United States
Georgetown County

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    • Day 19

      Wednesday, April 25

      April 25, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Sites 70 and 71 are nice, too. Sites on the inner circle have 3 services.

      Another beautiful day. We have a late breakfast, then check out the gift shop and buy a few things to bring home.

      After lunch, we play 9 holes of golf at Indian Wells Golf Club. Fairways are in great shape, as are the tees and greens. Very nice. I intend to take pictures, but that falls by the wayside as I struggle to stay out of the water and sand traps! I still enjoy the afternoon, though. The temperature is perfect and it's nice to be outside.

      We are joined by 2 other players. . .Leon, from Wisconsin who also happens to be a retired high school Math teacher, and Ted, who works at TPC of Myrtle Beach as a greenskeeper. He also works part time at Saltwater Creek Cafe, and highly recommends the she-crab soup. Apparently, they are famous for it! We will stop in there next year! In the meantime, Ted proves to be a very good player and Leon does quite well, too. They both assure us they did NOT vote for Trump and never will!!

      Tony really enjoys the course. . .likes the way the holes are designed, and says it is very fair.

      We have dinner at the campsite, and then bike to the gift shop for dessert. . .strawberry shortcake ice cream for me and an ice cream sandwich for Tony! We bike to the beach, and then through all the paths in the park. This is a nice park to bike in. We end up on the long boardwalk that brings us to the center of the salt marshes. So pretty at sunset and smells so good!

      We return to our site, and pack up for tomorrow's drive to Ronoake Rapids, North Carolina.

      Still reading The Nest. I'm about halfway through. It's starting to come together. I'm liking it a bit more.
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    • Day 17

      Sunday, April 22

      April 23, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Another nice day. We are moving today from Lakewood to Huntington State Park. We take our time packing up, not realizing that check out time here is10:00. (Most places it's 11 or 12). A stern looking older man taps on our door at 10:20 to tell us this, so we have to scramble!

      We drive to Tupelo Bay Golf Centre to hit practice balls. $20 for a large & a small basket! After, we shop for groceries and have lunch. We return to Tupelo Bay to play 18 holes. This centre offers a par 3 course and an executive course, all par 3's and 4's. It sounds easy but it's not! Lots of water and trees and narrow fairways! I struggle through the 18 holes, but Tony aces every one. He is on his game today! Lots of birdies!

      It's late when we finish so we go to Cracker Barrel for dinner!

      Time to relax now! I'm starting a new book, the Nest, one of Heather's Picks!
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    • Day 145

      Myrtle Beach - das Marinaleben

      March 18, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nach unserem ungeplante Zwischenstopp im Dick und Doof Museum, kommen wir spätabends im Yachthafen an und sind leicht verunsichert bzw. genervt, dass die Kommunikation mit Luis per Handy so schleppend funktioniert. 😐 Das liegt daran, dass wir kein Internet bekommen in den einschlägigen Fast-Food-Läden, genauso ist auch Luis schreibfaul und verlässt sich auf unsere deutsche Schlauheit. In der Marina-Gaststätte schunkeln die alten Seebären schon kräftig mit ihren in die Jahre gekommenen Meerjungfrauen, als wir versuchen den Eintrittscode für das Tor am Dock zu bekommen. Man muss den Amis schon lassen, dass auch wenn sie hinterweltlerisch und hirnverbrannt es zulassen konnten, den Armleuchter von Trump an die Macht kommen zu lassen, sehr hilfsbereit, freundlich und gesellig sind. 😄

      Wir schleichen also über den Steg und kommen bei “Wind Whisper” ⛵️(Name des Bootes) an, wo wir neben Luis auch Fred treffen. Fred ist ein langjähriger Freund von Luis, der uns auf dem Tripp begleiten wird. 💁🏼‍♂️ Er ist, wie Luis, um die 60 Jahre alt und hat schon viel Erfahrung auf dem Boot gesammelt, allerdings auf seiner Motoryacht auf einem See in Georgia. 🛥

      Die nächsten Tage verbringen wir damit das Boot auf die große Überfahrt vorzubereiten und jeden Tag einen anderen amerikanischen Fast-Food-Laden auszuprobieren. Echt leckere dabei, von denen die meisten sich bisher garnicht auf den deutschen Markt getraut haben.
      Wir kaufen kräftig Vorräte, wie auch Ersatzteile ein und verstauen es in allen möglichen Ecken, Kammern und Luken auf dem Boot. Gigantische Angelläden, Baumärkte und natürlich Walmart stehen fast täglich auf dem Programm. Ach, und wir sind überaus erfreut, dass wir ein eigenes Zimmer bekommen und nicht in die befürchteten Doppelstockbetten müssen. 👍🏻
      Tägliches Ritual ist neben dem langen Weg zum Klo in der Marina das gemeinschaftliche Verfolgen der Wettervorhersage. 🌤 Wir warten nämlich noch auf ein Wetterfenster für die ca. 4-tägige Überfahrt. Der bezahlte Wetterguru vertröstet uns auf die Abreise nach 8 Tagen in der Marina. 🙄 Bis dahin haben wir neben allen Ecken und Kanten des Boots auch Luis und Fred kennengelernt. Luis ist langjähriger Paragliding-Lehrer aus Argentinien, vor 20 Jahren in die USA gezogen. Fred hat im Software-Bereich gearbeitet und ganz schwer Kohle verdient. 💰 Lässt er sich aber überhaupt nicht anmerken und ist der höflichste, vorsichtigste und sympathische Mitfahrer überhaupt. 😇

      In den Nächten in der Marina ist es mal garnicht karibisch, sondern uns erwischt eine Kaltfront und wir haben eines Morgens sogar Eis auf dem Deck. ❄️ Die vier Decken und Heizlüfter machen das Boot aber ganz gut warm. 🙂
      Wir treffen dann auch Sebastian, der kurz vor knapp noch aus unserer Reiserunde ausgetreten ist, weil er auf seinen jungen Hund aufpassen muss. 💁🏻‍♂️ 🐶 Sebastian lädt uns zum Taco-Abend in die Marina-Gaststätte ein und bereitet uns zum Abschied ein Grillen am windigen Aussenpool der Marina.

      Am Freitag kurz vor Abfahrt kommt morgens plötzlich Stress auf, da unser Kapitän sich über die Nacht nochmal das Wetter angesehen hat und der Wind spontan super ist für uns. Also Team Shopping zu Walmart (wir beide) und Fred und Luis ans Boot vorbereiten. Hier und da werden noch Geräte am Boot repariert und angebracht. Dieses Schiffchen ist nämlich auch Luis’ neues Zuhause, da er vor kurzem neben seiner Frau auch seinem Haus den Rücken gekehrt hat. Er will ca. 1 Jahr in der Karibik rumsegeln. Toller Plan! 🗺 Und wir möchten gern ein Weilchen mit ihm mitschippern, auch wenn sich schnell die ersten kauzigen Eigenarten des alleinstehenden Seglers offenbaren. 🙄 Die Vorfreude und auch Nervosität steigen je näher die Abfahrt rückt. Wir shoppen förmlich täglich und räumen und putzen unaufhaltsam. Das Holz an Deck wird auch bearbeitet, dass es dem biestigen Salzwasser widerstehen kann. 💪🏻 Den letzten Morgenschmaus an Land nehmen wir bei einem amerikanischen All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet ein und stapfen mit einem Donut in der Hand und Kekskrümeln im Mundwinkel zum Schiff… 😋

      Highlights Jessy: Leben auf dem Boot und in der Marina, Freundlichkeit der Amerikaner, Vielfalt der Fast Food Läden, -2 Grad in Myrtle Beach

      Highlights Philipp: Einschaukeln auf dem Segelboot, Fred und seine unglaubliche Freundlichkeit, Ami-Gaststätten wie aus den 50ern
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    • Day 18

      Tuesday, April 24

      April 24, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Tuesday, April 24

      Site 65 - we really like this site. . .nobody behind us and quite spacious. It is near clean new washrooms. No TV reception in this park, though.

      The rain has stopped and the sun is out. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. Clear, dry, sunny, highs of around 75 degrees.

      Today is another housekeeping day. There is a clean air-conditioned Coin Laundry 6 miles south of the Park on Pawley's Island. $2.25 for a double load wash, $3.75 for a triple load, $.25 for 5 minutes of dryer time. While I do the laundry, and clean and organize the Rialta, Tony goes to Publix next door and stocks up on groceries for the next few days.

      I chat with a couple in the laundromat and they tell me about Assateague State Park in Maryland where all the wild ponies are. Their pictures show a beautiful beach and nice green flat campsites. I would like to stop there.

      Still more running around to do. . .shop at Tuesday Morning, and then go to the Walmart in Georgetown. It's a little further to drive but much less traffic! On the way back I notice that there are lots of really nice little shops along Ocean Highway on Pawley's island. I'd like to visit some of them next time.

      We have rotisserie mojo chicken for dinner. Tony bought it at the Publix in Pawley's island. Supposedly it has been basted or somehow cooked with citrus fruit juice. Anyway, it is juicy and tender and tangy! Very good!

      After dinner, we ride our bikes through the park. We discover there is a whole new campground on the south side. Concrete slabs, picnic tables on crushed rock, new washrooms, trees all pruned! Very nice! Tony is interested in Site 156.

      We ride the path along the ponds. The songbirds are chirping, the water birds are diving, and the frogs and crickets are singing. Everything is green and alive, and we think about how snowy and cold it was when we left Cornwall!

      Back to the campsite to settle in for the night!

      Not really enjoying The Nest so far. Usually I like Heather's Picks!?
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    • Day 18

      Monday, April 23

      April 24, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      It is a very rainy day in Myrtle Beach. Heavy rain is forecast for the next 24 hours. It's definitely a shopping day!

      We drive 14 miles to the PGA Golf Superstore on 29th Avenue North. We walk the entire store and check everything out! This is a golfer's heaven. We try out some putters. I need a new one, I spend an hour trying on clothes, but buy only one item. I consider this research for future reference! We look at kid's clubs for Naomi. So many nice things! And the prices are reasonable, as prices for golf items go!

      Next, we go to the Coastal Grand Mall on Coastal Grand Circle. There is a Sears, Belk, and Dillard's, and we check them all out. Lots of looking, not much buying!

      Time for dinner. We go to Lee's Inlet Kitchen, a yearly tradition when we're in Myrtle Beach. 4460 highway 17 Business. There are restaurants and shops all along this road. This is a family restaurant where they serve seafood, chicken and steak. Salad, entree, a basket of hush puppies for $16.50 each between 4:30 and 5:30. Of all the hush puppies I've tasted these are the best! They are served hot, with whipped honey butter! Umm, so delicious!

      Back to the campsite to batten down the hatches! It's still raining, and will be until tomorrow morning!
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    • Day 13

      Huntington Beach State Park

      April 28, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Auf dem nach Charleston hatten wir zwei Stopps geplant. Einen kurz nach dem losfahren, einen kurz vorm Ziel. Zuerst sind wir in den Huntington Beach State Park. Bei dem State Park musste man wieder Eintritt zahlen, 8$ pro Person. Der Huntington Beach State Park ist ein 2500 Hektar großes Küstenschutzgebiet. Er hat einen großen Sandstrand, deutlich weniger Strandbesucher als Myrtle Beach und es gibt hier viele Tiere, darunter viele Wildvögel und auch Alligatoren. Der Park, ursprünglich Eigentum von Anna Hyatt Huntington und Archer M. Huntington, wurde nach seinem Tod gepachtet und erhielt seinen Namen von ihm. Das Winterhaus der Huntingtons, Atalaya Castle, befindet sich im Park und haben wir auch besucht für 2$ Eintritt. Die Residenz wurde während der Weltwirtschaftskrise nur von einheimischen Arbeitern erbaut und war so konzipiert, dass sie Hurrikanen standhält. Eher rustikal vom Stil aber gigantisch groß. Neben dem Castle sind wir auch einen Fußweg mit Blick auf Alligatoren entlang, sind ein Stück am Strand gelaufen und sind einen Naturpfad entlang zu einem gigantischen Baum namens Tintenfisch Baum, da seine Äste und Stamm wie Tintenfischarme aussehen. Nicht ganz günstig aber trotzdem sehr lohnenswert herzukommen! Neben den vielen lebenden Tieren haben wir auch ein paar leider tote Quallen am Strand entdeckt. Sehr imposanter Anblick!Read more

    • Day 5

      Wiscasset to Georgetown, SC

      November 2, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      We said when we bought Ballyhoo that we would stop doing overnights but, leaving Maine as late in the season as we choose to, we have to grab the good weather windows when we can, regardless of the timing. In this case, leaving mid afternoon Tuesday October 17th looked like a good opportunity to get a head start on a weather system that would stop us by the end of that week.

      Still learning our new boat, we were grateful to have calm conditions for our first big offshore run down to the Cape Cod Canal, through Buzzard's Bay and down Long Island Sound. 24 hours got us through NYC to Sandy Hook Bay to anchor for the night, then we had an atypically easy run down the New Jersey Shore until we got about 2 hours outside of Cape May. The winds kicked up and we had to go through the Cape May Inlet with wind against current, our first experience with Ballyhoo in rough conditions. As usual, we enjoyed the town for several days while we waited out weather.

      We debated going through the Chesapeake but chose, instead, to save a few days and go back offshore for what looked to be a good window to get down to Norfolk. We knew if we pushed a little that we could get there during daylight hours. Again, we were blessed with great conditions and made it to our anchorage well before dark.

      We chose the Dismal Swamp option again and were surprised at how many other boats were doing the same as it's usually the less travelled route. The lock master was able to get us all into the first lock, but we were packed in like sardines with boats on both sides and rafted in the middle. There were only 3 of us left going all the way through that day so we anticipated getting in and out of the second lock more efficiently. Unfortunately, there was a mechanical issue with the gate of the lock and we were stuck on the north side of the bridge with nowhere to tie up. We dropped anchor expecting to stay there until morning but at around 5 pm the lock master opened the bridge for us and allowed us to tie up on the bulkhead for the night. By the time of the first lock opening the next morning, the repair was adequate enough to get us through almost on schedule.

      We had pleasant conditions from Albermarle Sound all the way to Beaufort, NC. We anchored in Taylor Creek for the night then went offshore from Beaufort to the Masonboro Inlet. Ready to stretch our legs and wanting to take advantage of the temperatures in the mid 80s, we stopped in Wrightsville Beach, dropped the dinghy and enjoyed a couple of days there.

      We had one more chance to enjoy a beautiful anchorage before the cold front and stopped for our first time at the Bird Island Preserve, right on the NC/SC state line. From there we headed to Georgetown where we have been waiting out the cold since Tuesday in the marina. We've enjoyed reacquainting ourselves with the town as we realized we haven't been here in 10 years!

      Getting used to going faster has presented us with a new learning curve. Especially challenging has been trying to figure out how to courteously pass other boats. Ballyhoo throws quite a wake so learning when to pull the throttle back and when it's okay to pull ahead again is requiring our full attention at this point. So, even though our days have been shorter, we seem to be getting just as tired!

      Temperatures are better tomorrow so we'll head toward Charleston with no particular destination in mind. We have more flexibility now so we're trying to not be in a big hurry!
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    • Day 8

      Making the most of the day

      May 16, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Might have missed the sunrise but it is still going to be another beautiful day. Breakfast burritos on chili lime wraps and coffee on the screened deck is one way to start the day! Follow that with a bike ride to the beach and a walk down to the south end of the resort. Complex was filling up with weekend guests so we figured the beach would get crowded, plus we got plenty of sun yesterday, so we went on a drive to Firefly. An awesome distillery we discovered a few years ago, they have a variety of vodkas, bourbons, and moonshine. To say we restocked for the summer might give you a clue that we enjoyed it! Across the street is Holy City brewery, which of course we checked out their summer selections and enjoyed a burger and soft pretzels for lunch. By the time we got back to Litchfield, we thought the crowds would be thinning out so we changed, grabbed our towels, chairs and bottled water. Beach was still full so we stayed up on the deck; no crowds, nice breeze, & great view. We did venture down to the water which seemed to feel cooler than yesterday, but still very refreshing. Back to our place to make dinner and drinks. Played some cribbage while dinner was in the oven and enjoyed some wine.
      When you're an Atlantic beach, you can usually get great sunrise pictures, but you have to be up at 6am! We wondered what a sunset would be like.. so we went to the top level to find out. Pretty amazing view as the sun dipped below the trees. Ended the evening with a nice glass of red wine, couple of chocolate chip cookies and a great phone call with Karen who live on the west coast!
      Tomorrow's packup and head home, but not until breakfast & a bike ride.
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    • Day 6

      Beach time

      May 14, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Just a few hours drive today from Augusta to Pawley's Island, SC. Our last 3 days of quarantine-cation we'll be relaxing at Litchfield by the Sea. Looking forward to putting my feet in the sand and a drink in my hand!! Pool, fitness center and main restaurant are still closed, but there are plenty of bike trails to ride and sandy beaches to walk. We have a 1 bedroom suite with full kitchen so we'll be able to make most of our meals, still keeping our distance from others.
      While we waited for the room to be ready, we took a quick walk on the beach put our feet in the ocean, then found Quigley's pub & plates across the street from the resort. Enjoyed a flight of beers and a plate of bacon, cheese fries. Excellent way to kill some time. When we were almost done, I got the call our place was ready. Time to unload the jeep and do a quick load of laundry, packed too many long pants I'm not going to wear, needed some clean shorts for the weekend. Going to be a beach bum for the next couple days!
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    • Day 7

      Fabulous Friday

      May 15, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Awesome, relaxing day at Litchfield. Breakfast on the screened patio, bike ride around the resort then setup at the beach for the day. Ocean felt great, sand was cool and crowds were well spaced out. We went back for lunch and to pack up snacks for our virtual wine pairing with Shelton. That was fun, listening to Ethan share his making of the 2018 - 19 vintage. Enjoyed a nice Petite Verdot with dinner the a walk around Oyster Catcher, great looking villas with top floor patios that would be great for sunrise or sunset. Maybe next time.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Georgetown County, Джорджтаун, জর্জটাউন কাউন্টি, Kantono Georgetown, Condado de Georgetown, Georgetown konderria, شهرستان جورج‌تاون، کارولینای جنوبی, Comté de Georgetown, Georgetown megye, Ջորջթաուն շրջան, Contea di Georgetown, ジョージタウン郡, Georgetown Kūn, Hrabstwo Georgetown, جارجٹاؤن کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Georgetown, Округ Џорџтаун, جارج ٹاؤن کاؤنٹی، جنوبی کیرولائنا, Quận Georgetown, Condado han Georgetown, 喬治敦縣

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