Verenigde Staten
Ketchikan Harbor

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    • Dag 22

      Ketchikan. Cruise day 9

      20 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We arrive at Ketchikan early, 0700. This idyllic town, the second last stop on our journey through the Alaskan inside passage, is beautiful.

      Another town along the Alaskan coast without any road access. Sea and air only.

      We soon join our walking tour group, and explore some of the rich history of the town of Ketchikan.

      Another beautiful day exploring the rich culture and landscapes of this magnificent part of the world.

      "Ketchikan is an Alaskan town facing the Inside Passage, a popular cruise route along the state's southeastern coast. It's known for its many Native American totem poles, on display throughout town. Nearby Misty Fiords National Monument is a glacier-carved wilderness featuring snowcapped mountains, waterfalls and salmon spawning streams. It's also home to rich wildlife including black bears, wolves and bald eagles."
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    • Dag 58

      Ketchikan 1

      6 mei, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Ketchikan ist eine US-amerikanische Stadt in Alaska mit 8192 Einwohnern. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz von Ketchikan Gateway Borough. Ketchikan ist der größte Ort auf Revillagigedo Island und nach Sitka die zweitgrößte Stadt des Alexanderarchipels. Die Stadt liegt im Süden des sogenannten Alaska Panhandle. Meer informatie

    • Dag 18


      16 september 2019, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      As expected it’s raining in Ketchikan, oh and a little chilly. We docked at 10am so a leisurely breakfast before we rug up and disembark.
      We’ve booked to see the Lumberjack show. So once we avoid all the puddles and rain we make it to the venue. The show is very entertaining and has us in stitches. There’s hundreds of people in the bleaches so we wait for them to disperse before we leave. Mum starts to chat to the compare and drops the name - Jack O’Toole. For those playing along at home Jack is the Australian champion woodchopper from the 60’s & his son & grandson are champions as well. Jack was Mums Mums cousin....
      Anyway all the Lumberjacks came running over to meet mum because Jack O’Toole’s relative from Australia has come to see their show.
      These men were excited, one even hugged mum he was so excited. They all wanted a photo with mum, YOHO.
      One young man was from Tamworth and was overwhelmed because there was someone from Australia with logging history talking to him.... I’d say he was a little home sick.

      We leave and head down to Creek Street, the famous houses on stilts. There’s too many tourists so we have a quick look then head to the local cafe. I’d looked the cafe up earlier and thought how appropriate and we’ll have to make time to go.
      Pioneer Cafe is significant on two counts in my eyes
      1. It’s a traditional diner and there’s not many of them left
      2. Dad worked for Ansett Pioneer so the last hoora before our trip ends.

      Lachlan can’t get over the fact that the drinks keep getting topped up and it doesn’t cost extra. Tea, coffee & soft drinks that are bottomless.... 😳
      Mum orders “Shrimp & French Fries”. Lachlan an “Alaska Burger & French Fries” & I get a cheese burger with mushrooms & a side of fries. Lachlan’s burger is nearly as big as his head and did an awesome job at eating it. The staff smile every time they walk past. I don’t think they thought he’d finish it.
      We start to wander back to the ship and surprise, surprise the heavens open up. We’d had enough of the tourist shops so the quicker we get back the better. We’re a little wet and one umbrella didn’t survive the wind so that’s been donated to the local rubbish bin.
      Back on the ship to dry out and relax. We sail this afternoon & tomorrow then disembark the day after. Enjoying every moment of this trip.

      Wonder what the poor people are doing 💙
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    • Dag 20

      Ketchikan, AK

      1 september 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Have travelled south overnight to the port of Ketchikan for an 11am arrival. It's a much larger town based around the fishing and timber industries as well as tourism. We are the 5th ship in port today and can't dock until after 1:45pm. People who have earlier shore excursions have to use the tenders to go ashore. Ours is this afternoon, so we wait for the docking.

      The port is a hive of activity with float planes and helicopters buzzing between the cruise ships. All manner of sea craft go to and fro on this waterway. Ketchikan gets the most rainfall in Alaska. It is fine and sunny this morning.

      A large portion of the waterfront properties in Ketchikan are built on stilts over the water - there is so little land that can actually be built on as the mountains rise steeply so quickly. Property is quite expensive here in Ketchikan because of this - so little land can be built on. An interesting fact we learn is that homes cannot be accessed by cars.....they are accessed by stairs and elevated timber pathways which are called streets and avenues.
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    • Dag 11

      Ketchikan, The First Town in Alaska

      6 augustus 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Arrived in Ketchikan at 7am in the morning and our Airbnb host was at the dock to pick us up which we thought was extremely thoughtful of her. She gave us a running commentary about the history of the town and points of interest all the way to our destination.
      Leaving our bags in Jayne's office as the studio needed to be vacated and cleaned, Jayne dropped us off at the local hotspot for breakfast. We were slowly learning that meal sizes in the US come in two sizes - super-size and massive, so we decided to share a plate of three blueberry pancakes. Big mistake, two pancakes would have been sufficient.
      Breakfast over we hit the streets. The haze was slowly lifting and it promised to be a warm day. Down to the docks to pick up some maps first before we get lost. Ketchikan is a town on the cruise route so luckily their are only 4 berths so at any one time there can only, "only", be four ships in town.
      So our wandering took us down the Main Street, along the docks to the Southeast Alaska Discovery Centre. Crossing over to Creek Street, Jayne called and gave us the all clear to move in. Our little studio is on a pier street. Part of the original town and now heritage listed, the building our studio is part of was a brothel right up to the 1970's when the current owners bought it. It was than their family home where they raised their children. 5 years ago they bought another home and covered their old home into Airbnb appartments. We have an amazing location right on the water and close to everything Ketchikan has to offer. So,moved in we did and once settled we headed out once again. We explored Creek Street, walked the Married Man's Trail to the Salmon Ladder, followed the creek upstream to watch the salmon spawning then onto the Totem Heritage Centre.
      The cruise ships leave late afternoon and Ketchikan chills out. Such a lovely town after the madding crowd has vacated.
      Dinner - chimichangas for two, Ketchikan style.
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    • Dag 25

      Ketchikan, United States

      26 augustus 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Just arriving in Ketchikan, Alaska - touted as the Salmon Capital of the World. As we are docking, I thought I'd share a few pics. We are off to what I expect to be a very kitsch Lumberjack show... Haha. We purchased tickets in Oz online well before the trip, at about 25% of what they are charging on the ship... My tour guide thinks of everything!!!

      Will report back later!

      The Lumberjack Show was a little twee, but showcased the skills required for timber orders. It was fun and a good hour long show.

      Ketchikan is an interesting town, with a strong river in the centre of town, with a salmon ladder, complete with salmon swimming upstream. The "old" part of town showcases the history, being where the loggers andfisherman spent their free time and hard earned dollars, as evidenced by the signs at Dolly's house.Ketchikan gets 16 feet of rain (yes, you read that right!). We were lucky today, to have only an overcast, but dry day, maximum temperature 15 degrees.
      Today we had a very nice long chat with our lovely youngest daughter over coffee in a Cafe. We miss the family very much, so it made us a little homesick.

      Tomorrow we spend at sea, sailing the Inside Passage. We will be looking for some big marine life (hopefully a whale or two will come play), before docking in Vancouver on Monday, and more adventures in Canada!
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    • Dag 5


      29 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      5.30 am alarm and a quick breakfast in the Lido as we docked at the quaint, first frontier, little town of Ketchikan. Ketchikan is known for its rain and it didn't disappoint. Our bus collected us for our trip and we saw bald eagles in the fields en route not a major wild life spot in these parts as there are as many bald eagles as people! We were greeted by our friendly kayak hosts, kitted up and used the rest rooms which were 'rural' with a curtain for a door. The kayak centre was in a rural spot and we were only a small group and it was good to get away from the cruise crowds and sample the delights of rural Alaska. We had a fast zodiac boat ride to the beach were our kayaks were waiting for us. More kitting up and a briefing from our guides Billy and Terry and we were on the water. It was both tranquil and scenic, there was one harbour seal spotted, more eagles and a star fish. We paddled around the remote Tatoosh isands, the water became a little more choppy when we were on the open sea side in the final section of the trip. We had some dry weather but the rain started again as we beached the kayaks and we were very glad of the shelter, home made cookies and hot chococlate. The rain didn't ease as we boarded the zodiac in fact it turned to hail and we were all pretty wet and cold by the time we got back. We boarded the bus and were pleased to be somewhere warm and dry. Once back at the ship we had a quick change of clothes and headed out to 'do' Ketchikan.

      In town first thing on the list was a warm cup of coffee then we started our tour of the town. We visited the compact Whale Park with its Knox Brothers clock and Chief Kyan Totem Pole (Ketchikan is the town with the most totem poles in Alaska), we saw St John's Episcopal Church, Creek Street which was once the rowdy, red light district of town and is home to Dolly's House, Dolly was the town's most successful madam! We of course did a little retail therapy but stayed out of all the diamond and jewels establishments!

      The ship set off around 3 pm, the weather was good so we sat on our balcony to enjoy the scenery and do some wild life spotting, we saw a group of 4 either seals or porpoises. We then went to a entertaining talk called Dreamers, Schemers and Stampeders which highlighted some of the colourful characters who lived here especially in the gold rush era.

      We dined with a couple from San Francisco and two girls from Toronto who were very amusing and entertaining.
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    • Dag 9

      Cliff Tunnel, Ketchikan

      16 augustus 2019, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The original application to build this tunnel through the cliff failed. During WW2, funding was reapplied for - to build a bomb shelter - and it was granted. The cliff hangs above the water. a tunnel was drilled for vehicles, but water still flows beneath the rock.Meer informatie

    • Dag 7

      Ketchikan - salmon & seals

      9 september 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      14,000 year long population, swelled by cruise ship passengers. Our trolley bus guide told us that, last week, there were 4 ships in and the visitors almost outnumbered the residents. Today there are 4 ships in..

      It’s been raining this morning - in a typical year, they have 15ft of water (so, 180”). By comparison, Glasgow, which is at the same latitude has 43”, but the total is similar to the highest peaks in the Lakes.

      There’s so much salmon and great feeding for seals and black bears. In The Creek, which runs through the old town, it was like “shooting fish in a barrel”.

      They’re 90 minutes by air from Seattle and over 2 hours from Anchorage. With only 60 miles over road on an island 100 miles x 60 miles, they rely on air, but mostly tug towed barges to bring all their supplies (including fuel) from Seattle. We saw a couple of these near the islands around Vancouver and wondered what they are. Now we know!,_Alaska
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    • Dag 8

      Ketchikan, Alaska

      19 augustus 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today we visited our first port of call on our cruise - the town of Ketchikan. Our boat arrived at about 7.00am, although we went to the buffet breakfast before disembarking. Ketchikan is not a very big town and we didn't have any specific plans, so we went out to explore on our own.

      The weather was surprisingly fine, and a very pleasant day. Finding wifi was impossible though - everywhere requires a password (obviously to stop tourists from using it for free!), so we decided to finally buy a SIM card.

      We walked along the famous Creek Road with its colourful buildings, but they were generally either a shop, a restaurant, or a former brothel. One amazing sight was a nearby river which seemed to be bursting with salmon. We'd never seen so many fish congregate in one area before.

      We were pretty interested in the local cannabis shop, which is clearly a new thing for us. It was very interesting - we really didn't know anything about it, and seeing a lot of their products and the wide range available was something new. For me personally, learning about the different medicinal reasons too was an eye opener.

      Around the middle of the day, we went back to the cruise ship and had lunch with Stephen and Woody before heading up to the sun deck for our departure from Ketchikan. We ended up enjoying the jacuzzi with beers in the adults pool section before going to dinner.

      One of the highlights was seeing some humpback whales on the side of the boat. We tried to see them from the dining room after dinner, but it made more sense to get the better view from the top deck. As you can imagine, this was very popular with everyone, and we were very lucky to see a whole school of them very close to the boat,

      Later in the evening, we went to the Martini Bar with the friends we have made so far on the cruise. We have been very fortunate to meet some great people, meaning the cruise has really gone very well so far.
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