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Eugene O'Neill Theatre

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    • Day 8

      Broadway, Times Square & 7th Ave

      October 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      The absolute madness. I had tickets for "Chicago", unfortunately, photographing is forbidden there during the show. Before and after that I walked along the closed 7th Avenue, Broadway, and Times Square. Indescribable.

      Der absolute Wahnsinn. Ich hatte Karten für "Chicago", leider ist dort fotografieren während der Show verboten. Davor und danach bin ich über die gesperrte 7th Avenue, den Broadway, und den Times Square gelaufen. Unbeschreiblich.
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    • Day 27

      Big Apple ohne Sonne

      May 6 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute sind wir über 20 km durch New York gelaufen.
      Auf dem Programm standen natürlich das neue World Trade Center und das Memorial für 9/11. Wir fanden es sehr gelungen!
      Aber auch alle Klassiker wurden abgelaufen, also die Brooklyn Bridge, der Broadway, der Blick auf die Freiheitsstatue und die Central Station. Begeistert haben uns die kleinen Parks und die in den letzten Jahren im Rahmen des Living-Streets-Projektes der Stadt New York eingerichteten Spazierflächen für Fußgänger.
      Highlight war eine Führung durch das in den 30 er Jahren erbaute Rockefeller Center (der erste Milliardär der Welt - mit Öl erzielt) sowie der Blick von dessen Aussichtsplattform.
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    • Day 3

      Book of Mormon - Musical

      December 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Bald gehts los!

      Ein Broadway Musical!
      Wir holen uns an der Bar ein Bier und M&M's. Wir sind bereit.

      Hello, mein Name is Elder...

      Unglaublich! Fantastisch!
      Haben schon lange nicht mehr so gelacht, wie in diesem Musical.Read more

    • Day 9

      “This Frog will change your life!“ @NYC

      May 21, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Am letzten Tag ging es an den Broadway. Überall auf der Straße strahlt uns die Werbung an und sie verspricht, dass genau in diesem oder jenen Theater das beste oder lustigste Musical gezeigt wird. Zumindest für “The Book of Mormon“ können wir da nur zustimmen. Vielen Dank Britta für diesen überragenden Vorschlag!

      Die Vorstellung im Eugene O'Neill Theatre beginnt, das Publikum ist von Anfang an begeistert und wir kommen aus dem Lachen kaum raus. Die Macher von South Park haben ein äußerst witziges und scharfsinniges Musical geschrieben! Wer mehr über den Frosch wissen möchte, sollte sich das Musical unbedingt anschauen!

      Im Allgemeinen ist es eine interessante Erfahrung hier ins Musical zu gehen. Die Türen gehen auf und man fällt sozusagen direkt von der Straße auf seinen Sitzplatz. Wein trinkt man durch den Strohhalm aus einen großen Plastikbecher zu einem für New Yorker Verhältnisse sehr guten Preis - natürlich auch während der Vorstellung von seinem Platz aus, denn ein Foyer gibt es nicht. Sitzeinweiser gibt es nicht nur im Theater selbst, sondern auch auf der Toilette...

      Anschließend sind wir etwas durch die Stadt gebummelt. Auch zum Sonntag kann man hier problemlos einkaufen - Teilweise 24 Stunden lang an 7 Tagen in der Woche. Neben der M&M World haben wir uns das Intrepid Museum angeschaut. Leider war es zu spät um hinein zu gehen. Das steht für das nächste Mal auf der Liste. Bis dahin schauen wir uns nochmal “I'm Legend“ an, wo Will Smith auf dem Flugzeugträger Golf spielt.

      Den Abend haben wir in der The Press Lounge, einer Roof Top Bar am Hudson River, bei Jazzmusik ausklingen lassen - Der Ausblick war fast so schön wie aus dem Appartement. ^^
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    • Day 7

      Niagara Day 1

      May 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      The view of Niagara Falls from our room - simply the best!!! We could have just sat there all day looking at it!
      Quick run across the road to Starbucks for some breakfast before getting picked up for our tour.

      Today we got to see The Falls from so many different angle and all were impressive. We started off with our ponchos on for the being the falls tour which was cool. Checked out the falls from above and below! They’re so loud and just so beautiful!! The speed of the water is just incredible!

      We were supposed to do the Hornblower boat but it for canned because there is still too much ice in the water. Our jet boat got cancelled too which was sad but what can you do?! Our next option was the butterfly conservatory which neither of us were really thrilled about. Lucky the tour guide suggested doing the aero car instead which goes across the falls above the rapids. Pretty cool to think that one side in Canada and just across the way is America!

      Off to the helicopter ride next which was a lot of fun!! It was only about 8 minutes but it was enough to see Niagara Falls and learn a bit about them. I didn’t know they controlled the amount of water travelling down the falls and that they have tunnels to control the water to help decrease the erosion as well as using it for electricity.

      Buffet lunch at the Skylon Tower was up next. Again beautiful views, yet we still weren’t sick of looking at Niagara Falls. It was a weird buffet in that it was almost like it has breakfast lunch dinner foods but it was nice. The chocolate chip pie for dessert hit the spot.

      Back to the hotel for a bit of a rest. And then we went to Queen Victoria Palace for dinner with a view. Great steak for dinner and brownie for dessert. A walk to the Ferris Wheel to check out the Falls with all the pretty lights and then a late night Uber to Walmart (an adventure in itself) to get a GoPro wrist strap for the Zipline tomorrow
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    • Day 13

      The Book of Mormon

      July 10, 2014 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      It's musical time. Für die einen ein unverschämter Umgang mit dem Thema.. für uns lang ersehnt und teuer erkauft..

      Nun wo wir raus sind.. einfach großartig.. urkomisch und so liebevoll gespielt.. nicht jedes einzelne Wort verstanden aber gleich die CD gekauft :))) können wir nur empfehlen!Read more

    • Day 18

      LAX - JFK New York

      January 21, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      We got up very early for a 7am flight from Los Angeles toward New York, the flight went pretty quickly and we finally arrived in New York!
      We got a shuttle from the air port and it took forever to get to our hotel but once we finally got settled in we went straight down the road to Times Square. It was amazing to see, all the lights and people putting on shows in the middle was really cool.
      We headed to dinner and had a feast we hadn't eaten since breaky so we really did dig in! Once we were finished we wondered back to our rooms and went to bed early ready for a big day tomorrow.
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    • Day 6

      Actor's Chapel

      September 15, 2018 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Siccome domani è domenica, ci siamo cercati una chiesa qui vicino per andare a Messa. La chiesa prescelta è stata la St. Malachy Chapel, qui nel theatre district, detta anche la Cappella degli Attori.
      Oltre il fatto che - come si può vedere dall'orario - c'è una celebrazione vigiliare post-spettacoli, alle 23:00, una delle preghiere dei fedeli era proprio tipo "preghiamo per gli attori, i ballerini e i musicisti di Broadway"... veramente molto particolare.
      Forse non è un contesto importante e sfarzoso come la St. Patrick's Cathedral, ma devo ammettere che non avrei potuto trovare un posto più bello per vivere la Messa!

      Tra l'altro, non posso passare sotto silenzio questo piccolo dettaglio: andando a Messa, da un pub che faceva musica live, abbiamo sentito "Don't Stop Believing"... quale sottofondo migliore per celebrare il fine settimana nel Theatre District di New York? ⭐️
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    • Day 1

      Kiss my slice

      March 27, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Der erste Abend war (Dank Jetlag und Kälte) zwar kurz, aber sehr schön. Wir haben die Umgebung um unser Hotel erkundet, waren am Times Square und haben nach ein bisschen Suche auch Kiss my slice, einen Laden mit veganer Pizza, gefunden (ungefähr 200m entfernt von unserem Hotel😅). Danach hat uns die Oscar Verleihung beim Einschlafen begleitet, sodass wir ausgeruht in einen weiteren aufregenden Tag starten konnten🗽Read more

    • Day 15

      Empire State Building & Book of Mormon

      May 16, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Quando acabámos de almoçar em Brooklyn apanhámos o metro (linha azul) e saímos em 14th St.

      Fomos até Little Island, mas não conseguimos entrar porque apesar de ser grátis, tem de se reservar a ida e há um número limite de visitas por dia que já estavam esgotadas.

      Fomos então para a Highline, que é um parque elevado construído sobre uns antigos carris de um metro de superfície que deixou de ser utilizado. Este parque também é grátis mas a partir da próxima semana tem também de se reservar vaga para o dia. O parque é muito engraçado e leva-nos desde a 14th até à 34th, onde saímos e vimos Hudson Yards, onde está o Vessel.

      Daqui seguimos para o Empire State Building onde subimos até lá acima e vimos toda a cidade! Tivemos uma grande sorte e o dia que tinha começado com muito nevoeiro limpou completamente e conseguimos uma grande vista lá de cima. Como comprámos bilhetes enquanto estávamos na Highline, tínhamos hora marcada e como também não era hora de ponta não esperámos tempo nenhum para subir.

      Depois de sairmos do Empire State Building fomos diretos à Broadway ver o The Book of Mormon! É uma paródia em forma de musical com base na religião Mormon. É um musical muito, muito engraçado que vale a pena ir ver! É uma comédia que pelo caminho ensina a história por trás desta religião.

      Depois do musical fomos jantar lá ao pé e regressámos para casa.
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    Eugene O'Neill Theatre

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