United States
Socorro County

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    • Day 17

      Trinity Testing Site

      October 19 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Tag 17: Zweimal im Jahr (2024 nur einmal) ist es Besuchern gestattet, die Stelle, an der die erste Atombombe getestet wurde, zu besichtigen. Passend zum Thema war das Wetter teilweise trüb, wolkenverhangen und regnerisch. Die Stimmung war aus mehreren Gründen bedrückend: zum Einen wegen des Themas, zum Anderen, weil das Event kommerziell ausgeschlachtet wird. Hier wird nicht die Geschichte einer Katastrophe, sondern die Geschichte von Siegern erzählt.Read more

    • Day 39

      Salinas Missions NM

      March 30 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      I spent the night at Valley of Fire, a lava field, and walk the nature trail both last night and this morning. Most of the day I spent at the three locations of Salinas Missions National monument, three large Indian Pueblos, that were Christianized by the Spaniards in the 1620. In the evening, I visited Bosque de Apache Wildlife Refuge. It’s mainly a bird sanctuary for birds migrating between North and South America. Not too many bots today unfortunately, problem of the season, and it’s too windy, but I see ducks, deer, turkeys, and Javelina. Generally, in New Mexico, drives along and attractions spread out.Read more

    • Day 25

      White Sands

      April 3, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Abfahrt ist heute gegen 9 Uhr, wir dumpen noch bevor wir den State Park verlassen. Wir biegen Richtung Norden ab und fahren wieder durch eine triste Gegend mit Ölbohrungen. Bei Artesia geht es auf den Hwy 89 in Richtung Westen nach Alamogordo. Die Landschaft ist hier ebenso eintönig, allerdings gibt es hier kein Öl mehr, sondern Ranches. Größtenteils sind wir mutterseelenallein auf der Straße, was das Fahren natürlich entspannter macht.
      Nach ca. 30 Meilen ändert sich die Landschaft und wird abwechslungsreicher. Es geht jetzt durch Wald und Berge. Die Fahrt führt durch den Lincoln National Forest und es sieht hier wie Urlaub aus. Langsam geht es immer weiter bergauf bis auf über 2.600 Meter. Hier liegt der Wintersportort Cloudcroft. Nun geht es abwärts in Richtung Alamogordo und man sieht bereits im Hintergrund die White Sands. Die Abfahrt hier ist wesentlich steiler und es gibt immer wieder herrliche Ausblicke.
      Nachdem wir die Berge verlassen haben geht es durch Alamogordo in Richtung Südwesten zum White Sands NM. Da wir den NP-Pass haben, sparen wir wieder den Eintritt. Die Straße führt zunächst neben den Dünen entlang und dann geht es mitten durch die Dünen. Was für ein herrlicher Anblick. An einem Parkplatz halten wir mitten in der weißen Landschaft und laufen den Trail mit vielen interessanten Informationstafeln. Die Sonne und der weiße Gips blenden mächtig, selbst wenn man eine Sonnenbrille aufhat.
      Es ist ein toller Anblick, wenn man die Pflanzen mitten in der weißen Wüste sieht. Mich wundert es immer wieder, wieviel Pflanzen in dieser Trockenheit existieren können. Nun wollen wir noch ein Stück weiterfahren. Die befestigte Straße endet hier und es beginnt ganz schön zu holpern. Wir beschließen deshalb zurück zu fahren. Es war zwar nur ein kurzer Besuch, aber es hat sich wirklich gelohnt.
      Bei Alamogordo tanken wir und kaufen noch einiges bei Walmart ein. Dann fahren wir weiter nach Norden, damit dann die morgige Fahrt nicht so lang ist. In Carrizozo biegen wir ab zum Valley of Fire SP. Susi gibt uns natürlich eine Abkürzung vor und wir fahren durch eine Straße, die ganz schön elend aussieht. Dann erreichen wir wieder die normale Straße und es geht zum State Park. Gegen halb fünf sind wir am Visitor Center, das natürlich schon geschlossen ist. Zum Glück finden wir noch eine Site ohne Rollstuhlsymbol. Während Norbert alles anschließt, mache ich die Registrierung. Ein Glück, dass man immer Bargeld dabei hat.
      Der Platz ist sehr schön. Man hat einen wunderbaren Ausblick auf das Lavafeld. Ein überdachter Sitzplatz gehört ebenfalls dazu. Nur leider können wir ihn nicht nutzen, denn es herrscht wieder ein sehr starker Wind. Am Himmel spielen sich tolle „Schauspiele“ ab. Sonne und Regenwolken kämpfen miteinander und tauchen alles in ein wunderschönes Licht. Wir bekommen keinen Regen ab, dafür wird der Wind immer stärker. Da wir auf einer Anhöhe stehen, befürchten wir, umzukippen. Unser Kleiner schaukelt mächtig, so muss es auf See bei Sturm sein. Ich werde aber zum Glück nicht seekrank und schlafe irgendwann ein.
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    • Day 11

      Valley Of Fires Recreational Area

      May 28, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach unseren beiden kurzen Trails im Oliver Lee haben wir die Zelte abgebrochen und sind weitergefahren. Zuerst zum Walmart in Alamogordo und dann weiter zum Valley Of Fires. Der Name kommt daher, dass das gesamte Tal von einem Lavastrom durchzogen ist. Es gibt natürlich auch wieder einen kurzen Trail, den wir heute Nachmittag gegangen sind. Wir sind mit dem Womo auf der Site 19 gelandet, die einen grandiosen Ausblick hat, dafür aber auch ziemlich windig ist. Und zur Belohnung gab es heute Scampi und danach ein "kleines" T-Bone Steak. Für ein Campfire ist es uns heute zu windig.Read more

    • Day 7

      Rio Salado Sand Dune

      March 30, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Back on the road after just one night at the pretty strange Truth or Consequences . Stopped at this sign as it looked interesting and then stopped at a traditional dinner where we had a totally massive breakfast for about 20 dollarsRead more

    • Day 13

      Goodbye Texas hello New Mexico

      June 3 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      The shipping nightmare has continued. I spoke to the local agent this morning who advised me the container was being taken to the distribution centre as we spoke. Whilst the bike hadn't been released, she said it was probably worth going to the distribution depot and that might speed things up. She made it very clear that she wasn't supposed to say that but it might help. Full of optimism I ordered a taxi and headed to the distribution depot.

      When I got there I eventually spoke to the warehouse manager, a lovely lady called Diane. She advised me that whilst the container had arrived there was no way that it was being emptied today as there were other containers that needed to be emptied and returned to the port! I gave her my best sob story but to no avail, the best I got was her direct phone number and email and a promise that she would try and get it off loaded tomorrow. Again the operative word is try!! At least I now have the number of the organ grinder!

      It was now past midday and there was nothing for it but to find another hotel and lick my wounds.

      Once I got to the hotel I had a really nice chat with the hotel manager who was from India. Interestingly he said he was only here for the money and once his son had graduated he and his wife were going back to their village in northwest India.

      I think with the benefit of hindsight you probably need 10 days from the date that the container arrives in the country to the date you can pick it up, we live and learn. The disappointing thing is the poor advice I've received from shopping agents.

      Today is another day of ups and downs. I spoke with the distribution depot in the morning to be informed the container would definitely be opened today, however probably not until lunchtime and depending on where the crate was in the container would depend when it would be available, the probability was that it wouldn't be available until tomorrow! I started to formulate a plan of what to do today. An hour later I received a call telling me they'd opened the container and the crate was right at the front. Result!

      I then ran into the next roadblock when I was asked how it would be collected. I explained that it wasn't going to be collected and that I'd been told the bike would be taken out of the crate and I could ride it away. Apparently that's not how it works. A few phone calls later and the warehouse manager said she'd speak to her boss and see if they could open the crate. At lunchtime I again decided to head back to the warehouse to somehow make it happen, after waiting for another hour for the warehouse manager to come back from lunch they eventually agreed to open the crate. They were reluctant for me to help because of health and safety rules but the chap opening the crate was incredibly slow so I muscled my way in and gave him a hand.

      It took about about 1½ hours to unpack the bike and get it ready to go.

      I decided to get out of Houston and head straight for a camp ground at a place called Falls on the Brasoz at Marlin, 150 miles northwest on Houston. It was 4.30 the traffic was heavy so I decided to take the direct route on tarmac road. There was a weather warning, but I looked at the weather radar and thought I might just miss it.

      After a stop for some fuel and something to eat I pushed on.

      The sky started to get very dark, lightning was flashing off to my right and the wind started to pick up and I was being blown around a bit, this is when I needed the 250lbs BMW. Google Maps had already warned me of the risk of thunderstorms. I pushed on. There were a few spots of rain, then it started to get a bit heavier. I came off the main highway in search of a cafe/fast food place. Before I could find one I passed an underpass under the main carriageway, I spun the bike round and no sooner had I parked up than the heavens opened up and the rain was bouncing off the road with plenty of thunder and lightning thrown in for good measure. I checked the weather radar and could see this was supposed to blow over in about 45 minutes and almost on cue the rain stopped the skies brightened and I headed off again. The campground was still an hour away but I should get there before dark.

      I got to the campground at 8.45 and met the local ranger. He told me I could camp under the pavilion if I wanted to, at least I'd be under cover. That night the heavens opened up again more torrential rain, thunder, lightning the full works. I obviously feel back to sleep and didn't wake until 7.30. The first thing to do was to check the weather radar and more storms were headed my way. No time for a leisurely start I'd hoped for, if I headed north I might just be able to stay ahead of the weather.

      By the time I'd got packed up and got on the road it was 9,30. I was slightly annoyed with myself because that was later than I wanted. I sped northwest past Waco and I was staying ahead of the rain. I stopped at a fast burger restaurant to take a break and get something to eat. I checked the weather radar again it looked like I'd missed the storms, great result. I eventually decided that the best thing to do was to head to Miller's Creek Reservoir by a direct route. I went through a small town called Throckmorton which sounds like it belongs in the Cotswolds not Texas. Not far after that I turned off the road and left tarmac for the first time in my trip. The track was fast and easy to ride and it wasn't too long before I made it to the reservoir. It was about 4.30 and I was pleased to have avoided the storms.

      I hung my stuff out to dry and headed off to explore a bit.

      After I'd worked out my route for the next day I decided to get to bed early, so I could get an early start. I'm not sure what time I was woken but I was greeted with more thunder, lightning, wind and rain!! The storm passed over and I eventually fell back to sleep.

      I woke up at 6.30 and decided to get going as quickly as possible before it got too hot. The track away from the reservoir was lethal, thick clay, zero grip but I carefully made it to the main track. Initially it was quite good but then it changed to wet clay and the bike was sliding so I dropped the speed right down, again the surface changed with more grip but not for long and I was back on thick muddy clay. Progress was going to be horrendously slow and it was only a matter of time before I ended up dropping the bike, time to re evaluate. I decided to head for Lubbock on tarmac and I'd think again later, at this rate it'll take forever to get out of Texas.

      I stopped at a roadside cafe for some breakfast and got chatting to a family with 3 children. The children were asking all sorts of questions, where was I from, where was I going, why did I speak with a funny accent etc etc. when they were leaving the boys wanted to try on my helmet which I was happy for them to do and the obligatory photos were taken. I went to leave shortly afterwards and went to pay the bill only to be informed by the waitress that the gentleman had already paid it. What incredible kindness and I didn't even get an opportunity to thank them.

      Rested, refueled and full of coffee I pushed on to Lubbock and then on to Brownfield

      I stopped to refuel the bike and decided to get some lunch and considered my options for where to stop this evening. I was thinking I might book a hotel room and forgo the camping but wasn't sure. Then one of the ladies at the restaurant told me there was another storm coming in and that sealed the deal. I found a motel about 70 miles from Roswell and thought that would be far enough for the day.

      I headed off again. The scenery was flat and pretty featureless.

      When I got to the motel it resembled a derelict dump and although I was keen to stop for the day I wasn't stopping here. After a quick replan I found an Airbnb in Roswell. It was the middle of the afternoon, it was very hot by now and I was cooking. I got one of my water bottles and emptied it over my head and my T shirt. Back on the bike and another hours riding!

      More to follow, things are on the up!!
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    • Day 7

      Life is all around us

      August 27 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Mama bird was anxious for us to get the heck out, but I let the little chicks know that I meant no harm. Other critters were hard at work. Click on pictures below.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Socorro County, مقاطعة سوكورو, Сокоро, সোকোরো কাউন্টি, Condado de Socorro, Socorro maakond, Socorro konderria, شهرستان ساکورو، نیومکزیکو, Comté de Socorro, Socorro, okrug, Socorro megye, Սոկորո շրջան, Contea di Socorro, ソコロ郡, 소코로 군, Socorro Kūn, Hrabstwo Socorro, سوکورو کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Socorro, Сокорро, Okrožje Socorro, Округ Сокоро, سوکورو کاؤنٹی، نیو میکسیکو, Quận Socorro, Condado han Socorro, 索科羅縣

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