United States
Greene County

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    • Day 21

      Der Berg mit der Glatze

      February 21 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Endlich haben wir es geschafft, um 5:00 Uhr aufzustehen und um 5:30 Uhr auf dem Trail zu sein. Nach einer kurzen Verabschiedung von Beth und Somewhere gings bei sehr hellem Mondschein in Richtung „Big Bold“ los. Nach etwa 15 Meilen haben wir an einem Shelter eine zweistündige Mittagspause eingelegt. Wir waren beide etwas fertig von den letzten Tagen und brauchten diese Zeit zu Regeneration. Wir konnten sogar einen kurzen Mittagsschlaf machen. Endlich!

      Als wir bereit waren, das Shelter wieder zu verlassen, kam Beth ins Shelter. Wir waren überrascht, wie schnell sie war, da sie noch am Kaffe kochen war, als wir losgegangen sind. Da sieht man mal wieder, dass längere Pausen Meilen kosten. Sie hat uns erzählt, dass sie nun zum dritten Mal auf ihre Schulter gefallen ist. Das tat mir sehr leid! Ich habe ihr daraufhin Voltaren gegeben, in der Hoffnung, dass sie wenigstens die nächsten ein bis zwei Tage von Schmerzen verschont bleibt.

      Kurz nach dem Shelter kam uns ein Mann entgegen, der uns angesprochen hat. Er fragte, ob wir Thru-Hiker seien und ob wir Lust auf Früchte, Süßigkeiten oder etwas zum Trinken hätten. Als wir unglaubwürdig schauten, fragte er, ob uns der Begriff „Trail Magic“ bekannt ist. Natürlich sagten wir! Dann bekamen wir Mandarinen, Bananen und Schokolade! Außerdem nahm er unseren Abfall ab.
      Er war supernett und hat uns von mehreren Wanderungen mit seinem Sohn auf dem AT erzählt. Nach einem kurzen Gebet, welches er für uns sprach, gingen wir weiter in Richtung „Big Bold“, welchen wir noch vor Sonnenuntergang erreichen wollten.

      Dort angekommen erwartete uns ein wunderschöner Ausblick und noch gerade ausreichend Sonne, um schöne Bilder zu schießen.

      Ein sehr freundlicher Mann schoss von uns noch ein Bild und erklärte uns den Weg zum „Bold Mountain Shelter“. Dort angekommen, ging die Suche nach Wasser los, bis ich nach circa 20 Minuten endlich die Wasserquelle gefunden hatte und wir unsere warme Mahlzeiten an diesem sehr kalten und windigen Abend zubereiten konnten, bevor wir schlafen gingen.
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    • Day 24

      Wild Camping Lick Rock 312.9

      May 27, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We made the 300 miles!! Just about seven times more and we're already there!!! :D Besides that it was another day of a pretty tough hike. We're not so sure why it is that hard to make miles the last few days. Tomorrow we'll get up earlier again ;)
      Another night in the tent but there is a thunderstorm forecast for the night, so I'm hoping that it won't be so bad. Otherwise we might be able to see the sunrise from our camp spot.
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    • Day 22

      Hurricane Gap 282.6

      May 25, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Wild Camping again because of two reasons. The first is that we were super slow today, the other is that the Shelter is anyways full already. And as it is located at the top of a mountain the winds will be harder as here in the gap :)
      This morning we packed our stuff and took is slowly at the Hostel. Also I ordered some new gear to our next resupply point in Erwin, Tennessee.
      We've got a food plan now and our backpacks are filled with food for the next 8 days. They're super heavy but we can have three proper meals per day now. Let's see how long it will last.
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    • Day 23

      Campsite Fork Ridge 299.5

      May 26, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      We didn't want to get up this morning when the alarm went off at 5, so we enjoyed the warmth of our sleeping bags until 7:40 and then shot for the 300 :)
      This turned out to be harder goal than expected because it went uphill almost all day and the downhill was rocky so we were totally exhausted after the 17 miles. And the 300 will have to wait until tomorrow in the morning.
      The owls are making weird noises outside :D
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    • Day 8

      Interstate 81

      June 11, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Knoxville.... Perfektes Wetter strahlender Sonnenschein.... Schon viel gesehen heute Erdmännchen, einen Bären, jede Menge Gulasch, eine fliegende Gasbuttel und so etwa drei bis vierhundert reifen....Read more

    • Day 19

      Booker T Washington/Andrew Johnson

      November 12, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      I woke up super early, before any visitor centers were open, so I took myself out to breakfast in a tiny Town in Virginia. It's weird dining alone. The wait staff is always extra friendly and attentive. Good food, way cheaper than Cali. Then I tried to go to the Blue Ridge Parkway vc but it was closed for the season. It was the 3rd one I saw that was closed already. So then I went to Booker T Washington National Monument. It was pretty cool. I knew nothing about who he was. The park was the plantation where he was born and enslaved until he was 8 and finally freed. Then he taught himself to read, went to schools, taught, advised presidents. Cool guy. Then I drove through Roanoke VA. I figured it's a pretty big town I should drive/walk around downtown. I instead ran into a giant parade. I forgot it was veterans day. So all of the downtown area was closed off and there was no parking. Seemed like it was ending so I just got back on the freeway. Such a big parade though. Old cars and tiny boys dressed like their grandpas. Seemed like a pretty cool city. Andrew Johnson wasn't as cool a dude as Booker. He bought Alaska and didn't get removed from office (which he shouldn't​ have been). So that's good but he was president during much of the Indian wars, veteoed the Civil Rights Act, and didn't get much done. To be fair it was a super rough time to lead a still very divided country. Anyway, not my favorite place. From there I went through Gatlinburg​ TN and into the Great Smoky mountains. I settled into my campsite and made a fire (for the first time ever by myself!). Then I hung out and read my book in front of a nice toasty fire. Pretty sprinkles.

      More adventures tomorrow!
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    • Day 1

      Welcome to Tennessee

      February 23, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      We are in Tennessee!!

    • Day 3

      Crazy Night- Battery Depleted

      April 19, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 45 °F

      I had a pretty crazy night. I had just finished eating dinner when the power flickered and all the plugged in appliances stopped. The portable heater stopped running, my phone flickered as the charging stopped. I looked at the battery panel, Inverter control and Balmar system and it was so low (<20%) that it had shut itself off. This happened to me once before, so I knew the only way to get it turned back on was to plug in to an electrical outlet. Only takes a second, but have to plug in. Well, it wouldn't have been such a big deal except that it was only 9:20 pm and it was already 37 degrees outside, plus I had no phone signal at all. I did have just under 3/4 tank of gas.

      So, I figured I had three options: 1) wake up Lindsay the kind host on the property with 2 small children under the age of 6 to see if she could move me to a non boon docking space. 2) turn the van engine on and off throughout the night to keep the van warm (but I wasn't sure how well this would work at freezing temps) or 3) drive to Ashville, find a place to plug in briefly and be in a place that has phone service and fuel.

      Now mind you, I was 8 oz of wine in and had just popped a muscle relaxer. Three days before leaving on the trip I went to the orthopedic urgent care. I had been having pain in my butt and hips for over 3 weeks, and the last week it was so intense that I couldn't work. I diagnosed myself with piriformis syndrome. I had 3 massages, 2 chiro adjustments, 2 physical therapy appointments, a myofascial release session, had iced and heated and stretched, and was taking ibuprofen. At the urgent care they did an x-ray which I knew was pretty much useless for diagnosis of what I had. They found a couple other things, but none the less, Dr agreed with me on the piriformis diagnosis and prescribed me a steroid pack and muscle relaxers...

      In my dilemma, I chose the third option... get to a place with more resources. I knew I only had 2 hours before the muscle relaxer would kick in and I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open. I quickly buckled up the van for travel and set out back to town. There was no phone signal, so I had to go off my memory on how I got to this remote location. I found Hot Springs, but on a week night at almost 10 pm, the town was shut down. Now having phone signal, I pulled over to get directions to Ashville which was almost an hour drive away.

      So I headed off on the steep, curvy mountain roads in the pitch black of night, the only lights being my headlights. Sign says 8% grade, "okay brake 3 seconds every 10 seconds". Ears popping, runaway truck ramp, my screen displays "possible ice on roads"... I find a small town gas station that is closed, but I spot an electrical outlet on the front of the building. It's not secured to the concrete, so it's sort of dangling in place. I put my coat on and quickly jump out to plug in for a second. That instantly restarts the inverter, so now I'm charging as I'm driving.

      I roll into downtown Ashville at 11 pm. All I see are homeless men. I wonder how they will stay warm tonight. I just need to find a gas station, so I can top off my tank and then a safe, well lit parking lot to sleep in. I ended up in the Trader Joe's parking lot. I woke up every 30-60 min to turn on the engine or turn off the engine so i could have heat and recharge the battery. The heat or the cold woke me up each time. It wasn't a very restful night.

      Today, I'm just recovering I guess. Might take a nap. I joined The Joint recently so went to see the chiropractor here in Ashville. Thanks to a friend who gave me a Massage Envy gift card I have a massage scheduled for 3 pm.

      I spent an hour on the phone with tech support to find out how to work the automatic engine start up when the battery gets low... only to find out that this battery system doesn't have that option. I've done Ashville before, so today I will just rest. I need a good night's sleep.
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    • Day 1

      Limestone, Tennessee

      May 15, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Weekend with Julie in East Tennessee at Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park to celebrate Kevin's birthday. Our RV site was right on the Nolichucky River. Super fun!

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Greene County, مقاطعة غرين, Грийн, গ্রীনি কাউন্টি, Condado de Greene, Greene konderria, شهرستان گرین، تنسی, Comté de Greene, Greene megye, Գրին շրջան, Contea di Greene, グリーン郡, Greene Comitatus, Greene Kūn, Hrabstwo Greene, گرین کاؤنٹی، ٹینیسی, Comitatul Greene, Грин, Округ Грин, Ґрін, Quận Greene, Condado han Greene, 格林縣

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