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  • 20footprints
  • 3countries
  • 10days
  • 95photos
  • 2videos
  • 19.3kkilometers
  • 18.8kkilometers
  • Day 6

    Hike to the church on the hill

    May 14, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    On our first night in Aegina, Nathan, Coye, Devon, and I decided to hike up the hill behind our villa and have a little photoshoot at the top. There was this tiny beautiful church at the top that was clear used that morning, and we felt like kings of the world on this hill. I was a bit unlucky and leaned a bit too far and had my sunglasses fall down the cliff side. Everone thought they were gone, but I was determined to get them back so I rock climbed-ish down the side and spent way to long looking, but after about 20 minutes I found them!Read more

  • Day 6

    Cards cards cards

    May 14, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Nearly every night at the villa in Aegina I was playing cards. During these times was where Lizzie and I’s friendship really grew. We played many games, including Gin, the game of Mau, war, Egyptian rat slap, and more. Sometimes others would joins us, sometimes Mal, Faith, Dalton, and a few more I don’t recall. Definitely stayed up too late on these night and sometimes a bit to loud for everyone else.Read more

  • Day 7

    Morning walk to the church on the hill

    May 15, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Left around 7:20 am to go look for some aloe plants, and met a few friends on the way. First passed by some roosters crowing at the morning sun and the dogs that chased my away from a Yaya they were protecting. Finished the climb up and took a few photos of the sea and the church, then tried to pick the plant that I thought was aloe, turns out, it was not aloe so the sunburns will burn just a little bit longer. Headed back down and found a tiny lizard and a black cat, passed by the Yaya’s house and the dogs came up and greeted me kindly so i pet them and game them a good scratch. Picked a flower while up there and let one of the dogs pose with it.Read more

  • Day 8

    Holy Church of Saint Nectarios

    May 16, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    6) Describe one act of a servant leader that you have witnessed in Greece (not exclusive to our team travel group but could be someone in our team travel group) Rode her with Martin on a Scooter, he offered to take me without me asking. He spent his time helping me to get here. If Martin hadn’t helped I’d be fifty euros poorer. He went out of his way to help me. Martin’s kindness enabled me to go and experience a unique and beautiful area of Aegina that is full of Byzantinian beauty.

    We got to the church and walked around absorbing the beauty of the Greek Orthodox faith. Martin had to leave me and I was left to explore the rest on my own. I walked up the long and winding ramp just to find that I could not enter because I was wearing shorts and the day are not allowed. I turned around and met this nice man who was selling incense, icons, and jewelry, we had a short conversation due to the language barrier but he helped me find clothes so that I would be able to enter into the monastery. On my way up the ramp for the second time I met a Father and he helped me put on the garment. His name was Father Lupos, he was lighthearted and happy, not at all what I was expecting (considering the very reverent feel of the monastery). There is too much to describe the monastery and it keep it short it was full of beautiful flowers and Icons everywhere you look with the aroma of incense and candles.
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  • Day 8


    May 16, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Flowers. I saw lots and lots of flowers while in Greece, I saw them at the church of Saint Nektaros, at our villa, on our picnic. Flowers were everywhere in Greece. I knew I wasn’t able to get my mom flowers for Mother’s Day, so I sent her just about every flower I saw on this trip.Read more

  • Day 9

    Temple of Aphia

    May 17, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    This was one of the last places we went on our tour of Aegina. It was amazing how on this trip we were able to get so close to these ancient ruins, it really was so much different than anything I’ve seen in the US. If there where any ruins like this in the US they’d all be roped off and sign’s every saying do not touch we were able to be there and touch and feel the ancient marble that would was apart of the temple. I was really looking forward to see this temple, but at this point in the trip I think I had seen enough ruins that they felt normal at this point.Read more

  • Day 9

    Churches and churches

    May 17, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    9) Kouzes and Posner suggest exemplary leaders should "treat every job as an adventure." What have you learned about how to do this on this trip?

    This little adventure lead us around the island of aegina, we had a tour guide that was a local who had lived there for around 30 years (so she knew the island well). We went to this inland hill where the inhabitants of the island used to live before the modern Greek government was set up and pirates roams the coasts. At this hill there were a rumored 365 churches but only 33 still standing. Our tour guide showed us that while exploring this hill we were able to collect the Byzantine pottery shards that we found and we were able to become “archaeologists”. While we were only touring that day, we were able to see that our tour guide wasn’t just working but showing us that we could have an adventure and help preserve pieces of history of Aegina. I don’t think there’s a single place in America that would encourage tourists to become “archeologists”, but here on this island across the world we were able have an adventure. While we might not have been working, our tour guide was able to show us that encouraging others to have fun and be productive whenever they can helps.Read more

  • Day 10

    Trying new drinks

    May 18, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    2) What about being in Greece area is a new experience for you?

    While in Greece I tried plenty of new drinks, of first was a cappuccino that Cheryl Martin bought for everyone one of the mornings. Surprisingly, it was the very first time a had a cup of coffee (I have tried coffee before but have never had an actual cup of it). Throughout the trip I also tried espresso shots, I had about one ever morning at the Villa Archangelos. I am not normally a person to drink caffeine at all so I had a plan to go with out it while at the 10 hr layover in London so I would be able to fall asleep and sleep hard but that doesn’t seem to be working as it is currently 12am in London and I’m writing this footprint. Also another drink that I never had before that I got to try was a Heineken, which is a interesting story of how I got it. We were leaving Plaka after spending the morning there and there were these ladies that were just handing them out for free (they had Heineken shirts so I think they were promoting it) but they tried to hand it to me and I originally refused but then they said free and the Mennonite in me came out and I couldn’t refuse anything that’s free (Martin would get that joke).Read more

  • Day 17

    How Do I Want To Grow

    May 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    1) What are you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on this trip?

    Before this trip, I was uncertain about how it would impact me, I had never been outside of the country, I had never had to deal with language barriers. I didn’t know what to expect, sure we I had gone through the Greece class and learned about the culture, but I knew experiencing it would be completely different. I want to learn how to overcome these differences as a leader. Going in relatively blind to an experience like this, I knew I didn’t have the skills for this. So being able to learn about interacting and working with others that do not speak like me or think like me is an important skill that I need to learn on this trip to be able to use when I’m in similar situations later in life.Read more

  • Day 18

    Scooter oopsie

    May 26, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Well there was a bit of an accident, some serious injuries were had but no one went to the hospital (maybe they should have). So this accident happened when Martin was helping me out by taking me back from my day alone at the monastery at Aegina. I had stared walking back after Martin texted me that he was on his way, and I made it about a mile before we met. He drove me down to the fishing town where we meet up with some of the other travelers and explored a bit. We left and went to this beachside restaurant for lunch and got some appetizers and had an amazing conversation that lasted well over an hour. We left and my helmet was stuck in the seat and I didn’t have my helmet and it started raining. We ended up deciding to stop and fill up on gas and I was able to get my helmet out there. We headed off after the top off and when going around a curve on a road only one car wide we were unable to see the car coming out way and we had to move off the road before being hit, and that’s when we wiped out. I was able to get up and walk away with only a small scrape on me knee but Martin had his leg and arm torn up a bit and the bike fell on his ankle. Almost no damage happened to the bike besides the right mirror breaking off. Later we found out that Martin had broken a bone in two spots. We were lucky that nothing more serious happened.Read more