Khê Bao

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    • Day 49

      Ha Long Bucht Sonnenaufgang

      October 20 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in der Halong-Bucht begann früher, als uns lieb war – bereits um 5:45 Uhr klingelte der Wecker. Aber mit dem grandiosen Sonnenaufgang, welchen wir von unserem Bett aus durchs Fenster anschauen durften, war das frühe Aufstehen absolut gerechtfertigt. Kaum zu glauben, wie friedlich und gleichzeitig überwältigend die Landschaft wirkte. Nach einem schnellen Frühstück hieß es dann um 7 Uhr: ab ins Kajak.

      Die Kajak-Tour war optional, aber für uns stand sofort fest, dass wir uns das nicht entgehen lassen würden. Der Plan war eine gemütliche Runde von etwa einer Stunde zu drehen, aber wie das manchmal so ist, haben wir uns ein wenig von den Buchten und dem Abenteuer treiben lassen. Irgendwann war uns nicht mehr ganz klar, ob wir auf dem richtigen Weg waren. Die endlosen Kurven und Verzweigungen der Inseln und Buchten ließen uns zweifeln, ob wir jemals wieder unser Schiff sehen würden. Es war ein echtes Krafttraining für Arme und Nerven, aber am Ende haben wir es nach 3,5km rechtzeitig zurückgeschafft – erschöpft, aber glücklich.

      Nach der Kajak-Tour erwartete uns ein letzter Brunch an Bord. Fünf Gänge, wie es sich für diesen Trip gehört – und wir haben jeden Bissen genossen. Doch dann kam der Abschied vom Schiff und der Rückweg zum Hafen. Irgendwie fühlt es sich komisch an, nach so viel Natur und Ruhe wieder in die quirlige Stadtwelt zurückzukehren.

      Der Bus brachte uns zurück nach Hanoi, wo wir eigentlich gegen 15 Uhr ankommen sollten. Allerdings verzögerte sich die Fahrt um eine Stunde, weil unser Busfahrer von der Polizei gestoppt wurde und eine Strafe zahlen musste. Was genau er falsch gemacht hat, konnten wir nicht nachvollziehen, denn das Chaos auf den vietnamesischen Straßen scheint oft ohne Regeln zu funktionieren. Es sah jedenfalls nicht nach einem klaren Verstoß aus, aber hier läuft die Sache wohl etwas anders.

      Den Abend ließen wir entspannt beim Abendessen und einem kleinen Bummel durch Hanois Straßen ausklingen. Und morgen? Da wird erstmal ausgeschlafen, denn das haben wir uns nach diesem ereignisreichen Tagen mehr als verdient!
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    • Day 6

      Mit dem Kayak auf Erkundung

      September 14 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Der nächste Tag startete, nach dem Frühstück, mit dem Paddel in der Hand, denn heute konnten wir die Bucht etwas auf eigene Faust erkunden. So saßen wir im Zweierkayak und ruderten ohne genauen Plan drauf los. Vor dem Taifun befand sich in dieser Gegend eines der schwimmenden Dörfer. Die konnten dem Sturm natürlich nicht so viel entgegensetzen. Das selbstständige Erkunden war aber auf jeden Fall genau nach unserem Geschmack.😁Read more

    • Day 28

      Halong Bay

      April 19, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      By Andrew

      No trip to Vietnam is complete without a visit to Halong Bay. It is one of the nation's biggest drawcards, and was attracting more than 9 million tourists annually before the pandemic. With more than 500 boats traversing the waterways each day we were hoping that we might be able to find something a little bit more secluded. We had done some research that suggested Lan Ha Bay might be more our style. It's at the southern end of Halong, and is comparatively quiet. Comparatively...

      We booked onto a lovely cruise that spent 2 nights amongst the amazing limestone karsts, but even that felt a bit like a tourist factory. It was no fault of the cruise, and I think it taught us more about our style of travel. We aren't really "cruise" people, apparently. That being said, not sure how anyone can really get much of a unique experience at Halong Bay nowadays, without a seaplane or private charter.

      We were also still being plagued by the same problem that had followed us since Bangkok... the relentless smoke haze of South East Asia. It broke our hearts that even in an amazing place like Halong Bay we'd still be making memories in monochrome.

      The experience started at the marina, which was a bit surreal. Just like in Da Nang, there were endless hotels and resorts popping up, but they all seemed to be empty. Our minivan zigzagged between them until he found the building that Dora Cruise departed from. We paid the bill and boarded the transfer boat that had just returned the previous cohort of tourists. Apparently the cruise ships aren't allowed to dock in between cruises, so they all sit out in Lan Ha Bay, replenished daily with food, fuel and a fresh batch of tourists. From here, all the ships seem to anchor at the same two spots before repeating the process.

      The cruise manager was a jovial guy named Bruce Panda (not kidding). He and the team on board were probably the best part of the whole cruise. Sure, the scenery was stunning, the cabin was lovely, and the food was amazing, but the interactions with the crew were a highlight. Once we made the effort to get to know them, they helped teach us more Vietnamese words (which we butchered) and opened up about life in Vietnam (which we couldn't believe). In the end, kayaking was the only activity that we did while onboard, and we spent the rest of the time just relaxing and soaking in the scenery. Both of which could be done from bed!

      Sadly the scenery included a heartbreaking amount of rubbish in the Bay. This was a real eye opener, and definitely something that you don't see in the brochures. Apparently there are clean-up efforts in the works, but it's sad that this isn't at the top of the government's agenda for a UNESCO-listed tourist hotspot.

      It took me quite a while to write this entry, as I'm a bit conflicted about Halong Bay. It's an undeniably beautiful location, but it made me sad. I get the feeling that it is (and you are also) being exploited, with most of the money going to the Bentley-driving fat-cats in Hanoi instead of maintaining the environment or supporting the locals.
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    • Day 12

      Evening on the cruise by Matt

      July 25, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      We showered and chilled out in our air con rooms with a view. A couple of enterprising ladies circled the ship in a small motor boat offering beers and snacks, but happy hour was round the corner so we politely ignored them. We headed to the top deck to watch the sunset over beers and cocktails, 3 for 2, whilst Millen joined a spring roll making class with his new friend, Yash.

      Utterly relaxed by the serenity of Halong Bay, aided by a few drinks, we admired the view from the top deck as the sun set over the bay. Dinner was a sort of Vietnamese tasting menu, with about 6 courses, including Oysters! The chef then came out of the kitchen carrying a big pan containing shrimps. With great drama he threw in some vodka and set light to the pan, the flames almost touching the ceiling. Then he slammed on the lid, creating clouds of steam that filled the room. Once the culinary performance was over, we each got a shrimp, which was quite nice.

      After dinner some of us tried their luck at squid fishing. Eashan managed to get some of the boatmen to teach him Chinese chess, similar to the Western version but with fewer pieces and an even more restricted king. He was more successful than the squid fishermen but I suspected they let him win 😉
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    • Day 13

      Morning on the cruise by Arushi

      July 26, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      This morning my alarm went off at 5.02 and I opened my eyes to see Millen’s silhouette illuminated by the early morning light filtering through. The three of us opened the curtain to the most spectacular sunrise any of us five have ever seen in our entire lives! It was unreal! The sky was so indescribably beautiful, with streaks of colour painted so delicately against the blue sky. It was breathtaking and could easily be compared to the couples of a campfire with the flaming reds and oranges.

      Millen hurried to wake mum and dad up, as Eashan and I made our way up to the sun deck where we were immersed in the sunrise. We both stayed up there for an hour watching the sky dance around whilst Millen was showering and getting ready (and most likely playing some sort of game).

      It truly was such a magical morning, sharing the beautiful view in our pjs out at sea. A little after 6, the Tai Chi started , where we were joined by Millen, Mum and Dad as well. I’m still not entirely sure what exactly all the motions are (to me they seemed a bit like the sort of moves you might see in interpretive dance), but nevertheless it was still so lovely to stretch our bodies under the first rays of light.

      After a “light breakfast” (more like a full breakfast buffet including pancakes, toast and cereal), we then got to go kayaking at 7.30 around an island next to our boat. We had so much fun racing and splashing each other in the warm water. Millen set off with Yash (they often seemed to find themselves at a close proximity to some rocks), Eashan was with me which left Dad and Mum together. We paddled for about an hour before ditching the kayaks back at the boat for a last dive and swim in the water, still marvelling at the temperature of it.

      We then returned back to the boat to shower and check out before brunch on board as we sailed back towards the port to leave this beautiful bay.
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    • Day 4

      Kayaking in Ha Long Bay

      February 19, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We really enjoyed the mini kayaking trip in Ha Long Bay. We skipped the fishing village and went into a serene little bay to listen to some kind of bird laugh at us. There were fishing ladies doing something with the little baskets.

      I had to take the life jacket off almost immediately because it was WAY too large for me haha but that wasn't nearly as egregious as you going ashore to pee!
      We had to really work together to operate the tandem kayak... Very splashy.
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    • Day 4

      Halong Bay —> Hue

      December 29, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Oggi lasciamo Halong Bay per prendere il volo che ci porterà a Hue, la città imperiale. Voto allo stop in Halong discreto. Purtroppo il cielo coperto e le temperature non hanno aiutato. Un posto molto bello dal punto di vista naturalistico, ma anche molto turistico e senza i colori del sole perde molto. Comunque da vedere nella vita!Read more

    • Day 5

      Try to give compliment, receive egg.

      February 20, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Packed up our bags and went to breakfast. Noodle soup, dumplings, steamed buns, spritz cookies, fruit, toast, bacon, and Tang!!

      I had a lovely omelette and tried to compliment the omelette girl but she misunderstood and brought me another hahaRead more

    • Day 27–29

      Halong-Bay/Lan Ha-Bay, 1.Tag

      October 1 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Um 8:30 Uhr wurden wir von einem Bus abgeholt und in 3 Stunden bis zur Halongbucht gefahren. Nach der Einschiffung gab's erstmal Mittagessen und zwar soviel, dass wir nicht alles schaffen konnten.
      Danach durften wir unser Luxuszimmer auf der M'gloria beziehen. Vom Bett und von der Dusche aus haben wir beste Sicht auf die Umgebung, wirklich traumhaft schön 😍.
      Nach einer kurzen Pause ging's zum Kajakfahren. Dass es angefangen hat zu regnen war uns nur recht, so mussten wir keine Sorge haben, dass uns die Sonne aufbruzelt 😄. Das Wasser in der Bucht ist so warm, dass es zum erfrischen kaum taugt.
      Wieder zurück auf dem Schiff konnten wir etwas relaxen, bevor wir zum Abendbuffett gerufen wurden. Die Schiffscrew ist mal wieder extrem nett und bemüht, alle Wünsche zu erfüllen.
      Als es dunkel wurde, durften wir uns im Tintenfischangeln versuchen, leider erfolglos 😆.
      Mit ein paar Indern haben wir ein paar Runden "Uno" gespielt und danach noch eine Flasche Wein in ihren Premiumsuite geleert und uns nett unterhalten (Wir wussten garnicht, dass Sri Lanka ein eigenständiges Land ist).
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    • Day 4

      Halong Bay

      January 20 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Diese Nacht plagt uns noch der Jetlag, sodass wir gegen 3 Uhr hellwach sind. Gerade wieder eingeschlafen klingelt der Wecker und es geht mit dem Bus in die schöne Halong Bucht. Unterwegs halten wir an einer Perlenfarm und anschließend fahren wir auf eines der zahlreichen Schiffe.
      Unmengen an Touristen und ein Schiff größer und luxuriöser als das Andere. In dem Wissen, dass sowas wie eine Kreuzfahrt eigentlich gar nicht unser Ding ist, lassen wir uns für eine Nacht auf den Luxus ein. Es gibt Unmengen an Essen und zu unserem Glück sind nur wenig Leute mit auf dem Schiff. Unser Highlight ist die Kanufahrt durch die großen dschungelbewachsenen Kalkberge und für Nora der Sprung von Deck ins Meer.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Khê Bao, Khe Bao

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