Full Day of Driving

Not much to see between the Black Hills of SD and Montrose CO. It was a long day of driving and until I started passing through the Rockies it wasn't very awe inspiring. Drove until late and stoppedRead more
Not much to see between the Black Hills of SD and Montrose CO. It was a long day of driving and until I started passing through the Rockies it wasn't very awe inspiring. Drove until late and stoppedRead more
Vandaag 50 kilometer weggetrapt op de fiets in 30 graden. Fort Collins kent prachtige fietspaden (ik zou haast zeggen van Almeriaanse kwaliteit). Een deel gaat langs de wegen, maar nog een veel groterRead more
Vandaag laatste hele dag Fort Collins. Vroeg op om in de Het Roosevelt National Forest nog een stevige wandeling te pakken. We kiezen voor de Hewlett Gulch Trail. Vroeg op omdat de boekjes schrijvenRead more
Wir fahren die Strasse bis zum Milner Pass, wo die kontinentale Wasserscheide verläuft. Alles, was hier östlich abfliesst, landet irgendwann im Atlantik, was westlich abläuft, tritt den weiten WegRead more
Down from 10,000' to 5,000' and the climate change is dramatic it's in the 90's F today at Boyd Lake State Park. Good campground by a lake with sandy beaches and views of the mountains. All sorts ofRead more
We have all arrived back home in the US and we are missing our new friends in Uganda already. Shortly after we got home, they made a video for us which I posted here. What a wonderful surprise thatRead more
While spending two weeks in Uganda, I was constantly curious to learn all that I could about the way of life here. Across the globe, all our lives revolve around the same components of eating,Read more
We are on the other side of Fort Collins now heading for lunch in Cheyenne, Wyoming. As far as the eye can see, there are rolling hills covered in rich green grass. The sky is blue and cloudy.Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Weld County, مقاطعة ويلد, Уелд, ৱেল্ড কাউন্টি, Condado de Weld, Weldi maakond, Weld konderria, شهرستان ولد، کلرادو, Comté de Weld, Weld megye, Ուելդ շրջան, Contea di Weld, ウェルド郡, Weld Kūn, Hrabstwo Weld, ویلڈ کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Weld, Уэлд, Округ Велд, Велд, ویلڈ کاؤنٹی، کولوراڈو, Quận Weld, Condado han Weld, 韋爾德縣