backpacking down under

September 2016 - September 2017
A 367-day adventure by B4tt3rij Read more
  • 121footprints
  • 3countries
  • 367days
  • 521photos
  • 0videos
  • 30.9kkilometers
  • 17.9kkilometers
  • Day 57

    work weekend

    November 12, 2016 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Thursday I arrived at the house of mohamad. I waited till they came home. At 22:00 they made some dinner for me. I slept in my car in their garden.

    The next morning I had some decent breakfast and started to work. We had to sort all kind of boxes with michelangelous stuff. The idea was to sell this Sunday at a market. So today helping packing and Sunday selling stuff. The dinner was with thin bread like the bread you use for eating rotti. Together with stoved meat and unions. It was pretty good. Never had it And it's something else! They are so kind to me, I get everything, drinks, food. And as much as I want.

    Saturday I fixed their lawnmower and did some cleaning in the shed and outside the shed. The dinner was raw meat, Some vegetables and some potatoes. With the meat you put some olive oil on it together with some raw onions and with the thin bread you pick some raw meat and eat it. It was pretty good, I didn't expect that. So hopefully I'm not getting sick from the raw meat :-P.

    Sunday we woke up early to pack the ute and trailer for the market. I went together with the dad of mohamad. We put all our stuff on the tables. And a few people where coming. It wasn't that busy. We sold some stuff. But it was not successful enough. So we had to bring a hole lot of stuff back home. It was a fun day and learned a lot about selling products.

    Afterwards mohamad and I cleaned in frons of the shed. I also managed to make my 2nd battery system working in my car! Another thing finished. In the evening I had also a goof conversation with the father of mohamad about religion and moslims.

    Now only new engine oil and filter. And I have to finish the floor properly. Tomorrow I'll also help mohamad with some stuff.
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  • Day 60

    more work

    November 15, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Monday I went with mohamad to his shop and helpt him with some stuff. In the afternoon I went to a Boardgameshop and played carcassonne. That's a pretty cool game! Unfortunately I won the game.. In the evening I connected my laptop to his TV and watched deadpool. That's ofcourse way of life to watch movies! Haha.

    Tuesday I went together with mohamad to his shop with my own car and I replaced my oil filter and oil. So another thing finished @ my car. Now only finish the floor and maybe fix the air-conditioning. Probably the Compressor has to be replaced. In the afternoon I went to a dutch shop to get some licorice and other Dutch stuff. Afterwards I went to the post office to get my new Board game. Hopefully I can find some victims to play. I went back to the shop and waited for mohamad to finish and go home. After dinner I finished my floor in the car and I fixed my speaker. There was a cable loose and that was ofcourse in the most difficult part to reach! So I almost took my whole car apart, got the cables connected and put everything together. I'm so glad it's working now!.

    Wensday I build in a new radio and new speakers in the ute of mohamad. Afterwards I tried to recover some corrupted pictures from a phone, but unfortunately I couldn't fix them. In the evening I had mohamad's favorite food (picture). And watched a movie together with pepernoten! Yum yum.
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  • Day 66

    last days with the family's

    November 21, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Thursday was a pretty relaxed day. I did some small stuff and learned a bit for my a license exam. And in the evening We watched Jason Bourne, at least until everyone fell asleep. Haha.

    Friday I did some small stuff on the day and in the afternoon I went with mohamad to his place. In his shed we placed some shelving for car parts.

    Saturday we cleaned the shed and sorted all kinds of car parts and other stuff on the shelves.

    Sunday I helped camal. He is the neighbor of mohamad and his partner in the mechanic shop. Camal also needed to clean his shed. So thats what I did. Afterwards I had a barbie @ his place and met his kids. They were 12 till 24 years. All the kids couldn't believe the first time that I was a backpacker and lived in my car. Pretty cool reactions. One of them had brought a quad the other day and they where driving in the front yard. He asked if I wanna drive. So you know me. I said, I wanna try l. And he asked if I know how to drive. And I said a bit shy yeah I think so. I jumped on the bike and made 2 rounds and they were looking surprised at me. They didn't expect that I would drive better than them. Haha. So funny! And everyone I told about skydiving, they thought I did only one tandem. And I always have to say afterwards that I did a couple of jumps. Currently 16, and everyone is then looking with big eyes like wtf 16!? Haha. I had a good time there. They tried to convince me to stay longer there, or even live there.

    Monday I went to the shop and cleaned my car. Afterwards I went to the dropzone and did my @ exam. It's pretty easy to pass so. Pretty easy peasy.
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  • Day 68

    trip Melbourne day 1

    November 23, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    The first day I got some groceries and met adrien. Adrien is gonna travel with me to Melbourne. He's from France and also backpacker.

    The fist stop was again mermaids pool, that was just perfect. The weather was 33 degrees and then a jump and swim In the water is very refreshing!

    Afterwards we went to Bellmore falls. That was also beautiful! We had to walk for 40 minutes to get there and it was pretty hot. When we got there it was only 20 degrees. So a lot colder. We took an natural shower and that was cold enough. When we went back up, the temperature difference was almost 15 degrees in 50 meters. Really crazy!

    At the end of the day we went to surfcamp to get my lost earplugs back. And then we parked our car a bit further on the road. We ate some pasta and went to the beach where I normally would go when I was on surfcamp. I told adrien that they would come a bit after 22:00. We sit there a 20 minutes and all the persons where coming to the beach. We chilled with the group and went back to the car to sleep. It was a great day!
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  • Day 68

    trip Melbourne day 2

    November 23, 2016 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    This morning I woke up and I can truly say that I slept with another man :-P haha. I tried to surf but it was really hard to catch a good wave. So unfortunately I didn't stand up. Next time better. Wen I was laying on my Surfboard I was thinking: just imagine to wake up get your wetsuit on and after a walk of 200 meters you go in the sea. Just crazy if you think about it!

    We went to a winery and tasted some wine. It was fun and tasted 10 kinds of wine. White, red, sweet dry.

    Then we wanted to go to an Park, but it was closed because they were training with guns for the military. So we went to Hyams beach. This beach has the whitest sand in the world. It's so beautiful.

    Next was jarvis Bay. There was a toll boot but there was nobody. Than just drive and pay nothing. On our way we saw some Kangaroos. A bit further in the walking track there was an group of Kangaroos. At the end of the track was an amazing cave at the beach.

    On our way further south I drove on a 4wd track and saw some lobsters on the road. It was funny to see. The lobster was 90 degrees turned from the car. When we got in the car and slowly began to drive. The lobster turned slowly towards the car with his claws. It was so funny to see. If he wanted to attack my car. I drove past him and left him alone.

    We ate some pizza's for ofcourse domino's. And went to a sort of camping. The weather today was not that good, temperature was good but it rained a lot in the afternoon.
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  • Day 69

    trip Melbourne day 3

    November 24, 2016 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    This morning I could sleep a bit longer. We went to a beach first thing in the morning.

    Afterwards we went land inwards and drove a gravel track for 30 km. And there were even people living there.. We did a track, it was a really good track and workout! We went to 1 cave but it wasn't that special. But the walk took us almost 4 hours. Then drove back to the normal road and saw some lizards on or way, lucky we could get a photo from one. It was 1,5 meters long! Then went to another beach. It was okay.

    We also visit a lake, that Lake was beautiful!. Just sitting there for a while. Saw some fish jumping out of the water.

    I went to look for the oil resovoir for the Powersteering because it was making a zooming noise. And it was empty, so that's shit. I gonna try to find the leak tomorrow and for now just got some oil and put it in there.

    We had dinner next to a lot of boats in bateman's Bay and we are now in Moruya @ the dropzone.
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  • Day 71

    trip Melbourne day 4 / skydiving

    November 26, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    It was a pretty relaxed day. I did B-rel 3 and B-rel 4 and afterwards I filled all the paperwork for my a-licence.

    With B-rel 3 I had to get out of the plane unlinked and get stable in front of him. Then I had to turn 180 degrees and had to dock. And most importantly to look over my shoulder where he's at. And then back and turn the other way. At 5,500 ft I had to track towards the sea and deploy. My landing wasn't that good but it was a brand new canopy and it was a bit smaller so I had a lot more forward movement.


    B-rel 4 I did a linked exit where I was outside the plane. It was not perfect but just okay. I had to do some left turns and dock every time differently wit a leg or an arm. When I finished my manoeuvres we did a spin together and flew away from each other. It was fun! When I tried to deploy my Parachute I grabbed wrong and had to grab a second time. Due that my Parachute was opened at 2500ft so pretty low. My landing was a lot better now but I have to flare earlyer to get more lift and an more soft landing.


    In the end of the day we drunk some beers and chatted all about our jumps and other stuff.

    There was one other guy who was doing his AFF. He was so crazy in a good way. He was fooling around and act like stupid, but he wasn't.

    One student flew to far with his landing pattern and due the turbulence next to the building he slammed into the fence. He was really lucky he didn't hurt himself.
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  • Day 72

    trip Melbourne day 5 / skydiving

    November 27, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    I had a decent sleep and went out of bed around 8. So it wasn't too early and when I went to the hall where everyone is packing and hanging around. I asked an instructor to do stage 5, that's the first 3-way. But she said I could do a few 2 ways with other people. And they don't had to be instructors.

    After a bit asking around I found someone who wants to do an 2 way with me. And afterwards I owed him beer. He had almost 240 jumps and acts like a base for me to fly to. The persons who where going out first took a long time. She was trying to get out but her head got stuck under the arm of someone else and it took them 27 secs to get out of the plane. Then we did an unlinked exit and I dived towards him and overshot him first a bit. But came back and made a dock. Then did a turn, had to fall faster ad did some forward movement to dock again. At 5,500 I turned and tracked away. With the deployment I failed to grab my pilot chute and tried to throw it but it didn't worked and the second time I made sure I would throw it and I was opened at 2500ft so that's pretty low but I expected that. Then flew to the ground and landed ok. I could do it better to flare a bit earlier and get some lift.


    The other 2 way I did with another guy who had just over 50 jumps. We did also an unlinked exit and I tried to get to him. We almost had 1 dock. I was falling to slow and he was falling a bit faster. But it didn't worked out to get an proper dock. This time I flared a bit earlier and got that lift to have an perfect landing.

    Then my B-rel 5. I went with an instructor and the other guy I did my first 2 way. We exit the plane at 15000ft and I had to dive down to them. It took me a while to get there in the right position and get a dock. Then we tried to get another formation but I was already floating away. Then I had to track of into the cloud and deploy my Parachute. I circled down from 3500ft till 2500ft. And then I saw finally something beneath me, it was the beach. So I was glad I was just in the right spot and not too far away from the dropzone. Just before I landed the Parachute dropped suddenly out of the sky. But I flared just in time and had a good landing. But it was pretty scary to jump through the cloud for the first time.


    In the evening we had some beers and had a crazy night! One guy was so drunk, he fell asleep on his chair and we carried him with chair to his bed. Haha
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  • Day 72

    trip Melbourne day 6

    November 27, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Today I woke up early. Its was a cloudy day so no jumping at all today. But now I had time to do all my laundry and upload the movies of my last jumps. Also do some more stuff so I don't have to do a lot until I'm In Melbourne or adelaide.

    In the evening we had some beers. When we were talking I saw something strange flapping around in the kitchen. I first thought it was bird but it doesn't looked like it. It was a big as moth with the side of my whole hand.

    Afterwards I watched formula 1 from 0:00 till almost 2:00.
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  • Day 73

    trip Melbourne day 7 / skydiving

    November 28, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I woke up and it was sunny! Thats a lot better than the clouds and rain from yesterday.

    I heard the first plane taking off and saw no skydivers on the ground. So if I'm lucky I can do a jump today. Luckily there was also one other B-rel jumper. He would jump a 2-way but I joined them and we did a 3-way.

    We went on the second load. I climbed outside the plane and our exit was just okay. I went to the closest person and I got the dock. Then I just waited for the other person to dock. He went diving towards us but way to fast. So he tried to brake but got upside down and shot just underneath us. Lucky he just missed us. And he almot got the dock. Then we had to break off and track. There was more wind than I expected and got more lift when flaring and fell almost 1 meter to the ground.

    Afterwards we were lucky that there was one other load. So I got on it and did now a 2-way. Exit was pretty messy, just flipped around but got stable. It took a bit to get to eachother and get the dock. We had just enough time to do one side dock before we had to break off at 5500ft. This time I fooled around with the canopy. This time there was even more wind. So I flared a lot lower and landing was perfect!.

    In the afternoon I got everything out of my car and sorted everything. And this evening we drink some beers and did a game.
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