
September 2023
Leisurely tour of Normandy. Beaches, Villages, Wine, Cheese and Cidre. Baca lagi
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  • Hari 8

    Pegasus Bridge

    14 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Well thems up early this morning as they have to be off site by 10.30 or they'll have to pay for another day. They're heading for Bayeux (of Tapestry fame) by way of the Pegasus Bridge. We are driving along the coast road and starts by going thru Trouville-sur-Mer and Deauvile, a beautiful town with big houses of all different styles.
    Arrive at Benouville home to the Pegasus Bridge Museum and parks up to have a look around. This was a key capture and stronghold in the Normandy DDay invasion, and the original bridge is now in a park alongside an informative museum. Now, neither of them is into WW-2 in a big way, but it was very interesting and was nice to show respect to those who fought and lost their lives for us.
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  • Hari 8

    Stowaway on board Bertie

    14 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Well when them finished in the museum he decides he's hungry and wants a baguette for lunch so off we gus in search of a bolangerie luckily they find one just up the road so out her pops to fetch one while he parks up, trust her she only comes back with a bit of flan an all.
    They drives out to the light house at Ouistreham right by the ferry port and park up alongside some other vans.
    Baguette un cheese out on table ready to eat and she hears a bang, er dow know what it is so pops out doors to have a look, and sees nowt but the French women in the van behind is knocking on her window beckoning. She gus round the back of the van just in time to see a leg disappearing under the bicycle cover. She shouts ' Get out, get out, un this young black bloke climbs out from under the covers and walks off nice as you like. The French woman gets out her van and ses summat to her which her dow understand, the unny thing er did understand was there were 5 of em trying it on. So they eats up fast checks underneath fer klingons and get the he'll outta there.
    A short stop at the Inter Marche for sum supplies then its on to Bayeux to the Municipal Camp site. Oh oh ' computer say no' there's no room so a quick look at the closest Aire , they dow like the look at that so they pops up the road to a farm, lovely little site with 14 pitches and electric and a lovely view of cows backsides. We love a farm!
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  • Hari 9

    Bayeux War Cemetery

    15 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Well we weks up to a misty morning on the farm.
    They've decided to stay another night after doin the sights of Bayeux. Her says to leave a marker to save the spot but no he says it'll be fine, that's gonna come back n bite him on his arse.
    Off they sets un we park up next to the WW2 memorial museum and The British and Commonwealth Cemetery.
    Beautifully laid out rows and row of white head stones, all of which have been lovingly looked after. The place has a sort of calmness and quiet, it really makes you think.
    4144 Commonwealth graves, 338 unidentified.
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  • Hari 9

    Bayeux Cathedral

    15 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    After the cemetery they walks on to the centre ville and the cathedral, it con be sin fur miles its su big. Mainly built in the 13th century it's a Roman Catholic Church, its beautiful inside, her allus wonders how they med um all them years ago without the machinery we has these days.Baca lagi

  • Hari 9

    Bayeux Tapestry

    15 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After the cathedral they walks dow to the museum where the Bayeux Tapestry is kept, well let's face it yow cor come ere un not see it.
    Unfortunately no pics as yow cor tek em inside. The Tapestry is nearly 70 metres long and 50cm high. Them is given a audio device to listen to which tells um the story, which is a good job otherwise they wundn't ave a clue what they was looking at.
    The Tapestry is divided into about 50 sections or scenes each depicting a different part of the story of the Norman conquest of England in 1066 by William Duke of Normandy culminating in the Battle of Hastings. It was actually quite interesting and amazing to think it was med in the 11th century.

    After they leaves here they stop for a spot of lunch, they had a Croque Monsuier and a Galette un very nice they was too. He's found another flower he like but having a job to find the name. Ice cream to follow while walking back the war museum.
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  • Hari 9

    Museum of The Battle of Normandy

    15 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Hers starting to struggle what with the heat un her leg but them gonna pop in the museum cause they've paid for entrance fee along with the Tapestry.
    The amount of information, artifacts and memorabilia these places have is astounding but its all displayed well and in beautiful condition considering the age.
    Now they'd parked up next door to the museum on an aire where they could have stopped the night but no he wants to go back to the farm, 'Big mistake, Huge, that's a Pretty Woman quote for those that know. Anyroads, they gets back to the farm un its full, well the 3 motor homes driving away should have sounded alam bells. Of course he gets it in the ear from her about not saving the spot . Two more aires are tried before they ends up at the back of a garage, somewhere, it sound naff but to be honest its great and for 10 Euros a night including electricity it will do nicely.
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  • Hari 10

    American War Memorial

    16 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well they've bin avin a think about we're to go next, an decided to put a few miles on me clock an head further west but fust weem visiting the American War Memorial just up the road at Colleville-sur-Mer.
    There are 9388 burials here in a cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach. Yet another beautifully kept memorial which consists of a semicircular colonnade containing maps and narratives of the military operations. At the center is a 22-foot bronze statue entitled The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves.
    Whilst   wandering around they came across a stonemason carving a new headstone for an unknown soldier. 304 unknown soldiers are buried among the other service members. Their headstones read “HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOWN BUT TO GOD”.
    A most remarkable place kept in immaculate condition in tribute to the fallen.
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  • Hari 10


    16 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    After the war memorial we starts to head towards the west coast, they gives me a bit of a burn down the motorway as we head towards Granville.
    We decides to try the aire at St-Pair-sur-Mer.
    I dow hold up much hope, let's face it, it's Saturday the weather's okay un it's by the sea, no chance. But hold up there's unny room on the aire, it's a big un, just a glorified car park really, but it's got services so they decides to stop for 2 nights hoping to visit Granville from here tomorrow, its unny a few killies they could get the bikes out.
    After lunch, yes you guessed it, baguette un cheese a bit pate today as well, they walks into town.
    A few shop, 2 butchers, 1 fish shop a florists and the regulation bolangerie. They buys some meat fur tomorrow's tea and then as a stroll along the beach.
    The beach has a swimming pool that is filled at high tide by the sea which is a good job as it gus out miles, almost as bad as Weston-super-Mare.
    It's clouded over this afternoon un we've ad a bit of rain but not too much,
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  • Hari 11

    Granville and Jullouville

    17 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well we ad a right old rain storm last night she'd got up to use the lav , as yow does about 5 ish un she gets back in bed just as the 'evens open just like someone turning on a shower it was so loud it even woke his lordship then it stops just like that. Rain again when they wakes but it soon stops.
    They decides to take me for a run into Granville, he's worried about parking but has got a couple of places in mind un they can alus use the bikes.
    Looks like nice town with harbour and shops. The first parking space her ain't keen on an its up an hill, she's not sure she could bike back up it so they tries the other parking place and same problem. They decides to give up on G G Granville.
    They drives south to Jullouville, he's found a prom un they parks up and gets the bikes off and off they go down the cycle lane to the prom. 'Oh oh computer say no!' No bikes on the prom. He's not best pleased so they go back to the road and rides into the town for a drink and a snack. They walk the bikes back along the prom for a bit just so he can see the sea before heading back to me, about 4 miles in total . Back to the same aire as last night un their same pitch is empty so that pleases him. Weather's turned out nice after the rain, quite a bit of sun and about 23 degrees. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.
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  • Hari 12

    St Malo here we come.

    18 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Well we had a right storm last night, thunder, lightning and a right load of rain. But it's dry this morning, thems up early as we've got a bit of trek over to St Malo an we need shopping on the way. He wants to get there before lunch otherwise they cor get in till after 2pm un that's a waste of a morning. Luckily he booked this site last night on line, it's an allocated pitch but its okay, near an exit gate and with a bit of view of the harbour, which is nice for me cause we may be here a few days.
    After a spot of lunch they gus fur a walk round the Fort. Beautiful views of the harbour and they can see the Citadel and Fort on the other side of the harbour. Round the corner and you can Dinard, he ses you con get a water taxi over to there, she's not convinced but we'll see. They comes across what look like gun turrets full of bullet holes, at least of three of um. There's a memorial garden for them to look round and then they comes out at the town with a ruin of a church.
    After a rest back home with me for a bit he gets his bike off me rack un gus fur a ride while her reads yet un other book.
    While getting the BBQ out ready to cook a nice steak from the charcuterie the lady opposite spots me flag on my rear and comes over un asks where in the Black Country are we from, hers from Dudley, small world ay it.
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