Соединенные Штаты
Morena Village

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    • День 4

      PCT 2023 - Day 2 - Shower time!

      18 апреля 2023 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      The one where we had a squiggle, the best cheeseburger ever and an orgasmic shower!

      📍 Location: Mile 11.4 to Lake Morena

      🥾 PCT Mile Marker: 20 : 3496 ft
      🥾 I actually walked: 14.7 miles

      ☀️ Weather: Perfect! The umbrella did come out when we started to climb Hauser Creek but it was manageable.

      ⛑️ Health / Physical / Mental:- I struggled with not being clean today. In hindsight my light aqua coloured hoody was not the best choice. Physically I’m good.. tired but no aches or pains (the training is paying off!).

      🍲 Food: expedition breakfast (from the UK, I love these!), the best cheeseburger ever (thanks Kelly & Kevin). Then just snacked again for dinner as the cheeseburger was so filling!

      💤 Sleep: I slept much better as it was warmer, although I have a slow puncture in my sleep pad which is annoying. I’ll need to try and fix it when I’m in a hotel.

      💰Money: $16 on burger and chips. $12 for resupply for snacks and lunch tomorrow. $5 on a campsite.

      🐍 Snake count: still zero!

      👨 People update: Peter from Switzerland now has a trail name “Disco Daddy”.


      7am - I was awake at 5am but didn’t leave camp until gone 7am. I was the first up and the last to leave! Im walking with Di and Disco Daddy and the pace is just right.

      7.18 We talk about poo a lot on this hike! Horse poo, human poo and we also see a lot of coyote poo! Di knows her poop. She also told me that she could hear something sniffing around her tent last night which scared me to death! I was camping next to her and never heard a thing.

      7.26 - We stop at a small creek which was just 1 mile from our camp site and fill up on water. For some reason we got talking about cows (I can’t remember why?). Amber suddenly declares her love for cows and drops her shorts / leggings to reveal a very beautiful tattoo on her thigh of a Highland Cow.

      8.10 - Amber & Harry are speedy hikers so we soon lost them. Me & Di are happily hiking and outing the world to right when a booking voice comes from just below us and shouts “boo”. It scared the bejesus out of me and in early fell of the mountain… thanks Harry.

      9.08am - Three of us (me, Disco and DinkyDi) are walking side by side on a road track singing “D.I.S.C.O” the 70’s song. We were so distracted that we didn’t see the turn off for the PCT! One mile later we thought if best to check the FarOut Guide and I declared “in my club this is known as a squiggle”. We traipse back up the hill (no singing now!).

      9.42 - We head down to Hauser Creek which is flowing really well but is easy to cross using stepping stones. From here wee need to camel up as we have our first big mountain to climb (3496ft!). Others are here doing the same. Joel exclaimed that he had seen a snake! My heart stopped. It wasn’t a rattler, bPut just a small grey coloured one with a tiny head. He had to poke it with his pole to move it off the trail. We also bumped into a young man who was still packing up his tent. He shouted out to us “watch out for poison oak!”. I had no idea what it looks like so I went over to his little tent spot and he showed me the evil plant! Noted.

      The climb starts now. Let’s get this done!

      10.10am - 6.48 miles. This is a hard climb and full of switchbacks. I’m with DinkyDi and Disco Daddy. We stop for a quick breather numerous times on the way up and we are drinking so much. The views are just spectacular and it’s difficult to out it into words. We are walking through boulder fields then gorgeous green areas. The flowers are wonderful as well. Note to self: take photos of the flowers and Cacti 🌵 tomorrow!

      12 noon - All three of us turn a corner and there it is in the distance. Lake Morena in its full glory. It feels so good to see civilisation. 1 mile to go until we can order that cheeseburger that I’ve been thinking about for a while!

      12.30pm - We made to the famous Malt Shop where we all order burgers and coke. It tasted so good! Probably the best burger I’ve ever tasted! It’s gross though as I’m filthy and there is dirt under my nails! Captain Cook is here and has decided to continue on to the next campsite as he wants a PCT tag, and he can get one from the PCTA at Boulder Oaks Campground. That’s another 6 miles! Many people didn’t get their PCT tag at the start of the trail as the lady giving out the tags was on holiday for Monday & Tuesday.

      We finish our food, gather our stuff and lift those heavy rucksacks onto our backs. Heading back to the campground Dinky Di and I decide to camp here. It’s $5 for the night and more importantly they have hot showers! I have no soap or shower gel but find some in a hiker box. That will do! The shower is so good. It was $0.25 for 4 mins. I had 16 mins and washed my clothes at the same time. I feel like a human being once again.

      3.15pm. There are lots of familiar faces at this campsite and also quite a few new ones. We said goodbye to Disco Daddy, Supervisor Sam and a few others. Sierra (young lady from Montana) was sitting on the floor rubbing body glide on the inside of her legs. “Are you ok?” I ask. “Chub rub sucks!” She says. They all head off to Boulder Oaks to get their PCTA tags and we will catch up with them in a few days.

      4.10pm - An older gentle turns up at the campsite with a big bag of tangerines. His name is Scott and he lives in the village. He adores ThruHikers and he gives trail magic everyday to those at the campground. He points out a huge pelican that flew over the lake and also an eagle. Wow! “Does anyone need a lift to the Malt Shop?”. Six of us say yes please and hop into his people wagon. “Would you like a little tour of the lake?” He asks and we all say yes enthusiastically. Lake Morena is stunning. He drives us around pointing things out and telling us stories of the village and about his own hiking experiences. He gave tips on how to gut a fish and where the best place to go trout fishing in the area. He showed us an eagles nest that had two youngsters. It was just surreal. I’m so glad we stopped here. Scott dropped us off at the Malt Shop and I bought snacks and lunch for tomorrow. I was tempted to have another cheeseburger but thought I’d save my pennies.

      I spent the rest of the evening chatting around the fire pit and then writing my blog in my tent.


      Showers are the best invention ever!

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    • День 5

      Tag 2: Meile 11.4 bis Meile 20.2

      8 апреля, Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Die erste Nacht auf dem Trail war ziemlich unruhig. Ich muss mich wohl erst wieder ans draußen schlafen gewöhnen.
      Morgens bin ich mit reichlich Kondensat an den Zeltwänden aufgewacht.
      Zum Glück kam die Sonne schnell raus, sodass ich zumindest meinen Schlafsack während des Frühstücks trocknen konnte. Das Zelt musste tropfnass in den Rucksack 😬
      Los ging der Tag mit dem Abstieg zum Hauser Creek. Dort gab es einen kurzen Stopp, um die Wasserreserven wieder auszufüllen. Danach ging es steil aus dem Hauser Canyon raus, was allerdings mit einem tollen Ausblick belohnt wurde.
      Währenddessen gegen 11:11 wurde die Sonne teilweise vom Mond verdeckt. Wirklich wahrnehmbar war die partielle Sonnenfinsternis jedoch nicht.

      Gegen 13:30 Uhr kam ich am heutigen Ziel Lake Morena an und wurde mit der ersten Trail Magic begrüßt. Ein Typ namens Magic Man hat eisgekühlte Getränke verschenkt, die ich mit ein paar anderen in Campingstühlen genießen konnte.
      Nach einer Weile entschieden wir uns zum
      örtlichen Diner/Shop zu gehen und zu schauen, was für amerikanische Leckerbissen dort auf uns warten. Für Burger und Sandwiches war ich nicht hungrig genug, deshalb gab es für mich nur eine Portion Pommes.
      Danach war es Zeit zum Campingplatz zu gehen, das nasse Zelt aufzubauen und zu trocknen. Hab das dank des Windes und der Sonne super schnell geklappt.
      Den restlichen Tag verbrachte ich damit, mich mit den anderen auszutauschen bis wir um 20 Uhr alle in unsere Zelte verschwanden, da es langsam zu kalt wurde.

      Ich hoffe auf eine ruhiger Nacht und bin gespannt, was morgen auf mich wartet 😊
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    • День 1–2

      Tag 1 Km 0-18

      9 мая, Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute ging es endlich los 🥳
      Nach einem feinen Frühstück auf dem Cleef campground ging's bei bestem Wetter Richtung Southern Terminus. Nach etwa 2 Stunden die erste Begegnung mit einer recht ungehaltenen Klapperschlange! Sie wollte uns einfach nicht vorbei lassen, aber auch nicht verschwinden, also mussten wir uns einen Weg um sie herum durchs Gestrüpp bahnen, wo uns der giftige Poodle Dog Busch in die Quere kam. Blieb nur der Ausweg durch die dornigen Büsche 😅
      Die nächsten 3 ungiftigen Schlangen konnten uns nicht mehr schocken ;)
      Auf jeden Fall viel Wild Life hier draußen. Hasen, Gila Monster, Echsen, Kolibris, Eichhörnchen, Geier und riesige Schmetterlinge.
      Ein mega schöner erster Tag und ein perfekter Campspot für die Nacht. Uns geht's gut :)
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    • День 8

      Die Sonne ballert!

      17 марта 2023 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch, die Nacht war knusprig kalt. Alles war heute morgen gefroren. Aber zum Glück haben wir richtig gute Schlafsäcke. Anderen Wandersleut war wohl extrem kalt. In der Nacht haben die Kojoten geheult. Toll. Nachdem die Sonne aufgegangen war wurde es dann brutzelig warm. Das Eis auf dem Zelt schmolz und wir konnten unsere Sachen trocknen. Zwischendurch Frühstück und dann ging weiter Richtung Kanada. In zwei Tagen müssten wir das sein. Vielleicht dauert es aber doch drei. Mal gucken. Erstmal ging es zum Hauser Creek bzw Canyon. Erst runter und dann in der knallenden Sonne wieder nach oben. Aber bis dahin war der Weg eigentlich sehr unanstrengend. Oben angekommem bahnten wir uns den Weg durch die Wüstenlandschaft Richtung Lake Morena. Nach 13 Meilen kamen wir endlich an. Und dann wurde erstmal deftig gefuttert. Mit vollem Bauch ging es auf den örtlichen Campingplatz wo schon ne ganze Rutsche PCT Hiker ihre Behausungen aufgebaut hatten. Wir dann auch. Ein toller Tag, liebes Tagebuch. Ein toller Tag.Читать далее

    • День 5

      PCT 2023 - Day 3: RIVER CROSSING!

      19 апреля 2023 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      The one with the waterfall lunch stop, a gruelling climb and our first proper river crossing.

      📍 Location: Lake Morena to Cibbets Flat Campground

      🥾 PCT Mile Marker: 32.6 / elevation today reached 4219ft (and I felt it!).
      🥾 We actually walked: 15.11 miles.

      ☀️ Weather: Similar to yesterday, it started off quite cool but by 10am it was absolutely baking. Hiking with a heavy pack, going up and down these mountains is just exhausting. Our pace was 34 mins per mile which shows how tough it was.

      ⛑️ Health / Physical / Mental:- Tired! My body is tired and my tent now stinks of deep heat. No blisters but my left shoulder keep cramping up. I need to get some weight out of my pack and learn to manage my water better. Mentally I’m still quite strong although I did put my airpods in towards the end of todays hole and Rachel’s gym voice of encouragement with “you got this mum, just push a bit more” was with me all the way.

      🍲 Food: Expedition breakfast, cheese and crackers for lunch, pasta bolognaise for dinner and snacks throughout the day.

      💤 Sleep: I actually slept well although Joey and Di both had little visitors (gopher’s, which are a bit like moles). I didn’t hear a thing and was fast asleep by 7am and woke up at 4am. I’m nearly over the Jet Lag.

      💰Money: Zero money spent today. #HappyDays

      🐍 Snake count: I didn’t see any, but about 30ft in front of me, Di saw a baby snake. I think it’s just a matter of time.
      🦎 Lizard count: 100 million! They are everywhere and still make me jump.
      🐶 Dogs count x 2. A gorgeous golden retriever called Max and. Beagle called Luke. Di works for an animal rescue place in Australia and loves all animals. She has a rescue goat at home called billy. You should have seen Di’s face when she saw the dogs today.

      👨 People update: Harry is not well. He has a migraine, but he now thinks it may be Ecoli from the water at the campground. We were told to filter the water or boil it before drinking it. Harry & Anber didn’t see the signs. They still made it to the campsite tonight but we’re about 2 hours later than everyone else.

      When things get bad then we always have more in the tank. We just keep going. One foot in front of the other.


      5am - Woke up and wrote up the last two days worth of blogs. I’m struggling to find time to edit videos as well and I don’t want to miss out on the social aspect of the trail. There is no point being here and just sitting in my tent editing videos so I’ll try and get those done in town.

      7.36 - Packed up, breakfast done and we are off. Freezing! Poor Harry has had a migraine all night so he and Amber are just going to see how they feel today. Tim, Joey and a few others have already left. It’s looking like a high of around 22 degrees today so should be a good day for hiking. (I laugh when I read this back as it got into the 30’s! - the weather apps lie!)

      7.54 - DinkyDi, Joey and I are hiking together. We see weird statues and then a random wild Turkey decides to cross our path! We do our “Chandler Dance” by a sign that reads “Campo 20
      Miles” and Joey suggests a trail name of Dancing Queen for me (but I decline it as I’m not that much into ABBA and I’m an awful dancer! 😂

      7.57 - We stop to chat to a local who is mowing his lawn. “Are you hiking the PCT?” He asked. “We sure are sir”, says Joey. “Well the PCT is that way!” As he pointed down the road where we had just come from. 😂 DinkyDi declared “another near squiggle”!

      9.13 - We are climbing up, up, up so at the summit of one hill it was time for a group of us to let the chickens out. (Which is a stretching exercise). DinkyDi has a similar exercise called “let the chickens in” which involves a lot of bending and swinging. It feels good!

      10.50 - This is where the fun starts as we approach our first real river crossing. On the other side of the river is Disco Daddy and Captain Cook. They tell us that it goes to your thigh in places and to face upstream as the current is quite high. We all change into our camp shoes and I have my Skinner socks on. DinkyDi goes first. DISCO Daddy is giving clear instructions as to which way to go. Apparently there are big holes in the middle so we needed to avoid those. Following his guidance Di made to the other side safely and now it was my turn. I took tentative steps as the ice cold water filled my shoes. It was smooth on the bottom and actually quite a pleasant experience. DISCO daddy guided me as well and before I knew it I was on the other side. Now it was Joey’s turn and he was over safely within a few mins. We joined Disco Daddy and Captain Cook for a break and a catch up whilst drying our feet. They didn’t make it to Boulder Oaks last night so were camping out here until 3pm to get their PCT tag, and then doing some night hiking. We wished them well and said we would catch up with them in town tomorrow.

      12.06 - The trail continues up, up. up, and the views are out of this world. All you can see is mountains galore in all directions. The yucca plants, cactus and wild flowers are beautiful. Bounding down the trail is a huge ginger Labrador, shortly followed by his owner. I hear a squeal of delight from DinkyDi who makes a big fuss of Max the dog. I was just thankful for the quick rest!

      1.36 - We heard through the trail grapevine that there was a side trail down to a waterfall. “Shall we explore and perhaps have lunch their?” I asked Di. “Brilliant idea”. It really hadn’t dawned on me that a waterfall would not be up high where we were. We left our backpacks in a bush just off the trail and I grabbed my chair and food bag. Heading down towards the waterfall it felt like we were off to the beach! After a rather sketchy scramble down we came out into an oasis which was just stunning. Jolly Sarah was returning from a paddle and she told us about the rattlesnake that was up on the rocks on the other side. Eeek! Im glad I’ve got my chair as I set up and put my feet is the cold water. You could near hear the sizzle as I did so. I washed down my legs and scrubbed between my toes. Blimey, I’m filthy! We spend about 40 mins Al having lunch and going for a paddle before packing up and making the steep scramble back towards the trail. The climb was worth it and was just what we needed.

      The next few hours was some of the toughest hiking I’ve ever done. The afternoon heat was just insane and my umbrella was not making much of a difference, plus it kept getting caught in the bushes. My feet are throbbing and I have pain in my hips and my left shoulder. This pack is really heavy and I tell myself that I can do it! Stop focusing on the pain and look at those views… which worked for a few mins! You know when things are bad when my AirPods make an appearance. I pop one into my right ear and get lost in a podcast. I only use one earbud as I’m keen to listen out for those rattles!

      4.15pm - We made it! Cibbetts Flat Campsite. We are here with MooseJaw (I think that’s what he said?), Jesse, Joey and Di.
      Funny story, DinkyDi in Oz means “it will be alright, everything is Dinky Di”. She’s never heard the term meaning “small”.

      6.10pm - Amber & Harry turn up. Yey and so do two more Americans. This campsite has toilet facilities which is a real bonus. No pooping in the woods!

      I’m so very tired and I’m in bed by 7.30pm. Goodnight everyone. Tomorrow is town
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    • День 59

      Zero day: Regen & Sachen trocknen

      24 марта, Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Tag 2

      Die Nacht war sehr stürmisch und regnerisch. Ich überlege mit Joe zusammen, wie wir weiter gehen wollen, können uns aber nicht entschließen. Beim Frühstück erfahre ich, dass sich einige Hiker ein Cabin mieten. Ich mache Joe den Vorschlag. Er glaubt, dass alle Cabins ausgebucht sind. Wir gehen aber trotzdem zum Ranger und fragen. Leider negativ. Es regnet weiter heftig. Viele Hiker stehen unter dem Unterstand. Ich erfahre, dass eine Gruppe von 15 Hikern sich in mehrere Cabins für 4 Personen reinteilen will. Ich frage eine Schweizerin namens Melodie ob ich auch mit rein kommen kann. Sie stimmt zu. Joe möchte lieber weitergehen. Die Cabins werden erst gegen 14 Uhr frei! Deshalb beschließe ich nach dem Zeltabbau nochmals zum „Oak Shores Malt Shop“ zu laufen. Dort esse ich einen Hamburger
      mit Pommes und Cola. Nach der Rückkehr ist immer noch viel Zeit..😞
      Kurz nach 14 Uhr laufe ich mit Melodie und ihrem Freund zum Ranger. Wir haben Glück und wir bekommen das Cabin Nr. 6.
      Wir hängen unsere durchnässten Sachen zu Trocknen auf.
      Später kommen noch 2 andere junge Paare und wir sind dann 7 Personen!
      Ich trockne meinen Pass in die Geldscheine über dem Gasofen.
      Ich wollte am Abend nochmal zum Store laufen, breche es aber wegen Dunkelheit und Regen wieder ab. Beim Feuerschein des Gaskammins schlafe ich irgendwann ein.
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    • День 2–3

      Tag 2 Km 18-32

      10 мая, Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Kurzer aber dafür heißer Tag. Wir sind jetzt auf dem Lake Morena Campground und haben erstmal eine Dusche genossen. Kaum zu glauben wie schmutzig man schon nach so kurzer Zeit sein kann ;)
      Heute nur 1 Schlange, die ich auch erst entdeckt habe, als ich schon direkt neben ihr stand :) sie war freundlich.
      Es ging hinab zum Hauser Creek und wieder hinauf in der Mittagshitze 🥵
      Wasser war zum Glück wieder reichlich vorhanden!
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    • День 5

      Day 3: Km 51, Fred Canyon

      13 мая 2023 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Yesterday the heat nearly killed me and so I decided to start hiking at dawn today. As the day progressed it got hotter and hotter reaching 45deg C crazy heat, draining all the energy out of you.
      I battled up the 400m climb we had during the day again and again crossing Thomas, I was totally exhausted and with constant cramps in my muscles, despite taking magnesium and drinking, hold tight, 4 liters of water!
      In the afternoon I passed a flowing river and met Thomas there, resting in the little shade there was. When getting up to go, cramps shot through my thighs totally incapacitating me. Thomas had some Gatorade rehydration with him, I took it and and an hour later felt literally reborn. (I have since bought myself such a miracle powder!)
      With a totally diferent muscles, I walked the last 10kms.
      Coming the other way were approx 50 runners that were participating in a, hold tight, 50 mile (80km) trail run through mountainous rocky terain at 45deg centigrade. 1/3 were women!
      What a crazy country, half of the population is totally obese, and the other half is runnung 80km in the mountains at 45 deg centigrade.
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    • День 4


      29 апреля 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Ik krijg kippenvel als ik het monument bij het beginpunt zie. Ik heb hem zoveel gezien in videos, blogposts etc. Nu start het hier ook voor mij!

    • День 4

      Dag 1, Lake Morena

      29 апреля 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Typisch woestijn weer, tegen het vriespunt in de nacht. Geen wolk aan de lucht gedurende de dag ~28C. Gelukkig was het een makkelijke dag, 32km en ~400m klimmen

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