Stany Zjednoczone
Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library

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    • Dzień 7

      Lørdag d. 24.6.

      24 czerwca 2023, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Afgang fra Austin. Turen til San Antonio var ikke så lang, så vi tog et par ekstra stop på vejen.
      Pedernales Falls State Park blev besøgt. Her var der flotte udsigter i den tørre flod. Chefen var så heldig, at hun kunne få lov at bade i det varme vand. Ret skal være ret. Hun har tacklet den voldsomme varme uden at klynke alt for meget.
      Næste stop var Frederichsburg (med tydelig tysk oprindelse), som var for de lidt finere folk. Byen var ret hyggelig, og omgivet at vinproducenter i massevis.
      Ude på landet - in the middle of nowhere, lå et sted kaldet Luckenbach. Den indfødte texaner Laura fra Cowboycaféen, havde anbefaler at vi kiggede forbi. Tak for det Laura! Et country spillested udover det sædvanlige. En række gamle westernhuse, en dansehal og et par udendørsscener under de store træer. Wau… og vi blev budt velkommen af en fyr som spillede “Feathered indians”. Det gav sgu lige gåsehud og en tåre i øjenkrogen. Vi kunne have siddet der hele dagen, og måske endda drukket et par øl - men der var stadig en times kørsel til San Antonio, så vi måtte forlade mit nye ynglingssted i hele verden. Måske vender jeg tilbage og bosætter mig. De har country musik, øl og toiletter. Så behøver man vel egentlig ikke meget mere.
      Vi nåede frem til San Antonio uden problemer, og brugte resten af aftenen downtown ved River Walk. Virkelig hyggeligt og dyrt sted.
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    • Dzień 6

      San Antonio Downtown

      26 czerwca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute haben wir die sehr gute Lage unseres Hotels genutzt und haben San Antonio zu Fuß erkundet. Die Stadt ist eine gut gelungene Mischung aus historischen Gebäuden kombiniert mit modernen Gebäuden, vor allem Hotels. Wer aber in diesen vielen Hotels übernachtet ist uns nicht klar.

      Naja, los ging es an der berühmten Mission Alamo, anschließend haben wir den zauberhaft angelegten Riverwalk angeschaut, dann ging es zum Mexikanischen Markt, der sich allerdings als ein riesiger Souvenirladen darstellte.

      Abends wollten wir traditionell essen, natürlich am Riverwalk im Mexikanischen Restaurant Casa Rio. In allen Restaurants in den USA wird man platziert, man kann sich nicht einfach irgendwo hinsetzen.

      Nach 20min Wartezeit bekamen wir einen schönen Tisch direkt am Wasser. Leider war das Essen nicht unser Fall. Über die Optik wollen wir mal schweigen, wenn es wenigstens geschmeckt hätte. Aber das war deutsches Kantinen Niveau. Aber egal, das nächste mal entscheiden wir uns doch für Burger, da wissen wir, dass es schmeckt. 😎
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    • Dzień 27

      The Alamo - San Antonio, TX

      13 lipca 2017, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 90 °F

      The Alamo was great experience. Jenn and I visited it back on our cross country road trip in '96. The area is more built up than it was back then. No surprise.

      This time, there was an audio tour. I thought they did a very good job with it and I recommend the audio experience.

      Growing up I didn't care much for westerns, but I was always captivated by the story of the Alamo. I loved Davy Crocket. So, visiting the Alamo was a dream come true. Sharing it with my kids was even sweeter. 😊

      There is more to the phrase "Remember the Alamo." After the defeat at the Alamo at the hands of Santa Ana, there was another setback in the battle for Texas independence. The rebel Texans had seized Presidio Nuestra Señora de Loreto de la Bahía, which they renamed Fort Defiance. Three weeks after the massacre at the Alamo, Santa Ana marched of Ft. Defiance. General Sam Houston had given the order to evacuate weeks earlier, but his orders were not obeyed. By the time the 400 soldiers and civilians evacuated, it was too late. They were captured, marched back to Goliad and executed. Known as The Goliad Massacre, it was the biggest in the battle for Texan independence. Around 180 to 200 people died at the Alamo. The cries of, "Remember the Alamo" and "Remember Goliad" gave strength to the rebels. Now, Goliad is forgotten to most.

      There was a special Jim Bowie exhibit. Pronounced Boo-ee not like David Bowie. I had not realized that he was a jerk. He made a fortune smuggling slaves into the US after it had been banned and selling hem. He also sold people land he didn't own. By the time he got caught and the US Supreme Court ruled against him, he had left Louisiana and gone to Texas where he became a Mexican citizen. Some history books call him a land speculator, but he cheated people out of their money, plain and simple. Not a good guy. Although, he sure could fight with a knife.

      We did see one of his Bowie knives on display. The display case was awesome. It had an overlay touch screen. So, you could see the actual knife on display but touch parts of the screen to bring up more information. Of course the tech part of me geeked out. In the picture gallery for this post I have a video of Quinn using one of the touch display cases.

      While in the Bowie exhibit, we got caught up with Robert, one of the docents. I say "got caught up" because it turned into one of those awkward conversations that would not end! The conversation turned into how much he wanted Atlanta to beat the Patriots. It then took a strange turn and he told us how he couldn't bring his backpack into his favorite restaurant any more. What the heck???

      Back to the Alamo... We also saw, among other relics and artifacts, one of Davy Crockett's rifles and Lt. Col. William Travis' sword.

      While we were headed to the gift shop, the heavens opened and it poured for 15-20 minutes. Then it cleared up just as quickly as it started.
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    • Dzień 108

      Remember the Alamo

      12 października 2020, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We’ve had a fun filled 3 days here in San Antonio.

      We met with Jim and Karen, long time family friends. We related stories of our adventures along the way.

      We also visited with Eloy and Irene that we first met on a cruise. We have also hosted them about 2 years ago when they had a stop in Puerto Quetzales.

      On Columbus Day, Glenn snd I explores “the Missions” south of San Antonio. We also walked along the river walk and I took a quick picture of the Alamo.

      After a quick swim in the pool, we headed to J. Alexander’s for a meal with Joan and Jonathan. Great conversation wrapped in prayer in the end.
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