausgestellt sind. Handlesen, Wahrsager, Stärke messen, Fußball, um die Wette Radrennen fahren.... so lustig! Wir haben kein Bargeld, darum kann ich nur schauen. 😒
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    • Día 4

      Sauber ist total untertrieben. Makellos

      9 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Sauberkeit auf den Straßen,
      Keine Schmierereien und Graffiti
      Keine Tschickstummeln
      Keine Kaugummis
      Kein Müll
      Keine Hundekacke
      Kein lautes Telefonieren oder Filme schauen
      Keine lauten Gespräche in den Öffis
      Keine sinnlosen Zerstörungen im öffentlichen Bereich
      Kein Drängeln
      Keine Ungeduld
      Kein Geschimpfe
      Anstellen, das berühmte Queeing, ist einfach der Respekt voreinander
      Unglaubliche Vorbildwirkung lässt Ausreißer nicht zu

      Die ganze Reise entlang haben wir keine einzige Plastikflasche, Dose oder sonstigen Müll gesehen.
      Nach Festen, und da waren wir selber bei einigen dabei, ist alles bei den Mülleimern... auch wenn sie uberquellen, werden sie asap geleert. In Exeter nach der Parade und Samstag Nacht ist in der Früh schon das Kehrfahrzeug gefahren, hat auch die Straße gewaschen.
      Es ist unfassbar wie das hier funktioniert.
      Chapeau! Tu Felix Austriae disce!
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    • Día 22

      A-Wander in Southampton

      19 de octubre de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌬 63 °F

      Admittedly, Southampton itself doesn’t offer all that much … sightseeing-wise … especially if you’ve been there before as we have.

      Of course, we could have stayed in London … but a big city wasn’t what we wanted since we had just one day prior to embarking our cruise in Southampton. Of course, we could have taken the ferry to the Isle of Wight … or done a tour that would have taken us to some of the charming towns and castles nearby. But, we just wanted an easy day to rest up after a long travel day. Southampton gave us just that today.

      A tasty and filling breakfast at the Holiday Inn — included in our room rate — started off our day. Despite a light breeze, the temperature was comfortable. The early morning overcast gave way to sunshine and patchy blue skies by mid-morning. Perfect for a wander around town.

      Our meander took us to old city walls … where we walked in the footsteps of yore and wondered what life was like when these same walls stood tall and strong to protect the residents. Along narrow, cobblestone streets we walked … where colorful blooms and interesting architecture charmed us. To two museums we went … the Seacity Museum offering a peek into history and the city’s connection to the ill-fated Titanic; the City Art Museum giving us a glimpse of some colorful and interesting art.

      Our quest for a midday meal took us to the Duke of Wellington, an inn/pub built over the foundations of a house dating back to the 12th century … and housed in a building that dates back to around 1490. Damaged by enemy action during WWII, the inn was restored in the 1960s but has the charm of much earlier times … delicious fish & chips and an exceptional brownie served with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Yummy! Yummy!

      We returned to the hotel mid-afternoon, happy and satisfied with our day of exploring Southampton … and ready to put our feet up after an 11,100-step day.
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    • Día 4

      More of Southampton

      9 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Also dann bin ich das Haus suchen gegangen, in dem ich mit 14 gewohnt habe. Die Familie Hart gibt es dort nicht mehr. Es wäre zu genial gewesen. Allmählich sind die Erinnerungen wieder da... Shirley, so heißt der Stadtteil, Shirley Road die Ader aus der Stadt. 1000 kleine Läden, Werkstätten, Pubs, Cafés. In den, Quer- und Seitenstraßen beschauliche Ruhe, hübsche Ziegelhäuschen, Vorgärten. Alles heißt Cresent, Round, oder Circle...
      Wir gesellen uns zu den Einheimischen in einer Eckkneipe und trinken ein kühles Lager in der Sonne an der Shirley Road. Irgendwie erinnern mich die 1 stöckigen Häuser an die Vororte in der USA.
      Southampton die uneingebildete, die unkomplizierte Stadt der Jungen und der Alten. Blitzsauber, wie alles hier. Keine Zigarettenstummel, keine Plastikflaschen, kein Hundedreck, keine Kaugummis, kein Müll. Was ist das Geheimnis?
      Unser Abendessen finden wir am Weg zurück in einer der, von Menschen lebendigen, Straßen und genießen das herrliche chinesische Essen.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Southampton, STH, ساوثهامبتون, Sauthempton, Горад Саўтгемптан, Саутхамптън, Σαουθάμπτον, ساوت‌همپتون, סאותהמפטון, साउथहैंपटन, Սաութգեմփթոն, サウサンプトン, Саутгемптон, 사우샘프턴, Hantonia, Sautamptonas, Sauthemptona, साउथहँप्टन, ဆောက်သမ္ပတန်မြို့, Hantonne, ਸਾਊਥਹੈਂਪਟਨ, ساؤتھمپٹن, Саутхемптон, เซาแทมป์ตัน, 修咸頓, 南安普敦

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