backpacking down under

september 2016 - september 2017
Et 367-dagers eventyr av B4tt3rij Les mer
  • 121fotspor
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  • 367dager
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  • 30,9kkilometer
  • 17,9kkilometer
  • Dag 43

    rainy day

    29. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I hiked a lot today. Also a track that wasn't the best decision to do.:-P I saw a lot of waterfalls and a lot of rain falling from the sky. In one cave I met some people. They camped there during the night. They were very friendly and nice to chat with.

    Hopefully it's dry tomorrow.

    In Australia they got everywhere signs what is not allowed. That's pretty much thesame as in Netherlands. Only here is the consequence also on the sign. So if you something wrong, you know exactly what it should cost. Pretty handy. So now I know that I saved a lot of money by not getting caught. Haha
    Les mer

  • Dag 45

    blue Mountains

    31. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    I met some German people the other day and we went together to the 3 sisters. That was okay but not amazing. Afterwards we did go separate ways. I went to an cave, really amazing and really big one!

    Afterwards I went to some lookouts that where okay. And did an easy 4wd track. To another cave and lookout. The lookout was amazing! You could see 360 degrees around you.

    Then I went further down the track to the Victoria waterfall. It was a hike down of 40 minutes. But it was definitely worth it. I first saw the cascades. And then went to the Victoria waterfall where I took a natural shower. I met some Chinese people over there and we went back up together. Everyone was exhausted except me. Haha

    In the parking spot/camp site @ the Victoria Falls I met some great people. We hung out together. Made a fire, and had to saw some wood. Luckily I had an proper saw! We played a game where you have to pick up a box with your mouth and without touching the ground with your knees or hands. Every time you picked up the box you have to make it a bit smaller. So every time you have to bent deeper. And afterwards ofcourse perudo! We drunk so cheap whine. 6 bottles for only 10 dollars. That's really amazing so cheap!

    I went to bed somewhere around 1 o clock so it was an great night!
    Les mer

  • Dag 46

    just some unregular days

    1. november 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Yesterday I went for some hikes. The weather was good, 23 degrees sunny and windy. Saw some caves. A huge tree. Unfortunately the tree was struck by lightning. While I was hiking I saw some animals, I could only take a picture of the bird. A really cool one with nice colours. It was approximately 3 meters from me so that was really close! :-D

    Today I went to the mechanic, but he was not there and I left a paper with my number, so I'll see when he has got time. I got some stuff. Also the wax for my Surfboard so in the afternoon I went for a surf. Unfortunately I couldn't catch a wave, surfing with a hardboard is totally different and harder than with the softboard. So probably tomorrow morning new changes.

    For dinner I went to the amazing restaurant called domino's! The pizza's are tasty and only 5 dollars! That is really cheap for a good pizza of medium size.
    Les mer

  • Dag 47

    AFF stage 8

    2. november 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    This morning I wanted to surf. Just before I went into the water my leg strap broke. So went back to the car and went to the shop for a new leg strap. Afterwards I went to the dropzone again because the weather should be good.

    I arrived there and luckily I could get on the last load. I jumped from 11000ft and did slowfall and fastfall afterwards some tracking. Opend my Parachute and landed fine. I was more confident this jump and it went very good.!

    Stage 9 as last. Jump from 4500ft, get out of the plane, get stable and deploy Parachute immediately.

    I got my logbook and know what I have to do to get an a license. I need at least 10 jumps where I land within 30 meters of the target and do an theoretical exam. So I'm gonna learn again.. Just like In school. I do some more jumps. And thinking about starting with my b rel's. The b rel's is the course for the b license.

    After my jump I fixed my seat belt of the car, it took me 2 hours or something. Pff. And I got the cable in for charging my battery. Jeaj! All done!

    In the evening the generator wasnt working of the living caravan. So I had a look and it was only a loose connector. The guys where grateful. And we could watch the latest movie of transformers.
    Les mer

  • Dag 48

    finished AFF and first B rel!

    3. november 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    In the morning I had to do the hop and pop - AFF stage 9. So jump at 5000ft out of the plane and get stable as soon as possible. Then deploy Parachute and land on the ground. As simple as it can get. And I passed!

    Next are the B rel's. These are the stages for the b license. I did the first stage today and it didn't go to well. My exit was unstable and it was my first exit where I had to climb outside the plane. After I got out of the plane. I had to do some slowfall with docking and fastfall with docking. But I just went going backwards and moved to far from the instructor. At 5000ft I had to turn 90 degrees away and do a short track, brake and deploy Parachute. I did everything way to slow and my Parachute was opened @ 2200ft that is way to low. So next time I have to be faster and make quicker adjustments. My landing was good and landed next to the target.
    Video of the jump:

    I studied trough the books for the a exam. I hope to do it next week.

    This evening had a talk with some mates at the dropzone, played ping pong and ofcourse perudo! And we drink some beers, great evening!
    Les mer

  • Dag 50

    b rel's with barbie

    5. november 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    The night before was pretty crazy we did some tree climbing in the middle of the night. And some rock climbing. But it was so good!.

    The next morning I had to wake up early and do my b rel 1 again. The exit was a lot better and I deployed also at the good height. The only thing I have to improve is that my legs are to wide.

    Afterwards I did B rel 2 and did an linked exit. That went really good and I had to turn sideways and dock. And the Turning I had to do with my leg. But still have to bring my legs more together. So somewhere next week I'm gonna do some more indoor skydiving and improve my box position.

    Video of b rel 2:

    In the afternoon we had some beers because I finished my AFF, someone else got his b license and another one got his tandem instructor license. It was pretty cosy. In the evening we had an barbie (bbq) and played some games. It was really good!
    Les mer

  • Dag 50

    making a terrace

    5. november 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today was an relaxing day. We tried to find a chill place with some guys but didn't worked out. On our way back we saw a junk pile. We took an useful chair and some wood with us.

    When we got back home we ended up to make an terrace for someone. And one of the guys had a bobcat and everyone was watching. Wen he was done he drove on 2 weels and did some donuts on the bobcat, that crazy old guy!

    We leveled everything out and places pallets with on top the wood we found. Pretty good result!

    Also add some pictures of the dropzone, carparking where I parked my car and buildings for skydive center. Also all the caravans where a lot of people live in on the dropzone.
    Les mer

  • Dag 52

    mermaids pool

    7. november 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    This morning I woke up @ the dropzone and watched some landings of skydivers.

    Then I went to a big dam. It was nice to see.

    And in the morning / afternoon I went to the mermaids pool. That was so great! I had to hike for 20 minutes first to get there. To get in the pool you had to jump from a cliff of 10 meters. And I did a few times the rope swing at the other side. To go up again you had to climb a wall with an rope. Not the most ideal way but the only way. It was very cool.

    Video cliff jump:
    Cliff jump:
    Rope swing:

    In the afternoon I had to buy new shorts. My old one had already a hole in the back of my shorts. I hope it didn't happen cause of farts.. Haha.

    Tomorrow indoor skydiving!
    Les mer

  • Dag 54

    indoor skydive and cinema

    9. november 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Yesterday I got finally my post. So hopefully I have my 2nd battery system quickly working. I also went in a parking garage, I have to look everytime I go in because of the height of my car. It is 2,10m and some entrances are only 1,9m.

    In the afternoon I went voor another time indoor skydiving. It helped a lot. I have my legs now more together. And that was my great goal. So hopefully Finnish my b rel's @ Moruya.

    Video indoor skydive:

    Today I went to the mechanic to deliver my car. And I went shopping for some stuff. When I came back I was disappointed. They didn't do anything. So afterwards they went looking for a pump. And tomorrow they will fit it in. So have to get back tomorrow. Great shop! Pff I think he's a guy from Morocco or turkey, so that would explain a bit that he needs pressure. But yeah no worries.

    Just went to the cinema to doctor strange. That was a good enjoyable movie. Just what you could expect from a marvell.
    Les mer

  • Dag 55

    car fixed, check!

    10. november 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    This morning at 6:00 I woke up because of loud knocking on my car window. I opened my eyes and saw the police! Oh shit.. I opend the door and asked me if I was Allright. Then they said a neighbor has called because of noise pollution. Probably I was snoring to loud and now I gonna Get an ticket. Wft man, what were these guys thinking. Go fetch some criminals man!. Haha no just kidding, they asked me if I was Allright, and a neighbor called because he was worried. So they Said, go back to sleep. Crazy thing to start the day with. But I slept for a short time.

    Finally they started to fix my powersteering of my car. I was asked by the mohamad (mechanic shop owner) to do some work and sell some stuff and get some money. So I got some work pants.

    I helpt the another mechanic to get my back door fixed, he couldn't get it open. And I could, he looked surprised and thought I was joking. Haha so happy my door and powersteering is working!

    Now refreshing oil, replace oil filter and airfilter. Get my dual battery system working and make the floor for the Matress better.

    I went to Bunnings (kind of gamma) and I had to laugh about the power plugs and switches they use for power.

    This evening I stayed @ the house of mohamad and had dinner over there, it was so nice! He has 5 children and needed a big house.

    Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday I'll be working.
    Les mer