Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Roanoke County

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    • Gün 10

      ...Blue Ridge Pkwy 🛤

      7 Mart 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Stattdessen suchten und fanden wir eine Wanderung zu den "Fallingwater Cascades". Wir lieben solche herausfordernden Touren über Stock und Stein👍😊
      Wie ist es möglich, daß bei all diesen Anstrengungen der Bauch immer dicker wird??🤔🍟🍔🍷🍸🥧🧋🥂🍨😟😋😋😋
      Heute morgen um 8:00 Uhr schien die Sonne und waren es schon 20 Grad. Gar nicht gut für mich und meinen Sonnenbrand im Gesicht, Hals und Händen. Zum Glück kamen Wolken auf und kann sich die Haut etwas erholen👍
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Roanoke, VA

      4 Kasım 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Départ tard ce matin vu qu’il y avait du gel au sol! -1C en allant chercher notre café ce matin. Beurk...
      Vers 11h on était prêt à partir et on s’est rendu rapidement au début du Blue Ridge Parkway. La journée a été incroyable! Des paysages à couper le souffle toute la journée, belle asphalte et soleil! La température variait entre 9C et 15C dépendant de l’altitude où on se trouvait. On s’est arrêtés à Roanoke pour la nuit.
      On a encore au moins deux jours de Blue Ridge Parkway devant nous... la vie est belle!
      PS: On a des petits problèmes pour ajouter les videos GoPro qu’on fait... on essaie de régler :)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 46

      Camping near Catawba Creek 702.4

      18 Haziran 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      That was an intense day!! We managed to get up as early as planned and already had 10 miles at our lunch break. Today was special because of one of the most picturesque places along the AT, the dragon's tooth. A huge obelisk that is climbable and has an amazing 360 degree view to all the surrounding area.
      By the time we got there it was already 7:30 PM so we both quickly got up there and took some pictures. And we almost peed ourselves because it was super scary up there with the wind blowing just a few steps away from a quite certain death. But we survived this experience and got some really nice pictures. With our bodies still flooded with adrenaline we headed for the descent but who knew that this would rush our blood even more... Now we needed to climb down steep - and sometimes a bit slippery - rocks with our 40 pounds backpacks!! We could almost see the blood splatters at the bottom :o And somewhere there on the way down we crossed the 700 miles line :)
      Especially the way down this trail literally killed my feet. We're not quite sure what it is but there are blisters, trench feet and holes in my feet. I hope this will get better soonish :)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 14


      21 Haziran 2019, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Efter en lang tur i bjergene endte vi i byen Roanoke.
      Den ligger lige midt på Blue Ridge Parkway og har været en vigtig Handelsby i gamle dage. Nu er den helt uddød og lever af turisme. Der er mange ture i bjergene og nogle caves man kan besøge.
      Vi valgte at blive på vires hotel og spare kræfterne, se fjernsyn, vaske tøj og slappe af.
      Vi handlede mad til de næste dage og skrev dagbog.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      ...Blue Ridge Pkwy 🛤

      6 Mart 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Heute ist Sonntag, für uns ein "RECREATION DAY". Wir fahren über den von uns so geliebten "Blue Ridge Pkwy"und kommen wieder an vielen Overlooks vorbei.
      Ohne Ampeln, Kreisverkehr, LKWs, Sprinter und sonstige Geschäftsfahrzeuge führt uns diese Traumstraße heute bis nach Virginia.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      No nap for you

      16 Mayıs 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      I was getting sleepy so had to get off. Just my luck I'm at an exit with big box and fast food for miles. Nowhere to nap in grass and peace. How about all those rural exits when I needed gas?

      I'm eating at a Bojangles. It's the McDonald's of fried chicken. The entire menu is fried chicken. And the radio is Christian pop. One song the entire lyric was "there is power in the name of Jesus / there is power in the name of Jesus / there is power in the name of Jesus / there is power in the name of Jesus" repeat. This restaurant probably won't be in New England any time soon.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      En het werd Salem

      8 Mayıs 2007, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Vandaag de Blue Ridge Parkway opgereden. Via een bergweggetje, richting de Parkway gereden. Onderweg hebben we het schattigste dorpje van Virginia gezien (Vesuvius). Allemaal kleine Victoriaanse huizen met groene gazonnen er omheen. Op de Parkway hebben we een wandeling gemaakt naar de Natural Bridge. Door Roosevelt ooit gekocht omdat hij het zo mooi vond. Hoewel de ingang erg “Disney” aandeed, met een grote souvenir-mall en restaurantjes, was de wandeling er heen erg lekker en leuk. Vanaf daar hebben we geprobeerd op de Parkway een camping te vinden. Maar het is nog zo rustig (we rijden hele stukken alleen op de Parkway) dat veel campings nog dicht zijn....of pas over 3 dagen open gaan. Dus moesten we een uurtje van de Parkway af om in Salem een camping te vinden. En daar zitten we nu. T’is wel een wat typische camping met nogal wat semi-permanente bewoners........of heet het dan gewoon een woonwagenkamp.

      Maar de nacht belooft in ieder geval wat warmer te worden.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      ...Blue Ridge Pkwy 🛤

      6 Mart 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      "Mabry Mill" ist eine
      Getreidemühle aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert und eine der meistbesuchten Attraktionen am Blue Ridge Parkway. Diese Mühle ist wirklich traumhaft gelegen und man kann bei einem kurzen Spaziergang nicht nur die Mühle, sondern auch ein paar ehemalige Wohnhäuser und Arbeitsgeräte besichtigen.👍
      Wir waren in dichtestem Nebel losgefahren. Aber im Laufe des Tages wurde es sonniger und immer wärmer ☀️
      Bei mehreren Outlooks haben wir die Autositze zurückgefahren und immer wieder ein kleines Mittagsschläfchen geträumt. Wir hoffen, daß wir uns gut erholt haben, denn bald werden wir all unsere Kräfte brauchen👍😊
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 32

      Day 31 Daleville, VA - Bellemonte Fishin

      26 Haziran 2019, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Day 31 Daleville, VA - Montebello Fishing and Camping Resort, VA
      Miles - 72 miles
      Turtle Rescued - 1
      Train tracks - 2

      Its the normal routine. We get up before 5am and get the van already. Even though the time for folks to have their luggage out by the van at 6:15, we are always there by 6:00 am, cause there will inevitably be someone needing a glove, shirt or whatever. But we are happy to be there to help there. Usually, Glenn is cleaning out the trash from the day before, and I get into my "junk drawer" which is under the first row of seats. It this junk drawer, we have scissors, pens, paper, and my whiteboard. I have habitually been taking the "day" picture at the beginning of each day. This has been very helpful for me to recount this stuff for that particular day.

      We have breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Daleville. Daleville is like a northern suburb of Roanoke. I think I had breakfast with Jeff that day. Glenn didn't eat breakfast as he was helping the riders get ready for the day. I did order biscuits and gravy for him and we got that in a "to-go" bag. At the end of the day, the gravy was thrown away, and I think Neil had the biscuit at one of the breaks.

      The cyclist was ready and left on their RidewithGPS course. The first stop was the Appalachian Trail. Vela and I got out. She made a video of her actually "walking the Appalachian Trail". She started in Daleville and ended in Daleville.

      This particular day was beautiful. We followed the Bike 76 route. We came to a train trussel and I took some pictures. Then we continued on, it wasn't until 10 minutes later that I realized that we were "off course". Just after the train trussel, the 76 sign turned left, and we missed it. Ugh. We finally made our way back to Jeff and the camera car and the cyclist. Then the cyclists had a photo opp and Jeff told us to stand back. Hold back. We pulled over into the shade. And waited and waited and waited. We never heard a call. We were out of cell phone coverage and definitely out of two-way walkie-talkie. Finally, Glenn backed up and we got a text message from the camera car for us to come on up. I think this was one of the darkest times in our journey, where there were some miscues and unfortunate circumstances that we couldn't hear the camera car and we waited maybe a little bit too long. The ride was beautiful once we started going.

      We stopped in one town that had a swinging suspension bridge. Vela, Jeff and I walked across it and the vehicles came to the other side. At this time, the weather was getting pretty hot, I remember.

      We rode into Lexington, Virginia. This is the home of Washington and Lee University (where Wynn B) went to college. Glenn and I remember having a picnic lunch with him several years ago while visiting him. We had lunch inside at Macado's Restaurant. Great place. Glenn and I shared a Ruben sandwich. Most of the folks ate lunch outside on the porch.

      As soon as lunch was over, there was a crowd waiting to talk to Neil. One was a gal. Another was a guy sitting on the porch steps. And then the last was a mother and son that I struck a conversation with and they were just curious about what was going on. Neil talked to all 3 groups. He later recounted that there were no conversations as they were eating lunch on the porch, but rather once they got their bikes out and were ready to roll. I think Wes talked mostly with the young gal. Again, I don't know the conversations, but it was neat how these 3 groups of folks all came together. Divine Appointment. Glenn, Vela and I talked with the mother-son.

      As we drove out, we drove through and under the Virginia Military Institute campus. Quite impressive. The ride continued on to Vesuvius, Virginia and here the cyclists took a water break. Glenn parked under the tree and we filled empty water bottles and replenished their thirsty mouths. I walked to the 1 room US Postoffice and struck up a conversation with the Post Master.

      I said "So you are the Post Master" and her reply was "No, I'm the Post Mistress". I laughed. I had a lengthy conversation with her. She grew up in the area. Married her high school sweetheart and has only been a few other states. Never been on an airplane. It was fun to talk to her. She only had 1 postcard stamp, but she had several postcards with stamps on them. Glenn and Vela rode 3 miles up the road to a lonely mom and pop's place, Girdys to buy some much-needed ice. I stayed in a small store and wrote 3 postcards. One to mom and dad, one to David, Emily, Lucy, and the baby and my final card to Brighton and Violet. I quickly drove a picture of the USA and x marks the spot for California and X for Maryland. Glenn came back after having passed up the hole in the way.

      We got up to Caroline. The guys were on ahead. Man, this was a steep climb. Ugh. Several times on the curves, I would yell out the window to Caroline to encourage her along the way. Sometimes it looked like she was standing still. But faithfully, she would climb and climb and climb. I don't know how she did it. It was impressive. She rode up to the top of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

      We finally get to the Montebello Camping and Fishing Resort spot. A cute store that stocked all the supplies you need. Vela, Jeff and I realized that we needed to cook out for dinner. We bought all the supplies to make hamburgers, pickles, tomatoes, even charcoal to cook out on. I walked across the street to the pond where Wes, Caroline, and Neil sat - totally exhausted. They wanted ice-cream. I can still picture them in my mind, sitting on the bench in front of the lake and the ice cream in their sweating hands.

      Once we got the cabins, Neil started to put the food on the grill. However, just before that, he decides to cut his hair. I think he was very tired at this point. Then we realized that we forgot to pick up the charcoal at the counter. Glenn drives down to the store to see if anyone is around, talks to a stranger and brings back a cord of wood. In the meantime, Jeff walks down the gravel road and talks to a family that was camping and returns with 1/2 bag of charcoal that we could use. In exchange, I think we gave them some shirts and maybe some other food items.

      For dessert, we all wanted smores. But we didn't have any marshmallows. However, we had a bag of small cinnamon cake donuts that I bought several days ago. Neil put the donut on the grill topped with Hershey chocolate and I layered that on top of a granola bar. Pretty delicious. Afterward, we sat around and shared some experiences so far on the trip. The journey was coming to an end soon. Jon and Christine had to drive to Charlottesville to get a battery or something, so they were not around. Glenn and I had our own cabin. Cute and very tasteful and adequate. Just not enough time to enjoy it fully.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      ...Blue Ridge Pkwy 🛤

      7 Mart 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute fahren wir zum letzten Mal unsere Traumstraße, den "Blue Ridge Parkway". Sie scheint uns ganz allein zu gehören, kein weiteres Auto, keine weiteren Menschen zu sehen. Und wie immer viele Outlooks👍
      Wir sehen viele Falken, die gesättigt ihr Verdauungsschläfchen halten🤔
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Roanoke County, مقاطعة رونوك, রোয়ানোক কাউন্টি, Condado de Roanoke, Roanoke konderria, شهرستان روانوک، ویرجینیا, Comté de Roanoke, Roanoke megye, Contea di Roanoke, ロアノーク郡, Roanoke Kūn, Hrabstwo Roanoke, روانوک کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Roanoke, Роанок, Округ Роанок, Роаноук, روانوک کاؤنٹی، ورجینیا, Quận Roanoke, Condado han Roanoke, 洛亞諾克縣

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