United States
Gilmer County

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    • Day 8

      Hiking in den Georgia mountains

      July 10, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute morgen gab es kein ausgiebiges Frühstück, stattdessen richtete Jenny leckere Sandwiches und schmiss ein paar Snacks und Getränke in einen Korb ehe wir schon im Auto saßen. Ein kurzer pitstop für ein chicken Biskuit bei chick-fil-a Al's Frühstück, welches hervorragend schmeckte und schon waren wir an den Toren der Georgia Mountains angekommen! Unser erstes Ziel hieß Amicalola falls. Es hieß ca 1km und in total 700 Stufen zu überwinden. Am Fuße der Falls sahen wir eine Schlange auf einem Stein in mitten des Flusses sitzen. Erstaunlicher Weise kam sie relativ problemlos gegen die Strömung an als sie weiter wollte. Dann ging unser Weg die ersten Stufen nach oben
      um an der Plattform unterhalb des Wasserfalls anzukommen und danach noch den Weg nach oben um das ganze von the top zu betrachten. Nun ging es über einen Waldweg wieder zurück und unsere Loop war perfekt. Wir holten unseren gepackten Picknick Korb aus den Auto und machten es uns am Fluss im Schatten gemütlich. Nach einem gemütlichen und leckeren Lunch wollten wir dann aufbrechen zu einem weiteren Wasserfall, Gott sei Dank googelten wir ihn zu erst und riefen dann kurz im Informationscenter an um zu erfragen wie lange der Walk dauert. Die nette Dame am Telefon flüsterte es uns zu das er momentan geschlossen sein wegen eines Summer Camps. Glück gehabt. Also fuhren wir noch nach Dahlonaga, welches die erste Gold Mining town war, noch vor California! Es war ein süßes kleines Städtchen wo wir einmal durchschlenderten ehe wir auf dem Heimweg Maddox (den Sohn von Rob) abholten und zu Hause die anderen beiden Hexen warteten. Denn heute war großes Family Dinner geplant. Es gab Burger, Hotdogs und Chicken. Mit mashed potatoes, corn, baked cheese potatoes und vielem mehr, es war einfach köstlich. Als Dessert machten wir noch ein Lagerfeuer über dem wir die Marshmallows schmelzen ließen um sie dann mit schokolade auf wholegrain Crackers zu smores zusammen zu legen. Man schmeckten die genial. Aber ich war Mal wieder so voll das ich nur eine Handvoll schaffte. Danach machten wir es uns auf der Couch gemütlich um eine Diashow anzuschauen ,die ich die letzten Tage zusammen gestellt habe. Wir schauten Bilder an von allen Ländern/Orten die wir bisher auf unserer Reise gesehen haben. Danach hieß es langsam wieder Richtung Bett, denn die Müdigkeit überkam uns.
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    • Black Gap Shelter -1.1

      May 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We have finally made it to the Amicalola State Park where the Approach Trail starts and hiked our first miles. It was an extremely tough one and we super underestimated what miles mean so we arrived there pretty late. The others in the shelter went almost directly afterwards to bed so we needed to be quiet. Which made it pretty difficult getting our stuff organized silently in the dark. Besides that, the Shelter was completely full with us, so we needed to squeeze. For our first day on the trail I brought some instant Swabian pasta ("Kässpätzle") and some of our favorite wine. What was intended to be a bit of a romantic dinner turned to a cheese soup with raw noodles. But we were hungry and it tasted pretty good.
      As it is only an Approach Trail which leads to the actual southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail we basically made it to mile -1.1. So when we climbed Springer Mountain tomorrow the actual time on the trail begins. because that's the distance from the shelter to the Springer Mountain where the AT really starts.
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    • Day 1

      AT Day 0 (Approach Trail) - Everything i

      March 12, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      -8.8 - .2 miles.

      Perfect start to this adventure. It’s difficult to get in to the writing mood, but I’m going to try to jot down my thoughts as best I can.

      Today started off at 6 am. I should mention that I’m starting this with my friends I met along the Colorado Trail. Jessica and Molly, and Molly’s boyfriend Ryan. They’re joining me for the first 3 days, and they were nice enough to pick me up from the airport and give me a place to stay last night. Above all else, it was nice to start this journey with friends.

      All 4 of us started the 2 hour drive to Amicalola Falls State Park. Once there, we listened to the Ranger on how this year is different with Covid. Basically, practice being bear safe, the privies are closed, and be smart by social distancing. All things that I had practiced when I did the Colorado trail, so I was ready to go. Weighed my pack and got my registration finished up. I’m hiker 669. My pack weighs 26 pounds fully loaded with 5 days of food and 1 liter of water. I'm happy with that.

      Once we were good to go, we dropped off our packs at the Lodge, parked the car at the overnight parking, and then we started hiking. The weather was absolutely perfect. Mid 50’s, mostly sunny, with a slight breeze. We hiked the 700 steps up the falls and went and got our packs that the ladies at the lodge were nice enough to let us keep behind the counter.

      Then the real hike began. It’s an 8.5 mile hike to the beginning of the Appalachian trail, and the approach trail is no picnic. We started the real hike around 10 am. With a few stops for water and breakfast, we made it to Springer Mountain, and the official start of the AT by 5. Not bad.

      Last year, I didn’t have any views due to the rain, but this year it was perfect. It was a great day of hiking. No complaints. My knees are good, my ankles are good. My pack feels alright. “Everything is awesome.” That was today’s motto.

      I’m glad to have the company I have for these first few days. We all had dinner tonight together. I introduced Jessica and Molly to a thru-hiker delicacy called a Ramen-Bomb. Ramen+mashed potatoes+olive oil+summer sausage. It comes out to right around 1000 calories.

      After dinner I went to my tent for the night. If I’m to journal every night and keep track of certain details throughout this journey, I’ve got to set aside a good amount of time each evening, so I was in my tent by 6:45.

      After 15 minutes of stretching and working on my feet, I started journaling. I can hear the girls not far away, but they’re winding down for the night as well.

      All in all, what a great first day. Couldn’t have asked for better weather, and I’m told tomorrow will be very similar. The temp tonight might drop in to the 40s, but that’s fine. I’m comfortable down below freezing.

      I’m excited. It’s almost 7:30, almost completely dark, and I’m about to fall asleep. Hopefully I sleep well. My body is definitely tired.

      Tomorrow morning will be 2-3 servings of oatmeal and a couple cups of coffee, then I believe it’s a 10 mile hike to our next stop.
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    • Day 3

      Camp Cherry Log

      August 12, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 26 °C

      We were a bit early to check into our cabin and decided to take a side trip for a picnic lunch in a park on our way to Blue Ridge. Siri directed us toward Cold Mountain Park. We got more & more off the beaten path, the roads got bumpier, and narrower until we finally decided to call it. We ended up at a deserted Campground. It was was quite the place in its time, hookups for trailers, a tennis court, swimming pool, all adjacent to a cute little stream. I guess people stopped coming. But it was a lovely, remote spot for lunch.Read more

    • Day 6

      Long creek falls

      August 15, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 28 °C

      Rerouting with some help from the lady at the convenience store who gave great directions, we found the original hike after a long, hair raising and bumpy drive down a dirt road. Although part of the Appalachian Trail, this section is pretty easy hike to a spectacular setting.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tir Na Nog

      August 12, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      After checking in at the Southern Comfort's office in Blue Ridge, we navigated the twisty turny roads to the cottage named Tir Na Nog. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, two levels of porches overlooking an awesome view, the cabin exceeded our expectations. We settled in with a few beer, enjoyed the sunset & waited for Dani, Phill & Bosco to arrive.Read more

    • Day 1

      Sign In Day & Hike the Falls

      February 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      A lot of fun today hiking 1 mile downhill to the Approach Trail visitor center from the Lodge to check in, get my official AT bag tag, and then hike back up the famous Amicalola Falls trail and steps. The falls here are the highest east of the Mississippi and absolutely breathtaking.
      Started the walk from the makeshift visitor center (attached are pics of the new one being built… ready late summer), and through the iconic arch that begins all thru hikers’ journeys (pic attached). I’ve seen over 100 YouTube vlogs with others’ emotional send offs from here, and it was surreal that it was now me walking “down the yellow brick road”.
      About 3,000 thru hikers start from here each year, with only 23% successfully reaching their final goal of summiting Mt. Katahdin in Maine. I didn’t pull a hammy walking up the 600+ steps straight up the side of the waterfall, so I’m considering that a good omen. For now. 😃🙏
      The whole approach trail is 8.8 miles long (from the arch to the official start of the AT at the top of Springer Mtn). The 1.3 miles back up to the Lodge was beautiful, steep, exciting and thought provoking. What is in store for me over the next 6 months? The journey starts tomorrow at 9:00 am.
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    • Travel from Boston to Amicalola GA

      February 20, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Was emotional leaving Karina and CJ this am for my flight from Providence RI to Atlanta GA, but I’m excited to get started with something I’ve been thinking about and planning for years. Flight went like clockwork and I was soon meeting Ron Brown outside of the ATL Airport for the 1.5 drive to Amicalola Falls Lodge (essentially at the base of Springer Mtn). Ron is an AT trail legend who has been working his magic each day for the past 17 years. He gave me some great insights and advice for what’s to come. Stayed tonight in the beautiful lodge, had dinner, and then checked all of my gear for the 63rd time. 😆Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gilmer County, مقاطعة غيلمر, Гилмър, গিলমের কাউন্টি, Kantono Gilmer, Condado de Gilmer, Gilmeri maakond, Gilmer konderria, شهرستان گیلمر، جورجیا, Comté de Gilmer, Gilmer megye, Գիլմեր շրջան, Contea di Gilmer, ギルマー郡, Gilmer, Gilmer Kūn, Hrabstwo Gilmer, Comitatul Gilmer, Гилмер, Округ Гилмер, Ґілмер, گلمر کاؤنٹی، جارجیا, Quận Gilmer, Condado han Gilmer, 吉爾默縣

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