United Kingdom

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    • Day 2

      The UAE to the UK

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      With a 3 hour stop over in Abu Dhabi, it was on to the final plane, 7 hours to Manchester. I tried to get as much sleep as possible, but only slept on and off for 4 hours. A quick breakfast just before landing.
      We arrived at 7:10am and found our way to the car rental place to pick up the car. Then it was off to Hull (about a 2 hour drive).
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    • Day 21

      Flug nach GVA über Manchester und Dublin

      May 25 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Bin um 1615h beim Check-in. Habe Glück. Bekomme den gleichen Sitz wie schon im abgebrochenen Flug. 43G. Nur das Gate 4 ist das gleiche wie vor zwei Tagen 🐷
      Also es ist 18:40h und sitze im Flieger. See you in Manchester ...
      Neben mir sitzt eine junge Schwarze uns schweiselet wie'ne'more .... Dafür hat sie etwas 3-4 cm lange rosarote/orange Fingernägel ..wir verlassen haargenau um 1900h das Gate.
      Nach 6 Stunden Flug (kam mir sehr kurz vor) Landung in Manchester um 06:57h.
      Flug Manchester Dublin ATR72-600 von Emerald Airlines Abflug um 9:44h Ankunft um 10:26
      Kehre ein im The Follow und erlebe tatsächlich das erste Mal eine Digitale Bestellung.Musste also via Handy in Kreditkarte bestellen.
      Das Zeugs kommt immer näher ...
      So letzter Flug meiner Reise ist soweit: Dublin - Genf
      DUV Abflug um GVA Ankunft um
      Dublin Abflug um 14:00h
      Genf Landung um 15:47 (resp. 16:47h Schweiz Zeit)

      Das erste Mal im neuen Terminal in GVA angekommen. Sehr Modern und schön aber auch weitläufig. Die Passkontrolle war voll automatisiert!
      Auch das habe ich noch nie erlebt. Bei der Gepäckausgabe waren alle Gepäckstücke schon da und das Gepäckband schon abgestellt. Unglaublich!

      So hatte ich noch genug Zeit den 17:32h Zug zu erreichen. Das hat bestens geklappt. Also Landung um 16:47h, Zug um 17:32h.

      Daheim um 21:11


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    • Day 1

      Day 1 - Manchester to Singapore

      April 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      And so we're off, 6am start to get to the airport nice and early. At check in they gave us fast lane access as a honeymoon perk so we were straight through baggage check.
      After a look round the shops and a purchase of a bottle of lemon gin and coffee run we went for some breakfast. I got a mushroom omelette bun from pret a manger and Roy got a chicken sausage sandwich from Archies. We then went for the obligatory airport beer before boarding our flight to Singapore.

      As we boarded we got given earphones, a blanket and a pillow. As people got on we were hoping and praying that no one sat in the seat next to me and in no time they were announcing that all passengers were on board. RESULT! A full row to ourselves.

      The air hostess then came round with a packet of peas and crackers and I got a Wine spritzer and Roy got a tiger beer. Roy was well impressed by the fact there was WiFi on board and he spent no time in signing up.
      Next lunch was served I went for the fish whereas Roy got the Muslim meal which was a lamb curry so he was made up. His came with fruit and mine came with crackers & cheese so we swapped them. We washed them down with a gin & tonic for me and a whisky and coke for Roy.
      Film time - I watched the live action Mulan, followed by Ralph breaks the Internet and Roy watched Babylon.
      I had another gin and Roy went for a Singapore sling!
      There was snacks on board so we went for a packet of mixed nuts each and a packet of crisps. I wasn't hungry so I kept mine to takeaway but Roy had the munchies.
      We werent even halfway through the flight yet! The airhostess came round and asked us to put our window blinds down as we were entering "nighttime"
      We ordered another drink and I watched Mindcage while Roy watched some live football.
      After this I was all filmed out so I put on some Taylor swift, lay down along the two seats and had a nap.
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    • Day 4

      Day 4 MANUTD => Old Trafford

      April 21, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today is our 4th day in Manchester. We visited the Old Trafford Stadium today. But starting from the beginning:
      Today I realised, that it is no exception, that busses never arrive on time. Yesterday I came to school with a delay of 16 minutes. Albeit my bus should've arrived 19 minutes earlier, at 8.57. Today I wanted to take even an earlier bus, estimated arrival time was set to 8.45, our school starts at 9 o' clock. But as I stood on the bus station and waited for some minutes, another bus arrived. As he drove in the same direction, I took him. I thaught this could be my first day without a delay. But then we stood at the highway, for 10 minutes without moving in any direction, as I am while driving back home this evening and writing my daily blog. And I arrived with a 2 min delay at our school, I really felt ashamed, as I am swiss. I'm never late normally. Tomorrow I'll take an even earlier bus. School was not that interesting, my teacher told me to "shut up", because I talked with Timon in Swissgerman.
      Then we had lunchbreak until 1 pm, we went to tesco and bought sandwiches and a limited galactic edition coke. It was ok, but normal coke is better. In the afternoon we drove to the Old Trafford Stadium of Manchester United and had a very interesting tour there. But unluckily we had to put all metallic stuff out of our pockets and I had a swiss army knive with me. I just put it on this screening table as I would do in Switzerland. The security said that he will leave it there and I can collect it later. After about 10 minutes inside the museum there comes a security guard to me and says we need to talk. I didn't even know why first, but then he told me that this knives are illegal in the UK and that he has to take my personal information. They've sent it to the police now and my knife is getting destroyed. Altough I legally bought it from Victorinox in Switzerland and legally travelled with it through the swiss airport. The knife was really expensive, so I'm very upset now..
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    • Day 9

      Theater of Dreams - Old Trafford

      August 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ein must seen Stadion ist das Old Trafford von Manchester United, das Theatre of Dreams.

      74000 Zuschauer passen bei einem Spiel rein. Es kommt einem viel kompakter vor wie andere Stadien dieser Dimension.

      Integriert ist ein schönes Museum und natürlich der Megastore.

      Die Tour war wirklich top und neben den Möglichkeiten auf der Tribüne Platz zu nehmen und durch die zum Teil alterwürdigen Katakomben zu gehen, durfte man in die ManU Kabine, in den Spielertunnel mit Einlaufmusik, die etwas andere Auswechselbank (Wunsch von Sir Alex Ferguson) und in den Interviewraum in dem Mourinho sein Unwesen trieb.

      Wirklich ne Mega Stadion Tour mit tollen Guides (einer davon Kevin, der sich sehr um uns kümmerte inklusive Familienbild)
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    • Day 272


      October 3, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Gestern sind Andy und ich am Abend von Basel nach Manchester geflogen. Um ca. 0:30 sind wir dann im Bahnhof Piccadilly angekommen und da kommt uns auch schon Sämi entgegen. Er ist mit dem Zug von London angereist. Wir freuen uns sehr, ihn wieder zu sehen. Bis zum Sonntagabend verbringen wir die Zeit mit ihm in Manchester. Heute musste er hier noch arbeiten. Andy und ich haben das grosse Museum angeschaut.Read more

    • Day 4

      Home Sweet Home - A New Chapter

      February 16, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      I probably don't have much to talk about today as to be honest we got up, got the bus, got to the airport, ate our Speck and Cheese Ciabatta Sandwiches and then I spent the rest of the time updating and finishing the blog. We will be back in Manchester by 5pm.

      Well it's time. We are finally coming home! It's finally time to get a job (seriously if someone needs a Project Manager please let me know, we need money ASAP!) and start our normal lives again.

      Since booking our ticket home people have asked are you happy to go home? Honestly my answer is yes. I'm so excited to see my family, my friends, their babies, my incredible choir people, I can't wait to sleep in a real bed, to not have to eat out every meal of everyday, to sit on a sofa with a duvet, to cook, to know what I'm eating and know it won't make me so ill, to go to the doctors and check out my stomach as seriously its now been 3 months and it's not any better... But most of all I can't wait to begin my next chapter with my best friend, my partner in crime, my scuba buddy and the man who has stuck by my through thick and thin for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the last 13 months and the last 10 years. Of course we have had our ups and downs but honestly who wouldn't. Neither of us are perfect, no one is but he is the only one that every minute of everyday I think about and get excited to spend all these incredible moments with. I am currently the luckiest person in the world. How can I be sad to be going home when I've had the most incredible honour of exploring this beautiful world. This isn't the end. This is just the beginning.

      I'm currently sat in the airport in absolute disbelief that we have just spent 13 months in 13 different countries, seeing the most incredible places, seeing wonders of the world, learning new skills but most importantly building a world of friendships and meeting the most incredible people. People have asked us was your experience life changing, what have you learnt, etc I've learnt that life can be really simple. People are people no matter where you go, we all love to eat, be happy and speak one language - beer. We are just one family no matter your colour, no matter the differences, the gender, the nationality. People are just incredible.

      I'm going to finish with a few quotes from my inspiration Mahatma Ghandi:

      "Be the change that you want to see in the world."

      "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

      "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

      "You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results."

      See you soon xx (Just landed and it's grey. Welcome to Manchester!)
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    • Day 17

      Football in Manchester

      May 4, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      As I've expected played football a big role in my language stay, even though I was not even that much of a fan. But it already began with a trip to the Old Trafford Stadium from Manchester United on the first thursday. There we did a tour and we got many behind de scene insights as the changing room, the player entrance, the trophy room and the VIP seats. It was really interesting even rhough the Stadium looked smaller than what I've expected.
      But now I'll tell about the probably best thing I have experienced here, the Champions League semi finale between Manchester City and Real Madrid in the Etihad Stadium. It already began when our bus was stuck in a crowd of spanish people, cheering for Real Madrid. And as the Bus could only drive as fast as the crowd walked, we decided to get off the bus and walk with the crowd. But I felt really uncomfortable with a Man City Jersey in between all those Real fans so I pulled up my Jacket really quick. Lets come to the game itself. We had awsome places in the 15th row right behind de the goal so we had a great view on the goals and there were many of them, 7 in total. And the really best thing about it was that Man City won with 4:3 so I won 10 pounds because of a bet with a friend. And as I became really hooked, I wanted to see the second game in a bar. Unluckily Real Madrid turned a 0:1 into a 2:1 in the very last minutes and later into a 3:1 which means they are going to the final. I was devastated and lost my ten Pounds again because I had a bet again. But all in all do I have to confess that Manchester turned me into a little football fan.
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    • Day 134


      February 25, 2020 in England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      ...war auch schon geiler 😉

      Irgendwann kommen evtl. auch die Fotos vom coolen Manchester (Ian Curtis...) Trip, momentan steig ich nur um, sitze rum.

    • Day 18

      Red Red Red 👺

      July 15 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ohne Worte. Sehr glücklicher Bub.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Trafford, TRF, ترافورد, ট্রাফোর্ড, トラフォード, 트래퍼드, Metropolitan Borough of Trafford, Траффорд, ٹریفرڈ, 特拉福德

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