Museum of Trade Ceramics

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    • Day 6

      Hoi An day 1

      November 12, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      6am wake up
      8am flight
      10:00ish arrival, flight had to circle the runway a few times because of heavy rains.

      We immediately found the weather much less hot and humid. Back in Ho Chi Minh even 6am was very hot and humid.

      When we arrived in da nang the Grab we booked (Uber in Vietnam) wasn’t moving for like 15 minutes so people kept heckling us to take their cab instead.

      We ended up cancelling and booking a Vinfast taxi for the hourish drive from da nang to hoi an, which showed up right away.

      We got to our hotel at about 11, dropped off our bags and walked down to the old part of the town. Hoi an is much smaller and calmer than Ho Chi Minh but even so it’s still Vietnam..

      We walked around the old town and found a nice little restaurant and ate: crispy wonton, white rose dumplings, cao lau, and chicken rice (com ga). A lot of the streets there were like alleys so only motorcycles and people could navigate them, and fruit and vegetable vendors had set up all along the sidewalk so basically motorcycles were just honking their way through the crowds.

      We also found a little tea shop and got a little Vietnamese tea and a teacup!

      The main event though.. Hoi An is famous for having the cheapest tailored clothing in the world, we went a little tiny bit crazy and got custom tailored dresses, shirts, 3 pairs of custom made shoes, pants and I got new linen pants and a full suit!! We need to buy a new bag now. We’ll go back tomorrow to try them all on and see if they need any alterations.

      We finally checked in around 4 to our beautiful little 3rd floor walk up on the river, and then went for dinner just down the street.

      I’ll add more pics when I can get them from Jane
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    • Day 11

      Hoi An

      April 26 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      So ein schönes Städtchen!!! Zumindest die Old Town, die wir nachmittags zu Fuß erkunden.
      Die berühmte japanische Brücke kann man im Moment leider nicht sehen, weil sie restauriert wird. Naja, das Brückenproblem kennen wir ja aus Köln…
      Wir schlendern durch die hübschen Geschäfte, trinken Tee und besuchen zwei chinesische Tempel.

      Natürlich sind wir nicht die einzigen, die es hier schön finden, es ist schon ziemlich touristisch. Aber uns gefällt es ausgesprochen gut!
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    • Day 103

      Hoi An

      February 7 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Oh, du tolls Hoi An 💛! Mit dr wunderbar erhautne Autstadt us dr Kolonialzyt und de unzählige Laterndli🏮üsere Meinig nach die schönsti Stadt vo Südostasie 😍!
      Leider gseh das gfüut e Million Südkoreaner und Chinese glich 😅… Tusig Lüt, Touri-Shops, Käfelis, Restis und Bars. Entsprächend geit me de ou ga shoppe und hockt dr haub Tag imne Kafi oder ire Bar - isch bi däre Szenerie uf dr Strass aber dr perfekt Zytvertrib und unheimlech spannend 😂! Mir hei üs z.B. e Stung lang mau nume uf d‘Schueh konzentriert, wo d‘Touris anne hei - hammer 😂🤦🏻‍♀️!
      Und z‘Tet Festival (Vietnamesischs Neujahr) steit vor dr Tüür: D‘Locals si scho ganz usem Hüsli und am letschti Vorbereitige träffe und Dekoriere 🤗!
      Ei Morge si mir no zu de Marble Mountains. Erwartigsgmäss sehr touristisch, aber mit de verschide farbige Pagodas und Höhline nid verchert.
      Jetzt geits für Tet ufe i chaut Norde nach Hanoi 💥🎊😄👏🏼!
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    • Day 335

      Hoi An

      January 17 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We've made it to our home for the next week - Hoi An! We are excited to spend our days slowly exploring the yellow streets of the Old Town, drinking coffee and shopping. We flew from Ho Chi Minh to Da Nang, arriving in Da Nang around 7.30am, where we took a taxi to Hoi An. We spent our first day here on a walking tour to familiarize ourselves with the area, tick off some sightseeing and understand market prices. By the time the walking tour ended at midday, we were exhausted and felt like we'd already been awake for three days straight, so we rested for the remainder of the day.

      The next couple of days were spent eating at the Central Market, getting some clothes tailored and visiting art galleries. One gallery we particularly enjoyed was the Precious Heritage Art Gallery Museum, which is a permanent exhibition of Rehahn's project to showcase and preserve all 54 ethnic groups within Vietnam. As the Vietnamese government try to unite the country, and younger generations lose interest in centuries old traditions, many Vietnamese ethnic groups, their culture and traditional costumes are slowly being lost to the modern world. This gallery showcased photographs of the different ethnic groups, as well as their costumes and heirlooms. It was a wonderful experience to read about all the ethnic groups and Rehahn's adventures to find them while they are still around today.

      We spent the rest of our days n Hoi An taking it slow wandering the old town for cheap coffee, shopping and catching up on life admin (laundry, washing dirty shoes and clearing photos). We did an evening basket boat tour where we were rowed in the famous basket boats through the coconut forests, fished for crabs and released some lanterns while we watched the sunset. Our time in Hoi An has been very slow and peaceful, with not a lot to report back on, other than we are finally getting good at bargaining with the locals (Mike got a suitcase down from 500,000VND to 300,000VND!).
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    • Day 92

      Hoi An by day 🏮

      October 31, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Na een intense dag in de trein (zoals eerder beschreven) en een korte nacht was het tijd om Hoi An te ontdekken! 🚃 ⏰ Een prachtig klein dorpje, direct aan het water. Gele huisjes, bomen, bloemen, lampionnen en op elke hoek een koffietentje. 🟡 🌳 🌺 🏮 ☕️. Je snapt al, dit is het helemaal! En wonder boven wonder is het even droog (het regenseizoen is er nog steeds), dus we genieten even van de zon en de bijkomende zweetaanvallen! ☀️ 🥵Read more

    • Day 6

      Old Village Guided Tour

      February 29 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We've spent the last 3 hours exploring the old town with a tour guide in a group of 6. The guide was Tom, and he does these walking tours to better his English. A few mistranslations here and there hahah but he was relatively understandable.

      The old town is very pretty, with a mix of Chinese, Japanese and French Architecture. We learnt about the old towns architecture, went into a cultural house, saw a few museums on textiles and trades, watched a traditional dance and music performance show, etc.

      The old bridge that many come to see is under restoration so all boarded up and broken down, but good to learn about. I also had a delicious cold herbal tea that is only found here in Hoi An. It's made of lemongrass, cinnamon and a range of other healthy herbs, and honey. So delicious and only 18k per cup.
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    • Day 22

      Was passiert hier?

      April 22 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Was macht man mit mir? Warum werde ich ausgemessen? Abmessungen für FIFA 2026? Anzug für MI-6? Operation für längere Arme und Beine damit das Gewicht stimmt? Auflösung folgt zur späteren Stunde bzw morgen ….😜🙏Read more

    • Day 75

      Hoi An - A Magical Place (Part 1)

      December 27, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      After a few days on the beach it was time to head north and to one of the destinations I was looking most forward to on this trip - Hoi An, the city of lanterns. Due to its rich history of being an important harbour for Japanese and Chinese traders and subsequently being taken over by the French, the city is covered in colourful lanterns and yellow buildings. It’s a UNESCO heritage site since 1999.

      We had a total of six days to explore the old town and the surroundings and we took things slow in order to soak it all in. The pictures do not do the magic and beauty of the place justice, but give at least a flavour of how wholesome the old town is. It is dotted with beautiful little cafes and shops, a small river that sees lantern boats and candles floating on it every evening, a super yummy Banh Mi place and behind literally every corner is a new photo opportunity.

      The first day after our overnight train journey, we simply wandered around the old town and explored its magic - first during the day and then during the night. And both times, we were in awe. It simply is a place that is impossible not to fall in love with at first sight - especially in the evenings. Even if it is a bit touristy, it has not lost its charm at all.

      It is a place that I 100% want to come back to and highly recommend everyone to visit. It is, hands-down, the most beautiful town I have seen in my life.

      In the next post, I will detail some of the cool things we did in Hoi An and its surroundings.
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    • Day 28

      Jour 1 à Hoi An

      November 29, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Visite de l'une des plus belles villes du Vietnam sous la pluie... Pour les 3 prochains jours
      La ville reste tout de même magnifique avec ses lampions, surtout le soir
      J'ai pu aussi me rendre à un tailleur pour me faire faire une robe et un pantalon sur mesure (spécialité de la ville). Résultat demain!
      Update sur ma santé : j'ai quasi rien mangé aujourd'hui mais ça a l'air d'aller mieux... On verra demain!
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    • Day 71

      Last couple of days in Hoi An

      March 8 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Not too much action last few days, I haven't been feeling great, but we went to a couple of restaurants that Spencer recommended and found some good brisket last night at Hai Cafe Courtyard BBQ. Spent some time by the pool reading and resting this afternoon. Off to Hanoi tomorrow. Weather will be cooler and maybe wetter as we move north now. We haven't had any rain to speak of since we left Singapore. There are only 4 weeks to go.Read more

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    Museum of Trade Ceramics

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