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    • Dag 7

      Good Morning Utah

      18. februar 2020, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ -7 °C

      Okay, selbst mitten im Nirgendwo ist der Sonnenaufgang herrlich 😊

      Und ich hab das erste mal seit zwei Tagen wieder ernsthaften Internetempfang. Wär jetzt nicht wichtig wenn nicht Google mein Navi wäre 😅

      Und ich meine, wohin mich das navigieren mit der Landkarte gebracht hat sieht man ja 😂
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    • Dag 12

      Capitol Reef

      8. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Weer een heel ander park, hoogste punt was 9600 feet dat is 2927 km
      Wel veel wind hier
      Picknicken bij de Fremont River 🤗
      En weer herten gespot

    • Dag 6

      Von Bryce nach Torrey ins Capitol Reef

      15. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute morgen sind wir nochmal zum Sonnenaufgang an den Inspiration-Point im Bryce gefahren ☺️
      War übrigens die Idee von Didi 😁 ihr denkt bestimmt alle, dass ich den armen Kerle immer so früh aus dem Bett jage 😂

      Dann hatten wir heute eigentlich nur 113 Meilen zu fahren, haben dann aber soooo viele Stopps eingelegt, dass wir erst gegen 16 Uhr in Torrey angekommen sind 😂

      Erster Halt war der Moosy Cave Trail, der sich etwas abseits am nördlichen Rand vom Bryce befindet.
      Der Rundweg ist ca. 1,3 km lang und führt an einem Bachbett an bunten Hoodoos vorbei und endet an einem wunderschönen Wasserfall 😍

      Danach sind wir über den Highway 12 der auch als Scenic Byway bezeichnet wird nach Torrey gefahren .
      Wir mussten einfach sooo oft anhalten. Diese Strecke bietet so viele landschaftliche Höhepunkte und Sehenswürdigkeiten wie kaum eine andere Straße. 🤗

      Ein weiterer Stopp war an einer geschotterten Einfahrt mit einem Schild „Kiva Koffee House“
      Man hat einfach nichts gesehen.
      Didi ist aber direkt abgebogen und meinte, dass er genau spürt, dass das super sein muss 😂
      Tatsächlich hatte er recht ☺️ Home made cake, oberlecker mit Cappuccino 🥰 und dazu eine super Aussicht und das Café hätte nicht gemütlicher sein können.

      Im Capitol Reef angekommen haben wir dann noch eine Wanderung zur Hickman Bridge gemacht, während immer mehr dunkle Wolken aufgezogen sind 😁

      Was soll ich sagen... Perfektes Fotografen Wetter, dunkle Wolken und rote Felsen die von der Sonne angestrahlt werden 😍 der Hammer

      Heute Abend noch sehr leckeres Essen und dann gemütlich bei einem Glas Wein den Tag ausklingen lassen und nebenher Blogbeitrag schreiben 😊
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    • Dag 4

      Last Day in Capitol Reef

      15. oktober 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      We finished out our visit to Capitol Reef with a couple of hikes and a saunter. First thing in the morning, Joe and I hiked the Chimney Rock Loop. Good elevation, great views, both of the chimney rock and the canyon it borders. Then once again my cooperative husband stayed down in a parking lot at the Cassidy Arch trailhead, and I went up to a pretty awesome site. A bit of scrambling at the end, nothing technical, but just terrific views. And thanks to the encouragement of a couple from upstate New York, I dared to walk out on the top of the arch itself, and have pictures to prove it.

      For our last park visit, we walked a few miles around a place named Goosenecks, with views of yet another canyon, and its Sunset Point, with probably the most complex and prettiest view of the whole park — all sorts of geology and canyons, pine trees, snow covered mountains in the back, just beautiful.

      Since we had finished our walking by 4:15, I decided we would probably have time to make it to Bicknell, about 15 miles away, to a pharmacy to pick up some medication Joe left at home. It had taken a while to get our pharmacy in touch with the Wayne County Health Center Pharmacy, but luckily it all worked out. The people were great, and when I picked up the medicine, I asked the pharmacist about the center. Is it a public health center? Yes, he said, it serves people county-wide. How is it funded? By the state of Utah, he said. But, he said, it it NOT a government clinic. Oh well.

      Tip of the day. Though the air is so dry it will crack the inside of your nose, here is one bit of advice. Do not leave the hot shower on for a while to add moisture to your room, or the fire alarms will go on. OOPS!!!
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    • Dag 3

      Another day in Capitol Reef

      14. oktober 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Our second day in Capitol Reef was another couple exhilarating hikes that gave ample opportunity to contemplate our total irrelevance to the grand scheme of the universe. First hike of the morning was to Hickman’s Bridge, not too far but with a fair amount of elevation. We were lucky to have left the trailhead early, because on the way down we ran into lots of people heading up to that arch.

      Back in the parking lot, Joe kindly agreed to let me go back up and take another spur, to a place called Rim Overlook. More elevation gain, and great views. At the top, I met a couple from northern Minnesota. The guy could not contain himself — looking over the vast expanse, he started in on how the hell could Trump think it is a good idea to open this land up to mining????!!!

      After lunch, more walking, this time through a canyon to a place below a rock called Cathedral Rock. The views are just incredible around every turn.

      There are some petroglyphs from ancient tribes named the Fremont people because they had no name of self-identification, apparently. Some petroglyphs, some remains of deerskin mocasins, waterproof reed baskets, but not much else. The drawings on the walls that we saw are from around 1000 AD, which was roaring Romanesque time in Spain!
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    • Dag 2

      In Capitol Reef National Park

      13. oktober 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Today we left Escalante and headed to Torrey, Utah, enjoying the small group of marathon runners going between Boulder and Escalante in the Escalante marathon. I cannot imagine running up and down those hills, but everyone was smiling! We learned that Boulder Utah actually has two very well regarded restaurants, but we missed them. One of them, Hell’s Backbone Grill, gets written up all the time, we heard.

      The drive further on to Torrey, the closest town to Capitol Reef, went through lots of aspen groves. Some still had beautiful yellow leaves, but most had dropped their leaves. I never thought of considering autumn colors as a factor in a trip to Utah! We had great views of the Henry mountains and learned we were traveling through the last part of the continental US to be mapped and charted.

      We got to Capitol Reef park early and decided to do a hike to Cohab Canyon. Not as long as others we’ve done (3.5 miles), but the elevation was a bit harder for Joe. It took us up to a canyon with crazy rock formations all along. Good hike!

      We are staying in a “resort” near the park, with a much better elliptical than our first place, and a nice view. Heading into town to Café Diablo. And tomorrow’s high is supposed to be about 40, with night temps dropping into the (gasp) 20s! I was planning on 60s weather.
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    • Dag 20

      Capital Reef day 2

      24. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      We cooked bacon and eggs this morning before heading back to Capital Reef. Our camp host told us about cinnamon rolls made in the park on the Fruita area so that is where we went first. In what was the last house of the Mormons to live there, they have a store with a lot of country things and homemade cinnamon rolls and pies. We shared a delicious cinnamon roll and bought a strawberry-rubarb pie and a peach pie for later.

      We drove along the main road stopping at the Mormon one room school house and other historical places.

      We started the Grand Wash Hike. It was an easy 4.5 round trip hike through the wall area that had carved out these beautiful walls of rock. There is no water now but there are signs for flash flooding when it rains. When we came to the other end of the trail we saw a sign for the Cassidy Arch trail, mashed for Butch Cassidy who supposedly hid out here. It went up almost a 1000 feet. A hiker coming down said the views were worth it so we decided to do it. It was very steep at first but then a gradual climb. At the top, we were above the arch, and yes, the views were amazing. After a snack and sharing a few nuts with a chippie, we headed back down. Once we got to the bottom, we still had 2 miles back to our car. Our simple hike turned into a 8.5 mile hike. We were tired and ready to be done. A quick stop at the petroglyph path and then back to the campground. There were cattle at the campground entrance to greet us. This is open range area, no fenced to hold them back.

      We had a fire, ate dinner, are our delicious pies, and listened to Jimmy Buffett followed by the Steeler game
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    • Dag 4

      Fairyland trail (Bryce)

      9. mai, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      It’s cold! After a restful night in Panguitch, we hiked the Fairyland Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. Amazing views, no crowd and some snow flakes towards the end of the day. Then, we drove the Scenic Byway 12 (also called the Million Dollar Highway) through Escalante, Boulder and finally Torrey. Again, it’s cold!Les mer

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