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Taunton Deane District

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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Taunton Deane District
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    • Dzień 4

      Taunton, Somerset

      20 sierpnia 2019, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Staying at Cornish Farm Campground for a few days, alarm and immobiliser fitted to Minnie today. Had a wander round Taunton and the Museum of Somerset and the Almshouse dates back to 1500. Yummy Cornish pasty for lunch from the world’s oldest pasty maker, not sure why it’s in Somerset though ??? Had to smile at the moorhen on a cardboard box in the river Tone. Wee dram to celebrate our Minnie. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 1

      Collecting Heimo

      24 marca 2017, Anglia ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Train down to Taunton - let the adventure begin.
      After much research and a couple of test drives Rachel and I decided on the Hymer T522 for our first motorhome and it was with great excitement that we caught the train from Penistone to Sheffield and on to Taunton in Somerset to pick it up.

      We arrived at Taunton station and went out the wrong exit, hanging around in the cold wind for about 30 minutes wondering if Somerset Motorhomes had forgotten about us and the T522 was just clever way to get us to pay over a lump of our savings! We finally got word that our lift was on the other side of the station waiting for us so we traipsed across the station and loaded out case and duvet in the boot and headed off.

      The handover itself was informative, Rachel videoed the only remotely complicated bit on how the heating system works, the rest seemed pretty straight forward. Nick was his usual impatient self and just wanted to jump in and drive off! Eventually it was time to head off to a local site for our first overnight stop to test things out ahead of a final handover the next day.

      The site was clean, but close to a motorway with the constant drone of passing cars, something we don't hear a lot of in Carlecotes! We pulled up, hooked up the electricity and turned on the gas, played with the cooker to heat some water and promptly opened our first bottle of wine to be consumed in the van, we suspect the first of many!
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    • Dzień 2


      29 maja 2019, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After a fair amount of research last night, I found a Curry's approximately 15 minutes away in Taunton that claimed to have a charger. So, after our breakfast (still digesting) we drove into Taunton. Curry's did not have any camera chargers.

      Next door to the Curry's was an office supply store. They sold many things; camera chargers were not among them.

      At this point, I had started becoming despondent, so we went into a coffee shop in the same shopping center to steal their wifi and recaffeinate (but mostly the wifi) while attempting to find other potential solutions. We found chargers on the website for London Camera Exchange, for more money than either of us wanted to spend. We called to confirm the chargers actually existed since the hurt of the Curry's incident was still fresh. No one answered the phone at London Camera Exchange. We called the Ilminster camera shop which, as it turns out, went out of business years ago and the phone number now belongs to a private individual. Oops. We discussed the possibility of trying to get Amazon Prime to deliver one, but the logistics of that attempt seemed tricky considering the whole "not spending more than two nights in one place" thing. On a whim, we popped into ASDA. ASDA did not have any camera chargers.

      We took a break from the search to go to lunch with Will's family, during which time we talked about the severe lack of camera supply stores outside of the larger cities. No kidding.

      After lunch, we called London Camera Exchange once again. They still did not answer the phone. We went anyway. (If you examine the travel map, you will see Donyatt and Taunton connected by four lines. That is two round trips just to replace my flipping camera charger.) After several wrong turns and an adventure through a back alley that DEFINITELY does double duty as a urinal, we found London Camera Exchange company. The store did exist and they did have chargers.

      The shopkeeper apologetically explained that they were universal chargers, and would therefore charge many more batteries than the one specifically for my camera. He put my camera battery into the charger and even more apologetically explained that the blinking red light we were seeing indicated that the battery was, in fact, charging. He looked positively pained when explaining that the price of the charger was half of the price we had seen online. Confused, but excited, we agreed to buy the charger. I had to restrain myself from hugging the man. I don't think he would have appreciated it...

      I'm sure there's a moral here somewhere, but I can't really think of one. The most relevant tidbit I can come up with is this: even when faced with the idea that my camera had become a very expensive paper weight, I remained more calm than Will did when he accidentally dumped the contents of his suitcase all over my living room on Monday. My situation was arguably more tragic, but I handled it with significantly more grace. So there's your moral.

      Girls Rule.
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    • Dzień 470


      6 września 2019, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We spent two nights on a site quite close to the centre of Taunton. The site was on a cider farm, and we stayed amongst the apple trees in the orchards.
      We walked along the Taunton to Bridgwater canal into Taunton, which is the county town of Somerset, and passed the cricket ground wonderfully placed in the heart of the town.
      We liked the town which we saw in sunshine and had a wander through the high street. There seemed to have been some competition in the local church community at one time to see who could build the biggest bell tower, and they all seemed to have used the same architect.
      Free apples were available from the common on our return to the site which K did not miss the chance of.
      We cycled 13 miles along the canal to Bridgwater the following day. The canal was very quiet and is not busy with narrow boats. It was very quiet along the whole route apart from a few canoes and hired rowing boats. The peace was shattered at the end of the ride due to engineering works over the canal.
      Bridgwater is a town of two halves, an older part with some nice building on one side of the bridge and supermarkets etc on the other. Brambles were hanging off the canal side blackberry bushes so Jamie, Renee et al are in for an apple and blackberry crumble treat when we see them at the end of next week.
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    • Dzień 10

      Budleigh Salterton & Wiveliscombe

      10 czerwca 2017, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Drive from Bath to Budleigh Salterton to visit David & Doreen. Walk on the beach, lunch at the Otterton Mill and then a walk with Doreen around Budleigh. Drive to Wiveliscombe to see Debby & Ian - also Louise & Sheridan. Awesome roast dinner, countless drinks and a 2.30am finish. Czytaj więcej

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