United States
Fremont County

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    • Day 11

      Bachelorette Party!

      May 31, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today was an early start as we were off on Kendra's hens! We all met at a coffee shop and I got to meet Taylor, Cassie and Dani for the first time. Cassie and Dani are in the wedding party with me and they all work at the school with Kendra. Then I got to see Em for the first time in 5 years which was great. We all jumped in the car and headed to a trailhead just outside Salida. We grabbed some drinks and snacks, beginning the walk to a waterfall. It was great to chat with the others and it was especially wonderful to talk with Em as she is married, a firefighter and travelling to Costa Rica after the wedding.
      We got to the top and it was beautiful! We took some pictures and stopped for a beer together. It was a tough hike and my legs are quite dead now!!
      We headed back down and drive to Salida, where we went to a great pizza place and got ice cream. Drove back to Cañon, then we hung out with Em at Kendra's house.
      We had another late dinner and sorted out some more wedding stuff as the days are flying by!
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    • Day 10

      Day 10 - A Bridge Too Far (& TOO High)

      May 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Freezing start to the morning, but by 9.00am, the sun was out & everything heated up.

      After a leisurely morning, we headed out for the Royal Gorge Bridge & Park. We had booked our tickets on line & upon arrival felt pleased with ourselves that we had saved $8 each on general admission. Our smugness was slightly diminished when we informed that the gondolas had been suspended due to high winds. I was secretly pleased.

      The Royal Gorge Bridge is 955 feet above the Arkansas River, 1260 feet long, 18 feet wide & made up of 1292 planks. Most incredibly is that it was built in 1929.

      As we approached the bridge, my bum went funny & my legs turned to jelly. Jackie strutted around without a care in the world. Eventually I managed to take a couple of photos & even attempted a selfie, which was bloody awful.

      We successfully reached the other side & went to the Theatre where we were shown a film about the construction of the bridge. The builders were utter lunatics with not a safety rope or harness in sight. For someone trained at ‘Working at Heights’, I was shocked.

      We had a wander round the park, scoffed at the idiots doing some sort of bungee ride, then realised the gondola was now working - oh joy. As we walked up to the gondola station to get a ride back over the gorge, I had to stop for a nervous wee. The gondola arrived at the station & a parks employee cam elite to say that they needed to suspend the gondola operation because the wind had got up again. I was half annoyed, but also half relieved.

      As a result we had to walk back over the bridge. We had lunch in the RV & monitored the gondola, but it didn’t start up again. Matters were made worse when I realised that I had forgotten to wear my Fitbit again.

      After lunch, we drove down into Cañon City, we drove past the Colorado State Penitentiary, which had a museum, but it didn’t take our fancy (Not enough notorious inmates). I have since read that Cañon City prospers not so much from tourism as from prisons. It has a dozen prisons, including a top security superman prison with 500 of the nations most dangerous including the Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols & Al Qaeda ‘Shoe Bomber’ Richard Reid. Amazingly we didn’t see the other eleven.

      Instead we drove up & down Main Street. We didn’t feel the need to stop & get out so we drove 8 miles south to Florence an old historic oil town. It was much more attractive than Cañon City & was full of Antiques Shops. We went to the Rocky Mountain Bank & changed a $5 note for 25 cent coins.

      On the way back we stopped at Pathfinder Park for a photo of John Charles Fremont, The Great Pathfinder. We arrived back at our KOA campsite just after 3.00pm, realising that we were were in a different time zone, presumably when we crossed into Colorado the previous day. We loaded up the washing machines & dryer with our dirty clothes & 25 cent coins, then just relaxed in the sun in our camping chairs with a couple of beers.

      We did have a couple of disasters that evening:-

      1. We snapped off the catch on the window beside the cooker whilst trying to let the cooking smells out.

      2. Whilst watching the rest of After Life, I ‘clumsily’ knocked my glass of red wine off the table onto the seat & all over my shorts. The red wine didn’t stop there, it dripped down into an electric panel, which set an alarm off and lights to start flashing. Luckily they eventually stopped & we had 18 dishcloths.

      FITBIT = 5,507 steps / 2.56 miles

      Song of the Day - Vertigo by U2.
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    • Day 86


      December 7, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Irgendwann passierten wir dann das Städtchen "Victor".😅Amerikanischer Weihnachtskitsch pur. Man sieht es immer häufiger🥴🤭😅
      Den ganzen Tag hatten wir Ausschau nach Tieren gehalten. Und wo sehen wir sie?? Mitten in Canon City. Unglaublich 🤭😊Bevor wir Canon City erreichen, sind wir noch einmal den SkyDrive gefahren (s. Bericht von gestern). Es war herrlich👍👍Wir haben den Tag sehr genossen, weil die Landschaft einfach gigantisch war. Wir erlebten den Winter ebenso wie den Herbst oder Frühling. Und wir waren die einzigen Menschen auf dieser 50 km langen Tour. 👍👍👍Read more

    • Day 86

      Phantom Canyon Gold Belt Tour National S

      December 7, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Heute entdeckten wir den ca. 50 km langen "Phantom Canyon Gold Belt Tour National Scenic Byway". No risk, no fun. Bei schönstem Wetter durchquerten wir den herrlichen Canyon und erfreuten uns der herrlichen Umgebung. 👍👍Read more

    • Day 85

      Royal Gorge Bridge

      December 6, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Die "Royal Gorge Bridge" führt in 291m Höhe über den Arkansas River. Sie war bis 2001 die höchste Brücke der Welt. Bis heute ist sie immer noch die höchste Brücke der USA!👍🤭
      Wir fahren mit einer Seilbahn über die tiefe Schlucht und laufen über die Brücke zurück 🤭🤔🥴😊Read more

    • Day 85

      Skyline Drive" von Canon City

      December 6, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Der "Skyline Drive" von Canon City ist nicht lang, nicht gerade überregional bekannt oder wird als Sehenswürdigkeit beworben, er kostet nicht einmal Eintritt. Aber jeder, der nach Colorado kommt, sollte ihn unbedingt einmal fahren, denn es ist einfach nur cool, sich über dem eigentlichen Highway vorwärts zu bewegen.👍👍🥴🤭😊

      Auf der Fahrt durch eine sehr schöne Bergschlucht von Salida nach Canon City wußte das Wetter manchmal nicht, ob es regnen oder schneien sollte. Zum Glück ging alles gut und wir hatten einen tollen Tag👍👍
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    • Day 17

      Salida, 8 september.

      September 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Vandaag via Colorado Springs naar ons overnachtingsadres in Salida gereden.
      Geen rustige wegen, veel verkeer. We zijn nu in een dichter bevolkt gebied.
      Ook veel treinverkeer met de meerdere kilometers lange treinen. De locomotief moet wel heel veel kracht hebben. De wagons zijn voornamelijk met steenkool geladen. Wellicht voor Nederland?
      Stel je voor: de locomotief staat op Eindhoven hoofdstation en de laatste wagon op Beukenlaan.

      Colorado Springs is een grote stad met een mild klimaat. Zeer aantrekkelijk om er te vertoeven. We hebben onderweg veel nieuwbouw locaties gezien.
      We hebben The Garden of the Gods bezocht. Een natuurpark in de Rocky Mountains met veel rode stenen.
      We zien zoveel moois dat we verzadigd raken.

      We overnachten in Salida, een klein plaatsje in de Rocky Mountains. Het is een oud stadje met veel oude huizen, allemaal met een eigen stijl. Het lukt niet om er een goede foto van te maken.
      De herten lopen hier in de tuinen en over straat.
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    • Day 8

      Trails Day 1

      May 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der erste Tag ist geschafft.
      Ein solches Event besteht aus 12 Sektionen die möglichst fehlerfrei durchfahren werden müssen, dabei wird heute ein insgesamt 3 Meilen langer Rundweg zurückgelegt um von Sektion zu Sektion zu fahren. Dieser ‚Loop‘ wird von jedem Fahrer 3 x gefahren.
      Die Punkte die man erreicht werden dabei natürlich addiert.
      Barrett wurde von Runde zu Runde besser und erreicht am Ende den 3.Platz 🎉🥳 BÄM Super gemacht Barrett, wir sind stolz auf Dich und drücken die Daumen für Tag 2!

      The first day is done.
      Such an event consists of 12 sections which have to be driven through as faultlessly as possible. Today, a total of 3 miles long loop will be covered in order to drive from section to section. This 'loop' is driven 3 times by each driver.
      The points achieved are of course added up.
      Barrett was better from round to round and reached at the end of the 3rd place 🎉🥳 BÄM Super done Barrett, we are proud of you and keep your fingers crossed for day 2!
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    • Day 7

      Moto Trails Canon City

      May 26, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Wir sind mit Barrett, Scott und Stefanie beim „2023 AMA/NATC MotoTrials National Championship“ in Canon City Colorado.
      Es ist einfach toll ein solches Event zu begleiten.
      Barrett tritt hier in der Junior Sportsman Expert Klasse an und wird die blaue Route fahren.
      Scott ist sein Minder und unterstützt ihn.
      Viel Erfolg Barrett.
      Wir können nur sagen, alle die hier antreten sind echt gut! Insgesamt ist es hier eine große Trails Familie - Toll 🤩
      Das Event findet auf einer großen Ranch statt.

      We are with Barrett, Scott and Stefanie at the "2023 AMA/NATC MotoTrials National Championship" in Canon City Colorado.
      It's just great to cover an event like this.
      Barrett is competing here in the Junior Sportsman Expert class and will be riding the blue route.
      Scott is his Minder and is supporting him.
      Good luck Barrett.
      All we can say is everyone competing here is really good! Overall it's a big trails family here - Great 🤩.
      The event is held on a large ranch.
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    • Day 10

      Day 9 - The Lonliest Road.

      May 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Woke up to a few grunts & snorts....it was the zoo next door. We had filled up the grey waste tank & were unable to empty it, because I had been too tight the extra. Jackie was forced to shower in the campsite block (she won’t be doing that too often - all her clothes got wet).

      After breakfast, we set out for the Boot Hill Museum leaving the RV still hooked up & Jackie ‘s damp clothes drying in the sun. En-route we took photos of various statues around Dodge City, then just after 9.00am we visited the museum.

      First we watched an informative 13 minute video that told us all about the history of Dodge City. It was established in 1871 by a cattle rancher & soon cowboys were driving their Texas Longhorn cattle from Texas through. Buffalo hunters moved into the area & the town grew with the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad. Bars, brothels & gambling dens soon sprang up & became pretty lawless. Some of the prostitutes had brilliant names such as Squirrel Tooth Alice, Big Nose Kate & Big Emma.

      Shootings were a daily occurrence & the dead were often buried with their boots still on in the cemetery on the hill, hence it acquired it’s name ‘Boot Hill Cemetery’. The 1st recorded burial at Boot Hill Cemetery was Jack Reynolds in September 1872 who was shot 6 times. The last burial was Alice Chambers on 5th May 1878.

      Dodge City soon acquired a reputation as the most wickedest place in America & the true Cowboy Capital of the World. Law enforcement arrived in the form of the infamous Wyatt Earp & Batt Masterson, who were trigger happy but turned the town around.

      The Museum is actually situated on the cemetery, of which part of it still remains in tact. There are plaques & wooden epitaphs for some of it’s buried residents. The museum consisted of numerous buildings accurately reproduced from the originals & contained original artefacts from the time. It was fascinating & Jackie has declared it her highlight of the trip so far.

      One interesting but sad fact is that in 1870 there were over 30 million buffalo roaming the prairie around Dodge City, but by the turn of the century there was less that 1000. Hunters were rounding them up & slaughtering them in their hundreds each day. One photo should man stood on a pile of buffalo skulls at least 50 ft high. In the gift shop, Jackie treated me to genuine buffalo skin credit card wallet.

      Whilst in the Museum the weather had changed dramatically & it was thunder & lightning. We had no choice to run back in the pelting rain, unhook & drive out of the campsite at 10.59am. We had to be out by 11.00!!

      Today, the plan was to pelt along Highway 50 (The Loneliest Road) for over 300 miles to Cañon City & some proper scenery. We put a $100 fuel in the RV at Cimarron, then continued through the rather desolate towns of Ingalls, Garden City, Larkin, Syracuse & Coolidge. Every single town in western Kansas has a ‘Prairie Cathedral’, a massive white storage silo for wheat.

      At 1.30pm we crossed into Colorado & immediately stopped for lunch a coffee & a sandwich. Then it was on through Holly, Granada, Lamar (where we stopped to take a photo of the Petrified Wood Car Dealership), Hasty, Las Animas & La Junta, where I also planned to stop but in our haste we missed it.

      On we went, still on Highway 50, through Swink, Rocky Ford, Manzanola, Fowler & Avondale to Pueblo. On this days drive so far we had really not seen anything of interest, just Prairie Cathedrals & we smelt them before we saw them, lots & lots & lots of cattle ranches with thousands of cattle tightly penned in together & being fattened up ready for slaughter. We was not nice to see, it brought home the realities of Cattle farming & almost wanted to make you turn vegetarian.

      At Peublo, we turned off to photo the National Medal of Honor Memorial in the modestly named Heroes Plaza, then we parked up for a stroll along the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo. We wished we had bothered because it was very man made & fake looking, also annoyingly I forgot to wear my Fitbit.

      We then spent an age looking for a Walmart to pick up some dinner, chicken & salami pasta. We raced on to Cañon City, refuelled (another $100) then drove up to our KOA campsite at Royal Gorge. This is what we had been looking for - surrounded by The Rockies. We supped a beer as the sun went down over the mountains & made the decision we would stay here a 2nd night.

      The remainder of the evening was spent having dinner & watching the first 3 episodes of the brilliant ‘After Life’.

      FITBIT = 10,141 steps / 4.72 miles.

      Song of the Day - The Loneliest Road (feat. Phil Wiggins) by Blackwater Mojo.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Fremont County, مقاطعة فريمونت, Фримонт, ফ্রীমন্ট কাউন্টি, Condado de Fremont, Fremonti maakond, Fremont konderria, شهرستان فرمونت، کلرادو, Comté de Fremont, Fremont megye, Ֆրիմոնտ շրջան, Contea di Fremont, フレモント郡, Fremont Kūn, Hrabstwo Fremont, فریمونٹ کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Fremont, Округ Фримонт, Фремонт, فریمونٹ کاؤنٹی، کولوراڈو, Quận Fremont, Condado han Fremont, 弗里蒙特縣

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