Le Crapaud

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    • Day 108

      Ha Long Bay

      February 12 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Ir Ha Long Bay hei mir zwöi Täg uf emne Boot di bislang strübsti Touri-Tour (oder Touri-Faue 😅) gha: Düretaktet vo Afang bis Ändi mit 3 (sehr feine!) Mahlzyte am Tag, Kajaking, Cooking Class, Tai Chi, Karaoke, fische, Dorfbsuech ufem Velo und natürlech ganz viu „Happy Water“ 😂! Iidrücklech und wunderschön isch si aber definitiv, die Bucht 🩵!Read more

    • Day 96

      Lan Hà Bay / Halong Bucht

      January 11, 2020 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Mit dem Boot ging es den ganzen Tag hinauf aufs Meer und zur Lan Hà Bay und zur Halong Bucht.
      An der Lan Hà Bay fuhren wir mit dem Kajak durch die Bucht, unter Felsen hindurch und in eine Lagune wo wir, trotz nicht warmen Temperaturen, schwimmen gingen. Wenn man schonmal da ist 😉
      Weiter ging es nach dem Mittagessen (mit tollem Ausblick) in die Halong Bucht. Auch hier konnte man die Zeit nutzen um, mit Kajak oder schwimmend, die Gegend zu erkunden. Am späten Nachmittag ging es dann wieder zurück nach Cat Ba. 🏝️
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    • Day 412

      Halong Bay I

      December 6, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      1 Nacht (06.12. - 07.12.)

      ▪️Von dem Hafen Ben Beo wurden wir von unserem Mini Kreuzfahrtschiff abgeholt und fuhren durch die Halong Bay vorbei an Lan Hà Bay, umzingelt von tausenden mit Regenwald bewachsenen Kalksteinfelsen
      ▪️Mit dem Kajak fuhren wir im smaragdgrünen Wasser durch teilweise 300m lange Tunnel durch die Kalksteinfelsen, entdeckten einsame wunderschöne Lagoonen und Hölen (Dark Cave & Bat Cave) und bestaunten Dao Dau Be, wo der King Kong Film gedreht wurde
      ▪️Besuchten ein schwimmendes Fischerdorf, wo die "Toilette" ein Loch im Boden war und man beim pinkeln die Fische beobachten konnte :P

      💡Zur Recherche der besten und günstigsten Reiserouten nutzten wir die Internetseiten und Zudem begleite uns der Travelblog "Love & Compass", die viele hilfreiche Tipps über das Reisen in Asien und anderen Kontinenten niederschrieben.
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    • Day 21

      A boat ride through Lan Ha and Ha Long B

      September 24, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Of course no trip to Cat Ba, the biggest island of the famous Ha Long Bay would be complete without a boat trip. It is a UNESCO world heritage side and one of the new 7 wonders of nature. Its jungle covered jagged limestone karsts look like Ha Giang mountains submerged into the sea. It’s really a one of a kind beauty. We intentionally chose to go to Cat Ba and not to Ha Long city because Ha Long Bay there is incredibly busy with tourists and there are usually so many boats you can’t even enjoy the view. There were many tour boats leaving from our Harbour but our group was pretty small and we did have some peaceful ( boat free) time. It was really sunny with few clouds which made for nice pictures but was also really hot. We stopped for kayaking which was a great way to see everything up close, a workout with a view. We went through 3 caves, one in which you had to lay down all the way to get under the narrow ceiling. The water was beautiful and refreshing when getting splashed. After we had two opportunities to swim which was really fun. Charly enjoyed a jump off the side of the boat, a video we will addd later. We could swim to monkey island, which has - did you guess it - wild monkeys. It’s actually prohibited now to enter, to protect wildlife and guests, but it seems they don’t take it so seriously. We did see some people get scratched and bitten after antagonizing monkeys so maybe the authorities have a point. After a long day we were happy to have made it to our beds…although we did dream of nice soft European mattresses. Charlys least favourite moment was discovering that a cockroach was taking a break on her toothbrush. The next day we switched hotels, to one more downtown, and with more comfort. We tried to see the bioluminescent plankton at a beach but unfortunately were not successful. Then it was time for our last trip with our trusted bikes to Ha Noi and onto a plane to Da Nang.Read more

    • Day 46

      1 Day Boattrip in Ha Long Bay

      December 15, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Am Donnerstag habe ich einen 1 Day Boattrip in Ha Long Bay gebucht, wobei es sich um die ganze Insel und Küsten Konstellationen handelt, die sich rund um Cát Bà befinden. Eine sehr entspannte Tour mit sehr viel Spaß, Bier ab morgens um 9:30, viel Sonne, Baden, Mittagessen, Kayaking und einen schönen Sonnenuntergang.
      Ein gelungener Tag. 😍
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    • Day 243

      Halong Bucht

      December 3, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ich heuere wieder an einem Kutter an und es geht in die Halong Bucht. Unzählige Inselberge, die zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe gehören. Hier gibt es Menschen, die ihr Leben auf schwimmenden Häusern bzw. Dörfern verbringen, ihren Lebensunterhalt mit fischen verdienen und den Schulweg mit der Nussschale bewerkstelligen. Eine ganz eigene Welt und ihre Infrastruktur. Wir erkunden die Umgebung auch auf eigene Faust mit dem Kayak, gleiten durch Höhlen und viele kleine Buchten. Wie ein Labyrinth reihen sich die vielen Inseln aneinander und führen in die Irre.Read more

    • Day 94

      Lan Ha Bay und Halong Bay

      December 6, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Gestern Vormittag ging’s los auf die Bootstour durch das UNESCO Weltkulturerbe und entsprechend bei Touristen sehr beliebt. Sie führte durch die Lan Ha Bay und Halong Bay. Grün schimmerndes Wasser umrahmt von massiven Kalksteinfelsen. Die Halong Bucht allein umfasst über 1900 Felsen. In diesen Buchten liegen auch viele Floating-Villages der einheimischen Fischer.

      Das Wetter war zwar zunächst etwas bewölkt und deutlich kälter, die Aussicht dafür aber malerisch. Zu der Tour gehörte es auch mit dem Kajak durch Buchten zu paddeln und abgelegene Lagunen und Höhlen zu erkunden. Das war wirklich cool. ☺️

      Heute zeigte sich dann aber die Sonne! ☀️😍
      Wir fuhren noch mal mit dem Kajak los und konnten an einsamen Stränden entspannen.
      Zum frühen Nachmittag fuhren wir zurück nach Cat Ba, von wo aus es direkt weiter nach Ninh Binh ging.
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    • Day 69

      Day 69

      April 14 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Lan Ha Bay

      I woke up nice and early for some breakfast from my hostel then rode over to the tour office for 8.15am ready for the tour. Ha Long Bay is a super famous area of its 1000s of limestone towers in the ocean but is super touristic and busy. Having suffered from a not very fun boat tour in the Phi Phi Islands that was incredibly busy, I went for a tour of Lan Ha Bay instead as it was very similar, closer to Cat Ba, and a lot less busy. A family at my hostel heavily suggested this tour so I booked it last night and was ready for the day. Unfortunately when I was asked to pay I realised I had left my money belt at my hostel and couldn't pay. Luckily, he said I could pay later and I got ready to get on the boat.

      It was a fairly busy boat but there was enough room for most of us on the top deck so we could watch the scenery as we went past - although the seats weren't very comfortable. We cruised at a very slow speed which was great as it let us take in the view and the boat was fairly quiet unlike some of the other boats we had been on. I'll let the pictures speak for the beauty of the place, nomatter which way you looked you had a great view. We cruised past some nice little floating fishing villages before we stopped for a swim. As it was low tide, some small beaches around the islands would appear. Once we stopped I heard a massive splash and I realised that people were jumping off the top of the boat into the water. Hell yeah I thought and it wasn't long before I was in my trunks on the edge of the boat ready to jump. It wasn't as warm as Thaialnd was but definitely not cold, so I swam over to the little island - where I ended up cutting my knees on the jagged rock. I swam back to the boat and jumped maybe 4 or 5 times, and I had a great time each jump.

      Our next stop was for kayaking. We land at a little floating boat station with a few other boats and we queue up. I was riding solo so got paired up with a tall aussie bloke called Douggy. This was great as he powered us along the water and all I had to do was steer. We went through this cave into a larger opening and kept paddling till we got to another cave where the water was too low to get through. We parked up and carefully treaded through the muddy and sharp cave until we popped out into a fairly busy lake. Douggy also happened to have some beers with him, so beers in hand we treaded into the water and went for a swim to the other side and back. We had to be back at the main boat for 12.30 and it was now 12.15 so not wanting to miss our only way back we went back through the cave and hopped back in the boats ready to power our way onwards.

      The first cave we had paddled through now happened to be a major issue as the tide had started to ride so there was a fairly strong current pushing everyone who wanted to escape back the way they came. Boats were going sideways, people were hitting eachother with paddles, and chaos was underway. Douggy and I prepared for our battle against the sea, found our gap and paddled as fast and hard as we could. Weiving through stragglers and pushing off the sides, we managed to make our way through to the other side. Fully pumped, the battle wasn't over as we still had to make it back to our boat. Mighty exhausted we eventually made it back just in time for lunch. This was perfect timing as we had worked up quite an appetite. A family dinner style feast was had and of course it was yummy, it never isn't.

      It was then half of us were moved to another boat as some people had to be dropped off early. This was a great bit of news as it meant we had more space and we had lucked out with much comfier seats on the top deck. I chatted with a couple couples (literally everyone is travelling as a couple) on our way to Monkey Island. After spotting a majestic crow on our boat we arrive at the island and it was now that I realised that me cleaning my sunglasses for the whole journey with a purple towel had dyed my white sunglasses purple. Definitely not intended but I think it looks funky.

      We hopped off the boat down a sketchy ramp and after accidently leaving someone on the boat as they were in the toilet, we made our way up to the viewpoint. Passing monkeys, I wasn't too phased as I had seen quite alot already but everyone else was pretty fascinated but these ones were definitely much more aggressive as one tried to fight me for olmy Fanta. Our hike turned into a scramble and then turned into a climb but ended with a pretty glorious view of the island and the bay. We made our way down and back onto the boat and this was where the true tragedy of the day had struck. My Hoka trail runners that I had been wearing religiously across Asia had slowly been wearing away but the scrambling was the final straw as the sole started falling off. Determined to save them as I needed atleast another month of use, I hatched a plan for the evening.

      We got back and I rode back to my hostel and my first question was where I could buy super glue. Luckily, the restaurant closeby had exactly what I needed and for cheap too. My next question was if I could borrow a brush from my hostel. The dude at reception went out back and brought the perfect tool for the job with him. Needing to clean my shoes before I went for a repair (they hadn't been cleaned since I owned them) I hopped in the shower armed with my brush and my laundry detergent. After some intense dismantling and elbow grease, they started looking alot better. The water was still running brown so I left them under the shower whilst I showered myself and eventually there was no more evidence of dirt. After my shower, I gave the rubber soles a bit of a dry and went to town super glueing every bit of loose sole.

      This post has already gone on far too long but I ended up meeting up with Douggy, a couple Canadians, and a Chinese dude for dinner and a drink in the evening before heading to a club/bar thing for a little while before I had decided I have had enough so decided to head home. Having not been in the town before, it being dark, and there not being a phone holder on my bike, I ended up getting lost repeatedly before finally getting my directions right and getting back.
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    • Day 7


      March 29 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      … heute Abend gab es Reispapier zum Rollen, ein Wahnsinns 8 Gängemenü und das ein oder andere Bier wurde gezischt 🤪

      Die Landschaft ist traumhaft schön und umso beeindruckender natürlich der Sonnenuntergang der unsere kleine Karaokeparty einleitet.Read more

    • Day 7

      Tag 5 und 6 Lan Ha Bay + Halong Bay

      March 8 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Die Halong-Bucht im nordöstlichen Vietnam ist für ihr smaragdgrünes Wasser und die Tausende hoch aufragenden, von Regenwald bedeckten Kalksteininseln bekannt. Dschunkenfahrten und Ausflüge mit dem Seekajak führen an Inseln vorbei, die nach ihren Formen benannt sind, wie etwa die Insel Cho Da ("Steinhund") und das Inselchen Am Tich ("Teekanne"). Die Bucht ist eine beliebte Region zum Tauchen, Klettern und Wandern, besonders im gebirgigen Nationalpark Cát Bà.Read more

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