Based out of BC and WA. Exploring the world. Läs mer
  • Dag 100

    Arrival in Sydney

    20 april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We arrived in Sydney on time at 7:40 am and I made it through customs, got my bags, found the train, and made it to my hostel within an hour and a half tops. Maybe even less, I think I checked in at about 9:15 or so. An easy city to navigate that's for sure! Upon checking in I claimed my bed in the hostel and unpacked a bit before showering. Then went in search of breakfast and had an amazing Smashed Avocado with egg sandwich at a local restaurant. It cost me though... This is going to be an expensive couple days! Good thing I've decided not to drink at all while I'm here. I have no desire to even see alcohol at this point... What a gong show the last few weeks have been. I'm looking forward to a couple days of quiet. This Hostel doesn't seem like a party place and for that I'm quite glad. Anyway, after breakfast I had a nap because I didn't sleep much on the plane and forced myself out of bed to make it to a free walking tour on time. And as soon as I turned off my alarm my phone and dragged myself out of bed my phone quit working....... It started restarting literally every 2 or 3 minutes, keyboard wouldn't work, no gps, photos not taking properly, no screenshots, no WiFi, nothing.... What a frustrating experience! after the walking tour, which I will describe shortly here, I even went to the Samsung store to see if they could help. But the phone wouldn't stay on long enough for them to even run a diagnostic test... And because it's a different country they can't repair or replace the phone. So annoying! but they were super kind and helpful, great people the Australians. Anyway, after giving up on my phone, turning it off, and leaving it to charge to 100% it seems to be working ok. I won't take it off the charger though for fear that it'll quit working. The Samsung techies suspect a failing motherboard... Don't really know what that means or why it seems to be working now but I just hope it continues to work! mainly for photo taking purposes. When I meet up with Mom she'll bring my computer so I won't need it for anything other than photos...

    But anyway, I went on a free walking tour of the city that was incredible! The guide was a student named Indigo and of course asked for tips at the end but she 1000% deserved them. Funny and knowledgeable we got a great backstory of the city. We started out at St. James Cathedral and ended at the Opera House. There were so many landmarks that we stopped at on the way, I'm incredibly glad I went to the tour instead of doing it on my own. We happened to end at the Opera House at sunset too so that was pretty neat to see. Clear blue skies and warm colours reflecting off the structure... Overall, I had positive impressions of the city and was really interested in hearing all the quirky history of Australia from how it was founded to how the capital city was selected to how booze was once an official currency to how the original settler population were criminals, etc etc. There was so much information that I can't possibly record it all but I really did enjoy the tour. There's a second one that they offer that gives a tour of the Rocks and the criminal history of the area that I'll probably go to tomorrow. Will be tough to get a guide as good as Indigo was though!

    Anyway, as I mentioned, after the walking tour I went to the Samsung store but I also went to check out the meeting point that mom and I agreed upon for the 22!I'm really looking forward to seeing her :) I scoped out the meeting spot and hopefully she won't have any issues finding it. I stayed up tonight to try and call her even though I'm exhausted. I'll be seeing her soon enough! I had dinner at, don't judge me, McDonalds. I needed some comfort food after the stressful phone situation that actually wasn't really all that stressful... I found myself impartial to the fact that I didn't have a phone. Honestly I've become so detached from it in the last while, not having internet access doesn't bother me too much and I don't feel I need it. I was mostly annoyed that I lost access to my books and music! but again, seems to be working but who knows how long that'll last... Maybe it has something to do with the heat? Though it's significantly cooler here than in Bangkok at a lovely 24 degrees in the sun and a chilly 10 degrees at night. Much prefer it to the instant sweat though! Any who, McDonalds has fries with Gravy here as well as truffle parmesan fries and frozen cokes. I'm gonna go back just for the truffle fries and frozen cokes at Ms. Georgia's request ;) Not that I needed any sort of tempting! After dinner I walked to a book store and picked up some physical books the first that I've bought in a while....

    I then returned to the hostel and used their computer to send meeting instructions to mom and talk to Matthew! He's working out of Melbourne right now and has decided to come visit me in Sydney tomorrow night!! I'm super excited about that and am hoping that he'll be able to join mom and I for breakfast the following morning at the very least :) Can't wait to see my cousin again, didn't think it would happen here of all places though haha. After saying goodbye to him I tried to sleep but was too anxious about getting in touch with Mom.. so I read my book on the lovely rooftop patio of the hostel, Big Hostel, until it was an appropriate time to call home. 7am their time, not that they're answering my calls right now, but I left a message! That's all I can do. Just so looking forward to seeing some familiar faces from home <3
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  • Dag 99

    Last Day in Bangkok

    19 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    I had a long sleep in and still felt incredibly tired when I woke up. So I had a nice relaxing day! I had fully intended on visiting Wat Po, a nearby temple but decided against it in the sweltering heat. Instead my roommate and I decided to go visit a fish spa! I was so against them for so long because I was convinced that it wasn't good for the fish to be living in those conditions but I've been assured that they're well taken care of.. I sure hope so. Anyway, that was a crazy experience. Keeping still was incredibly difficult with 50 fish nibbling on your feet! It wasn't so much ticklish as it was tingly, like you were being mildly electrocuted or something. We only did 15 minutes, I don't think that I could have done any longer it was too strange of a feeling! We decided instead to get a foot massage afterwards which was the best decision I've made in a long time ;) Afterwards, we went back and lounged by the pool until it was time for me to say my goodbyes and head to the airport.. I'll see them again for sure! Especially my roommate Kelsey who also lives in BC.

    On my way to the airport I again was struck by how big Bangkok is... It took an hour to get to the airport and there are just huge buildings everywhere! The density is incredible and the amount of traffic. I realize we hardly even scratched the surface.. I'm confident that one day I'll be back to Bangkok though, even if it is just as a layover stop to different destinations :)

    The airport is also massive. And there are silly rules associated with the airline... Like the fact that I couldn't bring bottled water on board even when it was bought after security?! I've never heard of that before.. But whatever, I just kept disturbing the airline staff instead to quench the incessant thirst I seem to develop on flights. All that dry air or something... But I will say that this was the nicest airline I have ever been on for an economy flight. I booked with Qantas but it was operated by Emarites and I understand why people rave about them now. Tons of leg room, wide seats, great entertainment selection, good food, wifi on board, allowing people to data roam, etc etc. They were fantastic! I'd for sure fly with them again.

    The flight is an over nighter and scheduled to arrive in Sydney at 7:40 am! Hoping I can sleep...
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  • Dag 98

    Back to Bangkok

    18 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    We arrived back at Bangkok early this morning off the night train and thankfully were able to check in to our rooms at the Wild Orchid right away. We went to Ricky's for breakfast and I had spaghetti haha. Afterwards I did some research on things to do in Sydney, called mom, and spoke to Alanna for a while. Then I repacked my bags and somehow managed to get everything into my backpack plus a carryon! I don't even know how that's physically possible considering that I had a full backpack and carryon plus the bag I had left behind at the Wild Orchid before leaving for Chiang Mai... My Tetris skills are improving I suppose :p from there I went out to the market one last time to pick up a few last minute items before heading to the pool to relax! A big part of the group was also there so we shared a few drinks just enjoying our last day together. We went for dinner at some strange place called Hippie Bar where I had a "set" meal that consisted of a soup, fried "chicken", and spicy rice. Apparently it was a Thai meal but nothing I've ever seen before. Tasty, but strange... The fried chicken tasted more like pork and was little strips of deep fried meat. The soup was a clear soup with small noodles that was quite tasty actually and the rice was far too spicy for my tastes, oops. After dinner we went out to Khao San Road for one last hurrah! I wasn't feeling well so I took it easy and went home fairly early, before midnight I believe. Stomach is feeling better but still not 100% at this point!Läs mer

  • Dag 97

    Last Day in Chiang Mai

    17 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today was technically only a half day as we boarded a night train at 2:30 pm to return to Bangkok. We had breakfast at the bagel house once again and said some teary goodbyes. I was really sad to see those girls go! The ones not officially part of our tour that I've been spending all my time with, including Jess. They're headed to Pai today while the rest of us end our tour.. It's getting close to done with Asia for me :(

    And it poured today. Haven't seen rain like that in a long long time! I kind of enjoyed it and of course went out for a walk in it :) the train ride has been uneventful thus far and all I want to do is sleep but the beds aren't made yet. Soon I hope! Also my stomach is feeling mildly better, less issues than before. Either the antibiotics or the probiotics or a combo of the two are starting to work their magic! Hope it keeps up..
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  • Dag 96

    X-Centre, Chiang Mai

    16 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Today was a slow start. Kind of. I had breakfast at about 7am because I couldn't sleep and then went back to bed until noon. First priority was washing all those disgusting clothes... And taking antibiotics because I definitely ingested some of that water. One of our friends actually went in to the hospital last night because it was so bad for him and that's what they recommended for him. So we'll see if the antibiotics and then probiotics work for me. If not I'll be seeing a doctor in Sydney! It's all just intestinal discomfort and I'm sure that it'll be fine in a few days...

    But anyways, in the afternoon we went ad a large group to the extreme sports centre or X-Centre. I didn't participate but had a lot of fun watching others do drift carting, bungee jumping, and xorbing. The xorbs were my favourite haha. Looked like fun!! So did the drift carting but I didn't want to be in a car that was being bounced around with the condition my body is in lol. It was good to participate though!

    Afterwards we went to a Sports bar for some pizza before retuning home for a nap. It's our last night together in Chiang Mai so I felt obligated to go out with everyone. I napped until 9:45 and then met up with the group. I managed to make myself a pretty damn good Bloody Mary that helped me feel a bit better. But I still wasn't up for continuing the party when the bar closed at midnight and went back to bed for a solid nights sleep.

    Oh, today we also learned that 226 people died over the last 4 days of Songkran.. Mostly vehicle or alcohol related.... And over 5000 were injured... Dangerous holiday to be on the roads! Glad we all came out unscathed :)
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  • Dag 95

    Songkran Day 3

    15 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We were expecting today to be the wild day but it was definitely not as busy as the first two days. Maybe the colder weather had something to do with that.. But it was still fun! The group rented trucks with ice water bins and went out to get soaked. I didn't join them because my friends weren't officially on the tour, so we tried to look for then instead but never actually saw them. We did actually watch the parade for once though! Each day there was a parade of different groups, some university groups, businesses, etc. Wasn't all that exciting to be honest but we were in a good viewing position and didn't want to leave too quickly. We didn't waterfight as long today, one of our friends had to catch a flight at about 2:30 so we walked her back and said goodbye. Another was leaving shortly after so we hung out at the hotel for a while instead of going back out into the mayhem.

    After our friends left, we dried off again and went to try and meet the group at the tattoo shop where they were having a tattoo party similar to the one we did before. But, we weren't told that the owner has 3 locations and went to the wrong one... Couldn't find them at the end of it so our smaller group did our own thing which turned out to be more fun anyway! We went back to the international food market, had some snacks, and listened to the band that was playing. Our friends even managed to get people up and dancing when usually they don't. Fun times! Afterwards we just went back to the guesthouse for a few more drinks and conversation.
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  • Dag 94

    Songkran Day 2

    14 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Day 2 of Songkran was just as wild as the first day. The group returned from the Jungle Trek yesterday evening so today we had an even larger team for fighting. And we broke out the wild costumes! We again loaded up on drinks and water and went out. Just as fun and crazy as the day before! But this time we didn't end up at Stamps, we went to a different hostel instead with some new folks we met. I'm pretty sure I accidentally ingested moat water yesterday because today my stomach has been giving me nothing but problems, I've never had it this bad on all of my travels. But, I didn't let it stop me! We continued water fighting well into the day and then repeated what we did yesterday. Dinner, change of clothes, backpackers, leave early because it was too busy haha.Läs mer

  • Dag 93

    Songkran Day 1

    13 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Well, Songkran is intense. And incredibly fun! Today is the first official day of the celebrations for the Thai New Year. The last and third day is the New Year itself and is supposed to be the wildest day. Officially, water is only supposed to be thrown from 8 to 8, and is reserved mainly for the main street along the canal. But if course there are a few who don't abide by those rules, tourists mainly.

    So after a hearty breakfast and booze buckets we went out into the thick of it and were soaked immediately. The streets were packed with people and you were able to walk faster than the cars driving along. Some people had water guns, some like myself had Buckets, some had hoses, and others had tubs of water in the back of trucks with ice in them that they threw at the people walking. There were water refill stations everywhere, my favourite one being the fire truck refilling large tanks on the street. And of course there was the canal, water was easy to take from there after we attached strings to our Buckets.

    At some point we ended up at Stamps backpackers where there was water fighting going on in the streets and tons of people partying inside, mid day of course. Wild. I couldnt even tell you how long we stayed there, but at some point we ended up eating at El Loco, the Mexican restaurant before walking back to the guesthouse. We took the back roads in hopes that we'd avoid more of the water fighting but ended up in the thick of it outside a bar where a bunch of children were super excited that a group of people would engage with them. So, we played with them a while before heading back to the guesthouse and showering away all the dirty water. We waited until it was supposed to be safe to go out again and headed for backpackers alley. We didn't stay dry for long... There were inconsiderate folk spraying people in the absolutely packed crowd. I've never seen it so busy! They had a stage set up outside and there were so many people you could hardly move. A couple of us called it quits because of the crowd and took the back roads home again.
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  • Dag 92

    Art in Paradise, Chiang Mai

    12 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    After the Canyon waterpark we went to the 3D art museum, Art in Paradise. It was super cool!! Good thing we hadn't bothered changing the because we were soaked on our way there yet again. Anyway, the museum was so much fun, and we were the only ones there which made it better. It was predominately paintings on the walls and floors that were interactive and they encouraged you to get right in the middle of the work and pose for photos. I took so many, but am only able to post 6 through this app so I've chosen the best ones. It was a pretty neat experience and we just had fun!

    After the museum we walked to the night bazaar and international food market that we've been to last time we were here. Jess and I were the unofficial tour guides haha. We ate some amazing food and then walked back to the hotel, also getting wet on the way by tourists throwing water around. Fun times!
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  • Dag 92

    Grand Canyon Hangdong Chiang Mai

    12 april 2017, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    Today was another take it easy day. Bagels again breakfast after waking up on our own time, hanging around the hotel for a bit, and then off to the Grand Canyon Waterpark! That was fun. It's basically a big crater filled with water that's popular for swimming on a hot day. And for cliff jumping. I jumped once because, why not? It was very controlled and regulated. You were required to throw a life jacket down to two men who's sole job was to stay in the water and make sure you were okay when you landed in the water. You were also required to always have a life jacket near you while in the water, so we turned ours into seats and sat in the water for a few hours watching people jump. Some were crazy, diving, doing flips, going naked... Fun times! I also had a fantastic spaghetti there for lunch. Can't wait to have a bowl of Mom's when I'm home!

    On our way home the beginnings of the Songkran celebrations were underway even through they aren't supposed to start until tomorrow. We were soaked by buckets of water while sitting in the back of the truck.. The next few days should be fun!
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