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West Dunbartonshire

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    • Day 103

      The dome, a storm and Detelina

      August 2, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today the sky is ominous, it could be a bit darker but not much and Detelina and I made a date to meet at the Dome restaurant at 12 noon. Later I got a message to say she was running late but I should order some tea and enjoy the ambiance of the place.

      I wasn't prepared for such a beautiful beautiful environment I believe Georgian all wood panelling, Gold and chandeliers, soft jazz music, waiters and waitresses in black waistcoats, trousers and white shirts and ties, white table cloths on tables, elegant, oh so elegant. Everything thought of here.

      A lovely woman took my soaking wet poncho and jacket while another led me through to our table. My what opulence! It certainly was a beautiful space to sit and reflect, catch up on myself after battling a severe gale force wind and rain to get here! Honestly people were being blown around the streets, taking cover under what arches they could find while I battled on determined to get to the restaurant.

      I was totally impressed when Detelina finally arrived how she commanded attention immediately. Dressed in a cream lace high necked, waisted dress with lace sleeves, and cream classic high heels she was a vision to behold. We were immediately stormed by waiters and she played the part like a queen. I had taken some flowers for her which she absolutely loved and got the attention of one of the waitresses to "please put my flowers in water for me until I go". I think the waitress was a bit taken back, but, after a slight pause said "ofcourse and would you like to order now?" to which Detelina replied, looking at myself " No, I think we'd like to catch up for a little while, thank you". "I'll come back in ten minutes, will that be OK" said the nonplussed waitress.

      I could only gawp at the absolute sense of entitlement Detelina portrayed. I would never have asked a wait staff to look after my flowers. I may have asked for more time to look at a menu, but Detelina gave the overall impression that she was in charge!! A very commanding young woman.

      The same thing happened after each course as well. After our soup course a waiter approached us again looking beseechingly at Detelina and giving her great eye contact, asking if we wanted coffee! Detelina looked at me quizzically then turning back to him replied "we'll wait until after dessert, thank you". He thought we were finished! Indeed one waiter took our cutlery away after the soup course, which took us an hour to complete!! When a waiter brought our main out he was puzzled as to where our cutlery was. Another hour went by as we ate our delicious roasted stuffed aubergine, chatting excitedly and trying to cover every single aspect of life since we last met four years ago.

      Eventually main course finished, the waitress asked if we would like coffee when Detelina enquired as to a dessert menu. Dessert ordered along with coffees, Detelina asked for a delay again as we sipped our water and chatted incessently over the next fifteen minutes. Our delicious vegan dessert and coffee over, we were beginning to slow down our conversation and contemplate the journey home. Detelina insisted on walking me to my bus and we hovered under her umbrella arm in arm to Princes St and my bus.

      We had forgotten the flowers! Later Detelina messaged to say she had remembered when she was half way home on the bus, got off the bus and went back to the restaurant in that storming Edinburgh day to fetch them. She attracted far too much attention on her way with an armful of flowers, but had enjoyed our day very much, as did I. A great memory.
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    • Day 96

      Auchentoshan, Glasgow Scottland

      August 12, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Founded by Irish refugees in 1825 on the outskirts of Glasgow, Auchentoshan is one of the last active distilleries in the Lowlands. In common with other Lowland (and Irish) whiskies, Auchentoshan malt whisky is distilled three times (as opposed to most Scottish malt whisky, which is distilled twice). This triple-distillation has the effect of softening the flavour and body of the end product. If you don't like Scotch because it's to harsh and tastes peaty, this distillery is for you. Softer mild flavors are what distinguish many Scotchs from the lowlands of Scottland and they are to more of our liking. Our tour guide called this a breakfast scotch, so there you go.

      We chose this distillery because Emily and Dave had a bottle of Auchentoshan at home. A bartender at a whiskey bar in Lowell called "The Keep" recommended it to us when we said we didn't like the peaty taste of Scotch. When we found out the distillery was on our path we had to visit.
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    • Day 3

      Bowling to Dumbarton

      May 8 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We started the day with a visit to Robert Burns' mausoleum in the grounds of St Michael's church in Dumfries. The mausoleum is quite out of place in the cemetery as it's the only thing painted white.

      We drove on the minor road towards Glasgow, then joined the motorway to skirt the city, heading to the northern bank of the Clyde River.

      First stop was the linear village of Bowling, hemmed in between the mountains and the River Clyde, with a harbour and locks leading to the Forth and Clyde Canal. The canal opened in 1790 and provided a route for the seagoing vessels between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde. This allowed navigation from the port of Glasgow on the west coast to Edinburgh on the east coast.

      After coffee and cake at the lock we continued to Dumbarton, our stop for the night. We visited Dumbarton Castle, which sits upon Dumbarton Rock, a natural fortress overlooking the River Clyde. The castle last saw action during World War 2, when anti-aircraft guns were placed there to protect the nearby shipyards from German bombing.
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    • Day 85

      Day 85: Glasgow to Inverness

      July 7 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Drove through Glasgow and saw a few castles before making our way north to the Scottish highlands. Stopped a couple of times at Loch Lomond and found the wonderful Falls of Falloch. Spent some time with a little girl called Ebony who was scared to put her feet in the water. Wanted to reach Fort Augustus so headed up through spectacular mountainous sights. Reached Fort William for a late lunch at the top of Loch Melfort. Did some shopping. Finally got to Fort Augustus at the base of Loch Ness to do laundry but discovered they were closing the road overnight so we hoofed to Inverness instead. Went on an “Outlander” street walk and stumbled across live music at the Highlander hotel. Apparently we were lucky to witness one of the best Scottish players/singers Calum MacPhail. Check him out. Home to wonderful digs at the Castle Court hotel.Read more

    • Day 2

      Milngavie nach Drymen

      July 20 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Es war dann zum Teil doch etwas frisch nachts, aber ich habe gut geschlafen.
      Ich habe um 7 Uhr gefrühstückt und bin dann zurück zum Bus gelaufen und wieder nach Milngavie gefahren - dem offiziellen Startpunkt vom West Highland Way. Meine Unterkunft lag schon etwas auf dem Weg, aber gestern Abend wollte ich das Stück nicht mehr laufen, deshalb bin ich heute noch mal zurück gefahren.
      Ich werde diesen trail auf jeden Fall nicht alleine laufen. Schon am Startpunkt standen noch andere und haben die obligatorischen Fotos gemacht. 😅
      Am Anfang ging es erst mal raus aus dem urbanen. Auch das war schon schön. Fühlt sich gut an wieder unterwegs zu sein. 😊
      Es ging heute immer wieder über farmland und durch Wald. Vor allem auf dem farmland hatte man schon einen schönen Blick auf die Berge. Heute ging es für mich aber kaum hoch und runter. Ganz entspanntes laufen.
      Im Beech Tree Inn gab es einen Kaffee und eine kleine Pause.
      Das Wetter war heute Vormittag gut zum Wandern. Heute Nachmittag soll es regnen und das Ziel ist es vorher anzukommen.
      Nach der Kaffeepause bin ich ein Stück mit einer Neuseeländerin gelaufen und habe mich nett unterhalten.
      Unterwegs gab es heute immer mal wieder kleine 'honesty shops' und an einem habe ich mir noch einen White Brownie geholt. Sehr lecker und die richtige Stärkung für den letzten Teil.
      Um kurz vor 13 Uhr bin ich in Drymen angekommen. Heute Nacht hatte ich ein Bett in der Lobby gebucht, da alles schon voll war, aber dann habe ich noch ein Upgrade bekommen und ein Zimmer mit eigenem Bad bekommen. Super nice.
      Nach einer Dusche bin ich noch einmal 'ins Dorf' und habe dann mit einem Tee draußen gesessen und ein bisschen im Reiseführer gelesen.
      Heute Nachmittag gab es in der Unterkunft dann noch 'tea with homemade scones' - lecker 😋 - in netter Runde mit den anderen Gästen.
      Wir haben uns noch länger unterhalten und später bin ich noch in den Pub und es gab lecker fish and chips.
      Heute Nachmittag hat es dann noch angefangen zu regen - gut, dass ich im trockenen war. 😅
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    • Day 5

      Ziel 5 Bishopton bei Glasgow

      August 23, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      An einem Country Club mit Stellplatz angekommen und das Nachtlager aufgeschlagen.
      Lias Essen 🥣 gegeben und Nicole hat Wäsche und Essen für uns gemacht.
      Das Wetter passt auch und wir können draußen essen 🥣🤩
      Lias ist nun sehr müde und ich bringe ihn ins Bett. Dann noch etwas an der Bar Chillen und dann auch ab in das Bett 🛌, gute Nacht 😴
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    • Day 108

      East Kilbride with family

      August 7, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Back to East Kilbride today to visit A. Mrgt and see if I can be of any help. Tucked up in bed, Cindy had stayed the night with her and had had quite a time of it helping A. Margaret who is fiercely independent. I offered to stay the night but Cindy also wanted to stay. Back at Ronnie and Cindy's home for dinner with Erika who is over from Germany for the occasion.Read more

    • Day 17

      Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Par

      July 16 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Firkins Points, Inveruglas (Scottish Scenic Routes Viewpoint cerrado), Falls of Falloch, paradas a lo largo de la carretera con vistas espectaculares, Glencoe Visitor Centre, Ballachulish y dormimos en Roam West Pub.Read more

    • Day 3

      Arrivée à l’hôtel

      June 26 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Bon, pas le même niveau qu’hier. Espérons que ça n’aille pas de mal en pis pour tout le séjour !

      Bon, c’était une journée de transition malgré quelques beaux paysages. Les choses grandioses devraient commencer demain. 🤩Read more

    • Day 607

      Balloch Castle

      June 14 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Wir haben doch noch die Sonne gefunden 🤩🤩🤩 tut sooo gut.
      Knapp 10 KM sind wir in diesem schönen Park dann doch noch gelaufen. Die Aussicht hier ist einfach herrlich. Die Sonne konnten wir am Wasser aufsaugen. 🤩Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    West Dunbartonshire, WDU, Заходні Дамбартаншыр, Западен Дънбартъншър, Siorrachd Dhùn Bhreatainn an Iar, Západní Dunbartonshire, Gorllewin Swydd Dunbarton, Mendebaldeko Dunbartonshire, دونبارتونشر غربی, Länsi-Dunbartonshire, Comhairle Dhún Breatainn an Iar, Comhairle Dhùn Bhreatainn an Iar, Coontae Dùn Breatainn Heear, Zapadni Dunbartonshire, Dunbartonshire Occidentale, ウェスト・ダンバートンシャー, 웨스트던바턴셔 주, Vakarų Danbartonšyras, ویسٹ ڈنبرٹنشائر, Уэст-Данбартоншир, Wast Dunbartonshire, Західний Данбартоншир, 西鄧巴頓郡

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