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Solano County

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    • Dag 18


      12. juni 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Tja, nach dem völlig überflüssigen Abstecher nach Eureka mussten wir heute über 5 Stunden Auto fahren um wieder in die Region San Francisco zu kommen. Der Tag begann sehr regnerisch, was aber sicherlich gut war für die doch sehr üppig bewaldete Gegend. Mit mehr Zeit hätten wir hier noch den einen oder anderen Waldabschnitt erkundet.
      Nach ein paar Stunden hörte auch der Regen auf, die Landschaft wurde wieder trockener und wir erreichten das schöne Örtchen Benicia. Hier hätte man es wiederum auch gut einen Tag länger aushalten können. So beschrenkten wir uns auf einen Spaziergang am Ufer entlang der Bay Area, diesmal mit Blick auf San Francisco.
      Unser Hotel war außergewöhnlich... in beiderlei Hinsicht. Gebaut um 1865, durchaus geschichtsträchtig, Humphrey Bogart war hier schon zu Gast...(und seitdem wurde auch nicht mehr gelüftet). Angeblich soll es sogar im Haus spuken.
      Auf der anderen Seite war es maximal hellhörig, wenig funktionell und es roch etwas modrig (wie bei Ur-Ur-Großmutter zu Hause). geht es nach Hause, kein Grund darüber weiter zu philosophieren.... aber immerhin konnten wir uns noch vom Pazifik verabschieden....
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    • Dag 26

      Day 25 - Jamestown to Rio Vista

      20. juni 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Die Weidehügel verlassen und die Anbauflächen von Kalifornien erreicht. Mandelbäume, Reben, Äpfelbäume soweit das Auge reicht! Finally den Sacramento-Rivier erreicht, welcher sich bereits mit dem Meerwasser des Pazifik mischt! SFC ist nicht mehr weit!🤗 Temperatur ca. 35 Grad! Also wie kn der Schweiz!😅😉Les mer

    • Dag 37


      13. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ich schreibe am13.9. Abends

      Am 11,9 , Montag, sind wir morgens in San Franzisko aufgebrochen und über die Golden Gate Bridge in Richtung Norden gefahren.
      Unser Ziel waren die Winelands mit Sonoma und Napa mit den bekanntesten Orten.
      Ich hatte in Sonoma gebucht, der Ort kleiner und beschaulicher .
      Das Hotel hieß „ an inn to remember"
      Verheißungsvoller Name, nichts davon eingetroffen .

      Außer atemberaubender Natur und unendlichen Weinfeldern gibt es hier nur Weingütermit klangvollen Namen, 2 davon haben wir ausgiebig besucht. Shafer und Opus one.
      Schon beeindruckend.

      Heute Mittag ergab sich die Möglichkeit einen Rotary Club zu

      Danach gaben wir das Weingut Opus one mit einer Weinprobe besucht, das war dann das Highlight unseres Besuchs.
      Morgen, Donnerstag geht es weiter nach Seattle.
      LG MuT


      I am writing Wednesday, 13th, evening.
      Monday 11th, we left SF short before noon and went passing the bay by the Golden Gate Bridge North to the winelands.
      Sonoma and Napa are the 2 most known villages.‘
      I booked in Sonoma, it is the smaller and Visier place.
      The place I booked is named
      „ an inn to remember“
      Promising name, but disappointing!

      So, we saw wonderful Nature, endless winefields, wineries with great names, one of them we visited today, Opus one.
      That was a highlight.

      Before this visit we attended a Rotary Meeting.

      Tomorrow we will fly to Seattle

      Truus and Manfred
      Say goof night
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    • Dag 111

      Sacramento & Napa Valley

      12. november 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Did a tourist drive via Sacramento to Napa for lunch. Then had to fight the crazy traffic into San Francisco.

      We have a very nice hotel for the 3 nights in SF. Specifically looked for a unit with a kitchen to prepare the Pheasant from Sutton bay.

      The breasts were vacuum packed in a little cooler and we had to freeze them every night.

      What a nice bird to eat🥰
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    • Dag 12

      The Wine Train

      10. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The Wine Train is a relaxed, elegant day out. It is all very civilised and well organised. Several routes are run every day and passengers gather
      In large meeting room reminiscent of a sofa clad departure lounge. You are shown to your carriage according to your destination. The carriages are Pullman types mostly built around 1915. They have been lovingly and lavishly restored using mahogany panelling, brass accents, velveteen armchairs and the tables are beautifully laid ready for lunch. The train gently travels north through the Napa Valley, which in common with all the wine growing valleys we have seen all over the world, is hemmed in with mountain ranges, which together with the soil and climate help create the perfect conditions for growing grapes and making wine. Wineries line the train track and vines stretch as far as the eye can see. Probably the two most well known names here are Robert Mondavi and Grgich Hills and it was to the latter that the Wine Train delivered us. The first two courses were served before we arrived and the food was delicious. How the chefs produce food of that calibre on the move and in such cramped conditions is beyond me. A lively knowledgeable lady called Toni showed us around the winery, combining process with tasting in an action packed hour. We were lucky enough to have a fun and friendly group which added to the experience and the tasting continued on the return, together with the final two courses of our lunch. It was a fun day.
      Miljenko (Mike)Grgich is 96 years old and still checks on his operations daily. He came from Croatia as a young man, with a wine background and bringing with him the Zinfandel grape. Robert Mondavi employed Mike as a young winemaker and then he moved to the Montelena winery. It was whilst he was with Montelena that he created the 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay that beat the French at their own game, in the Paris Blind tasting competition in 1976 and put Napa Valley on the serious wine producing map. He later set up his own winery with his friend Austin Hills (of the Hills coffee family) and has been there ever since with continuing success. We tasted five wines. The Fume’ Blanc was great, Chardonnay iffy to me, but I’m no Chardonnay lover, Zinfandel yuk (horrible aftertaste on the tongue), good Merlot and a reserve Chardonnay, that has similarly won multiple awards and even I admit was really good.
      We plan to visit one or two other wineries tomorrow. Interestingly, there is quite a high charge at all the wineries for a tasting. There was talk today about the decrease in visitors to the wineries and all sorts of theories put forward as to why. In all the countries where we have visited wineries only once was a small charge made ( Cloudy Bay in New Zealand) and yet this was not mentioned as a possible cause. The minimum charge is $25 and can rise to $45. I would think this must be having an effect.
      This morning, after some housekeeping (haircut & the laundromat!), we set off for the Hess winery in the hills above Napa. This was recommended as an excellent winery, with lunch, a wine tasting and an interesting modern art collection to view. It was a glorious day and a beautiful drive up into the hills. On arrival, the winery was superbly set in gardens with modern sculpture dotted around; very much to our taste. However, on enquiry no lunch, despite the recommendation and information on the website, consequently no tasting, as we needed the food first. I do feel these wineries are missing a trick. The food doesn’t have to be in the Heston Blumenthal bracket, something a lot simpler would suffice and I feel it would attract and hold people. As a consequence, we ducked the wine tasting and went to view the modern art collection. Some was interesting and fabulous, some Peter felt he could have knocked off between main course and desert!
      To my total surprise in one gallery was an exhibition by the British Landscape artist Andy Goldsworth. Andy is much admired by me and others within the floral art world, due to his inspirational use of natural objects in his work. Born in Cheshire and now residing in Dumfries and Galloway, he was the last artist I would have expected to view in California. His pieces had clearly been executed in residence and were for me the stars of the show, although there were some fine pieces by Francis Bacon not to be ignored.
      We rather gave up on the wine tasting after that, as having rediscovered Wholefoods ( superb grocery store) and having devoured lunch we decided to peruse the very good outlet mall and stock up on some essentials. There was no jumping in and out of itinerant cars, but a certain waving about of the ubiquitous credit card.
      I must include a poster that I took a photograph of before leaving Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite. California has a reputation of being a bit ‘out there and alternative’ in the rest of the US and this may partly explain why!
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    • Dag 268

      US Roadtrip Part 2: California

      9. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Wir verbringen eine ereignisreiche Woche bei Freunden nahe San Francisco und nehmen alles mit was geht. Shoppingcenter, Shooting Range, Taphouse, Sightseeing, Weinprobe und die Feiern zum 4th of July. Eine wilde Fahrt mit unglaublich netten Gastgebern, Cliff ist bei der Airforce und lebt mit seiner Familie in einem Bilderbuch-Vorort. Wir waren häufiger mal mit unseren Vorurteilen konfrontiert, ich konnte meinen Antiamerikanismus etwas dekonstruieren, es bleibt jedoch ein Land der Gegensätze für uns. Morgen geht es weiter in die Nationalparks Richtung Arizona.Les mer

    • Dag 305

      Autokauf in Napa

      10. august 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Jens geht auch während unserer Reise seinem Hobby nach und stöbert im Internet nach interessanten Autos. In der Nähe von San Francisco verabreden wir uns zur Besichtigung zweier Oldtimer. Der erste Wagen ist ein Porsche 911 SC von 1979. Mit dem Modell kennt Jens sich schon aus, denn so einen hatte er sich schonmal zum 34. Geburtstag gekauft. Das jetzige Exemplar steht leider nicht ganz so gut da und auch die Probefahrt verläuft problematisch. Mit dem zweiten Wagen haben wir mehr Glück. Wir nehmen ihn genau unter die Lupe und finden wenige Mängel, sehr hübsch anzusehen und weitestgehend Rostfrei. Den nehmen wir! Ein Dienstleister, zu dem wir den Wagen einige Tage später in den Hafen bringen, kümmert sich um die Verschiffung nach Bremerhaven. Von dort wird er per LKW nach Berlin geliefert. Wir freuen uns schon auf das Wiedersehen.Les mer

    • Dag 20

      Rodando en Napa Valley

      12. juli 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Hoy desde el corazón ❤️ de Napa recorriendo los viñedos, "las wineries" y la zona llena de árboles frutales y naturaleza. Estuvimos alrededor de 2 horas pedaleando bajo un cielo azul y un día soleado!

    • Dag 20

      "Farm to Market"

      12. juli 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Frutas y verduras de los jardines de Napa, lo que dicen de esta zona es cierto, esta región es la despensa de EEUU. Duraznos, manzanas, uvas, calabacin, berries, tomate, romero, lavanda, revass y hasta olivos encontramos hoy en nuestro recorrido por el Napa Valley.Les mer

    • Dag 27

      an old lady always needs makeup

      27. november 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      27. November 2019

      When Heidi had her personal playday yesterday why shouldn`t the 47 years old Airstream „Santos“ has it´s treatment?
      We decided to fresh up the trim strip a bit with new paint.
      For sure in Airstream blue!

      A 30 minute drive to Vacaville`s Loewe`s store and quickly mixed up the desired colour.
      Also grab some masking tape for covering the outlines of the aluminium strip and 2 hours later we found ourself taping endless meters on the belly of `Santos`.
      The „AIRSTREAM“ lettering was the most difficult to cut out because of all these little corners and curves.
      But we managed it not too bad ✂️

      Once everything was masked the painting started.
      And like always, once the painting began the rain started 😂
      But fortunately it was just a short shower and the fresh blue wasn`t hit that hard.

      When we removed the protection tape we found a great result!
      „Santos“ now has a new belly belt in the original blue.
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