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    • Day 21

      Pictures, Poros and Pistachios

      September 24, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Today was the first official day of our tour. So we enjoyed our early breakfast buffet and got on a bus to the port where we boarded the awaiting ferry.

      The first port was Hydra, it was a lovely introduction to Greece islands and the amount of stairs they involve. We climbed aimlessly and Bec took photos of all the cats we crossed paths with. After 2 hours we headed back aboard towards our next stop Poros.

      On the way to our next destination we enjoyed the included lunch buffet, which consisted of some incredible salads, pasta and fish.

      Once we arrived at Poros we took copious amounts of stairs to reach a clocktower with amazing views of the island and the surrounding areas and enjoyed 'coffee with ice cream' which was an affagato in a takeaway cup which was 👌👌

      The final island Aegina had 2 important aspects we wanted to explore: The temple of Apollo and pistachios. We first ventured to explore the ruins, after looking at some rocks and marble from 450bc we went into the township in search of the most important thing of the day - pistachio ice cream, which we found, devoured and thoroughly enjoyed.

      We again jumped on the ferry and made our way back to Athens. Overall it was a 14 hour cruise exploring and we enjoyed ourselves.

      Tomorrow we officially take off in the bus to explore more of Greece

      Step count
      Both: 15k (slow day)
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    • Day 37

      Voyage on the High Seas

      July 19 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor" FD Roosevelt

      Yesterday we were neither skilled nor sailors. Today we became so.

      Our journey began with hiring a 4.8m boat from Adonis. His company is Sea Dog and has been operating for a month. All the others asked for boat licenses, but this is not legally required for boats with a motor less than 30hp. Adonis includes a printout of the law saying so in the boat's bow.

      The boat included all legally required safety equipment: life jackets, flares, oars, spare fuel tank etc (see contract with inventory). Adonis tracks all travel by app. We can't go more than 6 nautical miles (11km from shore). Adonis says it's impossible for us to use all the fuel - more on that later.

      We have a tutorial. The whole thing is meant to be 30 min but Adonis begins going on other points. Did you know: if all the bees die in 200 years time, all other life will die in 250?

      Adonis and his wife are very friendly and keen about their new venture.

      We're then allowed off on our own. See map of our course.

      First stop Agistri island (20 min sailing, we're slow). There is a northerly wind and choppy water (ie wind blowing to the south). We halt 50m from beach. Louis and I take turns swimming to shore and back.

      Second, we go around the south of the small Moni Aeginas island, for calmer seas. I pilot while Louis acts as ballast at the bow.

      Third, we stop at 3 bays on Aegina south side.
      1) Κήποι. Incident: anchor did not anchor. I swim to shore. Our boat begins to drift towards some oligarch's catamaran. Louis reverse-thrusts with a metre to spare.
      2) Bay of Holy Trinity Church: Εκκλησία Αγία Τριάδα. Properly deployed anchor, wrapped around rock, had lunch. We lay a fishing line too. Then, anchor gets loose and we almost drift into other boat. I urgently thrust forwards, Louis hoists anchor and we get out.
      3) Παραλία Μουριώτη: sand bottom, which is best-suited for our anchor (Adonis only shares this later). We rest here for 2hrs, no issues.

      One issue when we get back. The fuel tank has an air valve which Andonis told us has to stay open for the fuel to pump. It had been left closed, the pressure in the tank had decreased as fuel was burnt over 10 hrs and the plastic tank had deformed.

      But - Adonis told us this when he filled the tank in front of us. We then drive the boat around for the tutorial with him. The valve should have been open from the start.

      Anyway - the lower pressure meant the engine had to burn more fuel. To Adonis' astonishment, we had burnt almost the whole tank. "Don't worry about it", he said. And he lit another cigarette, took the (still oily) tank and proceeded to beat out the dent with a crowbar.

      All in all, a great day.

      Adonis was incredibly (perhaps overly) trusting. Whole cost €210. €150 for boat, €60 for fuel.
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    • Day 104

      Greek islands boat day

      August 19, 2023 in Greece

      On Saturday we went on a boat tour to check out some of the islands around athens. The boat was kinda like a Rottnest ferry but it was covered in deck chairs so it was real nice and comfy. We went to 2 islands, agistri and aegina, they were both fabulous! At both places we kinda just chilled at the beach and went swimming. The water was so beautiful and turquoise, it was the perfect temperature too, just a little bit cooler than Bali. Spencer had a tummy bug so he had to do an aqua dump at one of the spots which tainted the serenity a little ahahaha. The boat had a dj and they were serving free goon which made it feel like home :). We had a buffet for lunch where I got to try Greek fish for the first time, it was super yum. There were heaps of yachts and big rich people boats cruising around. I'd really like to come back here one day and take a boat around to check out some more of the islands.Read more

    • Day 19


      May 31 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nous posons nos valises quelques jours dans le village de Megalochori pour explorer l’île de Santorini. Nous visitons d’abord la capitale animé Fira puis l’iconique Ioa en surplomb de la caldeira à la pointe nord-ouest de l'île. Par la suite, nous allons à l’autre extrémité de l’île pour visiter le village d’Akrotiri et son imposant site archéologique et terminons notre périple à la plage de Périssa au sud de l’île.Read more

    • Day 36

      Agia Marina and voyage preparations

      July 18 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Today we scootered to Agia Marina on the other side of Egina. We passed by a temple to a nymph (Aphaia).

      We played beach volleyball with two Germans and two Ukrainians. We won.

      We have found a boat and will sail it to the neighboring islands tomorrow. It has an outboard motor and a backup. The owner, Adonis, has been running the hire company since late last year and asked us many questions how we found him (Google). We have bought 9L of water.Read more

    • Day 23

      On prend la mer! Egine

      July 9, 2020 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Après nos déboires athéniens, nous prenons enfin la mer direction les îles saroniques (au sud ouest d Athènes, le long du Péloponnèse). Autre déboire qui parle bien aux marins... toilettes du bord bouchées et Guigui passe 2 heures à tout démonter et finit par se mettre à l'eau et souffler dans l'évacuation avec un tuyau....un grand moment !!!

      Nous sommes arrivés cet aprèm au port d'Egine alors que Jeanne a barré Viki avec 15-18 noeuds de vent de travers.
      Pas de mouillage possible ce soir, ils annoncent 35 noeuds de vent pendant la nuit.
      Je vous passe la manœuvre de port où il faut s ancrer dans le port puis reculer jusqu'au quai pour s'amarrer....l ancre n a pas pris au premier coup...on frôle d'un peu près un cata avec des Lettons....heureusement super sympas à bord...bref, tout ce que j'aime!

      On s'attendait à trouver une "banlieue" d'Athènes et on est tout de suite dépaysés par l'ambiance ilienne, le bleu azur de l'eau et le petit port super sympa.

      Objectif principal : trouver du matériel de pêche ! Alors que je vous écris Guillaume et les filles ont les cannes à l'eau au bout du quai.... ça ne mord pas encore...

      Au programme de demain : Poros (qui aurait des faux airs de fjord norvégien selon le guide...tu nous confirmeras Estelle ?) et ensuite Hydra... pour une seule et unique raison : l'île est interdite à la circulation et on ne s'y déplace qu'à dos d'âne....on a 2 petites filles qui ont hâte d'y arriver !

      Ils annoncent pas mal de meltem (vent fort du nord) entre les saroniques et les Cyclades dans les jours à venir, on traversera pour les Cyclades quand les conditions le permettont.

      Grosses bises à tous,
      PS: ça ne mord toujours pas...
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    • Day 34

      Arrived in Aegina

      July 16 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      Fast ferry ride from Pireas to Aegina, only about 45 min. We arrived at midday and have spent the day at the hotel pool and scouting for scooters.

      €25 - 30 seems to be the going rate per day for a scooter, but we will attempt to get a lower collective price given we are taking 3, and for at least 2 days.Read more

    • Day 34

      Kameno-Vulkanausflug und Meer

      January 28, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Endlich wieder gutes Wetter, endlich wieder eine kleine Wanderung. 🥰

      Wir sind mal wieder zu sechst aufgebrochen zu einem immer noch aktiven Vulkan. Der Aufstieg war kurz und steil, dafür hatten wir eine fantastische Aussicht auf das Meer und das am Horizont liegende Festland. So konnten wir Athen immerhin aus der Ferne zuwinken...die Fahrt dorthin werden wir diese Reise nämlich nicht schaffen. 😄

      Dafür hat es uns Methana sehr angetan. Schnuckelige Hafenstädte, wilde Berghänge durchsetzt mit kleinen, sich windenden Pfaden (die das Trail-Herz höher schlagen lassen) und einige durch die Vulkanaktivität entstehenden heißen Quellen am Meeresufer (leider hatte die Badewanne geschlossen 🥹).

      Nach unserer "Wanderung" haben wir uns den Restaurantbesuch abends richtig verdient. 😆 Danke für die Einladung Axel&Olga 🥰 und vor allem an die Initiative von Axel, nachdem wir viele Tavernen geschlossen vorgefunden haben, einfach Mal an einer ebenfalls sichtlich geschlossenen Taverne zu fragen, wer denn hier auf Methana kocht. 🤣 Die Zucchini und Aubergine haben wir dann selbst mitgebracht (auch sehr geil 🤣) und die Zubereitung war sehr sehr fein. 😋
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    • Day 16

      Der Kameno Vouno

      April 1, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Von Vathi aus geht es 10 km weiter in die Inselmitte.
      Methana ist vor mehreren Millionen Jahren durch unterseeische Vulkanaktivitäten entstanden und ist geprägt von vielen Kratern. Von diesen Kratern sind wohl einige noch zu sehen, es ist nur nicht ganz leicht, sie zu finden.
      Finden können wir aber den Kameno Vouno, einen Krater, der wohl im Jahre 300 v. Chr. ausgebrochen ist. Die zähflüssige Lava floss nach Norden, brachte das Meer noch im Umkreis von einem Kilometer zum Kochen und erschuf ein neues Kap, das man auf Satellitenaufnahmen gut erkennen kann.

      Es ist ein wilder Weg da hoch, über Felsen, Steine und manchmal über Schotter. Viele Steine sind wackelig und man muss sich gut konzentrieren, um vernünftig da hoch zu kommen.
      Aber es lohnt sich.
      Plötzlich sieht man einen Pfeil auf den Felsen gemalt, der auf ein großes Loch in den Felsen hinein zeigt. Volcano, steht daneben geschrieben.
      Dieses Loch ist der Krater, und wenn man einem Blick hineinwirft, erkennt man glatte, hohe Wände. Sie wirken künstlich gemacht, aber sind wohl vulkanischen Ursprungs.

      Ein Merkmal des griechischen Tourismus ist, dass Informationen nicht leicht zu beschaffen sind. Es gibt selten mehr Hinweisschilder als Pfeile und Namen (wie zum Beispiel "Ancient Akropolis" oder halt eben "Volcano"..).
      Aber es gibt ja zum Glück Wikipedia. Bitte, Danke! :)
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    • Day 22

      Do vulkana s kolesom

      May 13, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Kaj če človek počet v soboto drugega kot sest na kolo in se odpeljat na speči vulkan?

      Tudi nama se je to zdelo čisto samoumevno, tako da sva rinila v hrib po polotoku, ki je menda sam ratal z vulkanskimi izbruhi pred več kot milijon leti. Menda je kar še 30+ takih, mal' mlajših, kjer lahko vidiš, od kje je lava prilezla in do kam prišla. Res lep sprehod po vulkanskem pesku do same luknje, ki je označena za vulkan, pa se meni zdijo le zelo impresivno razklane skale.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Dimos Aegina, Aegina, Αίγινας

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