Xóm Hai

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    • Day 36

      Day 36 - Sapa Trekking

      October 15, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today we went on a 6 hour (about 13 mile) guided trekking tour through Sapa and the surrounding villages. The beginning and end were through some rugged/steep/rocky/muddy trails - going up to the ridge in the beginning and down into the valley at the end. At a couple of spots, we were pretty much rock climbing and at one point we had to climb over a tree through a muddy landslide. After I had a minor slip towards the beginning of the hike (and accidentally grabbed onto a fence covered in barbed wire to catch myself), Tim and the trekking guide and one of the other village ladies that was following us, were very helpful guiding me any other time we reached a rough area (even though I insisted I could handle it). But most of the walking in the middle was on decently maintained paths through mountain villages where they farm on the terraced mountainside. We passed by a ton of animals roaming free along the paths and in the villages - pigs, buffalo, cows, chickens, ducks, dogs. There were great views of tall, steep, lush green mountains, recently harvested rice terraces, waterfalls, villages, and the valley below. It was an awesome day.

      After the trek, we took much needed showers, I took a nap, and then we went out for one of our best Vietnam dinners yet - veggie spring rolls, beef fried noodles, and curry chicken in a coconut with fresh mango juice and a couple of beers! Tomorrow is our last day in Sapa and it will likely be our first (and maybe only) day of bad weather of the trip (this should be the last rain storm before the region's dry season officially begins). So we plan to get massages, do some shopping, eat a pho lunch, and a fish hot pot dinner!!
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    • Day 35

      Day 35 - Sapa Arrival

      October 14, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      What a wild day! We woke up early (5:40), got ready, packed, ate breakfast (the hotel set up breakfast an hour early for us), and hopped on the sleeper bus to Sapa. I had no idea the sleeper bus meant basically individual beds! It was awesome and super comfortable. The ride to Sapa was beautiful, through the mountains with views of the rice terraces and waterfalls.

      Once we arrived and got off the bus in Sapa, our host (well, the homestay taxi driver) was waiting with a sign that said "Courtney". This is when things got interesting and our (my) first minor mess up happened! We were supposed to be staying at a nice hotel, with a private balcony and beautiful mountain views, right in Sapa Town. I had been looking forward to this place for months. As the taxi driver drove out of the town and down through the mountain, I started to get a little confused, but wasn't too worried about it (and he didn't seem to speak much English so there wasn't much we could do). Then the ride continued for about 45 minutes through rocky roads, lined with all sorts of animals - cows, ducks, chickens, pigs, dogs. We ended up in the middle of nowhere at a place called Heavenly Homestay. I recognized the name from some emails but the place didn't seem right at all. We checked into our room and I tried to figure out what happened. I pulled out our little notebook with all of our bookings and travel documents and, sure enough, our Sapa hotel was called "Botanic Sapa", and I had jotted some notes about the terrace and the views and being right in the middle of town. That's when I realized what had happened. Back in April, when I was first looking at hotels, I had emailed this homestay about availability, since it was so highly rated. He didn't get back to me for several weeks, at which point I had already booked the other hotel. I deleted the email and forgot about it. Well...2 weeks ago, he emailed me and said he wanted to confirm our Sapa booking for the same dates that we were planning to be in Sapa. I just assumed it was our hotel and told him yes. Then about a week ago, due to the weather forecast, we switched around our Vietnam plans. I emailed him back and asked if we could switch dates and he said it was no problem. He had his driver pick us up and we ended up at the completely wrong place. We considered just staying there, but the weather isn't great so there would be nothing to do, and we were hungry and there was nowhere to go, and there was a chance of flooding and we really didn't want to get stuck there for a week, and there was absolutely no wifi/service and my mom would freak out if she didn't hear from me for a week. So, it was basically all my fault for not paying attention, but we were in the middle of nowhere, not where we wanted to be, and the host was really nice about it and had the driver take us back to the town (not for free this time). Our really nice hotel that I was excited about was full since we were here on the wrong dates, but they were also really nice and gave us a full refund even though it was passed the refundable date. We found another (cheaper) awesome hotel right in the middle of town. We don't have our beautiful terrace with mountain views, but it is foggy and cloudy anyways so it's not a huge deal. It all worked out in the end, just had a couple of hours of stress. We knew something would go wrong at some point, so it could have been much worse!!...sorry...that was a long story!

      Anyways, after we checked in, we checked out the town. It's really cool. Full of restaurants and shops and bars, with both locals and tourists everywhere. We wandered around for awhile, got pho for dinner, then settled down at some outdoor seats on a busy corner right on the lake for some beers. Now, we need to rest up - Sapa trekking tomorrow!!
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    • Day 37

      Day 37 - Last Day in Sapa

      October 16, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today was fairly uneventful. It rained (mostly just a drizzle) on and off all day. We hung out at the hotel a bit, walked around the town a bit, ate quite a bit, and got massages! Still a fun and relaxing day.

      We didn't take a single picture today, but here are some more from yesterday's adventures!
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    • Day 47

      Sa Pa, Vietnam

      March 25, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      "Sa Pa".. Nun ja, wie bereits im letzten Footprint beschrieben, mussten wir erst einmal von "Dong Hoi" hier her kommen. "Sa Pa" liegt im Norden Vietnams, gleich an der chinesischen Grenze und ist damit der nördlichste Teil, den wir auf unserer Reise besuchen. Da es keine andere Verbindung gibt, blieb uns nichts anderes übrig, als wieder mit dem Zug zu reisen. Dass das Zugfahren ein Abenteuer für sich ist, haben wir ja bereits berichtet. Diesmal dauerte unsere Zugreise allerdings ganze 21h mit Zwischenstopp und Umstiegszeit (während der wir etwas zum Abendbrot essen konnten) in Hanoi. Da der Zug jedoch nur bis "Lao Cai" fährt, wir aber direkt bis in die Provinz "Sa Pa" wollten, da diese auf dem Gipfel des bergischen Umlandes und in mitten der Reisterrassen liegt, weswegen wir in erster Linie in diese Region wollten, mussten wir von Lao Cai aus noch mit einem Minibus die Serpentinen hinauf. Bis wir schließlich in Sa Pa ankamen, waren bereits 25h vergangen uuuuund.. es regnete in Strömen! Diesmal hatten wir keine Unterkunft über das Internet gebucht, sondern wollten uns vor Ort etwas suchen. Super Idee, wer konnte wissen, dass wir ausgerechnet im Regen ankommen. Nachdem wir drei/vier Unterkünfte angefragt hatten, fanden wir schließlich eine nette Bleibe. Zwar hätten wir an unserem Anreisetag noch genügend Zeit gehabt, die Umgebung zu erkunden, aber da es mittlerweile zu donnern begann, waren wir gezwungen erst einmal im Hotelzimmer zu verweilen, um am Nachmittag wenigstens einen kleinen Spaziergang durch den Ortskern zu machen. Leider verhieß der Wetterbericht für die nächsten Tage nichts gutes und Sa Pa blieb während unseres dreitägigen Aufenthaltes bis auf einen kleinen Augenblick in Wolken und Nebel getaucht und so auch die Reisterrassen! 😒
      Um nicht im Hotelzimmer zu versauern, planten wir für den zweiten Tag eine kleine Wanderung zum "Cat Cat Village", in dem noch Mitglieder verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen, wie zum Beispiel der "Red Dao" wohnen. Wie wir aber bereits bei unsere Ankunft feststellen mussten, hat der Tourismus hier mittlerweile die Oberhand und so belagern einen die Stammes-Frauen bereits auf dem Weg zum Dorf und wollen etwas verkaufen. Und auch am Eingang des Dorfes angekommen, wird Eintritt verlangtes, ein großes Schild mit der Aufschrift 'Tourism Area' steht zur Begrüßung aufgestellt und es reihen sich die Verkaufsstände aneinander. So wirklich einladend war dass nicht, sondern hat uns eher abgeschreckt. Der Tourismus hat eben auch seine Schattenseiten und nimmt diesem wahnsinnig schönen Land an einigen Stellen den Charme. Wir entschieden uns gegen einen Besuch im Dorf und schauten uns lieber so noch etwas in der Umgebung um. Auch am dritten Tag und damit unserem Abreisetag, unternahmen wir noch eine kleinere Tour zum Abfahrtsort der "Fansipan Legend"-Seilbahn, da dieser auch etwas höher gelegen ist. Die Fahrt mit der Seilbahn fiel allerdings aus, da es auch auf dem, mit 3143m, höchsten Berg Vietnams regnete und man aufgrund der Wolkendecke keine frei Sicht hatte. Da hätten sich die 60 Dollar pro Person auch nicht gelohnt! 🤑
      Also ging es im Anschluss zurück und ab in den Minibus, der uns zurück nach Lao Cai brachte, wo wir in den Sleeper-Bus umstiegen, der uns nach "Halong" bringen sollte. Damit waren die Tage in Sa Pa leider nicht wie erwartet, sondern kalt, nass und ungemütlich. Wenigstens haben wir unsere Regenjacken somit nicht um sonst mitgenommen. Nur an langen und warmen Klamotten fehlte es tatsächlich, somit half nur ein mehrteiliges Schichtsystem. 😅
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    • Day 9

      Ket Doan Sleeper- Bus Sapa - Cat Ba

      January 8, 2020 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Ja was soll ich sagen, nach unserem traumhaft schrecklichen Aufenthalt auf dem Fansipan wollten wir unbedingt an einen schöneren Ort. Dafür bucht man sich Plätze in einem der regionalen Bus Unternehmen. Für umgerechnet 44€ fährt man damit über Nacht durchs ganze Land, spart sich das Hotel und ist am nächsten Morgen ausgeruht zB auf der Insel Cat ba. Soviel zur Theorie! Hier im wirtschaftlich aufstrebenden Land Vietnam ist alles auf den Tourismus ausgelegt, an jeder Ecke ,in jeder Straße ,auf jeder Internet Seite gibt es die gleichen Angebote von Reiseveranstalter. Der Markt ist so übersättigt, das die Qualität der Dienstleistungen sehr stark leiden, was wir natürlich am eigenen Leib erfahren durften.
      Unser Bus stand pünktlich bereit am Office in Cat Ba, schon das einladen und die Platzvergabe läuft sehr unorganisiert. Die Bewertungen im Netz sprechen immer wieder von einer sehr unfreundlichen Crew und einem sehr aggressiv fahrenden Busfahren. Jupp, den haben wir. Schon nach den ersten paar Überholmanövern auf kurvigen, engen Straßen wusste ich, ich werde die nächsten 11h nicht schlafen. Grob verkehrswidrig und rücksichtslos, also alles andere als Fahrgastfreundlich steuern wir also über die Autobahn. Es gibt weder Infos über Pausen noch erfahren wir die Gründe warum wir mind 20 mal mitten auf der Autobahn zum stehen kommen um einheimische ein und auszuladen. Da der Bus von vornherein ausgebucht war finden die natürlich nur irgendwo zwischen den Gängen Platz. Alles was in den schlechtesten Bewertungen geschrieben wird wird erfüllt.
      - nur ein Fahrer für 11h
      - nur eine Toilettenpause
      - Transport von Einheimischen
      - aggressive Fahrweise
      - keine Infos über irgendwas
      - kein Englisch
      Ich hatte also viel Zeit mir aufzuschreiben was in dieser Nacht so ablief. Irgendwann stoppen wir am seitenstreifen der Autobahn. Vorbildlich, der Fahrer legt sich zwischen die Gänge und schläft. Nach ner Stunde hält ein anderer Bus neben uns. Es steigen Leute ein, wecken den Fahrer und weiter gehts. In Hai phong angekommen hielten wir nochmal gut eine Stunde um irgendwelche Gepäcke auszuladen die Unterwegs mit Transportern auf dunklen Straßen angekarrt wurden. Für das letzte Stück, auf die Insel Cat Ba nahmen wir die Fähre. So schlimm das auch alles klingt , aber irgendwie klappt es am Ende immer.

      Man muss das schlechte gesehen haben , damit man das schöne zu schätzen weiß.
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    • Day 5

      Muong Hoa Valley

      August 25, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Today will focus on visiting more villages. I am hopeful for a little less walking but after a night's sleep I am ready to go again.

      Going to need a holiday after just the last few days. The mind is relaxed as it is so beautiful but the body well what can I say, I will leave that to your imagination.

      The Moung Hoa Valley from the top near Sapa is beautiful, lots of rice paddies and villages.

      Mr Kien, our driver, had his work cut out for him today. The roads are dreadful, driving down steep hills, around huge pots holes and dodging people walking along the narrow roads and traffic.
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    • Day 4

      Diamond Hotel Sapa

      August 24, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Our driver took us straight to the our hotel but our room was not ready as it was only 7.30am.
      We had some breakfast at the hotel looking over the mountain before our tour guide, Mr Quong arrived to take us on our trek into the villages.Read more

    • Day 4

      Black H'Mong and Red Zao

      August 24, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      The Hmong are an ethnic group from the mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.

      The Black H’mong women are famous for making cloth from hemp and dying it a deep indigo blue. They wear long blouses decorated with batik flowers over short trousers, and wrap long scarves around their legs.

      Red Zao tribe, pronounced Red Yao or Red Dao, is the second largest ethnic minority in Sapa district.

      Their unique belief system holds elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Dao people worship their great ancestor Ban Vuong as their Holy Man.

      Red Zao society in Vietnam is a patriarchal with dominant men roll in the family. Red Zao women shave their heads and eyebrows. They wear a distinctive red triangular shaped turban, decorated with silver coins and red tassels. A square piece on there clothing symbolizes they are children of God.

      We also visited one of their local schools.
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    • Day 4

      Treking through the village

      August 24, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      So far an incredible day walking though the village hamlets taking to the locals even going inside one of the houses. Certainly a day to remember for the people and scenery, however, not so much for the incredibly sore knees by now. We have walked 8 kilometres over some very steep hills.Read more

    • Day 4

      Ham Rong Mountain

      August 24, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Back in the car for about 15 min so we can visit Ham Rong Mountain.

      Ham Rong Mountain is situated in the centre of Sapa town and according to legend, once upon a time there were a couple of dragons were so madly in love. While they slept there was a biblical flood and but they didn’t know until they awoke. It was too late for them to escape from so they were washed away and separated and then turned into stone and due to natural instinct, the female (Ham Rong Mountain) always looks toward her lover in the west (the Hoang Lien Son mountain range).Shaped like a dragon’s head in the clouds, Ham Rong Mountain is approximately 2000 metres high with green trees and colourful flowers almost all year round.

      The path leading up to Ham Rong Mountain consists of many stone steps and winding trails. About mid­way, there's in an orchid garden with over 400 species. Standing on the highest point of Ham Rong Mountain (which we didn't continue through to) there is a breathtaking view over the romantic Sapa town.

      We did walk a far way up the mountain, apparently over 500 steps up and even more coming down.

      No wonder when we finally arrived back at the hotel I was having spams in my legs, I could hadly walk.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Xóm Hai, Xom Hai, Xóm 2

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