Hiking the moors and highlands

октября 2012
October 16 will be the 5th anniversary of making the summit of Kilimanjaro. In celebration, we're reuniting with the other climbers to hike in the Lake District of England. We're also taking a week to visit Ireland and the Southern coast of England. Читать далее
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  • День 11

    A quick tour of London

    15 октября 2012 г., Англия ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

    We decided that a hop on, hop off bus tour of London would be the most efficient way to see the important sites. We started at Victoria Station and discovered that the hotel we stayed in last night was in a very posh district. We weren't terribly surprised, as we had noticed an inordinate number of BMWs, Jaguars, Mercedes, and even a Bentley. We also found out that we stayed on the same street, a block down from 180 Ebury, the location where a little 8 year old boy wrote his first symphony-Mozart. Apparently the rock opera, Tommy, was also penned in this neighborhood.

    Our first hop off was at Buckingham Palace, where I was surprised to learn that the coat of arms included a unicorn. The palace is enormous, probably to accommodate all the tourists. This was definitely the busiest place we've been on our whole vacation. There was no queen, and we missed the changing of the guards, as that happens on the even days of October. Rats!

    We swung by Westminster Abbey, which is an impressive structure. We didn't pay the $20+ to go into the Abbey but opted for the free church of St Margaret next door. We enjoyed reading the crypt markers, and we're pretty sure we stepped on Thomas Payne. Our paths continue to cross. Big Ben and Parliament are right next door and preceded our drive by Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and the Tower Bridge.

    We hopped off again at St Paul's Cathedral where we ate at a nearby shop. St Paul's is where Charles and Lady Di were married, which surprised me, since I thought that was at Westminster Abbey. Personally, I would have chosen the Abbey, and I would have chosen someone other than Charles. Winston Churchill was also married here, as well as mourned here during his funeral service.

    Trafalgar Square did not disappoint for souvenirs. You can purchase anything with the Union Jack at the surrounding stores. For example, you could get a coffee mug, boxers, pencils, ties, lunch boxes, tea tins, and condoms all proudly displaying British pride. We gathered a handful of items, plus a couple of Olympic 2012 tees, then hopped back on. We finished out the tour passing by several monuments and memorials. My two favorite were the Women in War memorial. It was a large block of stone with coat hangers all around the top, with women's working gear hanging from the pegs. My other favorite was the Animals of War memorial. A variety of animals are seen chipped into the front of this stone monument, wearing their implements of war. For example, the beasts of burden are pulling carts, while dogs are sniffing out trouble. On the other side of the wall are free standing, stone-carved animals that are free from the shackles of war duty. Full sized statues of a horse and a dog prance peacefully away from the memorial.

    The bus dropped us off at Victoria Station again, where we returned to the hotel to collect our bags. We rode the tube to the train station, where we travelled a couple hours to Manchester. We are settled in for the evening and will pick up Anhgus from the airport before 0800 tomorrow. The three of us will drive together to the Lake District, where we will meet up with Nick and Barbara. Ciao for now!
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  • День 12

    It's nice to be here, given there

    16 октября 2012 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 41 °F

    We were off to the usual late start, not due to planning but due to misdirection. The instructions I received for Budget said the car rental was in Terminal 1. Kim and I looked all over Terminal 1 and found nothing. Finally, Kim asked the man at "Disabled Services" (seemed logical), if he could tell us where the care hire was. Well, about three weeks ago (which is after I made the reservation) they moved the car rentals off site to the Car Hire Village. We needed to take a bus. So, we waited for the bus and then took a long bus ride to the Village. As we walked in the door, I heard Anhgus' voice. She and Kim chatted while I got the car. With keys in hand, we loaded up, aimed north and hit the motorway. We had very little trouble finding the Lake District.

    It was a joy to see Barbara and Nick again. They oriented us to the cottage, as we got caught up on things. After chatting for a bit, we set out for a walk to the next village over for lunch. We walked along a small river, transporting the fallen leaves of autumn trees. We wandered through some meadows for grazing, being sure to close the gates behind us. There are so many black sheep here. Now I know where they all go! Being called a black sheep here probably means that you're just like everyone else.

    We enjoyed an extended lunch at Chester's, by the water, then retraced our steps to Elterwater, where we will be staying for a few days. Anhgus and Kim immediately took a nap, and Barbara didn't surrender to the sandman until a bit later. I stayed up with Nick and did some reading, until it was time to eat again. We walked a hundred paces to the pub and devoured a chicken and leek pie. When we returned to the cottage, we ate a mountain of cake, literally. Barbara had a cake made with seven hikers on the summit. Unfortunately, Jim and Matt couldn't make it, but we ate enough for them too.

    Big cheers to us! Five years ago today we made the summit of Kilimanjaro together. We all agreed that we were happy to have done it...once!
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  • День 13

    Amblin' to Ambleside

    17 октября 2012 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

    Kim, Nick, and I opted out of the 10 mile run in the rain this morning. Instead, I slept in and got going slowly. We made it out of the house around 11:00 for a walk to Ambleside. The Lake District is carved with hiking trails throughout the area. You cross through a number of gates, as a great deal of the countryside is used for sheep grazing. The sheep don't seem to mind people traipsing across their territory, although the farmers can shoot your dog if they go after the sheep. Otherwise, you are welcome to transverse others' property all you wish.

    Several species of trees are turning here, so the colors are vibrant against the green meadows. It did rain off and on, but nothing that the raincoat and quick-drying pants couldn't handle. The weather hung clouds and mist over the peaks of the fells (mountains) seen from the trail. Barbara gave me a little schooling on proper terms this morning at breakfast. Besides fells, I learned that beck is a stream and force is a waterfall. And I thought we were all speaking English! We had several moments lost in translation that we laughed about. I watched Barbara try to explain where we were, and Kim couldn't quite get it. So Barbara, ever so patient, spelled Rydal, which she received with an "Ohhh!" (insert inflection of finally understanding). Nick is terribly gracious, as well. He and I had walked over a bridge, where Anhgus, Kim, and Barbara stopped to enjoy the river running below. I heard Nick ask me if I had played the pool stick game. I asked for clarification, and he repeated the pool stick game. "No, but I've played billiards." Now, he could have easily laughed at my misunderstanding, but he kindly correct my hearing and said, "Poo stick game, like Winnie the Poo."

    "Ohhh!" (insert inflection of finally understanding).

    We arrived at Ambleside around 2 and enjoyed a lunch of soup and sandwiches. We wandered about the town a bit before hitting the trail home. Nick devised a combination of footpaths to avoid returning the same way that we came. We walked along Rydal Lake and hiked along a hill looking down on a much larger body of water. One of the things I adore about this region is the abundance of water. It seems like everywhere you walk there is a small creek, beck, river or lake. You are never far out of earshot of trickling water. Of course, the result is an endless hue of green in every direction.

    Tired, we arrived back at the cottage around 6pm. We cleaned up and headed to the local pub for dinner. The Britannia Inn is about 500 years old but has been a pub for just 200. I went for the traditional bangers and mash, since I hadn't had it yet. It was a delicious Cumberland sausage with potatoes mashed with sweet red onion and a lovely brown onion gravy. Delicious!

    Lest I forget for those who don't know...The Poo stick game requires each player to find a small stick. Once everyone is properly armed with their own Poo stick, they line up on the side of the bridge from whence the water flows. On the count of three, the sticks are simultaneously dropped in the river, and the players run to the other side of the bridge to see which stick floats past the predetermined finish line first. Quite a lot of fun for grown adults.
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  • День 14

    A day in the Lakes

    18 октября 2012 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

    We spent the day in Windermere and Grasmere today. Poor Nick had planned an 8 mile hike for us, which was then reduced to a portion of the trail, which was further shortened to a few walks around the towns. We got up way too late for a long hike, and Kim was not feeling well enough for a prolonged walk, due to her gastronomical issues.

    Grasmere is a nice little village that held great inspiration for William Wordsworth. We visited his gravesite at the parish church, as well as the cottage in which he lived. As we took in the views, it was clear to me that anyone could be a great poet with this much material. The area is flush with vegetation, and I'm sure the wildlife was abundant in his time. The lake reflects the fall colors today, and the water is probably still just as clear as it was back then.
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  • День 15

    One last spin in the Lakes

    19 октября 2012 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

    We packed up and cleaned the cottage for the next lucky visitors. Once the cars were full, we followed Nick and Barbara to Coniston. This village sits on Coniston Lake, which has been the site of some history. Back in the 1930's through the 60's, a father and son duo broke the world speed record on water at this lake. It is the longest straightest, deepest, unobstructed body of water in the Lake District, which made it the perfect choice for speed. First, in the late 30's Malcolm Campbell set the world water speed record at about 141 mph. His son, Donald, later set consecutive records in the 50's and 60's, and at one point, actually held the land and water speed records at the same time. The last time he broke the record he hit about 320 mph, piloting the Bluebird K7, after which he lost control, crashed, and died instantly. So, I guess he didn't get to celebrate that one. At the museum, we saw a replica of the K7, which looked more like rocket than boat to me.

    We walked a bit near the lake and had lunch at the lakeside cafe. We did a little shopping, then parted for a night in Manchester. It was sad to leave Barbara and Nick, but we'll see them again soon, I'm sure. Anhgus dared to hitch a ride with us back to the hotel, where we were all staying near the airport. I dropped off the rental car, proud to have not hit a single curb in this one. Kim and I will pack, so we're ready to catch our flights back home tomorrow morning.
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  • День 16

    Manchester to Dublin, Dulles, and Denver

    20 октября 2012 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

    A long day of travel ends with a beautiful Colorado sunset. There is nothing like flying into DIA and seeing the vast expanse of cloudless sky over the Rocky Mountains!

    In two weeks, we've taken in more stone structures, churches, and tea than a single person has a right to. Regardless, I think there must be 100 things that I would say I enjoyed the most, but my top ten favorites include:

    10. "Traffic Calming" signs.
    9. Insisting that the door lock was broken on our room at the pub in Kilkenney, when it was actually my inability to figure out how to work it.
    8. Spending 5 minutes trying to figure out how to unlock the passenger's door in the Vauxhall, when it finally dawned us to use the door handle.
    7. After the two clairvoyants told us that they had missed an appointment, due to arriving the wrong day, it struck me that they should have known the right time in advance.
    6. 6'6" roads are wide enough for two way traffic.
    5. Five grown adults playing the Poo Stick game...several times.
    4. Mashed potatoes with two baked new potatoes on top.
    3. Reading Wainwright in a lovely cottage, on a wee road, in the old country. Brilliant!
    2. Clotted cream.
    1. Spending good times with Amy, Anhgus, Nick, Barbara, and finally meeting Millie.
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