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Crescent Bay Park

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    • Day 10

      Venice Beach @Los Angeles

      August 22, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Venice Beach ist der etwa 4,5 km lange, an der Pazifikküste gelegene Sandstrand des 1925 von Los Angeles eingemeindeten Stadtteils Venice. Der Strandabschnitt schließt südlich an den Strand von Santa Monica an.

      Auf Grund des milden Klimas Südkaliforniens ist der Strand während des ganzen Jahres gut besucht. Vor allem an den Wochenenden hat die von Souvenir- und Verkaufsständen gesäumte Strandpromenade, der Ocean Front Walk oder kurz Boardwalk, eine besondere Anziehungskraft für Bewohner von Los Angeles wie auch für Touristen. Zu den Spaziergängern gesellen sich dann Straßenkünstler, Drogenabhängige, Musiker, Maler, Wahrsager und Artisten.

      An den Betonwänden von Häusern, Mauern und Sportplätzen ist eine Vielzahl von ständig erneuerten bzw. übermalten Graffiti zu sehen. Die Hall of Fame von Venice Beach ist in der weltweiten Graffiti-Szene bekannt.
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    • Day 15

      Venice beach cycling

      April 16, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We woke up to breakfast being served by Ester in the kitchen, with pastries, and Hungarian plum jam. After breakfast, she offered to drive us to Venice beach where we planned to rent bicycles. On the way sue had a really good sightseeing tour, on places in their lives, and just places of general interest as well. We drove through the Venice canals, which she said she only discovered recently as well. They are 5-6 little canals with nice houses on their bank, and kayaks and boats on the water, it is a really cute place, unfortunately I didn't take any photos from the car though. Then we found a bike rental place and splurged for the premium bikes at an extra dollar an hour, which had gears. They were still a bit rusty and old, but the gears were surprisingly needed on the flat beach as we had quite strong head wind at times. The beach was very pretty, although it was kind of full of weird people. It had a different feel to the san francisco homeless people though, I never actually felt scared by anyone, but regardless they were still quite a bit of the atmosphere of Venice beach. At the same time there were some definitely local people also around, riding skateboards, rollerskates, walking their dogs and kids, and doing various other sports on the beach. There was a funky weightlifting gym, padel courts, volleyball, and quite a lot of bodyweight training stuff. We played around with those, I climbed a rope, probably for the first time since I was a kid. The best was this line of rings though, that we first saw a couple play around with. Basically you had to swing to catch the next rung, and then do a heft pullup to get some momentum, and then swing to catch the upcoming one again. They made it look effortless, but when we first tried it, we both terribly failed. Eventually I managed to do it, but Seamus never managed to get the hang of it.
      Here's some videos of our monkey adventures and some other things from the day https://photos.app.goo.gl/SIMc22TJMyPFOsFH3
      We also went to the Santa Mónica pier. This used to be a huge attraction, as it was one the the first concrete piers (built to pour sewage into the sea...) but this also meant that they could build various attractions on the pier, like a merry go round, roller coaster, all kinds of food stands. It still is really nice, although it looks much bigger from far away then it actually is. I tried a corn dog for the first time, though it wasn't a super amazing experience to be honest :D
      All in all we cycled around for more then 3 hours, though the guys t the rental place was nice, and only charged us for 3!
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    • Day 31

      Los Angeles, mala probka

      August 17, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Widzielismy zbyt malo zeby poznac to miasto-panstwo i zbyt duzo, zeby chciec je poznawac dalej. Definitywnie miasta nie sa naszym ulubionym miejscem. Piekielny, niekonczacy sie zywiol motoryzacji, tysiace bezdomnych i... wszystko, wszedzie, w kazdej ilosci. Panuje tu taka intensywnosc i natezenie, ze trudno sobie wyobrazic zycie w tym molochu. Oczywiscie ludzie sa inni, widac kult ciala, ale tez chorobe obzarstwa jak nigdzie do tej pory. Mowia innym jezykiem, nie sa juz tak uprzejmi, zyja w skorupach doslownie i w przenosni. Nic tu nie jest autentyczne, a juz na pewno nie Kalifornijczycy tak rozni od prostych, ale prawdziwych mieszkancow rolniczego Wyoming czy Montany. Choc podczas naszej podrozy widzielismy wiele biedy, czesto ubostwa, to nigdzie nie konkurowala ona o nasza uwage z oblednym bogactwem tak mocno jak tutaj. W roznych miejscach kraju nachodzila nas refleksja: alez tu pelno wszystkiego. I bynajmniej nie chodzilo o cuda natury, a wytwory ludzkich rak. Bezsensownie porzucone, marnotrawione, nie majace szansy na swoja kolej uzycia bo tak tego pelno. Na gigantycznych parkingach salonow samochodowych stoja setki tysiecy aut, w olbrzymich centrach handlowych i outletach sklepy sa przeladowane kolekcjami i obezwladniaja wyborem. Punkty uslugowe, gastronomiczne, rozrywkowe sa wszedzie w takich ilosciach, ze niemozliwe jest by ich wykorzystanie moglo przekroczyc 50%. Pelne parkingi to domena parkow narodowych ale nie centrow handlowych. Dla mnie Ameryka to "land of plenty", kraina obfitosci. Los Angeles jest smutna amplifikacja tego spostrzezenia.

      Na naszej ktotkiej wycieczce po LA zobaczylismy: plaze Santa Monica, osiedla Beverly Hills, Mullholand Drive, Rodeo Drive: najbogatsza ulice miasta z ciagiem butikow i salonow najdrozszych marek. Wycieczke zakonczylismy w punkcie widokowym na napis Hollywood. Dzien zamknal krotki spacer po Walk of Fame z 2.600 gwiazdami honorujacymi postaci show biznesu. Niektore z nich sa dla postaci fikcyjntch (Myszka Miki), jest gwiazda Disneylandu. Jedna wisi pionowo: Muhammeda Aliego. Widzielismy ich kilkadziesiat. Carlis Santana, Johny Lee Hooker, Liza Minelli, Johny Deep, Sophia Loren (#2000).

      Jutro powrot do kraju
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    • Day 42

      Santa Monica, LA 🌞

      May 9, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We ran out of time (and spends!) to drive the entire Pacific Coast Highway, so flew down from Sacramento to LA and hired a car from the airport just for a day 🚗 Still managed to drive up the coast and see some of the incredible views along the highway! Santa Monica and the mountains were absolutely beautiful 🏔 🧡 And found a great vegan cafe by the beach 🙌🏼🌱Read more

    • Day 45

      Santa Monica, Los Angeles, USA

      July 30, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Nous sommes allés voir la plage de Santa Monica et sa fête foraine. C'est un lieu emblématique de Los Angeles que l'on peut apercevoir dans de nombreux films et de nombreuses séries.

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    Crescent Bay Park

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