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Sniffen Court Historic District

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    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Party like it’s yer birthday...

      November 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      I’m not that big on birthdays. I’ve never really felt like it’s much more than just another day. I’m definitely not afraid of the number getting bigger - I’ve just never had that much appetite for celebrating the day. As a result, we’ve got a fairly low key day planned. Some mooching around 5th Avenue and the Diamond District, a walk in the park, dinner.

      We kick things off with a walk down Lexington Avenue to see the Chrysler Building - that most beautiful of Art Deco skyscrapers. It’s relatively small by modern standards, and is increasingly difficult to see from other parts of town, as much larger (and uglier) buildings have sprouted around it. As we walk past it, the frosty November sun is glinting off the metallic roof. Stunning…

      We wander over to 5th Avenue, and the Rockefeller Centre. The Christmas Ice Rink is up and running, but the Christmas Tree isn’t due until later this week. We head up to the Rock Observatory, and spend a while taking a fresh look from 300m of the New York skyline. The Empire State has a special place in our hearts, but I’m not sure that I don’t prefer the view from the Rockefeller. For a start, there’s an amazing view of the Empire State itself. There’s also a jaw-dropping perspective over Central Park, plush with reds and browns of Autumn. We stop in briefly at Trump Tower so that I may piss on it.

      From there, it’s time for refreshment, so we rest our weary feet in the Champagne Bar at the storied Plaza Hotel. Deciding that our wallets won’t survive the battering of a second, third and fourth round, we head to the West to McGee’s Irish Pub, the inspiration for the TV show How I Met Your Mother - a favourite of both of ours. A couple of beers later, and we’re both getting peckish. Just around the corner is a speakeasy style burger joint, imaginatively called Burger Joint. Anthony Bourdain declared it his favourite burger in New York City. It’s good. It’s really, really good. Is it the best in the city? That’s gonna be down to personal preference. Whisper it, but we both think the flavour profile of the burger we had over in Brooklyn yesterday is better. Still, it’s a fun place to hang out for a while, and recharge our batteries. We head North into Central Park. It is COLD today - bright and sunny, but cold. We meander via the Carousel, walk past the Wollman’s Ice Rink, take a left over to the Tavern on the Green - which is sadly shut today. We stop in at a coffee shop in the centre of the park, and (drumroll please) each have a coffee. Disgusted with ourselves, we exit the park into the Upper West Side, passing the Dakota Building where John Lennon was so brutally murdered, and find ourselves an Irish dive bar, that’s pretty busy for 15:00 on a Wednesday afternoon.

      After a couple of hours rest back at the Ace Hotel, accompanied by a bottle of Laurent Perrier Rosé for the birthday boy, we head out for dinner at one of David Burke’s restaurants. We had dinner at one of his places in 2009 to celebrate our engagement, and the style, mood and food are all reminiscent of that meal. Lobster dumplings, an incredible Burrata salad, a stunning scallop and corn dish, and a squid ink pasta for the ages - YUM. They restaurant provides us with a stuffed penguin to help celebrate my birthday - a big help.

      It’s getting late - or at least, it’s after 21:00, and we’re getting tired. We head back to the hotel for a final glass of wine, and collapse into bed.
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    • Erste Eindrücke

      July 16, 2013 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Hello aus dem heißen New York :)

      Wir sind gut und sicher in unserem Hostel angekommen und haben schon einiges gesehen und erlebt. Das Hostel liegt nur fünf Minuten vom Empire State Building entfernt und auch zum Times Square haben wir es nicht weit. Wir waren heute im Macy's - größtes Kaufhaus der Welt!!! - und von dort aus sind wir einiges gelaufen... Wir waren erst am Times Square und sind den Broadway entlanggelaufen.. Haben uns dann aber ein Metroticket gekauft und sind damit bis runter zur Wallstreet gefahren.. Zu Fuß wären wir wahrscheinlich jetzt noch unterwegs! :D Manhattan ist einfach sooooo riesig... Dort haben wir auch das neue One World Trade Center gesehen und haben kurz am 9/11 Memorial gestanden.. Da waren so viele Arbeiter unterwegs, aber die Stimmung war trotzdem erdrückend.. Da es so heiß hier ist, haben wir uns gedacht, dass wir vielleicht am Wasser etwas Abkühlung bekommen aber Pustekuchen! Erst als wir ne Runde mit der Staten Island Ferry gefahren sind, kam eine kleine Brise auf - sehr zu unserer Freude.. ;) Haben ein paar Fotos von Manhattans Skyline gemacht und auch die Freiheitsstatue fotografiert...

      Morgen geht's weiter - hoch hinaus über die Dächer der Stadt.. ;)

      Hier sind ein paar Bilder vom heutigen Tag:
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    • Day 15

      Day 14 - New York City Day 1

      May 29, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Today we went to the NYC Museum of Natural History.

      Dinosaurs all over the place an amazing museum.

      Sections included different cultures eg. African, Mayan, Aztec, even Australian Aboriginals.

      We spent over 3.5hrs at this museum it was fabulous.

      P.S. Kimberley was everywhere.

      We went to a play 'The Perfect Crime' the longest running play off Broadway (been running 30years) and we caught it on its last week.

      Strange play but lead to interesting discussions afterwards on how to commit the perfect murder.

      After this we went to the Rainbow Room on 65th level of Rockefella Centre.

      A drink and an amazing view of the Empire State and the whole of New York City.
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    • Day 16

      Day 15 - New York City Day 2

      May 30, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      This morning we walked the High Line over the city through the Meatpackers District and finished at Chelsea Markets. The High Line is an old abandon railway line which has been turned into a walkway and has beautiful gardens which are maintained by volunteers. It was very lovely to walk above the city and see it from a different perspective.

      Chelsea Markets was mainly a food market with lots of places to eat especially seafood.

      We ventured back to Times Square and then headed for home to get ready for the baseball.

      We went to see the Mets play Brewers, had hot dogs and Tony even tried deep fried dough with icing sugar (a heart attach on a plate).

      The Mets won 5-4 but we left after the 5th inning as it started to rain.

      Thanks to Stephen and Tony we arrived home safety from Queens where the game was.
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    • Day 18

      Day 17 - New York City Day 4

      June 1, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Statue of Liberty Day - hurray

      Wow it was fantastic. G&T went to the pedestal level but Stephen and I climbed to the crown (thanks Janice for telling us to buy our Crown tickets on line months ago as Crown tickets were sold out on the day).

      Never knew the Statue of Liberty was made out of copper and hollow inside. It is green because of the chemical reaction which happens when the air hits it. The Crown was a spiral staircase very narrow with 383 stairs (no lift). Well worth the climb.🤗

      Ellis Island was not very interesting for us but if your family immigrated to America you would be able to read and research lots of interesting facts.

      Next 9/11 memorial. Very busy around this area paid our respects. We chose not to go to the museum no sure I wanted to see what we all saw and heard on TV again.

      Wall Street next.

      On to Bloomingdales - very expensive and a look around Tiffanys. Unfortunately I didn't have enough money to even buy 1 earing in sterling silver let alone anything else.

      Chinese for dinner in those little boxes you see on TV.

      Tonight Stephen, Tony and I went on a long walk by the river. Gail was resting her poor feet.

      The walk was on the river and as we discovered later went almost the whole of Manhattan Island. Of course we did not walk the whole island only a short part.
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    • Day 19

      Day 18 - New York City Day 5

      June 2, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Off we set to try and see the Cherry Blossoms at Riverside Park but unfortunately did not see any as they bloomed early this year and we missed them.

      Stephen and I continued on through the park and then through this beautiful suburb. It was a very pretty part of the city. We found hot dog croissants in a french bakery. We did not try these but I reckon you could only find them in NYC.

      We met Gail & Tony and Marie at the entrance to Central Park. Marie was a great tour guide and took as a bit around the park. First we went to the Merry-go-round and Gail and I had a ride. Then as we walked through the park saw lots of play areas filled with children who were on school holidays. We had lunch at a lovely cafe in the park and then continued on to see the John Lennon Memorial, the sidewalk outside the hotel he was shot and then on to the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. The park was amazing with lots of other features.

      Stephen and I found the Alice in Wonderland statue and garden it was fabulous.

      At dusk Stephen and I caught the subway and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was dusk and the view of the City of Manhattan and Statue of Liberty could not be fully captured in a photo.

      Tony and Gail went to see Miss Saigon and to meet Marie for a drink after her performance in Phantom of the Opera.

      The end of another amazing day in this wonderful city.
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    • Day 20

      Day 19 - New York City Day 6

      June 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Today we headed straight for Union Square about a 20 minute walk from where we were staying.
      We found a cute little park with lots of squirrels running around and some flower markets.

      We walked further towards Soho to find some more markets of fresh fruit and vegetables and other market Knick Knacks.

      Soho was a very nice upmarket area with lots of boutique shops.

      Here we stopped at Pandora and Stephen bought me a lovely charm for my pandora travel bracelet that you can only buy in store in NYC - you cannot get it anywhere else but NYC not even on line.

      We found Little Italy wow wow wow. Everything I thought it would be lots of Italian Restaurants and little touristy shops we had a wonderful time. Wish we had found it earlier in the week would have definitely gone back here for dinner one night. We did not miss out we had a lovely lunch of lobster ravioli, pasta and pizza with a bottle of Pinot Grigo to drink.

      After lunch we walked through Chinatown - much like any Chinatown in the world including Sydney.

      After this as it was such beautiful weather we decided to travel to Staten Island on the Ferry. It has magnificent view of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan. We have never seen a Ferry so big it was three times as big as the Ferries in Sydney. A lovely trip to Staten Island and back on the ferry.

      Back to our apartment after a stop off to get nibbles for dinner and then to pack as tomorrow we start another adventure to Las Vegas to meet the 4 Foxes.
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    • Day 8

      Goodbye NYC!

      March 29, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Wir sitzen gerade in unserem Shuttle auf dem Weg zum JFK Flughafen. Lucas hat sich gewünscht, in einem Lincoln zu fahren - ein Gangster-Rapper Jeep, den man hier neben den gelben Cabs ständig sieht. Total platt aber happy und überwältigt von den vielen, aufregenden Eindrücken fliegen wir heute nach Hause. Für Simon und mich steht fest: We‘ll come back. Am liebsten schon Weihnachten!
      Wenn man das erste Mal in NY ist sollte man die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigt haben. Wir haben in den 6 Tagen viel gesehen und erlebt. Simon war der perfekte Stadtführer! Ich habe das Programm zusammengestellt, er hat uns hingeführt😀. Man merkt halt, dass er der große Weltenbummler ist.
      Gestern haben wir uns zum Glück noch das MoMA angeschaut. Während wir am Vortag ja die Kulturbanausen waren und im Schnelldurchlauf das Natural-Museum besichtigt haben, waren wir von diesem Museum überwältigt! Das Museum befindet sich in einem hypermodernen Gebäude (allein das ist schon sehenswert). Und dann all die berühmten Gemälde von Picasso, Monet, Matisse, Andy Warhol etc. zu sehen, war ein unbeschreibliches Erlebnis. Selbst Lucas war beeindruckt😊. Leider haben wir es nicht mehr zeitlich geschafft, auch noch das Guggenheim Museum anzuschauen. Beim nächsten Mal 😉.
      Was hat mich hier am meisten fasziniert?
      Die schöne Architektur. Ich liebe diese Bauten mit den stylishen Lofts!
      Die unglaubliche Freundlichkeit der Amis, die extrem lässige Art.
      Überrascht hat mich, dass NY extrem sauber ist und man kaum Bettler gesehen hat - zumindest in den Stadtteilen, in den wir unterwegs waren (Manhattan, Soho, Chelsea). Selbst die U-Bahnen waren nicht vermüllt. Und nirgendwo Hundehaufen!
      Das sieht in unseren (Groß) Städten ganz anders aus!?
      Was nicht so klasse ist, ist das fehlende Umweltbewusstsein der Amis. Unglaublich wie viel Plastik hier noch für alles verwendet wird.
      Leider ist NY teuer. Extrem teuer. Darüber sollte man sich vorher im Klaren sein, sonst sollte man gar nicht erst hier hin fliegen.
      Danke großer Schatz für dieses unfassbar tolle Geburtstagsgeschenk ❤️🙏
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