Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Sarasota County

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Sarasota County
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    • Gün 11

      Lido Key

      6 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Arriving back in St. Armands again!! We walked down to the beach at Lido Key to show Jayne all the Black Skimmers that were nesting there.
      We then waited for an Uber (under the watchful eye 👁 of a female pirate) to take us back to our apartment on Longboat Key in time to see the sunset 🌇.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Walking along the beach

      3 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      So after grocery shopping we headed back to the apartment and went for a shortish stroll along the beach.
      The local inhabitants seem to be all part of the sandpiper family:
      - Black Bellied Plover
      - Semi-palmated Plover

      Then just as we walked back it started to look as though we were going to be in for a storm....
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    • Gün 9

      On the Beach

      4 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Back on the beach ⛱️ and where better to get a selfie 🤳 with a Grear Blue Heron.
      One man and his dog ....... not here in Florida, a Great Blue Heron is (fisher)man's best friend, I can't think why though 😀
      Finally the Black Skimmers came flying down the waters edge, whilst a pelican kept watch from the jetty.
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    • Gün 31

      Florida, Golfküste

      27 Temmuz 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Wir machen sechs Tage Urlaub vom Urlaub in Port Charlotte, Florida, 100 Meilen südlich von Tampa, wo uns am Flughafen warmer Sommerregen empfängt. Port Charlotte ist kein gewachsener Ort, sondern besteht aus zahllosen quadratisch angelegten Wohnstraßen, wo sich zwischen Palmen und Kanäle eine Villa an die andere reiht. Am vier Meilen entfernten Highway haben sich derweil verschiedene Restaurants, Fastfoodketten, Supermärkte und Drogerien angesiedelt. Wunderschöne Golfküstenstrände wie Englewood oder Manasota Beach sind dreißig Minuten entfernt.

      Auch hier ist die Infrastruktur hervorragend: Überall große kostenlose Parkplätze direkt am Holzsteg, der über schneeweißen (und feuerheißen) Sand zum badewarmenwarmen Meer führt. Bei 34 Grad schwülheißer Außentemperatur kühlt das Bad im 32 Grad warmen Golf von Mexiko nur unmerklich, aber es kostet auch keine Überwindung, anders als unlängst im garstigen Pazifik, sich in die Wellen fallen zu lassen. Da komme auch ich, für den das Badevergnügen bei 28 Grad Wassertemperatur allmählich beginnt, langsam auf meine Kosten. Am Horizont springen Delfinschulen. Die Restfamilie sammelt mit Spezialausrüstung ausgestattet fossile Haifischzähne, die es hier aufgrund komplizierter geothermischer Verwicklungen, die ich, beim zweiten Whisky Sour angelangt, gerade trotz Recherchearbeit nicht vollends nachvollziehen kann, zuhauf gibt. Ich beobachte das Treiben aus dem Schatten heraus mit einem eiskalten Bud Light. So lässt es sich aushalten.

      Aushalten lässt es sich auch in unserer schönen Villa mit dem durch Solarenergie konstant auf ebenfalls 32 Grad geheizten Pool. Umschirmt von einer Moskitonetzkonstruktion verbringen wir hier viele Stunden im und neben dem Wasser mit kühlen Drinks. Auch das Pokalspiel des glorreichen FCK und das EM-Finale der Damen (beides mit unbefriedendem Ausgang) lassen sich dank Schwimmnudel und Appletechnik direkt im Pool verfolgen. Aus Gründen der Zeitverscheibung gab es zum FCK-Spiel noch Kaffee, man will und muss sich ja nicht vollends gehen lassen, beim EM-Finale der Damen wurde dieser allerdings mit Frustbieren erfolgreich abgelöscht.

      Geburtstag gefeiert wurde auch. Verena hat, wie eigentlich immer in unseren Sommerurlauben, Wiegenfest. Morgens wird mit dem Sprössling heimlich gemeinsam aufgebrochen, Geburtstagskuchen, Kerzen und Heliumballon besorgt, danach geht es dann zum Sarasota Beach, der irgendwann in den 2010ern mal zum schönsten Strand der USA gewählt wurde. Als Überraschung gibt es dann eine wirklich lohnende Kayaktour durch die Mangroven, wo wir Ibis, Seestern, Manatee (Rundschwanzsehkuh) & Co aus nächster Nähe beobachten und unsere Paddelskills beweisen. Abends geht es dann zum „Red Lobster“, einer auf Hummer spezialisierten Restaurant-Kette, wo ich als Appetizer eine Pizza verspeise, deren Belag aus gleich drei verschiedenen Hummerarten besteht, während wir Janosch erklären müssen, dass die Lobster im riesigen Aquarium nicht zu Zier- oder Forschungs-, sondern tatsächlich zu ganz pragmatischen Zwecken ausgestellt sind. Dennoch verspeist er seine beiden Hummerschwänze mit gesundem Appetit.

      Dann gehen wir noch (an einem anderen Tag) erfolgreich shoppen in einem Outlet-Village und besuchen ein Baseballspiel. Die „Mighty Mussels“, Viertligist aus Fort Myers, spielen gegen die „Tampa Tarpons“. Rudimentär verstehen wir die Regeln, die sehr an unser Brennball erinnern. Nichtsdestotrotz ist Janosch mit Merchandiseartikeln ausgestattet lautstarker Supporter des Heimteams, das sang- und klanglos verliert. Selten so eine Nichtleistung gesehen, die die Umstehenden allerdings kaum wahrzunehmen scheinen. Denn donnerstags kostet das gezapfte Bier im Stadion nur läppische 2 Dollar (Flasche Wasser im Vergleich: 4,50 $). Die meisten scheinen aufgrund dieses Schnäppchens gekommen zu sein und rechnen die 12 $ Eintrittsgeld gegen die bekannt hohen Preise in Bars (und Supermärkten).

      Der Urlaub vom Urlaub geht nun langsam zu Ende. Es ist wunderbar entspannend, man kommt zur Ruhe nach den erlebnisreichen letzten vier Wochen im Westen. Wir haben auch Glück: Kaum Niederschlag im eigentlich sehr feuchten Juli und August, keine der gefürchteten Unwetter. Aber bevor wir gänzlich träge werden, packen wir morgen ganz früh die Koffer und fahren weiter, ganz in den Süden Floridas in den Everglades-Nationalpark. Mir wurden Alligatoren versprochen. Ich bin gespannt und hoffe, dass dies nicht der letzte Blogeintrag bleiben wird.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      Beach Time

      19 Kasım 2019, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach dem Aufstehen am heutigen Morgen wussten wir noch nicht richtig was mit uns und dem bevorstehenden Tag anzufangen. Daher entschieden wir uns zunächst für einige Stunden an den Strand zu fahren.
      Der Strand von Siesta Key auf der gleichnamigen Insel wurde in diesem Jahr zum wiederholten Male zum schönsten Strand der USA gewählt.
      Der pulverfeine weiße Sandstrand ist wirklich eine absolute Schönheit und schon am frühen Morgen gut besucht.
      Siesta Key Beach verdient seinen 1. Platz allemal und ein Kurzbesuch hat sich definitiv gelohnt.
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    • Gün 8

      First day in Sarasota

      3 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Good morning from Long Boat Key in Sarasota.

      This is our new view every morning over looking the Gulf of Mexico.

      As we didn't get time to go food (grocery) shopping; I am fast becoming quite fluent in speaking American on this vacation 🇺🇲😁. Anyway I digress, we drove, or Greg did, down to what's known as The Circle on St Armands Island, for brunch at the Cilantro Grill. Food was fabulous when it arrived but the service was terrible!!

      After we had a short stroll around looking in various shops etc.
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    • Gün 11

      Going our own way

      6 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      First day of being left to our own devices........

      Booked an Uber to take us from our apartment at Seaplace on Longboat Key to St. Armands. and he dropped us off right outside Foxy Lady......and he has only just met Jayne.
      So we spent an hour or so strolling around the circle and its various shops stopping for an ice-cream and the occasional selfie 🤳 before joining the Lifeguards for a photo opportunity.
      We saw the Coca-Cola lorry delivery urgent supplies before taking the free trolley 🚎 bus to downtown Sarasota.
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    • Gün 16

      Amish Village

      11 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Greg manages to stand out in a crowd!!

      You know you're in Pinecraft when you come upon large populations of men and women dressed in traditional Plain clothing and prayer coverings, often riding large-wheel adult tricycles with large baskets on the back -- a replacement for horse-and-buggy transportation, which is not allowed on city streets. Pinecraft Park is a hub of activity, with matches of shuffleboard, horseshoes and volleyball going on much of the day.

      Visitors to Sarasota delight in going beyond the beaches and heading to Pinecraft, where they can slow down a little and enjoy delicious fresh food, charming locally made gifts, and the simple pleasures in life … and pie!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Garden Wildlife

      4 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Like most gardens, various types of wildlife are attracted to them. Here is what we saw at the Botanical Gardens:
      - Brown Anoles (Lizards) Not only will these lizards eat their own molted skin and detached tails, but they will also eat their own hatchlings and the hatchlings of the Green Anole. Since this invasive species arrived in Florida from Cuba, there’s been a decrease in the Green Anole population. Brown Anoles have wider heads and shorter noses than other Anoles. They have long toes that enable them to move quickly, and they can attach to any surface as they climb, even glass. Their bodies are light brown with black-and-white markings on their backs and light tan lines on their sides. Like the Green Anole, the Brown Anoles have dewlaps, which are reddish-orange. They’re active during the day and love humidity. These lizards can thrive in any environment but prefer ground vegetation and places that they can bask in the sun.
      - Little Blue Heron This small, grayish blue wading bird is wide spread throughout the entire Florida peninsula yet rarer in the panhandle. Its entire range extends outside of Florida northeast and west in North America and in many locations throughout Cuba, South and Central America. Little blue herons feed on a varied diet of fish, insects and amphibians and prefer to forage alone. Their nesting behavior is far more communal, however. Little blue herons often nest in colonies in the company of other wading bird species.
      - Osprey, also known as "fish hawks," are expert anglers that like to hover above the water, locate their prey and then swoop down for the capture with talons extended. In Florida, ospreys commonly capture saltwater catfish, mullet, spotted trout, shad, crappie, and sunfish from coastal habitats and freshwater lakes and rivers for their diet.
      - Wasps
      - Brown Pelican is a comically elegant bird with an oversized bill, sinuous neck, and big, dark body. Squadrons glide above the surf along southern and western coasts, rising and falling in a graceful echo of the waves. They feed by plunge-diving from high up, using the force of impact to stun small fish before scooping them up. They are fairly common today—an excellent example of a species’ recovery from pesticide pollution that once placed them at the brink of extinction.
      - Yellow Crowned Night Heron. Although it's name implies otherwise this bird is also quite active during daylight hours. The Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron has an average body length of 24 inches with a wingspan of 44 inches.
      Adults are slate grey, have a black head, white crown and cheek stripe, reddish eyes and yellow legs. Breeding adults have a yellow fore-crown with white plumes from nape and orange legs.
      Juveniles are grayish brown with amber eyes, white spotting and streaks above, gradually acquiring adult characteristics over a two year period.
      The Yellow Crowned Night-Heron hunts crustaceans, insects, & invertebrates in Mangroves, fresh and salt water swamps and marshes, mainly near the coast.
      - Great Blue Heron Largest of the North American herons with long legs, a sinuous neck, and thick, daggerlike bill. Head, chest, and wing plumes give a shaggy appearance. In flight, the Great Blue Heron curls its neck into a tight “S” shape; its wings are broad and rounded and its legs trail well beyond the tail. Great Blue Herons appear blue-gray from a distance, with a wide black stripe over the eye. In flight, the upper side of the wing is two-toned: pale on the forewing and darker on the flight feathers. Hunting Great Blue Herons wade slowly or stand statue-like, stalking fish and other prey in shallow water or open fields. Watch for the lightning-fast thrust of the neck and head as they stab with their strong bills. Their very slow wingbeats, tucked-in neck and trailing legs create an unmistakable image in flight.
      - Red Ants of the three types of red ants in Florida this is the Fire ant and gets its name from the extremely painful sting and bite. One fire ant can sting and bite its victim repeatedly. These ants build mounds, and when a fire ant mound is disrupted, workers make their way to the surface to attack the intruder. Attacks by fire ants are coordinated as hundreds of workers sting at the same time. Feeding on almost any plant or animal material, fire ants also feed on other insects.
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    • Gün 16

      The Last Supper and Sunset

      11 Mayıs 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Only a 1 hour wait, time for a beer, an enforced listening 🎶 to the band (who didn't know how to play .. Far Away 🤣🤣) then just as Greg's shrimps 🍤 were coming off the barbecue we were called to our table. Those that know me will be surprised to read that I had the Red Snapper; along with Patti, Jayne went for The Grouper and Greg had the Wahoo.
      During the meal we shared more laughter about the English language and how we say certain things and call things names that they (Americans) couldn't relate to.

      Red snapper is a large saltwater fish found in the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. The most common red snapper caught and eaten is from the Gulf of Mexico. They have a “stronger” taste than other species of fish because they eat more crabs and shrimp, which makes their meat more flavourful.

      The Grouper fish can be found in 25 to 50 foot depths 1 to 12 miles off the coast of Sarasota where the black grouper are the prevalent grouper. The blacks average 6 to 12 pounds and come and go all year long but seem to be best in Spring and Fall. They hang out on all the reefs, breaks and structure they can find and some are better than others. They hide deep in the structure which makes them hard to pull out with light tackle. Since most of the fishing done in this area is on light tackle, most are lost.
      Wahoo have elongated mouths and razor-sharp teeth. These creatures are bad-ass, almost prehistoric looking fish, that swim fast, and fight fiercely — making for a fun day on the water in the Gulf of Mexico

      Wahoo have elongated mouths and razor-sharp teeth. These creatures are bad-ass, almost prehistoric looking fish, that swim fast, and fight fiercely — making for a fun day on the water in the Gulf of Mexico.

      After our early dinner it was a quick drive back to the apartment to catch our final sunset and then joy of joys pack our cases.
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Sarasota County, Сарасота, সারাসোটা কাউন্টি, Condado de Sarasota, Sarasota konderria, شهرستان ساراسوتا، فلوریدا, Comté de Sarasota, Sarasota megye, Սարասոտա շրջան, Contea di Sarasota, サラソータ郡, Sarasota Comitatus, Sarasota Kūn, Hrabstwo Sarasota, ساراسوٹا کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Sarasota, Округ Сарасота, سیراسوٹا کاؤنٹی، فلوریڈا, Quận Sarasota, Condado han Sarasota, 薩拉索塔縣

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