Förenta staterna

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    • Dag 40

      Ouachita Lake…say that 3 times fast!

      13 juni 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Well, after a refreshing nights sleep in the Walmart parking lot, (actually not too bad… very quiet in these Podunk towns), we decided to head to Broken Bow lake. We have met many people on the way who love this lake. We also watched many YouTube videos about relocation here. When we got there, it was a pretty nice lake. We immediately discounted living there due to major traffic and no homes actually on the water. It has also gotten major touristy in the last five years. We decided to keep moving on into Arkansas.
      The countryside along the way was loaded with fields of Black-Eyed-Susans. I couldn’t help but stop and take a picture because I was thinking so much of our baby girl!
      John almost applied at the Mena Arkansas police department because of their cool cars, (see pic).
      Arkansas is a dark horse for us. Tornado alley runs right down the center, so something I am terrified of. For those of you who have not lived through a major wind event, I will take an earthquake any day. We put it on the back burner, but crossing the border into this gorgeous state was jaw-dropping. Beauty everywhere and water recreation is plentiful!
      It is home to the five diamond Lakes. Supposedly some of the cleanest and clearest in the United States. We headed for Lake Ouachita and scored a water front site for the next 3 days.
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    • Dag 42

      Same ole - Same ole

      15 juni 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Not much to report. Two more days of relaxing and paddle boarding. Are you getting bored with us yet?
      One of the men camping next to us sauntered over and introduced himself. He is a retired Hot Springs Arkansas police officer. He retired last year at this time. We had a great 2+ hr conversation with him about living in Arkansas, retirement and his 18 yr old daughter. (He has had sole custody of her since she was 3 1/2 years old.) I eventually excused myself and he and John talked for at least another hour. It still surprises us when people are so engaging. It was nice to enjoy some good company.
      John is becoming quite an expert on our Blackstone grill. All the goodies are cooked on the same surface, (think of a restaurant grill). Breakfast for supper is one of my favorites!
      We are having difficulty acclimating to the humidity/dew point, as expected. Tomorrow we will head out and explore several more lakes in the immediate vicinity.
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    • Dag 43

      Lake Greeson

      16 juni 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      Surprise stop at Lake Greeson. We were only going to check out the water on our way to DeGray Lake, but finding an awesome site available, decided to spend the night. We are still traveling throughout the SW corner of Arkansas.
      Arkansas southern accents are incredibly thick. It’s super cute when little kids talk to us. It makes us laugh every time!
      Very much enjoy watching Fireflies again!!
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    • Dag 44

      From Bliss to Bullshit

      17 juni 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Well, we woke up this morning on Lake Greeson happy to be alive! Awake early, we were sitting in our camp chairs by 6:30am…the campgrounds nothing but birdsong. We drank our coffee watching the reflection of the trees on the lake. It was like glass! We didn’t want to leave but our campsite was only available for one night. We weren’t too worried about it since we were heading to Degray Lake. All articles and reviews brag about the clarity of the water.
      Beautiful driving! The countryside is so pretty!
      I normally don’t want breakfast in the morning, but while driving through one of the tiny towns I noticed “Trudy‘s Cafe”. It looked inviting so we stopped. I’m not sure how many of you out there would have actually walked into the café once you had the front door open. (See video, paying particular attention to the ceiling and the floor.) The characters that were in there were priceless! But I’ll tell you what… Our eggs were cooked to perfection, bacon perfect, hashbrowns perfect and the place was spotless. Friendly, friendly people and an old fart who made sure to stop by our table to say, “Hope you find a spot to land.” Such sincerity…making sure to look into both of our eyes with a slight nod.
      When we got to Degray Lake all of the campgrounds were up on thickly wooded hillsides, so no easy access to the water. We were super bummed out we left such an awesome campgrounds on Greeson. It was too far to go back, so we started stressing on where to go from there. Lake Catherine was another lake with rave reviews and it was only 25 minutes away. Unfortunately, we also read that they are always full to capacity. We risked it and found a reserved lakeside site that was a no-show. We could not believe our luck and booked it for two nights.
      Weeelll, so here we are. Boards are pumped up and ready to go, three days of good food in the fridge and lake water so nasty I scrubbed the skin off my feet where they actually touched the water. So gross 🤢! We will head north tomorrow!
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    • Dag 45

      Revelations about Arkansas

      18 juni 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      A very emotional day. It was 96° with a dewpoint of 76 - making it feel like 109°. John and I both agreed that despite the beauty, outdoor recreation and welcoming locals, the humidity in Arkansas is too overwhelming to live comfortably. With that decision made, we decided to forgo heading up to the NW corner of Arkansas and southern portion of Missouri. We both feel a bit deflated and miss having a ‘home’ for the first time. (PLUS, now we won’t be able to see my bestie Jen, who is coincidentally going to be in Fayetteville, AR on the 29th with her sweet as Hell kids, Skylar & Peyton 🥲.)
      So off to Tennessee we rolled. With quick stops at a brewery for John and an ice cream parlor for me, the day got a little brighter. Halfway to Memphis we stopped at a truck wash. Sassy has not been cleaned on the outside since Las Vegas. She looks shiny, bright and new again!
      Staying at a Cracker Barrel 10 miles shy of Memphis. Not even two hours away and the dewpoint has dropped to 64. It is 86° outside, but feels so cool after all of the humidity. I begged John to play checkers outside of the restaurant. When returning to the van, we opened all of the windows. So awesome after weeks of running the air conditioner.
      We are going to check out some neighborhoods tomorrow and book an Airbnb for a couple of days. We will play tourist by catching some live music on Beale Street and revel in the fact that we have a washer and dryer at our disposal.
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    • Dag 41

      Off to Hot Springs Arkansas

      14 maj 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      The kids were up early to head to school, so Brandon, Inara and Elisa walked them their bus stop (being picked up at 650 am), and the little ones could see a magic school bus.

      The day began early, but we had a lot of packing up to do, help Kristia clean the house, and pack up the car before we left about 11am.

      The drive was not as beautiful as coming into Arkansas, but it was still green and hilly. We seemed to have taken a scenic route and went through a mountain area, going 30mph.

      We had a quick, 15 min stop, at a little lake, for lunch where a local was fishing. The lake was surrounded by trees, it was still and humid, and very little noise. Elisa thought this was perfect conditions for an alligator, but are there alligators in Arkansas? The local, with a cigar between his mouth, confirmed that there are at least 2 alligators in this lake and told us tales of seeing it and catching huge fish.

      We finally made it to the Hot Springs, 3.5 hours away from Kristias house. The KOA was cute and was the most secluded KOA we have been to, almost like in a National Park, rather than just a few feet from the highway. There was ducks, squirrels, rabbits and birds, along with a pond and trails in the woods.

      We sweated while we put up the tent and went right into the refreshing pool. It was a high of 95 degrees today/almost 40 C. We recently bought Inara some floaty things and she was a little fish, being the water baby that she is. Brandon had a bit of a swimming lesson and was able to swim across the pool, with the help of a swimming band.

      That night was an early night as the kids get so tired when they have water play. Josh didn't share the sleepyness and was chatting away with the local guys at the next campsite until midnight. They were local Arkansas guys who work for At&t, who get compensated when they work on a job away from home. They were technicians. Josh had a enjoyable night learning about the locals and their culture.
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    • Dag 112

      Hot Springs

      15 oktober 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wie es der Name schon sagt, gibt es hier heiße Quellen und einen „Wasserfall“
      Bei dem waschküchenartigem Wetter, haben wir auch prompt eine aufgesuchte und noch unsere Vorräte aufgefüllt 😋

    • Dag 18

      Dag 2 i Nashville.

      1 augusti 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Vi stod lidt senere op da vi først var hjemme omkring klokken 2, vi gik ned og fik morgenmad. Derefter slappede vi lidt af og da poolen så åbnede gik vi i den, det var dejligt i varmen! 😄 vi fik så lige set lidt på vores indkøb fra outlet dagen og gjort os klar til at tage ind til byen. Vi bor ca. 1/2-1 time udenfor byen. Det var lidt svært at finde parkering men det lykkedes. Så gik vi eller mod music row, der hvor alle pladestudierne skulle ligge. Ved ikke om vi kom derhen af en forkert vej eller hvad men vi havde forventer mere liv og butikker, der lå 4-6 pladestudier i et villakvarter det var det. 😅 vi satte så kurs mod turistgaden/hovedgade o Nashville igen. Her gik vi lidt rundt og kiggede vi gik i et par western butikker prøvede et par cowboy støvler, vil ikke købe nogen endnu så de skal slæbed til Panama men fandt 2 par der er ret fede! Vi var også inde i en ret fed slik butik hvor der oppe inder loftet kørte et lille tog rundt, og man kunne se dem stå og lave noget af slikket f.eks. Karameller. 😄 vi bestemte os så for at vi ville have pizza til aftensmad, men det pizzaria der var i nærheden af hovedgaden havde lukket. Vi var lidt trætte så vi besluttede at finde et sted på vej hjem. Da vi så kom hjem fik vi bestilt hotel til Memphis, og var så trætte at vi faldt i søvn med det samme, derfor får i først mit indlæg i dag. Hyg jer, nu vil vi finde aftensmad. 😄😄Läs mer

    • Dag 18

      Sidste dag i Nashville.

      1 augusti 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Vi startede morgenen med morgenmads buffeten, sidste gang i lidt tid med morgenmads buffet (Godt nok en skrabet en men okay). Så fik vi pakket sammen og pakket bilen, tjekkede ud og kørte ind til Nashville en sidste gang, vi ville ind og se museet med country music hall of fame. Det var fedt, vi købte en audio tour, så vi havde nærmest en telefon med rundt og ved de forskellige glasmontre med kostumer og instrumenter stod der tal vi kunne taste ind og når vi så tog den op til øret fortalte den os hvad der blev vist. Den fortalte os dermed hvordan country musikken blev til, hvordan Nashville blev kendt som musikkens by, lidt omkring de forskellige stilarter country kom frs og der kom ud af country samt historie om diverse sanger som Jonny Cash, Elvis Presley, Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton og mange, mange flere. Vi fik lært en masse om country, mega spændene! Så fik vi derefter located den nærmeste souvenir butik så vi kunne få det obligatoriske lille minde, inden kursen blev sat mod Menphis. Vi gjorde et stop for at tanke og spise. Da vi var færdige med at spise inden vi kørte videre ringede jeg til to lejligheds/kollegie steder i Davis. Den første var helt booket, den næste havde kun dele værelser tilbage, så det skyndte jeg mig at sige ja tak til, da keg ellers ikke havde nogen ide om hvad jeg ellers skulle gøre. Så i morgen er der lige lidt papir arbejde til mig. Vi kørte videre mod Memphis til hotellet. Vi fik slæbt vores ting ind og kørte derefter videre i et supermarked for at handle til morgenmaden. Tror ikke de var vandt til fremmede i det supermarked, manden ved disken spurgte til hvor vi var fra, han havde overhørt os og syntes vi havde en anderledes accent. Den accent er dansk, vi fik forklaret ham vi var fra Danmark i Eouropa. Han og hans kollegaer stirrede så på helt indtil vi kørte helt ud på vejen igen. 😂 på vej hjem tog vi i Wendys drive in og fik cesar salat med hjem til aftensmad. Vi spiste så hjemme på hotelværelser og snakkede og hyggede os. Jeg fik ude ved check in skranken udskrevet de to formularer jeg skulle udfylde fra lejligheds/kollegie firmaet. Så nu skal de bare færdig udfyldes og så har jeg snart et hjem i Californien! Meget lækkert der er lidt mere styr på bolig situationen, så skal jeg ikke stresse mere over det. I morgen venter en sight seeing dag i Memphis, Elvis hjemby. Håber alt er vel derhjemme, nu vil jeg sove, godnat! 😄😴😴Läs mer

    • Dag 21

      Køredag til Memphis 1/8

      1 augusti 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      I dag kom vi op og fik spist den sidste morgenmadsbuffet for at skulle pakke og checke ud af vores motel. Vi skulle i dag besøge Nashville for sidste gang for at se country music hall of fame og derefter køre til Memphis, som ligger 3 timer væk.

      Country music hall of fame var et museum med fortællinger om hvordan country musikken opstod og hvordan den har udviklet sig i løbet af årene frem til i dag. Vi fik set både Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash og Elvis Presley. Der var en kæmpe samling af både plader, kostumer, instrumenter osv. Vi købte en audio tour, så vi kunne stoppe nogle steder og høre om de forskellige montre. Vi så blandt andet Elvis' cadilac og noget af Dolly Partons tøj samt en masse musik. Til sidst så vi så Country music hall of fame, hvor alle de store hænger som noder på tilfældige pladser på arket. Det var alt i alt pengene værd og en god oplevelse!

      Vi fandt derefter en souvenir butik, så vi kan holde vores samling opdateret. Jeg er nu oppe på 6 magneter! 😃

      Så kørte vi ellers mod memphis med nik og jay i højtaleren. Det var en okay kort tur på omkring 3 timer uden pause. Vi holdte dog ind og fik frokost. Jeg tror vi kan prale med at vi snart har besøgt alle de amerikanske madkæder, som ligger ude ved highway'en 😉 Vi fandt også lige ud af at vores hotel lå i staten Arkansas, så vi kommer til at krydse statsgrænsen et par gange :)

      Der havde været lidt problemer med vores booking af hotel i memphis, da jeg havde kommet til at afbestille en booking forsent, så jeg kun fik halvdelen af pengene tilbage, da man ved en sen afbestilling skal betale for første nat. Jeg havde så ringet til dem for at høre om de kunne hjælpe mig, men det kunne de ikke og det kunne Hotels.com(bookingsiden) heller ikke. Vi skulle jo bo her første nat, så det ville være dumt at betale to gange, men sket er sket. Ejeren af hotel trak dog noget af lejen fra, så jeg kun mistede 45$, så det var pænt af ham.

      Der er ikke morgenmad her, så vi skulle ud og handle. Jeg troe bestemt ikke de har set særlig mange turister i det supermarked før. Hold op hvor de kiggede!! De kiggede helt indtil vi kørte der fra igen 😃 Vi bor i en mindre by, West Memphis, så måske det er forklaringen på det 😃 Det var i hvert fald sjovt!

      Vi fik derefter aftensmad på værelset, hvor jeg fik "knækbrød" med ost og Louise fik take away salat fra Wendys (endnu en stor madkæde). Det var super hyggeligt med musik og det hele 😊
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