Vatican City
St. Peter's Basilica

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    • Day 45


      August 30, 2024 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Noch ein must Do in Rom. Bin mal eben über die Grenze nach Vatikanstadt spaziert, um mir die wunderschöne Kirche anzusehen. Nach 30min warten in der prallen Sonne dürfte ich dann auch rein.
      Es war atemberaubend.....
      Abends ging es noch in die Bar neben dem Hostel und ich hatte eine mega tiefgründige Unterhaltung. So sollte Alleinreisen immer sein.
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    • Day 193

      Vatikan + Rom

      October 10, 2024 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Rom stand schon sooo lange auf meiner Bucket-List. Mussten erst 35.000 km in die Mongolei und zurück fahren, damit ich den Punkt endlich streichen kann. 🥲
      Wir parken Olaf im Hinterhof unseres Hostels und ziehen zwei Tage zu Fuß los. Es ist verrückt (und traurig), wie allgegenwärtig Einbruch ins Auto und Diebstahl hier in der Region sind. Da sind wir extra dankbar, dass Olaf in Sicherheit ist.
      Tag 1: Glutenfreie Bäckerei #1 -> Glutenfreie Bäckerei #2 + Sandwich Laden -> Vatikan -> Bummeln -> Glutenfreie Pizzeria -> Hostel.
      Absolutes Highlight: Petersdom! Ja, da sind viele Menschen, aber is halt auch das schönste und beeindruckendste Gebäude, dass ich je gesehen habe. 🤷🏽‍♂️
      Tag 2: Sandwich Laden (aus Tag #1) -> second-hand shoppen -> Pantheon -> Kolosseum -> Glutenfreie Pizza -> Olaf.
      Es ist einfach nur beeindruckend was die Römer vor fast 2000 Jahren schon so alles gebaut haben.

      P.S.: Der Strand in der Nähe von Rom ist erstaunlich schön. Nur leider kann man sein Auto nicht eine Minute unbeaufsichtigt lassen und wildcampen kann man auch nirgends.
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    • Day 4

      Basilique Saint-Pierre (Vatican)

      October 15, 2024 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Driiing 7h30 le réveil sonne. Je traîne pas, je me prépare, finis mon sac, et rends mes clés. Je laisse mon sac dans un casier à l’auberge et direction le Vatican, deuxième tentative. 30min de trajet en prenant le métro pour essayer d’y être le plus rapidement possible. Bon bah je suis pas sûre qu’arriver tôt sois la meilleure solution… La file d’attente est 3x plus longue que dimanche après-midi. Quand je la remonte pour aller me mettre à la suite, je ne vois pas la fin. Finalement ça va assez vite, je passe les contrôles (sans mon couteau cette fois…) après 45min.
      MAIS j’ai une idée bien précise en tête : monter dans le dôme de la basilique. Pour ça, il faut bien sûr payer et donc faire à nouveau la queue… Aller encore 45 minutes. Heureusement que j’ai prévu large niveau temps. Une fois le ticket en poche, il y a encoooore une file. Cependant j’avais posé la question à un garde juste avant d’acheter mon billet pour savoir combien de temps il restait de queue car j’ai quand même un bus à prendre. C’est là que j’ai appris que cette fille était en fait pour ceux qui prennent l’ascenseur, mais ce n’est écrit nul part alors des gens font sûrement la queue pour rien…
      Je monte les ??? marches afin d’atteindre le dôme. On sort d’abord sur le toit puis on rentre dans le dôme. C’est quand même stylé d’être là-haut. Depuis le dôme, on voit les gens touuut petits en bas et les jolies dorures. Je redescends puis visite la basilique. Elle est géante, c’est impressionnant. Il y a une différence très marquée avec le bas qui est tout en marbre/pierre, et le haut tout doré. Je descends ensuite dans le sous-sol où il y a les tombeaux des anciens papes et puis il est l’heure de rentrer. À la sortie, on voit des gardes habillés comme des clowns haha.
      Je rentre en métro, m’arrête au supermarché acheter de quoi manger et mange tranquillement à l’auberge. Puis je repars pour la gare routière.
      J’ai 3h de bus, puis un changement à Vasto pour enchaîner avec 4h. Les paysages sont jolis, je traverse la botte alors je passe dans les montagnes ! J’avais peur de louper ma correspondance mais elle s’est en fait déroulée à une station service. Un minibus nous attendait, juste pour les gens du « grand » bus qui vont à Vieste.
      Au final il n’y avait pas du tout 4h de route. J’arrive à 20h à la gare de Vieste, j’ai 15min de marche pour aller à la maison d’hôtes dans laquelle je loge pour 2 nuits. C’est une dame qui a voyagé 3 ans en Europe, qui a beaucoup aimé le contact avec des personnes d’autres nationalités et qui a donc voulu le garder. Elle vit ici avec son fils de 6ans. On discute, elle me montre les trucs utiles de la maison et me conseille des choses à faire/voir, je mange, la douche et dodo. Ce soir, j’ai la chambre de 4 pour moi toute seule !
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    • Day 122

      The Vatican

      December 31, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Today we took a tour of The Vatican. Got to see some perfectly preserved Greek and Roman statues which was awesome. We also got to go inside the Sistine Chapel and see the amazing Michelangelo painting on the roof, however cameras are not allowed in the chapel, so I don't have any photos. To do finish off, we went inside St. Peter's Basilica and saw the incredible mosaics and staues.Read more

    • Day 13


      September 26, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Reißverschlüsse hoch – jetzt wird´s heilig. Der gewaltige Petersdom ist eine Kirche der Superlative, Zentrum des Christentums und vom Stadtbild Roms nicht wegzudenken. Im Inneren bietet er mit einer Fläche von über 15.000 qm Platz für 20.000 Menschen. Besonders das üppige Innere des Doms mit seinen vielen Details zeugt vom Reichtum der katholischen Kirche. Der Überlieferung nach steht die Kirche auf dem Grab des Apostels Petrus.
      Vom Dach der 43 Meter hohen Kuppel bietet sich eine unglaubliche Aussicht über die italienische Hauptstadt, den Petersplatz und den Vatikan.
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    • Day 2

      Domenica a Roma parte 1 - mattina

      February 12, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Giornata molto impegnativa. Comincio dalla fine: siamo distrutti.
      Stamattina siamo usciti intorno alle 9 e dopo una veloce colazione abbiamo cominciato il nostro giro. Dalle foto potete vedere il percorso: passando per l'altare della Patria abbiamo raggiunto il Colosseo. Lì c'è venuta l'idea di andare alla basilica di San Pietro per l'angelus del papa. Andiamo in metro e guardiamo la mappa. Avevamo due possibilità per raggiungere città del Vaticano: una prevedeva tre cambi di metro, un'altra un solo cambio. Scegliamo la seconda, ovviamente. Peccato che il cambio non era con la metro, ma con il treno, quindi abbiamo perso tantissimo tempo perché siamo dovuti uscire dalla stazione metro, raggiungere la stazione treni e lì abbiamo aspettato più di 20 minuti. Insomma, quando siamo arrivati il papa era già a pranzo. Ci siamo comunque fatti una bella passeggiata, abbiamo preso il caffè, guardato lo sconforto negli occhi di chi faceva la chilometrica fila per entrare alla basilica di San Pietro e bevuto tanta acqua dalle fontane, cosa - quest'ultima - che ci portava a dover fare tanta pipì e quindi a prendere altri caffè solo per poter andare in bagno.
      Dopo qualche caffè e pipì siamo tornati a Roma, passando per Castel Sant'Angelo. Abbiamo mangiato un panino con la porchetta di Ariccia Igp davvero eccezionale, in un posticino minuscolo ma davvero ben gestito.
      A dopo per la parte 2!
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    • Day 21

      Holly third day in Roma

      April 17, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We start the morning with a fail trail to see the Fontana di Trevi 😅 (cleaning day)

      Afternoon in the Vatican : musei Vaticani , basilica di san pietro and cappella Sistina

      For the night some drinks in a nice stair bar 🍹 with game 🤩Read more

    • Day 6

      The Vatican

      June 19, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      The days keep rolling, and I keep doing more and more shit. Today, Stef wanted to visit the Vatican - something she had never done, despite being to Rome before, and I was also very keen to see it. Above everything, the best part about travelling with Stef was the fact that we could easily communicate and ask questions to the locals. She knew a fair bit but was mostly useful for finding out the best things to do. She knew how to find the nice restaurants, or at least knew how to ask people where they were.

      We started at the main Plaza of the Vatican, and this was impressive enough. The number of statues and pillars that circled the incredible large area was amazing, not to mention the biblical sized Basilica that overlooks it all. We then continued to simply wander the rest of Rome as we weren't going to get into the Vatican museum until tomorrow, so we figured we would get up early and do it then. We went to the supreme court, to see the magnificence of that building before going to the main attraction for the time being, the Castel Sant'Angelo. The bridges leading up to the castle and the castle itself were incredible. It is crazy the number of things you can see in this city without travelling far at all. This is particularly true for the areas around the Vatican. Just standing on the bridges near the Castel Sant'Angelo, you could see different monuments that spread across the whole city. It is difficult to comprehend how it must have looked hundreds of years ago, given it is hard to fully understand the size and scale of the buildings even today.

      After seeing a few things along the way (Piazza Navona and the Largo di Torre Argentina, most importantly), we made our way to the Campo de' Fiori. This was a little market that is called something like the flower market in italian. When Stef was last here, there were beautiful flowers everywhere, but this time, it was just a market, and most places were once again selling the same stuff. We didn't stick around for too long before heading to the pantheon. Although quite busy, it was an incredible thing to see, the line as too long for either of us to want to wait through, so we made our way to the Trevi Fountain. Once again, it was very touristy but cool to see in person. Although cool, it is difficult to spend more than a few minutes here because of all the number of people, so we went back to the airbnb for a shower. Stef had us booked into a very fancy restaurant, so we got ready and headed there.

      Because we were early, we stopped off at an incredibly nice rooftop bar for a cocktail. We then made our way to the proper restaurant for dinner. After a few drinks, she had already decided what we were going to order. She refused to tell me what we were going to eat but assured me it would be good. The first meal was a standard Italian pasta dish, although very good it was nothing too adventurous. The second serving consisted of ox tail and pigs stomach lining (tripe). I do not remember the names of the dishes, unfortunately, but they were both good. The ox tail was far better than the stomach lining, as the stomach lining was a bit chewy. After she finally broke the news of what I had eaten, we eventually figured out that I had already eaten Lampredotto, which is a traditional Florentine sandwich with tripe. At this point, we were incredibly full and drunk and figured we should get going. She then informed me that most trains in Italy stopped at 11, and given it was 10:45 and had to catch 2 trains to get home, we could only run to the station and hope. Although we made the first train, the second was done for the day. Some more running later, we made it onto the bus and found our way home eventually. By the time we got to bed, it was early in the morning, and we had already decided we had to get in line for the Vatican museum the next day. Not only this, but i had to make my way to my accommodation in Rome after it all. Meaning, it was going to be an interesting day tomorrow.
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    • Day 7

      VatiCANT Move Museum

      June 20, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      After a big day yesterday, we expected today to be even bigger. After getting up early, we arrived at the Vatican museum at 7 am. I had to go drop off my bag and so didn't return until about 8 am. After waiting in line another 2 hours, we finally got into the museum. By this point we were already fucked - especially Stef as she had been standing for an hour longer than me. We had hoped it mightn't be overwhelmingly busy by the time we got in but we quickly realised this would not be the case. Although the museum was very cool, having to deal with literally hundreds upon hundreds of people, made enjoying it that little bit harder. The magnificence and artistry that goes into every roof, corner, window, and wall is truly unbelievable. Every inch of every wall would justify a photo. Only being able to include 20 in this journal entry is incredibly difficult. I could not believe the total hours that must have gone into the construction. Once again, though, the number of people made getting around and reading the descriptions near impossible, and by the end, Stef and I simply couldn't be bothered to even try and read the descriptions. It may have been the wait in line that pushed us to the edge, but we were drained from the beginning. We persisted and did the whole thing but found ourselves looking for the exit by the end.

      Nonetheless, the museum had a special ancient Egypt section at the very beginning, which was of particular interest for me. Given that I won't be making it to Egypt on my trip, it was cool to get some taste for the culture one way or the other. We then made our way to statues and monuments of roman emperors and Greek gods. My interest in both made this a really cool section to get a look at how they were perceived thousands of years ago. It was cool to see the stories of Greek mythology retold in statues. Although the Roman and Greek names are different so I often wasn't sure of exactly what I was looking at even after reading the description (which isn't always easy). We then made our way through the most impressive section of the whole museum, in my opinion. It includes ancient maps of Italy on all the walls, with exceptional pieces of artwork on all of the rooves. It was as though they were crammed in because they had too much beautiful art to include in the museum and resorted to filling them into the ceiling however they could. The lighting they had also added to the effect of a literal godly environment. World can't explain. The video I took I think begins to do some justice to what we witnessed. We then entered rooms with 360-degree murals depicting different wars and events - literally turning a whole room into a single piece of art. The final section was the Cistine Chapel, and although impressive, i was actually not as impressed by this as i was with the previous sections of the museum. I understand it is incredibly old and large, but other than that, i didn't think it was worth sticking around for too long in there and continuing to try and battle the crowds. Perhaps with a guide, I would have understood the monument more and been more impressed, but the other sections of the museum still outshun it, in my opinion. Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I am wholly glad I did it, but I think it would have been better to go in winter.

      To me, the highlight of the day and the trip so far was actually Saint Peter's Basicila. Once again, every mm of space through the whole building was covered by artwork and beauty. But above everything else, the enormity of the building can not be explained in words. Even in today's age, a building of this size would be a remarkable undertaking, and I struggle to believe it would have anywhere near the beauty. Given it was free, adds to the appeal for me, it was far more suited to the large number of people - so we could easily move around and take photos without being squished against walls and people. The final part of St. Peter's Basilica was another tour of the dome. Stef was in a rush at this point to get to her flight, so we got to avoid half of the steps by paying an extra 2 euro and use the elevator (10 euro total). This meant we only had 300 instead of 550. The best part of this was seeing the inside of the Basicilca but from the top looking down. A good photo was hard to get through the fence, though, unfortunately. It put into perspective the size, as people looked more like ants from the top. It also gave me an opportunity to see the details of the mosaics that line the walls. When you get up close and see how many tiny pieces of colour make up an enourmas roof of art, it blows your mind. Even though it was mostly designed to be seen from far below, they did not shy on the details. But eventually, we made it to the top and got to look over the city. This put into perspective the size of Rome and the amount of monolithic buildings they have spread across the city. Each direction you look, you can spot 5 or 6 buildings that stand out as historical and cultural artefacts. We also got to see the gardens that exist within the Vatican. Although I was originally very keen to go through there. Seeing them from above gave you a better idea of what's around anyway. Although it looked cool from above, I think it would be disappointing to walk through as it was mostly just hedges. Stef then had to run to make her train, I had to collect my bag and get to my accommodation, and so the day finally came to an end. It was hard to believe after several incredibly busy days, but I had nothing planned for tomorrow and was very keen to spend it doing nothing.

      Although the final fuck around of the day included getting to my hostel, that actually seemed nice, only to be told that there were works going on and I would be required to go to a different "building". I later learnt it was a completely different hostel, but it was much quieter, so I wasn't complaining too much.

      I unfortunately could not do the day justice with 20 photos so there will be some things I speak about in the entry that did not make it into the photos - apologies.
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    • Day 25

      The Vatican

      September 5, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      The Vatican is emmence, ostentatious, flaunting its wealth and riches at every turn. The Museums, St Peters Square, the Sistine Chapel, and St Peters Basilica are enough to take away the breath of the most fervent non-believer. The collections are varied and astounding, from tapestries to animals, pottery and ceramics, Egyptian artefacts, historical maps, paintings, and statues from the old masters like Botticelli. Michaelangelo and Da Vinci, the list is endless. The buildings soar with such grandeur that it is hard to imagine, even today, just how they were constructed. Awe-Inspiring, even for a lapsed Catholic.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    San Pietro del Vaticano, St. Peter's Basilica, San Pedro, Basilique Saint-Pierre, Petersdom, Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Basilica Sancti Petri, Peterskirken, Peterskyrkja

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