United Kingdom
York Minster

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    • Day 2

      Ey up York 👋🏻🏰

      September 19, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Heute haben wir York erstmal zu Fuß und per Schiff erkundet und was soll ich sagen? Diese Stadt ist einfach wunderschön! Von den alten Stadtmauern, über die mittelalterlichen Gassen und Gebäude, bis hin zum Wahrzeichen Yorks, dem gigantischen Münster hat mich die Stadt voll in ihren Bann gezogen.
      Nachdem wir zuerst die Stadtmauern erklommen hatten, sind wir ins Innere der Stadt weiter gezogen, inspizierten (natürlich) den Cat Shop (hier sei erklärt, dass in York, Katzen als ein Glückssymbol gesehen werden und man überall in der Stadt versteckte Katzenstatuen finden kann). Neben dem Münster und den Shambles, der am besten erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Straße in Europa, ging es nach einer Tee/Kaffeepause aufs Wasser. Mit einem Schiff fuhren wir die „Ouse“ entlang mit anschließendem Besuch bei Clifford‘s Tower, dem letzten Überrest von York Castle. Hier begann übrigens auch die Geschichte der Stadt York, denn hier errichteten die Römer die Festung „Eboracum“.
      Nach einem schmackhaften Essen endete ein toller erster Tag. ☺️☺️
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    • Day 9

      York Minster/Cathedral

      August 6 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      This place was truly awe inspiring and our knowledgeable guide told us that it was a "second-tier cathedral". Am wondering how much more grand and ornate they can get.

      This was our last visit into York City centre, thank goodness. It's chocka and people just meander hither and thither. Exhausting.

      Off into the countryside tomorrow.
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    • Day 4

      York — Museums and Gardens

      February 29 in England ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      I had done a few of the main attractions in York during my two previous visits here, so I decided to go to the Burton Art Gallery, the York Museum, and the National Railway Museum today. Loved the trains, especially the Pullman cars. At the art museum, they had a special exhibit called “Queering the Burton” which was really ingenious. They researched the history of the works in their collection to have a “coming out” for the gay and lesbian stories and themes that were previously hidden or untold in some of the paintings and sculptures. These works were tagged with special pink placards that contained “the rest of the story” that provided this additional perspective. It was simple but effective. The Museum Gardens, Dean’s Park at York Minster, and Clifford’s Tower completed the day.Read more

    • Day 26


      August 27, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      York has it all: an interesting Viking past ⚔️, the national railway museum with its iconic locomotives🚂, a trendy street food market 🍔, well-preserved city walls that offer great views 🏰, a majestic cathedral 🕍 and narrow cobblestone streets packed with peculiar shops in crooked little houses, which reminded us of Diagon Alley 🪄.Read more

    • Day 18

      York Minster

      August 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York, commonly known as York Minster, is an Anglican cathedral in York, North Yorkshire, England, and is one of the largest of its kind in Northern Europe.Read more

    • Day 10

      York Minster Abbey

      June 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We explored the magnificent York Minster Abbey. Fact, an Abbey is thus called because it's attached to a Monastery. The kids had a quest, with clues to discover throughout the Abbey. They have also recently installed a statue of Queen Elizabeth II on the facade to celebrate her jubilee.Read more

    • Day 36

      Cruising around York

      June 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had the luxury of another late start today as all we were planning was exploring York in more depth and in particular visiting Clifford’s Tower.

      After some calls back home, a lazy breakfast, searching for lost sun glasses that eventually turned up and a couple of other false starts, we felt like we were ‘losing the plot’ this morning as we eventually emerged into a grey, slightly bleak day. A very light drizzle soon gave way to an overcast, cold day….
      (Just checking the weather forecast we noted that the temperature reached a maximum of 15 degrees here in York on the first day of summer - identical to the temperature back home on the first day of winter in the middle of the night🤔)

      I had downloaded an audio guide to historical York and we set off to follow this from start to finish. 22 points of interest and 9km later we had completed it, having learnt a great deal more about its history spanning Roman, Viking and Medieval periods.

      Of particular interest was observing the place (Clifford’s Tower) where antisemitism culminated in the attempted destruction of all Jews living in York in 1190. This was one of the worst massacres of Jews in the Middle Ages and in a case of history repeating itself, the Jewish community of about 150 that was finally trapped by an angry mob inside the Tower eventually chose to take their own lives in a fashion almost identical to what had taken place at Masada just over 1100 years earlier.

      A little shopping also took place during a wander through ‘The Shambles’ which has been a shopping precinct for about 1000 years. It was called The Shambles because it is the street where the butchers plied their trade (cf. 1 Cor. 10:25) and the buildings still in existence here date back to the 1300’s.

      We made it back to the apartment mid afternoon for some late lunch and reorganisation of bags etc.

      Last night, in the expectation that today was going to be a pleasant, mild day I booked an evening river cruise - I had a foolish, romantic vision of a lovely, balmy cruise with the sun glinting off the water in the late afternoon with a suitable beverage in hand.

      The harsh reality was of shivering by the dock in the bleak, overcast conditions waiting for the boat to arrive; mentally estimating that there appeared to be insufficient seats for everyone to be inside the covered lower deck and that some would be exposed to potential hypothermia on the open top deck; and that this, unfortunately could necessitate pushing aside elderly, feeble folk and young nursing mothers so as to be able to rush to a coveted seat in the enclosed cabin.

      Fortunately, this plan did not need to be actioned because a few locals in shorts and t shirts CHOSE to go to the upper deck because, hey, it IS the first day of summer and they were going to treat it accordingly!
      The cruise was somewhat informative but underwhelming and as we disembarked an hour later alongside the crying baby and restless teenagers into the frigid, gloomy evening I couldn’t help but wonder why I willingly subjected ourselves to that.

      Loss was much more gracious about it than she needed to be….
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    • Day 27

      York, Yorkshire

      May 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Suzie - We have checked in to our lodgings at 'The Fort' in Little Stonegate, York, where I have stayed before.

      York is still fabulous 💜💜💜💜 This was the land of the Brigantes tribe before the Romans sent the 9,th Legion to bring them.under Roman rule.

      Founded in AD 71 by the Romans and named Eboracum, it was a major hub for Roman civilisation. The headquarters of the Roman fortress is buried under York Minster. Roman emperors Hadrian, Septimus Severus and Constantius I (father of Constantine the Great) all held court here.

      After the Roman occupation declined in the 5th century, the Angles occupied.

      In the 7th century, York came under the rule of King Edwin of Northumbria and in 627 a wooden minster church was built for Edwin's baptism. It was remade in stone.

      The Vikings invaded in 866 and named the town Jorvik and became the capital Viking city in Britain.

      In 1068, William the Conqueror took over the city and began to fortify it.

      There is so much history in York!!

      We went to the Punch Bowl pub tonight in Stonegate and did speed quizzing... just like pub quiz but it works on special tablets that the quiz master has and you need to press the first letter of the answer or type the date in, or arrange the right answer; depending on the question. We came 7th 💜💜 Not bad!!

      Nik - York is beautiful. I think I am going to like it here. It has a bit of an eclectic, arty feel to it and the history is palatable. They seem to LOVE their street performers, especially those dressed as Vikings.

      Trivia at The Punch Bowl was fun. Though if cause Suzie did all the heavy lifting there.
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    • Day 28

      The Minster in York

      August 26 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This the cathedral. It certainly is imposing. Unfortunately no inside pictures as it had closed to visits for the day and I wasn’t going back for vespers.

      The building itself is very striking. There is lots of restoration work taking place, and the stone masons have carved some new gargoyles although they haven’t been mounted in place yet.

      One new statue has been added in the past few years. The first to be added in 600 years. It’s of Queen Elizabeth II.
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    • Day 7

      York Minster

      June 11 in England ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      This morning, we toured the interior of the York Minster. The church contains one of the largest surviving collecting of medieval stained glass in Europe, and the East Window depicting the Last Judgment is the largest medieval stained glass window in the world.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    York Minster, Ёркскі сабор, Йоркска катедрала, Yorská katedrála, Katedralo de Jorko, Catedral de York, Yorkeko katedrala, Yorkin tuomiokirkko, Cathédrale dYork, Katedrala u Yorku, קתדרלת יורק, Yorki katedrális, Cattedrale di York, ヨーク・ミンスター, Kathedraal van York, Catedral de Iorque, Йоркский собор, Katedrála a metropolitný kostol svätého Petra v Yorku, Stolnica svetega Petra, มหาวิหารยอร์ก, Йоркський собор, 約克大教堂

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