Retiredish. Now 2 Wannabe Globetrotters. Baca lagi Cuckfield, United Kingdom
  • Hari 1

    Day 1 - Just The Two Musketeers

    1 Jun, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    I was awake before my 4.30am alarm, only to discover that Jackie was up, showered and nearly ready. We finished the final bit of packing without even a hint of a disagreement, then reversed our laden car out of the driveway at 5.50am to commence our Italian adventure.

    There should have been four of us and a dog on the 1st week of our trip, but our French friends, Andy, Tre and their dog, Loup have cancelled due to sickness. Teresa left the Stone Valley Festival feeling rough & believes that she has caught Covid, so instead of driving to Lake Lugano as planned, they drove home & to bed. It is a great shame, but on the upside we won’t now have a dog digging huge holes in our tent pitch!

    We arrived at the Le Shuttle port at 07.20am. It was yet again a stress free operation to check in and board. We also had the added bonus of purchasing 2 lites of Gordon’s Sicilian Lemon Gin at half price.

    We were spat out of the Channel Tunnel in Calais at 10.30am local time and set off towards our scheduled destination for that night. Whilst still in the Calais Shuttle Port, we had to negotiate a motorcycle gang, the Vikings England. We knew who they were because they had their name and logo emblazoned on the back of their motorcycle waistcoats. I would point out that they may be not quite as hard as they think they are, because we saw them prior to boarding the channel tunnel train and not one had been wearing his emblazoned waistcoat!!

    We picked up the toll road motorway A26 & E15 and drove for nearly 200 miles on the same road, mainly with other British tourists to Reims. After, we picked up the A4, E17 & E50 to Chalons-en- Champagne, where we 1st stopped for fuel & a pitiful amount of coffee for €2.10. It was here that we googled the nearest Lidl, which was just a few miles away.

    We drove to Lidl and purchased 21 litres of wine for less £50. We also bought 2 hand sanitizers, some madeleines and some tonics for our gin.

    We continued south seeing numerous persistent signs for the city of Nancy until we entered the Massif des Vosges, a series of forested mountains in Eastern France, close to the German border. We arrived at our remote hotel, Le Bouton d’Or around 6.30pm, which was half way up a mountain.

    I should declare now that I have had previous communication with the hotel, because I booked a double room on with them for just £38. When the transaction went through I saw that I had been charged £50. I emailed Le Bouton d’Or & they replied (in French) that I had booked a Family Room. I replied that I hadn’t & had photographic evidence to that effect. I received a reply (in French again!!) saying thank you, would you like to book a table in their restaurant?

    We parked up and entered the reception area, where it was clear that no one spoke a word of English. I tried to explain about the room overcharge, but it was utter chaos without anyone apparently able to speak English. (Unforgivable in the 21st century!!)

    Eventually, a lady took our credit card and swiped it without explanation. We tried to converse with her, but she just ushered us up to our Double Room!! Jackie was irritated/angry/furious with their customer service and planned to make her feelings known.

    We had a couple of strong Sicilian Lemon Gin and tonics, then went down to dinner at 7.30pm. The restaurant was now nearly full and was buzzing with atmosphere. Within a few minutes, Jackie had done a full 180 degrees turn and was now fully praising the hotel/restaurant staff. Amazing what alcohol does!!

    Jackie ordered the Fondant de boeuf de 12 heures and I, the Jambonneau fumé braisé (Façon papa) together with a bottle of local white wine and a carafe of water. The food was nice, but not spectacular. Jackie’s beef was similar to a Beef bourguignon with a side dish of roast potatoes, but not so flavourful and my braised ham was a whole shoulder of pig still on the bone with a side dish of little dumplings. Both dinners were huge and despite our best efforts, we were unable to finish them.

    After dinner we retired to bed with a night cap of white wine.

    Song of the Day - Nancy Boy by Placebo.
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  • Hari 11–12

    28.05 Day 11 . . . Abrupt Finish

    28 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    An entire night of coughing was Teresa’s night - and mine . . . Loup however slept like a log!! 🙄
    The morning revealed Tre to be even worse than last night and it’s not something I would ever dare say to Tre under normal circumstances, but she looked well rough!! 🤮
    After some discussion and consideration that Tre could possibly have Covid we decided we should head for home rather than push on south to Switzerland and Italy. The thought of getting further away from home and Tre getting worse, coupled with her having to sleep in the van (although it is well comfy and warm) seemed stupid. I know Tre was also worried that as I had started coughing, I may get unwell and she would be left with the van and Loup to contend with feeling rubbish herself.
    All advice indicated if Covid to rest, drink lots of fluid and take paracetamol.
    So decision made, we cleared the room and packed Rox . . . Loup into his travel bed.
    From Sunshine to rain and back to sunshine was the weather pattern for the journey. . . With three brief 10 minute stops for Loup and visits to the facilities we drove for 8.5hrs - Tre sleeping on and off throughout and repeatedly apologising to me for ruining our holiday 🙄🙄.
    Arriving home Loup ran the garden to check all was well, I unpacked a few things from Rox while Tre headed off to bed, rattling from the numerous tablets she’d taken all day.
    So that was it our three week plan cut to 12 days. That being said we have had the most brilliant time visiting family and friends and then spending time with Simon Jax Jonathan and Emma at Stone Valley - always a thoroughly enjoyable experience if not a little boozy at times.

    Italy will have to wait - but we will get there 😎

    The lyrics of today’s song are not apt, but the title did make me chuckle as Tre coughed sniffed and snoozed throughout the journey home.

    Ferocious Dog - Broken Soldier
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  • Hari 10

    Day 4 - Another Festival Done

    27 Mei, England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I woke up at just after 6.00am and had a couple of coffees. It was at least another 90 minutes before Jackie surfaced.

    As previously stated it had been a fantastic festival. The only downside had been the expensive bar prices inside the arena. I think this encouraged people, including us, to return to our tents and vans to drink our own drinks between acts and during acts that we were not so bothered about. The effect of this was that the size of the audience watching the bands was often smaller than it should have been. On the upside, more room for us to dance to our favourite bands 😀.

    I may be biased, but in my opinion the performances of the old punk bands, The Stranglers, The Damned, Ruts DC and Buzzcocks etc were far far superior to the 90’s Northern bands, Cast, Inspiral Carpets, The Farm and Soup Dragons.

    The neat neat neatly packing up of all our gear and equipment was a slick affair and we were soon rolling out of the campsite at 09.30am and home by 11.00am.

    Once home, we dumped all our equipment in the conservatory and Jackie got the washing on in preparation for our next adventure in just 5 days time!!!

    Song of the Day - Neat, Neat, Neat by The Damned.
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  • Hari 10–11

    27.05 Day 10 . . . Italy Bound

    27 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Loup is like an accurate alarm clock waking us spot on 7am - again. Up and walked - today was pack up day as our Festival Mayhem had come to an end for another year.
    We are now bound for Italy!
    The pack up went swimmingly although worryingly Teresa’s cough/cold thing had got worse. Ashe has had this for about three days but this morning it has gone up a notch. Maybe last night chilly weather with The Stranglers just finished her off.
    We left the site about 9.30am and headed for our usual post festival MacDonalds just up the road. Tre was not overly bothered about eating but I managed to get her to eat a sausage and egg McMuffin (I had two) and a cold strawberry milk shake to soothe her throat. My eyes were bigger than my belly and so one McMuffin got put by for later.
    On the road in the sunshine we headed south to the coast and the Chunnel. We decided after their performance last night to give The Stranglers a play on route.
    Apart from some initial queuing and a bloke who couldn’t control his dog in the pet passport area, our check in at Le Shuttle went smoothly. A nice little bottle of Lemon Gin acquired for our Italy adventure we headed outside to await our train departure.
    Loup had a session in the pet playground and helped me finish the second McMuffin - his first ever! Tre was still rough and dozing when possible.
    The crossing concluded with a broken down vehicle on the train when arriving at Coquelles, but that was sorted fairly promptly and we departed for our overnight hotel - both of us in need of a proper room and decent shower.
    We drove for an hour and a bit to the our accommodation B&B Béthune Bruay-la-
    Buissière, stopping briefly at Lidl to grab some supplies. The hotel was one of the very low staffed but very office like modern places. Loads of parking, charming member of staff and a modern, very clean, tidy and comfortable room - if not the biggest in the world.
    We took Loup for a last long walk and play with his fairly new ball, which he took joy in puncturing. We then avoided a woman with a very large white mountain ‘attack’ dog which was trying with every sinew in his body to get off his double harness lead to run over and eat the three of us.
    Tre had now got even worse than this morning and so went straight to bed - coughing non stop. It wasn’t long before I hopped off to bed also and thankfully Loup crashed at the same time.
    Tomorrow we journey south on our way to Switzerland and then Italy to rendezvous with Simon and Jax again!! More Mayhem to come.

    The Stranglers - Hanging Around
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  • Hari 9

    Day 3 - The Eggstravaganza

    26 Mei, England ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    We woke up around 5.30am to the sound of heavy rain drumming on our tent. It didn’t help the bladder and less than an hour later, I succumbed and braved the rain for a wee. Around 8.00am, we got up to a grey, but now dry start to the morning. After the normal ablutions in the almost spotless campsite toilet and a couple of cups of coffee, we got ready for the day.

    At 10.00am sharp, we arrived at Andy and Tre’s van for the highly hyped and eagerly awaited Breakfast Extravaganza. We were greeted with a glass of soup - Prosecco and a lemon liqueur. After which, Andy made chorizo omelets, which were cut up and served in bread rolls. We then had a cheeky bacon roll, from bacon supplied by Jonathan and Emma. To finish the extravaganza we were served up a desert of very alcoholic eggnog with cream on top. All very delicious and nearly lived up to the hype………….Joking!

    At 11.45am, Billy No-Mates (Me, if you hadn’t already guessed) rushed off to watch the 1st band, Voodoo Radio who I was really looking forward to. They came on stage at midday to an audience of sadly just 20 people, however by the end of their 35 minute set the audience had swelled to at least a hundred people, including Jackie.

    Voodoo Radio are a 2 piece band, who claim to be father and daughter. Dad, Tony, was an accomplished session guitarist and apparently during Co-Vid he suggested to his daughter, Paige, that they form a band. Paige is the singer who also energetically plays the drums standing up. I would describe her as a young, punky Victoria Wood and between songs, it was almost a comedy show with her taking the mickey out of her Dad. They were excellent and a fantastic start to the day.

    The next band were Shanghai Treason, who were ok, but probably best described as a 2nd rate Ferocious Dog.

    Afterwards came The Signatures, a Northern Soul band, who I was really looking forward to having heard their album. They were a big band and also a big disappointment. The lead singer was charisma free, but despite this the mods and skins and rude boys seemed to enjoy it with their little dances.

    Next up were The Blockheads, who played all their hits, except Wake Up And Make Love To Me, but I think it was because they ran out of time. I was curious to see who would be the singer. It turned out to be a bloke called Mike Bennett, who is best described as an Ian Dury / Del Boy hybrid, who did his best to impersonate Ian Dury. It was a very enjoyable performance and a great singalong.

    Next, was Republica, who were pretty good. Saffron the lead singer was trying to be all coy, which I imagine could be pretty annoying after a while. Andy and I enjoyed their show, but the others didn’t. Jackie and Tre actually left before the end of the set, but I think it more to do with Loupe playing up. In fact that turned out to be the end of Loupe’s festival.

    After Republica, we joined Jackie and Tre for a couple of cheap/free wines, whilst The Cockney Rejects were playing.

    I returned in time for The Buzzcocks who were next up. They were much better than when we last saw them 2 years ago, but original guitarist Steve Diggle is no Pete Shelley as a lead singer. They played a mixture of new and old, including the all time classic, Ever Fallen In Love.

    The penultimate band were Inspiral Carpets, who were just ok, didn’t really float my boat.

    Finally, it was The Stranglers, who put on the ultimate professional performance, including No More Heroes, 5 Minutes and my favourite track off their new album, White Stallion. It was an hour and 15 minutes of perfection…….if you like The Stranglers! However it has to be said that a few of our group were not overly looking forward to hearing them, but they were won over. Although Jean-Jacques Burnell is now the only original member of the band, Baz Warne looked and sounded the part as their official lead singer. He probably should do having joined The Stranglers in 2000. Fun Fact : He was previously in The Toy Dolls and is just 2 days younger than me.

    It was a fantastic end to a fantastic festival. We all said our goodbyes and parted to our respective festival accommodations. Jackie and I had a final nightcap before calling it a night.

    Song of the Day - White Stallion by The Stranglers.
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  • Hari 9–10

    26.05 Day 9 . . . Egg-Stravaganza

    26 Mei, England ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Another quiet night - Loup is sleeping really well due to his active social life in the arena, I think he will miss this when we return home.
    Breakfast this morning was our turn, last year we had brought lots of French goodies with us, but due to the days before the festival in the UK we had no hope of keeping anything fresh let alone edible. So - Tre had ramped up the forthcoming breakfast for three days tell the Annals clan of an extravaganza, when Infact all she had actually meant was an Egg-stravaganza. Three courses - first up - soup, well a lemon liqueur called Soupe in French fizz. Next up and purely due to Simon moaning about a little error Tre made when he came to stay, we had omelette with spicy chorizo served in baps! Of course Simon had more than anyone else. The pudding was brought to our attention by our Dutch neighbours at home, neat Advocaat (that yellow delight of Christmas snowball drinks) with fresh spray cream on the top.
    A slightly boozy finish to the breakfast.
    There was also a t-shirt swap from Jax and Simon to me and me and Tre to Simon. T-shirts to be worn in the arena today. After the other night I felt ours to Simon was more accurate and also won the most offensive prize.
    We didn’t rush in for the first bands today in an effort to wear Loup out pre arena arrival.
    We arrived and met Simon and Jax just as the Signatures hit the stage.
    Weirdly today bands included Republica and The Blockheads. The last time I saw Republica was as a warm up act for Paul Weller at Crystal Palace Park and Ian Dury was also one of the warm up acts (sadly no longer with us) - a slightly weird coincidence. Both were on good form and well supported.
    Highlight of the day was The Stranglers who headlined. I’m no Stranglers fan, far from it, but there performance went a long way to changing that. Really tight and totally professional - great set list too.
    Way too soon it was all over and we were standing outside the arena area on our way back to our sleeping quarters - with goodbyes to Jonathan and Emma and see you next year commitments. Simon and Jax we will see next Sunday in Italy all things being equal.

    Republica - Whiskey Jack
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  • Hari 8

    Day 2 - In The Ferocious Dog House

    25 Mei, England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Woke up 7.15am with no recollection of going to bed. I knew I must have had a good time, because I was still wearing all my clothes and now undoubtedly in the dog house.

    It was a lovely sunny morning and I sought out the toilets which were perfectly clean and continued to be so throughout the festival. I returned to the tent where Jackie treated me like her slave all morning. She had me making coffees, collecting our chairs from Andy & Tre, buttering the bread rolls AND washing up.

    We had a fly past of a quartet of Douglas DC-3s, which was nice.

    Jackie was the designated breakfast chef and she made bacon baps. Andy and I had four each, whilst the girls had just a couple. Jonathan and Emma declined the offer to join us.

    During breakfast, Loupe decided to dig a hole where we were sitting which quite frankly is now a health and safety nightmare. I should also add that he chose to have another poo on the approach to our tent.

    After a more restrained pre-gig drink and missing the first act, Kid Klumsy, I rushed into the arena to see Millie Manders & The Shutup. I really enjoyed them. Lots of attitude. The others who caught the end of the set were not quite so enamoured.

    The next act was an Italian trio of ladies called Smalltown Tigers, who sounded like Hole, but a bit shouty. I went up the front for the next band, Bar Stool Preachers, who I was really looking forward to. They didn’t disappoint. The lead singer really got the audience going with lots of crowd participation. Apparently all of our group enjoyed them.

    The next band was The Farm, known for their one big hit - Altogether Now. They were much better than anticipated and improved with a female backing singer. They also played Stepping Stone, Groovy Train and The Clash song Bank Robber. At the same time, Manchester United were annihilating Manchester City in the FA Cup Final.

    During The Farm set, Loupe started getting a bit ‘bitey’, so Andy and Tre took him back to their van. At the end of the set, Jackie and I went to find them for a cheap drink. On the way Jackie said she thought they would all be asleep in their van. How wrong could she have been, as we neared their van our ears were assaulted by a volley of insults and extremely bad language. It turned out that Tre and a woman in a glitter jacket were shouting insults at each other, because the woman had shouted at Loupe.

    After a quick white wine, I returned alone (again) to the arena where I met back up with Jonathan and Emma for The Soup Dragons. They were dreadful. The lead singer could hardly sing and they finished their set 10 minutes too early then had to try and find another couple of songs to play which led to some confusion.

    Jonathan and Emma then left me to return to their van saying they were going to give Ferocious Dog a miss, leaving me as Billy No-mates with 5 empty chairs for my imaginary friends. Andy later returned and said the girls were coming down later after Ferocious Dog, so it was just me and him for the band I had been most looking forward to and I had been bigging up all day.

    We went down the front and were treated to a superb 50 minutes of punk folk music led by their charismatic singer, ‘Red’ Ken Bonsall. We were in a huge mosh pit of 50 & 60 year old men and women going crazy, between breathers! The band had a new album out and so I hardly knew any of their songs, but they did play my particular favourite, Punk Police. We also noticed that Andy and I featured on the side screens quite a lot as the camera panned across the crowd.

    At the conclusion Andy and I bought a beer and saw that there was a massive crowd at the merchandise stall of newly acquired fans all wanting a t-shirt. We returned to our chairs to discover that the other four had all watched the entire Ferocious Dog performance and without exception agreed that it had been the highlight of the Festival. I don’t like to say I told you so, but…….

    A short while later, Jackie and I went off for a wander and a wee. As I left Jackie for the urinals, a bloke walked towards me, whilst pointing his finger, then burst into song “5 o’clock in the morning and still I cannot sleep”. I applauded him, then embarrassed him by reminding him that the lyric is actually “4 o’clock in the morning…….”

    Just to put this apparently strange encounter into context , I was wearing one of my New Model Army t-shirts and he was singing the song No Rest by New Model Army to me. During the festival I have had numerous people come and talk to me about New Model Army and the gigs they have seen. I have also met up with a couple, Michael and Tracy, who I had made friends with around Europe on the recent tour. They had also followed the NMA tour around Europe but by train.

    Jackie and I unexpectedly found the Ferocious Dog band members beside their merch stall. They could not have been a nicer bunch of lads. I congratulated them on their performance and they all wanted to shake my hand. Ken even gave Jackie a kiss. They then posed for photos with us. I bought a couple of their t-shirts, one for me and one for Jonathan for his birthday. It turned out Jonathan had already ordered one on-line so luckily Andy agreed to have it.

    Cast were the next band, who played all their catalogue of hits, including Fine Time, Walkaway and Alright.

    The headliners were The Damned who in 1976 were the first punk band to release a single, New Rose. I have seen them numerous times in the past, but tonight’s performance was their best by far. They were excellent. Dave Vanian’s vocals were particularly strong. Captain Sensible and Rat Scabies were also on top of their game, supported by guitarist Paul Gray and a lunatic on keyboards called Monty Oxymoron. They played all the old classics including New Rose, Neat Neat Neat, Smash It Up & Love Song.

    At the end of a fabulous day, Jackie and I returned our tent for a quick red wine nightcap before the rains eventually arrived.

    Song of the Day - Punk Police by Ferocious Dog.
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  • Hari 8–9

    25.05 Day 8 . . . More Mayhem

    25 Mei, England ⋅ 🌩️ 13 °C

    After Simon’s antics last night and their now broken picnic table, it was only fitting that the first act today was Kid Klumsy!
    Some fab acts today the best being Ferocious Dog - brilliant. Had a little mosh pit session with Simon . . . that somehow doesn’t sound right at
    all 🙄
    The Damned finished off the night with the ever mad Captain Sensible keeping things suitably chaotic.

    Ferocious Dog - Sus Laws
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  • Hari 7

    Day 1 - The Festival Festivities Begin

    24 Mei, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Coughing like a banshee & unable to stand it anymore, I got out of bed at 4.15am dreading that I will keep the Stone Valley Festival campsite awake all weekend.

    After packing the car we set off at just after 7.00am. We dodged all the traffic jams & arrived in Ware, Hertfordshire at 9.00am where I treated Jackie to a McDonald’s breakfast.

    At 9.30am, we rolled into the Stone Valley Festival ground, no queue and we were told we could set up anywhere we liked in the top field. Spoilt for choice we picked a perfect location and just a very short distance from the car. We set up in less than 90 minutes.

    We were just relaxing, when Andy and Tre appeared in the distance with Loupe, their 10 month old German Shepherd, affectionately known as ‘Johnny’ after The Shining character. Living up to his reputation, Johnny greeted us, by having a huge poo 💩, just 10 metres from our tent ⛺️. Lovely!!

    After a quick beer, we joined Andy and Tre at their van for pre-gig drinks, then we headed to the show ground in time for the 1st band of the day, Small Fakers, to start at 1.30pm. To our incredulity, the gates weren’t opened until 1.30pm and the Small Fakers started their set just 2 minutes later with us and literally everyone else still queuing to get in. Annoyingly, we hardly got searched on the way in & Jackie was cursing the fact that she could have smuggled in a bladder of wine. I was also cursing when I saw the bar prices - Beer £7 and a bottle of wine £33.

    The Small Fakers were good, playing Small Faces songs, obviously, that we all recognised.

    Next up was the highlight of the day, Ruts DC, who were on criminally early, who played a fantastic set including Babylon’s Burning, West One (Shine On Me), Staring At The Rude Boys, In A Rut & Something That I Said to name just a few. I returned from the mosh pit to find that Jonathan and Emma had finally joined us.

    Pop Will Eat Itself were the 3rd band who were better live than on record. Next was From The Jam who played all the classics including Strange Town, Mr. Clean & Down In The Tube Station At Midnight. The general consensus was that it would probably be their last tour as Bruce Foxton looks a frail old man. We then watched Death Of Guitar Pop, who were ok before deciding to seek some cheaper liquid refreshment - as in drinking Andy and Tre’s wine back at their van.

    Sadly this is my last memory that night. Allegedly I over indulged. Apparently we returned to the arena for The Sherlocks, then I was escorted back to my tent by Jackie and Andy. This caused Andy to miss his ‘favourite’ band. Lip Up Fatty!!

    Song of the Day - Babylon’s Burning by Ruts DC.
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  • Hari 7–8

    24.05 Day 7 . . . Mayhem Begins

    24 Mei, England ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Up at 7am and Loup taken for a long walk and wrist bands for entry to the arena collected. Sorted a few bits at the awning and in Rox. Message from Jax and Simon to say they were on site and so we wandered up to see them.
    An hour or so later the four of us plus Loup were in the arena - kicking off with The Small Fakers!
    Off we go!!
    The day was stress and problem free . . . Well almost . . . Wasn’t it Simon?

    The Jam - Pretty Green
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